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With a Portrait taken from the Bust in the Royal Observatory at Greenwich. 





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tatored according to Act of Congress, in the year 1846, by 

iLtht Clerk’s Office uf the Southern Disluct Court of New-York 

Turney $ Lockwood ’« Sterwu. 
16 Spruce St. N. Y. 





Gentlemen :— 

A stirring freshness in the air, and ruddy streaks upon the 
horizon of the moral world betoken the grateful dawning of a new 
era. The days of a drivelling instruction are departing. With 
us is the opening promise of a better time, wherein genuine man¬ 
hood doing its noblest work shall have adequate reward. 
Teacher is the highest and most responsible office man can fill. 
Its dignity is, and will yet be held commensurate with its duty— 
a duty boundless as man’s intellectual capacity, and great as his 
moral need—a duty from the performance of which shall emanate 
an influence not limited to the now and the here> but which surely 
will, as time flows into eternity and space into infinity, roll up, a 
measureless curse or a measureless blessing, in inconceivable 
swellings along the infinite curve. It is an office that should be 
esteemed of even sacred import in this country. Ere long a hun¬ 
dred millions, extending from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from 
Baffin’s Bay to that of Panama, shall call themselves American 
citizens. What a field for those two master-passions of the hu¬ 
man soul—the love of Rule, and the love of Gain! How shall 
our liberties continue to be preserved from the graspings of Am¬ 
bition and the corruptions of Gold ? Not by Bills of Rights 



Constitutions, and Statute Books ; but alone by the rightly culti¬ 
vated hearts and heads of the People. They must themselves 
guard the Ark. It is yours to fit them for the consecrated 
charge. Look well to it: for you appear clothed in the majesty 
of great power ! It is yours to fashion, and to inform , to save, 
and to perpetuate. You are the Educators of the People : you 
are the prime Conservators of the public weal. Betray your 
trust, and the sacred fires would go out, and the altars crumble 
into dust: knowledge become lost in tradition, and Christian no¬ 
bleness a fable! As you, therefore, are multiplied in number, 
elevated in consideration, increased in means, and fulfill, well and 
faithfully, all tfie requirements of true Teachers, so shall our fa¬ 
voured land lift up her head among the nations of the earth, and 
call herself blessed. 

In conclusion, Gentlemen, to you, as the conspicuous leaders 
in the vast and honourable labour of Educational Reform, ana 
Popular Teaching, the First American Edition of the Principia ol 
Newton—the greatest work of the greatest Teacher—is most 
respectfully dedicated. 



That the Principia of Newton should have remained so gen¬ 
erally unknown in this country to the present day is a somewhat 
remarkable fact; because the name of the author, learned with 
the very elements of science, is revered at every hearth-stone 
where knowledge and virtue are of chief esteem, while, abroad, 
in all the high places of the land, the character which that name 
recalls is held up as the noblest illustration of what Man may be, 
and may do, in the possession and manifestation of pre-eminent 
intellectual and moral worth ; because the work is celebrated, not 
only in the history of one career and one mind, but in the history 
of all achievement and human reason itself; because of the spirit 
of inquiry, which has been aroused, and which, in pursuing its 
searchings, is not always satisfied with stopping short of the foun¬ 
tain-head of any given truth ; and, finally, because of the earnest 
endeavour that has been and is constantly going on, in many 
sections of the Republic, to elevate the popular standard of edu¬ 
cation and give to scientific and other efforts a higher and a 
better aim. 

True, the Principia has been hitherto inaccessible to popular 
use. A few copies in Latin, and occasionally one in English may 
be found in some of our larger libraries, or in the possession of 
some ardent disciple of the great Master. But a dead language 
in the one case, and an enormous price in both, particularly in 
that of the English edition, have thus far opposed very sufficient 
obstacles to the wide circulation of the work. It is now, how¬ 
ever, placed within the reach of all. And in performing this la¬ 
bour, the utmost care has been taken, by collation, revision, and 
otherwise, to render the First American Edition the most accurate 
and beautiful in our language. “ Le plus beau monument que 
f on puisse elever a la gloire de Newton, c’est une bonne edition 
de ses ouvragesand a monument like unto that we would here 



set up. The Principia, above all, glows with the immortality of 
a transcendant mind. Marble and brass dissolve and pass away ; 
but the true creations of genius endure, in time and beyond time, 
forever : high upon the adamant of the indestructible, they send 
forth afar and near, over the troublous waters of life, a pure, un¬ 
wavering. quenchless light whereby the myriad myriads of barques, 
richly laden with reason, intelligence and various faculty, are 
guided through the night and the storm, by the beetling shore 
and the hidden rock, the breaker and the shoal, safely into havens 
calm and secure. 

To the teacher and the taught, the scholar and the student, the 
devotee of Science and the worshipper of Truth, the Principia 
must ever continue to be of inestimable value. If to educate 
means, not so much to store the memory with symbols and facts, 
as to bring forth the faculties of the soul and develope them to the 
full by healthy nurture and a hardy discipline, then, what so effec¬ 
tive to the accomplishment of that end as the study of Geometri¬ 
cal Synthesis ? The Calculus, in some shape or other, is, indeed, 
necessary to the successful prosecution of researches in the higher 
branches of philosophy. But has not the Analytical encroached 
upon the Synthetical, and Algorithmic Formulae been employed 
when not requisite, either for the evolution of truth, or even its 
apter illustration ? To each method belongs, undoubtedly, an 
appropriate use. Newton, himself the inventor of Fluxions, 
censured the handling of Geometrical subjects by Algebraical 
calculations ; and the maturest opinions which he expressed were 
additionally in favour of the Geometrical Method. His prefer¬ 
ence, so strongly marked, is not to be reckoned a mere matter of 
taste ; and his authority should bear with preponderating weight 
upon the decision of every instructor in adopting what may be 
deemed the best plan to insure the completest mental develop- 
hient. Geometry, the vigorous product of remote time ; blended 
with the earliest aspirations of Science and the earliest applica¬ 
tions of Art; as well in the measures of music as in the move¬ 
ment of spheres; as wholly in the structure of the atom as in that 
of the world; directing Motion and shaping Appearance; in a 
word, the moulding of the created all, is, in comprehensive 



view, the outward form of that Inner Harmony of which and in 
which all things are. Plainly, therefore, this noble study has 
other and infinitely higher uses than to increase the power of ab¬ 
straction. A more general and thorough cultivation of it should 
oe strenuously insisted on. Passing from the pages of Euclid or 
Legendre, might not the student be led, at the suitable time, to 
those of the Principia wherein Geometry may be found in varied 
use from the familiar to the sublime ? The profoundest and the 
happiest results, it is believed, would attend upon this enlargement 
of our Educational System. 

Let the Principia, then, be gladly welcomed into every Hall 
where a true teacher presides. And they who are guided to 
the diligent study of this incomparable work, who become 
strengthened by its reason, assured by its evidence, and enlight¬ 
ened by its truths, and who rise into loving communion with the 
great and pure spirit of its author, will go forth from the scenes 
of their pupilage, and take their places in the world as strong- 
minded, right-hearted men—such men as the Theory of our 
Government contemplates and its practical operation absolutely 



Nec fas est proprius mortali attingere Divos.— Halley. 

From the thick darkness of the middle ages man’s struggling 
spirit emerged as in new birth ; breaking out of the iron control 
of that period ; growing strong and confident in the tug and din 
of succeeding conflict * and revolution, it bounded forwards and 
upwards with resistless vigour to the investigation of physical and 
moral truth; ascending height after height; sweeping afar over 
the earth, penetrating afar up into the heavens; increasing in en¬ 
deavour, enlarging in endowment; every where boldly, earnestly 
out-stretching, till, in the Author of the Principia, one arose, 
who, grasping the master-key of the universe and treading its 
celestial paths, opened up to the human intellect the stupendous 
realities of the material world, and, in the unrolling of its harmo¬ 
nies, gave to the human heart a new song to the goodness, wis¬ 
dom, and majesty of the all-creating, all-sustaining, all-perfect 

Sir Isaac Newton, in whom the rising intellect seemed to attain, 
as it were, to its culminating point, was born on the 25th of De¬ 
cember, O. S. 1642—Christmas day—at Woolsthorpe, in the 
parish of Colsterworth, in Lincolnshire. His father, John New¬ 
ton, died at the age of thirty-six, and only a few months after his 
marriage to Harriet Ayscough, daughter of James Ayscough, ol 
Rutlandshire. Mrs. Newton, probably wrought upon by the 
early loss of her husband, gave premature birth to her only and 
posthumous child, of which, too, from its extreme diminutiveness, 
she appeared likely to be soon bereft. Happily, it was otherwise 
decreed! The tiny infant, on whose little lips the breath of life 



so doubtingly hovered, lived ;—lived to a vigorous maturity, to a 
hale old age ;—lived to become the boast of his country, the won¬ 
der of his time, and the “ornament of his species.” 

Beyond the grandfather, Robert Newton, the descent of Sir 
Isaac cannot with certainty be traced. Two traditions were held 
in the family: one, that they were of Scotch extraction ; the 
other, that they came originally from Newton, in Lancashire, 
dwelling, for a time, however, at Westby, county of Lincoln, be¬ 
fore the removal to and purchase of Woolsthorpe—about a hundred 
years before this memorable birth. 

The widow Newton was left with the simple means of a com¬ 
fortable subsistence. The Woolsthorpe estate together with 
small one which she possessed at Sewstern, in Leicestershire, yield 
edher an income of some eighty pounds; ancl upon this limited sum, 
she had to rely chiefly for the support of herself, and the educa 
tion of her child. She continued his nurture for three years, 
when, marrying again, she confided the tender charge to the care 
of her own mother. 

Great genius is seldom marked by precocious development; 
and young Isaac, sent, at the usual age, to two day schools at 
Skillington and Stoke, exhibited no unusual traits of character. 
In his twelfth year, he was placed at the public school at Gran¬ 
tham, and boarded at the house of Mr. Clark, an apothecary. 
But even in this excellent seminary, his mental acquisitions con¬ 
tinued for a while unpromising enough : study apparently had no 
charms for him; he was very inattentive, and ranked low in the 
school. One day, however, the boy immediately above our seem¬ 
ingly dull student gave him a severe kick in the stomach; Isaac, 
deeply affected, but with no outburst of passion, betook himself, 
with quiet, incessant toil, to his books ; he quickly passed above 
the offending classmate ; yet there he stopped not; the strong 
spirit was, for once and forever, awakened, and, yielding to its 
noble impulse, he speedily took up his position at the head of all. 

His peculiar character began now rapidly to unfold itself. 
Close application grew to be habitual. Observation alternated 
with reflection. “ A sober, silent, thinking lad,” yet, the wisest 
and the kindliest, the indisputable leader of his fellows. Gener- 



osity, modesty, and a love of truth distinguished him then as ever 
afterwards. He did not often join his classmates in play ; but he 
would contrive for them various amusements of a scientific kind. 
Paper kites he introduced; carefully determining their best form 
and proportions, and the position and number of points whereby 
to attach the string. He also invented paper lanterns ; these 
served ordinarily to guide the way to school in winter mornings, 
but occasionally for quite another purpose ; they were attached to 
the tails of kites in a dark night, to the dismay of the country people 
dreading portentous comets, and to the immeasureable delight ol 
his companions. To him, however, young as he was, life seemed 
to have become an earnest thing. When not occupied with his 
studies, his mind would be engrossed with mechanical contrivances; 
now imitating, now inventing. He became singularly skilful in the 
use of his little saws, hatchets, hammers, and other tools. A 
windmill was erected near Grantham ; during the operations ol 
the workmen, he was frequently present; in a short time, he had 
completed a perfect working model of it, which elicited general 
admiration. Not content, however, with this exact imitation, he 
conceived the idea of employing, in the place of sails, animal power , 
and, adapting the construction of his mill accordingly, he enclosed 
in it a mouse, called the miller, and which by acting on a sort ot 
treadwheel, gave motion to the machine. He invented, too, a 
mechanical carriage—having four wheels, and put in motion with 
a handle worked by the person sitting inside. The measurement 
of time early drew his attention. He first constructed a water 
clock, in proportions somewhat like an old-fashioned house clock. 
The index of the dial plate was turned by a piece of wood acted 
upon by dropping water. This instrument, though long used by 
himself, and by Mr. Clark’s family, did not satisfy his inquiring 
mind. His thoughts rose to the sun ; and, by careful and oft-re¬ 
peated observations of the solar movements, he subsequently 
formed many dials. One of these, named Isaac's dial , was the 
accurate result of years’ labour, and was frequently referred to 
for the hour of'the day by the country people. 

May we not discern in these continual efforts—the diligent re 
search ; the patient meditation, the aspiring glance, and the energy 



of discovery—the stirring elements of that wondrous spirit, 
which, clear, calm, and great, moved, in after years, through 
deep onward through deep of Nature’s mysteries, unlocking her 
strongholds, dispelling darkness, educing order—everywhere si¬ 
lently conquering. 

Newton had an early and decided taste for drawing. Pictures, 
taken sometimes from copies, but often from life, and drawn, 
coloured and framed by himself, ornamented his apartment. He 
was skilled also, in poetical composition, “ excelled in making 
verses some of these were borne in remembrance and repeated, 
seventy years afterward, by Mrs. Vincent, for whom, in early 
youth, as Miss Storey, he formed an ardent attachment. She 
was the sister of a physician resident near Woolsthorpe; but 
Newton’s intimate acquaintance with her began at Grantham, 
where they were both numbered among the inmates of the same 
house. Two or three years younger than himself, of great per¬ 
sonal beauty, and unusual talent, her society afforded him the 
greatest pleasure ; and their youthful friendship, it is believed, 
gradually rose to a higher passion; but inadequacy of fortune 
prevented their union. Miss Storey was afterwards twice mar¬ 
ried ; Newton, never; his esteem for her continued unabated 
during life, accompanied by numerous acts of attention and 

In 1656, Newton’s mother was again left a widow r , and took 
up her abode once more at Woolsthorpe. He was now fifteen 
years of age, and had made great progress in his studies ; but she, 
desirous of his help, and from motives of economy, recalled him 
from school. Business occupations, however, and the manage¬ 
ment of the farm, proved utterly distasteful to him. When sent to 
Grantham Market on Saturdays, he would betake himself to his 
former lodgings in the apothecary’s garret, where ’some of Mr. 
Clark’s old books employed his thoughts till the aged and trust¬ 
worthy servant had executed the family commissions and announced 
the necessity of return : or, at other times, our young philosopher 
would seat himself under a hedge, by the wayside, and continue 
his studies till the same faithful personage—proceeding alone to 
the town and completing the day’s business—stopped as he re- 



turned. The more immediate affairs of the farm received no 
better attention. In fact, his passion for study grew daily more 
absorbing, and his dislike for every other occupation more in¬ 
tense. His mother, therefore, wisely resolved to give him all the 
advantages which an education could confer. He was sent back 
to Grantham school, where he remained for some months in busy 
preparation for his academical studies. At the recommendation 
of one of his uncles, who had himself studied at Trinity College, 
Cambridge, Newton proceeded thither, and was duly admitted, 
on the 5th day of June 1660, in the eighteenth year of his age. 

The eager student had now entered upon a new and wider 
field; and we find him devoting himself to the pursuit of know¬ 
ledge with amazing ardour and perseverance. Among other sub¬ 
jects, his attention was soon drawn to that of Judicial Astrology 
He exposed the folly of this pseudo-science by erecting a figure 
with the aid of one or two of the problems of Euclid ;—and thus 
began his study of the Mathematics. His researches into this 
science were prosecuted with unparallelled vigour and success. 
Regarding the propositions contained in Euclid as self-evident 
truths, he passed rapidly over this ancient system—a step which 
he afterward much regretted—and mastered, without further pre¬ 
paratory study, the Analytical Geometry of Descartes. Wallis’s 
Arithmetic of Infinites, Saunderson’s Logic, and the Optics of 
Kepler, he also studied with great care ; writing upon them 
many comments; and, in these notes on Wallis’s work was un¬ 
doubtedly the germ of his fluxionary calculus. His progress was 
so great that he found himself more profoundly versed than his tutor 
in many branches of learning. Yet his acquisitions were not 
gotten with the rapidity of intuition; but they were thoroughly 
made and firmly secured. Quickness of apprehension, or intel 
lectual nimbleness did not belong to him. He saw too far : his, 
insight was too deep. He dwelt fully, cautiously upon the least 
subject; while to the consideration of the greatest, he brought a 
massive strength joined with a matchless clearness, that, regard¬ 
less of the merely trivial or unimportant, bore with unerring sa¬ 
gacity upon the prominences of the subject, and, grappling with 
its difficulties, rarely failed to surmount them. 



His early and last friend, Dr. Barrow—in compass of inven¬ 
tion only inferior to Newton—who had been elected Professor 
of Greek in the University, in 1660, was made Lucasian Profes¬ 
sor of Mathematics in 1663, and soon afterward delivered his 
Optical Lectures : the manuscripts of these were revised by New¬ 
ton, and several oversights corrected, and many important sug¬ 
gestions made by him ; but they were not published till 1669. 

In the year 1665, he received the degree of Bachelor of Arts; 
and, in 1666, he entered upon those brilliant and imposing dis¬ 
coveries which have conferred inappreciable benefits upon science, 
and immortality upon his own name. 

Newton, himself, states that he was in possession of his Method 
of Fluxions, “in the year 1666, or before.” Infinite quantities 
had long been a subject of profound investigation; among the 
ancients by Archimedes, and Pappus of Alexandria; among the 
moderns by Kepler, Cavaleri, Roberval, Fermat and Wallis. 
With consummate ability Dr. Wallis had improved upon the la¬ 
bours of his predecessors: with a higher power, Newton moved 
forwards from where Wallis stopped. Our author first invented 
his celebrated Binomial Theorem. And then, applying this 
Theorem to the rectification of curves, and to the determination 
of the surfaces and contents of solids, and the position of their 
centres of gravity, he discovered the general principle of deducing 
the areas of curves from the ordinate, by considering the area as 
a nascent quantity, increasing by continual fluxion in the propor¬ 
tion of the length of the ordinate, and supposing the abscissa 
to increase uniformly in proportion to the time. Regarding lines 
as generated by the motion of points, surfaces by the motion of 
lines, and solids by the motion of surfaces, and considering that 
the ordinates, abscissae, &c., of curves thus formed, vary accord¬ 
ing to a regular law depending on the equation of the curve, 
he deduced from this equation the velocities with which these 
quantities are generated, and obtained by the rules of infinite 
series, the ultimate value required. To the velocities with which 
every line or quantity is generated, he gave the name of Flux¬ 
ions, and to the lines or quantities themselves, that of Fluents. 
A discovery that successively baffled the acutest and strongest 




intellects :—that, variously modified, has proved of incalculable 
service in aiding to develope the most abstruse and the highest 
*ruths in Mathematics and Astronomy: and that was of itself 
enough to render any name illustrious in the crowded Annals of 

At this period, the most distinguished philosophers were direct¬ 
ing all their energies to the subject of light and the improvement 
of the refracting telescope. Newton, having applied himself to 
the grinding of “ optic glasses of other figures than spherical,” ex¬ 
perienced the impracticability of executing such lenses ; and con¬ 
jectured that their defects, and consequently those of refracting 
telescopes, might arise from some other cause than the imperfect 
convergency of rays to a single point. He accordingly “procured 
a triangular glass prism to try therewith the celebrated phenom¬ 
ena of colours.” His experiments, entered upon with zeal, and 
conducted with that industry, accuracy, and patient thought, lor 
which he was so remarkable, resulted in the grand conclusion, 
that Light was not homogeneous, but consisted of rays, 


profound and beautiful discovery opened up a new era in the 
History of Optics. As bearing, however, directly upon the construc¬ 
tion of telescopes, he saw that a lens refracting exactly like a prism 
would necessarily bring the different rays to different foci, at 
different distances from the glass, confusing and rendering the 
vision indistinct. Taking for granted that all bodies produced 
spectra of * pial length, he dismissed all further consideration of 
the refracting instrument, and took up the principle of reflection. 
Rays of all colours, he found, were reflected regularly, so that the 
angle of reflection was equal to the angle of incidence, and hence 
he concluded that optical instruments might be brought to any 
degree of perfection imaginable , provided reflecting specula of 
the requisite figure and finish could be obtained. At this stage 
of his optical researches, he was forced to leave Cambridge on 
account of the plague which was then desolating England. 

He retired to Woolsthorpe. The old manor-house, in which he 
was born, was situated in a beautiful little valley, on the west side 
of the river Witham ; and here in the quiet home of his boyhood, 




he passed his days in serene contemplation, while the stalking 
pestilence was hurrying its tens of thousands into undistinguisha • 
ble graves. 

Towards the close of a pleasant day in the early autumn of 
1666, he was seated alone beneath a tree, in his garden, absorbed 
in meditation. He was a slight young man ; in the twenty-fourth 
year of his age; his countenance mild and full of thought. For 
a century previous, the science of Astronomy had advanced with 
rapid strides. The human mind had risen from the gloom and 
bondage of the middle ages, in unparalleled vigour, to unfold the 
system, to investigate the phenomena, and to establish the laws 
of the heavenly bodies. Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, Kepler, 
Galileo, and others had prepared and lighted the way for him 
who was ta give to their labour its just value, and to their genius 
its true lustre. At his bidding isolated facts were to take order 
as parts of one harmonious whole, and sagacious conjectures grow 
luminous in the certain splendour of demonstrated truth. And 
this ablest man had come—was here. His mind, familiar with 
the knowledge of past effort, and its unequalled faculties develop¬ 
ed in transcendant strength, was now moving on to the very 
threshold of Its grandest achievement. Step by step the untrod¬ 
den path was measured, till, at length, the entrance seemed dis¬ 
closed, and the tireless explorer to stand amid the first opening 
wonders of the universe. 

The nature of gravity—that mysterious power which causes 
all bodies to descend towards the centre of the earth—had, in¬ 
deed, dawned upon him. And reason busily united link to link 
of that chain which was yet to be traced joining the least to the 
vastest, the most remote to the nearest, in one harmonious bond. 
From the bottoms of the deepest caverns to the summits of the 
highest mountains, this power suffers no sensible change : may not 
its action, then, extend to the moon ? Undoubtedly : and furthej 
reflection convinced him that such a power might be sufficient for 
retaining that luminary in her orbit round the earth. But, though 
this power suffers no sensible variation, in the little change of 
distance from the earth’s centre, at which we may place our- 
’blves, yet, at the distance of the moon, may not its force undergo 



more or less diminution ? The conjecture appeared most proba¬ 
ble : and, in order to estimate what the degree of diminution 
might be, he considered that if the moon be retained in her orbit 
by the force of gravity, the primary planets must also be carried 
round the sun by the like power; and, by comparing the periods 
of the several planets with their distances from the sun, he found 
that, if they were held in their courses by any power like gravity, 
its strength must decrease in the duplicate proportion of the in¬ 
crease of distance. In forming this conclusion, he supposed the 
planets to move in perfect circles, concentric to the sun. Now 
was this the law of the moon’s motion ? Was such a force, em¬ 
anating from the earth and directed to the moon, sufficient, when 
diminished as the square of the distance, to retain her in her 
orbit ? To ascertain this master-fact, he compared the space 
through which heavy bodies fall, in a second of time, at a given 
distance from the centre of the earth, namely, at its surface, with 
the space through which the moon falls, as it were, to the earth, 
in the same time, while revolving in a circular orbit. He was^ 
absent from books ; and, therefore, adopted, in computing the 
earth’s diameter, the common estimate of sixty miles to a degree 
of latitude as then in use among geographers and navigators. 
The result of his calculations did not, ot course, answer his ex¬ 
pectations ; hence, he concluded that some other cause, beyond the 
reach of observation—analogous, perhaps, to the vortices of Des¬ 
cartes—-joined its action to that of the power of gravity upon the 
moori. Though by no means satisfied, he yet abandoned awhile 
further inquiry, and remained totally silent upon the subject. 

These rapid marches in the career of discovery, combined with 
the youth of Newton, seem to evince a penetration the most 
lively, and an invention the most exuberant. But in him there 
was a conjunction of influences as extraordinary as fortunate. 
Study, unbroken, persevering and profound carried on its inform¬ 
ing and disciplining work upon a genius, natively the greatest, 
and rendered freest in its movements, and clearest in its vision, 
through the untrammelling and enligl tening power of religion. 
And, in this happy concurrence, are to be sought the elements of 
those amazing abilities, which, grasping, with equal facility, the 



minute and the stupendous, brought these successively to light, 
and caused science to make them her own. 

In 1667, Newton was made a Junior Fellow; and, in the year 
following, he took his degree of Master of Arts, and was appoint¬ 
ed to a Senior Fellowship. 

On his return to Cambridge, in 1668, he resumed his optical 
labours. Having thought of a delicate method of polishing metal, 
he proceeded to the construction of his newly projected reflect' 
ing telescope ; a small specimen of which he actually made with 
his own hands. It was six inches long ; and magnified about 
forty times ;—a power greater than a refracting instrument of six 
feet tube could exert with distinctness. Jupiter, with his four 
satellites, and the horns, or moon-like phases of Venus were 
plainly visible through it. This was the first reflecting 


He gave an account of it, in a letter to a friend, dated February 23d, 
1668-9—a letter which is also remarkable for containing the firs' 
allusion to his discoveries “ concerning the nature of light.” En¬ 
couraged by the success of his first experiment, he again executed 
with his own hands, not long afterward, a second and superior 
instrument of the same kind. The existence of this having come 
to the knowledge of the Royal Society of London, in 1671, they 
requested it of New r ton for examination. He accordingly sent it 
to them. It excited great admiration ; it was shown to the king* 
a drawing and description of it was sent to Paris; and the tele¬ 
scope itself was carefully preserved in the Library of the Society. 
Newton lived to see his invention in public use, and of eminent 
service in the cause of science. 

In the spring of 1669, he wrote to his friend Francis Aston, 
Esq., then about setting out on his travels, a letter of advice and 
directions, it was dated May 18th, and is interesting as exhibit¬ 
ing some of the prominent features in Newton’s character. 

“ Since in your letter you give me so much liberty of spending 
my judgment about what may be to your advantage in travelling, 
1 shall do it more freely than perhaps otherwise would have been 
decent. First, then, I will lay down some general rules, most of 



which, I belie* e, you have considered already; but if any of 
them be new to you, they may excuse the rest ; if none at all, 
yet is my punishment more in writing than yours in reading. 

“When you come into any fresh company. 1. Observe their 
humours. 2. Suit your own carriage thereto, by which insinua¬ 
tion you will make their converse more free and open. 3. Let 
your discourse be more in queries and doubtings than peremptory 
assertions or disputings, it being the design of travellers to learn, 
not to teach. Besides, it will persuade your acquaintance that 
you have the greater esteem of them, and so make them more 
ready to communicate what they know to you ; whereas nothing 
sooner occasions disrespect and quarrels than peremptoriness. 
You will find little or no advantage in seeming wiser or much 
more ignorant than your company. 4. Seldom discommend any¬ 
thing though never so bad, or do it but moderately, lest you be 
unexpectedly forced to an unhandsome retraction. It is safef to 
commend any thing more than it deserves, than to discommend 
a thing so much as it deserves; for commendations meet not 
so often with oppositions, or, at least, are not usually so ill re¬ 
sented by men that think otherwise, as discommendations; and 
you will insinuate into men’s favour by nothing sooner than seem¬ 
ing to approve and commend what they like; but beware o 
doing it by comparison. 5. If you be affronted, it is better, in £ 
foreign country, to pass it by in silence, and with a jest, though 
with some dishonour, than to endeavour revenge; for, in the first 
case, your credit’s ne’er the worse when you return into England, 
or come into other company that have not heard of the quarrel. 
But, in the second case, you may bear the marks of the quarrel 
while you live, if you outlive it at all. But, if you find yoursell 
unavoidably engaged, ’tis best, I think, if you can command your 
passion and language, to keep them pretty evenly at some certain 
moderate pitch, not much heightening them to exasperate your 
adversary, or provoke his friends, nor letting them grow overmuch 
dejected to make him insult. In a word, if you can keep reason 
above passion, that and watchfulness will be your best defendants. 
To which purpose you may consider, that, though such excuses 
as this—He provok’t me so much I could not forbear—may pass 



among friends, yet amongst strangers they are insignificant, ana 
only argue a traveller’s weakness. 

“ To these I may add some general heads for inquiries or ob¬ 
servations, such as at present I can think on. As, 1. To observe 
the policies, wealth, and state affairs of nations, so far as a soli¬ 
dary traveller may conveniently do. 2. Their impositions upon 
all sorts of people, trades, or commodities, that are remarkable. 
3. Their laws and customs, how far they differ from ours. 4. 
Their trades and arts wherein they excel or come short of us in 
England. 5. Such fortifications as you shall meet with, their 
fashion, strength, and advantages for defence, and other such mili¬ 
tary affairs as are considerable. 6. The power and respect be¬ 
longing to their degrees of nobility or magistracy. 7. It will not 
be time misspent to make a catalogue of the names and excellen¬ 
cies of those men that are most wise, learned, or esteemed in any 
nation. 8. Observe the mechanism and manner of guiding ships. 

9. Observe the products of Nature in several places, especially in 
mines, with the circumstances of mining and of extracting metals 
or minerals out of their ore, and of refining them ; and if you 
meet with any transmutations out of their own species into 
another (as out of iron into copper, out of any metal into quick¬ 
silver, out of one salt into another, or into an insipid body, &c.), 
those, above all, will be worth your noting, being the most lucif- 
erous, and many times lucriferous experiments, too, in philosophy. 

10. The prices of diet and other things. 11. And the staple 
commodities of places. 

“ These generals (such as at present I could think of), if they 
will serve for nothing else, yet they may assist you in drawing up 
a model to regulate your travels by. ’ As for particulars, these that 
follow are all that I can now think of, viz.; whether at Schem- 
nitium, in Hungary (where there are mines of gold, copper, iron, 
vitriol, antimony, &e.). they change iron into copper by dissolving 
A in-a vitriolate water, which they find in cavities of rocks in the 
mines, and then melting the slimy solution in a stroi ig fire, which 
in the cooling proves copper. The like is said to be done in other 
places, which I cannot now remember; perhaps, too, it may be 
lone in Italy. For about twenty or thirty years agone there was 



a certain vitriol came from thence (called Roman vitriol), but of 
a nobler virtue than that which is now called by that name ; 
which vitriol is not now to be gotten, because, perhaps, they make 
a greater gain by some such trick as turning iron into copper 
with it than by selling it. 2. Whether, in Hungary, Sclavonia, 
Bohemia,, near the town Eila, or at the mountains of Bohemia 
near Silesia, there be rivers whose waters are impregnated with 
gold ; perhaps, the gold being dissolved by some corrosive water 
like aqua regis , and the solution carried along with the stream, 
that runs through the mines. And whether the practice of laying 
mercury in the rivers, till it be tinged with gold, and then strain¬ 
ing the mercury through leather, that the gold may stay behind, 
be a secret yet, or openly practised. 3. There is newly con¬ 
trived, in Holland, a mill to grind glasses plane withal, and I 
think polishing them too ; perhaps it will be worth the while to see 

it. 4. There is in Holland one-Borry, who some years since 

was imprisoned by the Pope, to have extorted from him secrets 
(as I am told) of great worth, both as to medicine and profit, but 
he escaped into Holland, where they have granted him a guard. 
I think he usually goes clothed in green. Pray inquire what you 
can of him, and whether his ingenuity be any profit to the Dutch. 
You may inform yourself whether the Dutch have any tricks to 
keep their ships from being all worm-eaten in their voyages to 
the Indies. Whether pendulum clocks do any service in finding 
out the longitude, &c. 

“ I am very weary, and shall not stay to part with a long 
compliment, only I wish you a good journey, and God be with 

It was not till the month of June, 1669, that our author made 
known his Method of Fluxions. He then communicated the 
work which he had composed upon the subject, and entitled, 
Analysis per Equationes nu3iero terminorum Infinitas, 
to his friend Dr. Barrow. The latter, in a letter dated 20th of the 
same month, mentioned it to Mr. Collins, and transmitted it to 
him, on the 31st of July thereafter. Mr. Collins greatly approv¬ 
ed of the work; took a copy of it; and sent the original back 
to Dr. Barrow. During the same and the two following years, Mr 



Collins, by his extensive correspondence, spread the knowledge 
of this discovery among the mathematicians in England, Scotland, 
France, Holland and Italy. 

Dr. Barrow, having resolved to devote himself to Theology, 
resigned the Lucasian Professorship of Mathematics, in 1669, in 
favour of Newton, who accordingly received the appointment to 
the vacant chair. 

During the years 1669, 1670, and 1671, our author, as such 
Professor, delivered a course of Optical Lectures. Though these 
contained his principal discoveries relative to the different re- 
frangibility of light, yet the discoveries themselves did not be¬ 
come publicly known, it seems, till he communicated them to the 
Royal Society, a few weeks after being elected a member there¬ 
of, in the spring of 1671-2. He now rose rapidly in reputation, 
and was soon regarded as foremost among the philosophers of the 
age. His paper on light excited the deepest interest in the Royal 
Society, who manifested an anxious solicitude to secure the author 
from the “ arrogations of others,” and proposed to publish his 
discourse in the monthly numbers in which the Transactions were 
given to the world. Newton, gratefully sensible of these expres¬ 
sions of esteem, willingly accepted of the proposal for publication. 
He gave them also, at this time, the results of some further ex¬ 
periments in the decomposition and re-composition of light:—that 
the same degree of refrangibility always belonged to the same 
colour, and the same colour to the same degree of refrangibility: 
that the seven different colours of the spectrum were original, or 
simple, and that whiteness, or white light was a compound of all 
these seven colours. 

The publication of his new doctrines on light soon called forth 
violent opposition as to their soundness. Hooke and Huygens— 
men eminent for ability and learning—were the most conspicuous 
of the assailants. And though Newton effectually silenced all his 
adversaries, yet he felt the triumph of little gain in comparison 
with the loss his tranquillity had sustained. He subsequently re- 
narked in allusion to this controversy—and to one with whom 
he was destined to have a longer and a bitterer conflict—“ I was 
so persecuted with discussions arising from the publication 6f my 



theory ol light, that I blamed my own imprudence for parting 
with so substantial a blessing as my quiet to run after a shadow/' 

In a communication to Mr. Oldenburg, Secretary of the Royal 
Society, in 1672, our author stated many valuable suggestions re¬ 
lative to the construction of Reflecting Microscopes which he 
considered even more capable of improvement than telescopes. 
He also contemplated, about the same time, an edition of Kinck- 
huysen’s Algebra, with notes and additions; partially arranging, 
as an introduction to the work, a treatise, entitled, A Method of 
Fluxions; but he finally abandoned the design. This treatise, 
however, he resolved, or rather consented, at a late period of his 
life, to put forth separately ; and the plan would probably have 
been carried into execution had not his death intervened. It was 
translated into English, and published in 1736 by John Colson, 
Professor of Mathematics in Cambridge. 

Newton, it is thought, made his discoveries concerning the 
Inflection and Diffraction of light before 1674. The phe¬ 
nomena of the inflection of light had been first discovered more 
than ten years before by Grimaldi. And Newton began by re¬ 
peating one of the experiments of the learned Jesuit—admitting 
a beam of the sun’s light through a small pin hole into a dark 
chamber: the light diverged from the aperture in the form of a 
cone, and the shadows of all bodies placed in this light were 
larger than might have been expected, and surrounded with three 
coloured fringes, the nearest being widest, and the most remote 
the narrowest. Newton, advancing upon this experiment, took 
exact measures of the diameter of the shadow r of a human hair, 
and of the breadth of the fringes, at different distances behind it, 
and discovered that these diameters and breadths were not pro¬ 
portional to the distances at which they were measured. He 
hence supposed that the.rays which passed by the edge of the 
hair were deflected or turned aside from it, as if by a repulsive 
force, the nearest rays suffering the greatest, the more remote a 
less degree of deflection. In explanation of the coloured fringes, 
he queried : whether the rays which differ in refrangibility do not 
differ also in flexibility, and whether they are m»t, by these dif¬ 
ferent inflections, separated from one another, so as after separa- 



tion to make the colours in the three fringes above described i 
Also, whether the rays, in passing by the edges and sides oi 
bodies, are not bent several times backwards and forwards with 
an eel-like motion—the three fringes arising from three such 
bendings ? His inquiries on this subject were here interrupted 
and never renewed. 

His Theory of the Colours of Natural Bodies was commu* 
nicated to the Royal Society, in February, 1675. This is justly 
regarded as one of the profoundest of his speculations. The fun¬ 
damental principles of the Theory in brief, are:—That bodies 
possessing the greatest refractive powers reHect the greatest 
quantity of light; and that, at the confines of equally refracting 
media, there is no reflection. That the minutest particles of al¬ 
most all natural bodies are in some degree transparent. That 
between the particles of bodies there are pores, or spaces, either 
empty or filled with media of a less density than the particles 
themselves. That these particles, and pores or spaces, have some 
definite size. Hence he deduced the Transparency, Opacity, and 
colours of natural bodies. Transparency arises from the particles 
and their pores being too small to cause reflection at their com¬ 
mon surfaces—the light all passing through ; Opacity from the 
opposite cause of the particles and their pores being sufficiently 
large to reflect the light which is “ stopped or stifled 7 ’ by the 
multitude of reflections; and colours from the particles, accord¬ 
ing to their several sizes, reflecting rays of one colour and trans¬ 
mitting those of another—or in other words, the colour that 
meets the eye is the colour reflected, while all the other rays are 
transmitted or absorbed. 

Analogous in origin to the colours of natural bodies, he con¬ 
sidered the colours of thin plates. This subject was interest¬ 
ing and important, and had attracted considerable investigation. 
He, however, was the first to determine the law of the produc¬ 
tion of these colours, and, during the same year made known the 
results of his researches herein to the Royal Society. His mode 
of procedure in these experiments was simple and curious. He 
placed a double convex lens of a large known radius of curvature, 
rptfn the flat surface of a plano-convex object glass. Thus, from 



their point of contact at the centre, to the circumference of the 
lens, he obtained plates of air, or spaces varying from the ex- 
tremest possible thinness, by slow degrees, to a considerable thick¬ 
ness. Letting the light fall, every different thickness of this 
plate of air gave different colours—the point of contact of the 
lens and glass forming the centre of numerous concentric colored 
liags. Now the radius of curvature of the lens being known, the 
thickness of the plate of air, at any given point, or where any par¬ 
ticular colour appeared, could be exactly determined. Carefully 
noting, therefore, the order in which the different colours ap¬ 
peared, he measured, with the nicest accuracy, the different thick* 
nesses at which the most luminous parts of the rings were pro¬ 
duced, whether the medium were air, water, or mica—all these 
substances giving the same colours at different thicknesses;—the 
ratio of which he also ascertained. From the phenomena obser¬ 
ved in these experiments, Newton deduced his Theory of Fits of 
Easy Reflection and Transmission of light. It consists in suppos¬ 
ing that every particle of light, from its first discharge from a lumi¬ 
nous body, possesses, at equally distant intervals, dispositions to 
be reflected from, or transmitted through the surfaces of bodies 
upon which it may fall. For instance, if the rays are in a Fit of 
Easy Reflection, they are on reaching the surface, repelled, 
thrown off, or reflected from it; if, in a Fit of Easy Transmission, 
they are attracted, drawn in, or transmitted through it. By this 
Theory of Fits, our author likewise explained the colours of 
thick plates. 

He regarded light as consisting of small material particles 
emitted from shining substances. He thought that these parti¬ 
cles could be re-combined into solid matter, so that “ gross bodies 
and light were convertible into one anotherthat the particles of 
light and the particles of solid bodies acted mutually upon each 
other; those of light agitating and heating those of solid bodies, 
and the latter attracting and repelling the former. Newton was 
the first to suggest the idea of the Polarization of light. 

In the paper entitled An Hypothesis Explaining Properties oj 
Light, December, 1675, our author first introduced his opinions re¬ 
specting Ether—opinions which he afterward abandoned and again 



permanently resumed—“ A most subtle spirit which pervades” ah 
bodies, and is expanded through all the heavens. It is electric, 
and almost, if not quite immeasurably elastic and rare. “ By the 
force and action of which spirit the particles of bodies mutually 
attract one another, at near distances, and cohere, if contiguous ; 
and electric bodies operate at greater distances, as well repelling 
33 attracting the neighbouring corpuscles ; and light is emitted, 
-reflected, refracted, inflected and heats bodies; and all sensation 
is excited, and the members of animal bodies move at the com¬ 
mand of the will, namely, by the vibrations of this spirit, mutu¬ 
ally propagated along the solid filaments of the nerves, from the 
outward organs of sense to the brain, and from the brain into the 
muscles.” This “ spirit” was no anima mundi ; nothing further 
from the thought of Newton ; but was it not, on his part, a par¬ 
tial recognition of, or attempt to reach an ultimate material force, 
or primary element, by means of which, 1 in the roaring loom of 
time,” this material universe, God’s visible garment, may be 
woven for us ? 

The Royal Society were greatly interested in the results of 
some experiments, which our author had, at the same time, com¬ 
municated to them relative to the excitation of electricity in glass ; 
and they, after several attempts and further direction from him, 
succeeded in re-producing the same phenomena. 

One of the most curious of Newton’s minor inquiries related to 
the connexion between the refractive powers and chemical com¬ 
position of bodies. He found on comparing the refractive powers 
and the densities of many different substances, that the former 
were very nearly proportional to the latter, in the same bodies. 
Unctuous and sulphureous bodies were noticed as remarkable excep¬ 
tions—as well as the diamond —their refractive powers being two 
or three times greater in respect of their densities than in the 
case of other substances, while, as among themselves, the one was 
generally proportional to the other. He hence inferred as to the 
diamond a great degree of combustibility ;—a conjecture which 
the experiments of modern chemistry have shown to be true. 

The chemical researches of our author were probably pursued 
with more or less diligence from the time of his witnessing some 



vt' the uractical operations in that science at the Apothecary’s at 
Grantham. De Natura Acidorum is a short chemical paper, on 
various topics, and published in Dr. Horsley’s Edition of his 
works. Tabula Quantitatum et Graduum Coloris was in¬ 
serted in the Philosophical Transactions ; it contains a compara¬ 
tive scale of temperature from that of melting ice to that of a 
small kitchen coal-fire. He regarded fire as a body heated so hot 
as to emit light copiously; and flame as a vapour, fume, or ex¬ 
halation heated so hot as to shine. To elective attraction, by 
the operation of which the small particles of bodies, as he con¬ 
ceived, act upon one another, at distances so minute as to escape 
observation, he ascribed all the various chemical phenomena ot 
precipitation, combination, solution, and crystallization, and the 
mechanical phenomena of cohesion and capillary attraction. New 
ton’s chemical views were illustrated and confirmed, in part, at 
least, in his own life-time. As to the structure of bodies, he was 
of opinion “ that the smallest particles of matter may cohere by 
the strongest attractions, and compose bigger particles of weaker 
virtue ; and many of these may cohere and compose bigger par 
tides whose virtue is still weaker; and so on for divers succes¬ 
sions, until the progression end in the biggest particles, on which 
the operations in chemistry and the colours of natural bodies de¬ 
pend, and which by adhering, compose bodies of sensible magni¬ 

There is good reason to suppose that our author was a diligent 
student of the writings of Jacob Behmen ; and that in conjunction 
with a relative, Dr. Newton, he was busily engaged, for several 
months in the earlier part of life, in quest of the philosopher’s 
tincture. “ Great Alchymist,” however, very imperfectly de¬ 
scribes the character of Behmen, whose researches into things 
material and things spiritual, things human and things divine, ai- 
ford the strongest evidence of a great and original mind. 

More appropriately here, perhaps, than elsewhere, may be 
given Newton’s account of some curious experiments, made in his 
own person, on the action of light upon the retina. Locke, who 
was an intimate friend of our author, wrote to him for his opinion 
on a certain fact stated in Boyle’s Book of Colours. Newton, in 



his reply, dated June 30th, 1601, narrates the following circum¬ 
stances, which probably took place in the course of his optical 
researches. Thus:— 

“ The observation you mention in Mr. Boyle’s Book of Colours 
I once tried upon myself with the hazard of my eyes. The 
manner was this; I looked a very little while upon the sun in the 
looking-glass with my right eye, and then turned my eyes into a 
dark corner of my chamber, and winked, to observe the impres¬ 
sion made, and the circles of colours which encompassed it, and 
how they decayed by degrees, and at last vanished. This I re¬ 
peated a second and a third time. At the third time, when the 
phantasm of light and colours about it were almost vanished, in¬ 
tending my fancy upon them to see their last appearance, I found, 
to my amazement, that they began to return, and by little and 
little to become as lively and vivid as when I had newly looked 
upon the sun. But when I ceased to intend my fancy upon them, 
they vanished again. After this, I found, that as often as I went 
into the dark, and intended my mind upon them, as when a man 
looks earnestly to see anything which is difficult to be seen, I 
could make the phantasm return without looking any more upon 
the sun; and the oftener I made it return, the more easily I could 
make it return again. And, at length, by repeating this, without 
looking any more upon the sun, I made such an impression on my 
eye, that, if I looked upon the clouds, or a book, or any bright 
object, I saw upon it a round bright spot of light like the sun, 
and, which is still stranger, though I looked upon the sun with 
my right eye only, and not with my left, yet my fancy began f o 
make an impression upon my left eye, as well us upon my right. 
For if I shut my right eye, or looked upon a book, or the clouds, 
with my left eye, I could see the spectrum of the sun almost as 
plain as with my right eye, if I did but intend my fancy a little 
while upon it; for at first, if I shut my right eye, and looked with 
my left, the spectrum of the sun did not appear till I intended my 
fancy upon it; but by repeating, this appeared every time more 
easily. And now, in a few hours’ time, I had brought my eyes 
to such a pass, that I could look upon no blight object with either 
eye, but I saw the sun before me, so that I durst neither write 



nor read ; but to recover the use of my eyes, shut myself up in 
my chamber made dark, for three days together, and used all 
means to divert my imagination from the sun. For if I thought 
upon him, I presently saw his picture, though I was in the dark. 
But by keeping in the dark, and employing my mind about other 
things, I began in three or four days to have some use of my eyes 
again; and by forbearing to look upon bright objects, recovered 
them pretty well, though not so well but that, for some months 
after, the spectrum of the sun began to return as often as I began 
to meditate upon the phenomena, even though I lay in bed at mid¬ 
night with my curtains drawn. But now I have been very well 
for many years, though I am apt to think, if I durst venture my 
eyes, I could still make the phantasm return by the power of my 
fancy. This story I tell you, to let you understand, tha]; in the 
observation related by Mr. Boyle, the man’s fancy probably con¬ 
curred with the impression made by the sun’s light to produce 
that phantasm of the sun which he constantly saw in bright ob¬ 
jects. And so your question about the cause of phantasm in¬ 
volves another about the power of fancy, which I must confess is 
too hard a knot for me to untie. To place this effect in a constant 
motion is hard, because the sun ought then to appear perpetually. 
It seems rather to consist in a disposition of the sensorium to 
move the imagination strongly, and to be easily moved, both by 
the imagination and by the light, as often as bright objects are 
looked upon/’ 

Though Newton had continued silent, yet his thoughts were 
by no means inactive upon the vast subject of the planetary mo¬ 
tions. The idea of Universal Gravitation, first caught sight of, so 
to speak, in the garden at Woolsthorpe, years ago, had gradually 
expanded upon him. We find him, in a letter to Dr. Hooke, 
Secretary of the Royal Society, dated in November, 1679, pro¬ 
posing to verify the motion of the earth by direct experimem, 
namely, by the observation of the path pursued by a body falling 
from a considerable height. He had concluded that the path 
would be spiral; but Dr. Hooke maintained that it would be an 
eccentric •ellipse in vacuo, and an ellipti-spiral in a resisting me¬ 
dium. Our author, aided by this correction of his error, and by 



the discovery that a projectile would move in an elliptical orbil 
when under the influence of a force varying inversely as the 
square of the distance, was led to discover “ the theorem by 
which he afterwards examined the ellipsis f and to demonstrate 
the celebrated proposition that a planet acted upon by an attrac¬ 
tive force varying inversely as the squares of the distances will 
describe an elliptical orbit, in one of whose foci the attractive 
force resides. 

When he was attending a meeting of the Royal Society, in 
June 1682, the conversation fell upon the subject of the measure¬ 
ment of a degree of the meridian, executed by M. Picard, a 
French Astronomer, in 1679. Newton took a memorandum oi 
the result; and afterward, at the earliest opportunity, computed 
from it the diameter of the earth : furnished with these new data, 
he resumed his calculation of 1666. As he proceeded therein, 
he saw that his early expectations were now likely to be realized : 
the thick rushing, stupendous results overpowered him; he be¬ 
came unable to carry on the process of calculation,, and intrusted 
its completion to one of his friends. The discoverer had, indeed, 
grasped the master-fact. The law of falling bodies at the earth's 
surface w T as at length identified with that which guided the moon 
in her orbit. And so his Great Thought, that had for sixteen 
years loomed up in dim, gigantic outline, amid the first dawn of a 
plausible hypothesis, now stood forth, radiant and not less grand, 
in the mid-day light of demonstrated truth. 

It were difficult, nay impossible to imagine, even, the influence 
of a result like this upon a mind like Newton’s. It was as if the 
keystone had been fitted to the glorious arch by which his spirit 
should ascend to the outskirts of infinite space—spanning the immea¬ 
surable—weighing the imponderable—computing the incalculable 
—mapping out the marchings of the planets, and the far-wander- 
ings of the corners, and catching, bring back to earth some clearer 
notes of that higher melody which, as a sounding voice, bears 
perpetual witness to the design and omnipotence of a creating 

Newton, extending the law thus obtained, composed a series 
of about twelve propositions on the motion of the primary planets 



about the sun. These were sent to London, and communicated 
to the Royal Society about the end of 1683. At or near this pe¬ 
riod, other philosophers, as Sir Christopher Wren, Dr. Halley, 
and Dr. Hooke, were engaged in investigating the same subject; 
but with no definite or satisfactory results. Dr. Halley, having 
seen, it is presumed, our author’s propositions, went in August, 
1684, to Cambridge to consult with him upon the subject. 
Newton assured him that he had brought the demonstration to 
perfection. In November, Dr. Halley received a copy of the 
work; and, in the following month^ announced .it to the Royal 
Society, with the author’s promise to have it entered upon their 
Register. Newton, subsequently reminded by the Society of his 
promise, proceeded in the diligent preparation of the work, and. 
though suffering an interruption of six weeks, transmitted the 
manuscript of the first book to London before the end of April. 
The work was entitled Philosophise Naturalis Principia 
Mathematica, dedicated to the Royal Society, and presented 
thereto on the 28th of April, 1685-6. The highest encomiums 
were passed upon it; and the council resolved, on the 19th of 
May, to print it at the expense of the Society, and under the di¬ 
rection of Dr. Halley. The latter, a few days afterward, com¬ 
municated these steps to Newton, who, in a reply, dated the 20th 
of June, holds the following language :—“ The proof you sent me 
I like very well. I designed the whole to consist of three books ; 
the second was finished last summer, being short, and only wants 
transcribing, and drawing the cuts fairly. Some new propositions 
I have since thought on, which I can as well let alone. The 
third wants the theory of comets. In autumn last, I spent two 
months in calculation to no purpose for want of a good method, 
wdiich made me afterward return to the first book, and enlarge it 
with diverse propositions, som£ relating to comets, others to other 
tilings found ou* last winter. The third I now design to sup¬ 
press. Philosophy is such an impertinently litigious lady, that a 
man had as good be engaged in law-suits as have to do with her. 
I found it so formerly, and now I can no sooner come near her 
again, but she gives me warning. The first two books without 
the third will not so well bear the title of Philosophize Naturalis 




Principia Mathematicia ; and thereupon I had altered it to this, 
De Motu Corporum Libri duo. But after second thought I re¬ 
tain the former title. It will help the sale of the book, which J 
ought not to diminish now ’tis yours.” 

This “ warning” arose from some pretensions put forth by Dr. 
Hooke. And though Newton gave a minute and positive refuta¬ 
tions of such claims, yet, to reconcile all differences, he gener¬ 
ously added to Prop. IV. Cor. 6, Book I., a Scholium, in which 
Wren, Hooke and Halley are acknowledged to have indepen¬ 
dently deduced the law of gravity from the second law of 

The suppression of the third book Dr. Halley could not endure 
to see. “ I must again beg you” says he, “ not to let your re¬ 
sentments run so high as to deprive us of your third book, where¬ 
in your applications of your mathematical doctrine to the theory 
of comets, and several curious experiments, which, as I guess by 
what you write ought to compose it, will undoubtedly render it 
acceptable to those who* will call themselves philosophers without 
mathematics, which are much the greater number” To these 
solicitations Newton yielded. There were no “ resentments,” how¬ 
ever, as we conceive, in his “ design to suppress.” He sought 
peace ; for he loved and valued it above all applause. But, in 
spite of his efforts for tranquillity’s sake, his course of discovery 
was all along molested by ignorance or presumptuous rivalry. 

The publication of the great work now went rapidly forwards. 
The second book was sent to the Society, and presented on the 
2d March ; the third, on the 6th April; and the whole was com¬ 
pleted and published in the month of May, 1686-7. In the sec¬ 
ond Lemma of the second book, the fundamental principle of his 
fluxionary calculus was, for the first time, given to the world; but 
its algorithm or notation did not appear till published in the 
second volume nf Dr. Wallis’s works, in 1693. 

And thus was ushered into existence The Principia —a work 
to which pre-eminence above all the productions of the human 
intellect has been awarded—a work that must be esteemed of 
priceless worth so long as Science has a votary, or a single wor¬ 
shipper be left to kneel at the altar of Truth. 



The entire work bears the general title of The Mathematical 
Principles of Natural Philosophy. It consists of three books: 
the first two, entitled, Of the Motion of Bodies, are occupied 
with the laws and conditions of motions and forces, and are illus¬ 
trated with many scholia treating of some of the most general 
and best established points in philosophy, such as the density and 
resistance of bodies, spaces void of matter, and the motion of 
sound and light. From these principles, there is deduced, in the 
third book, draw T n up in as popular a style as possible and entitled, 
Of the System of the World, the constitution of the system of 
ihe world. In regard to this book, the author say^ —“ I had, indeed, 
composed the third Book in a popular method, that it might be read 
by many; but afterwards, considering that such as had not suf- 
ficently entered into the principles could not easily discover the 
strength of the consequences, nor lay aside the prejudices to which 
they had been many years accustomed, therefore, to prevent dis¬ 
putes which might be raised upon such accounts, I chose to reduce 
the substance of this Book into the form of Propositions (in the 
mathematical way), which should be read by those only who had 
first made themselves masters of the principles established in the 
preceding Books : not that I would advise any one to the previous 
study of every Proposition of those Books.”—“ It is enough it 
one carefully reads the Definitions, the Laws of Motion, and the 
three first Sections of the first Book. He may then pass on to 
this Book, and consult such of the remaining Propositions of the 
first two Books, as the references in this, and his occasions shall re¬ 
quire.” So that “ The System of the World” is composed both 
“ in a popular method,” and in the form of mathematical Propo¬ 

The principle of Universal Gravi 4 ition, namely, that every 
particle of matter is attracted by , or gravitates to , every other 
particle of matter, with a force inversely proportional to the 
squares of their distances —is the discovery wl ich characterizes 
The Principia. This principle the author deduced from the mo¬ 
tion of the moon, and the three laws of Kepler—laws, which 
Newton, in turn, by his greater law, demonstrated to be true. 

From the first law of Kepler, namely, the proportionality of 



the areas to t\ie times of their description, our author inferred 
that the force which retained the planet in its orbit was always 
directed to the sun; and from the second, namely, that every 
planet moves in an ellipse with the sun in one of its foci, he drew 
the more general inference that the force by which the planet 
moves round that focus varies inversely as the square of its dis¬ 
tance therefrom : and he demonstrated that a planet acted upon 
by such a force could not move in any other curve than a conic 
section; showing when the moving body would describe a circu¬ 
lar, an elliptical, a parabolic, or hyperbolic orbit. He demon¬ 
strated, too, that this force, or attracting, gravitating power re¬ 
sided in every, the least particle; but that, in spherical masses, it 
operated as if confined to their centres; so that, one sphere or 
body will act upon another sphere or body, with a force directly 
proportional to the quantity of matter, and inversely as the square 
of the distance between their centres ; and that their velocities of 
mutual approach will be in the inverse ratio of their quantities o f 
matter. Thus he grandly outlined the Universal Law. Verify¬ 
ing its truth by the motions of terrestrial bodies, then by those of 
the moon and other secondary orbs, he finally embraced, in one 
mighty generalization, the entire Solar System—all the. move¬ 
ments of all its bodies—planets, satellites and comets—explain¬ 
ing and harmonizing the many diverse and theretofore inexplica¬ 
ble phenomena. 

Guided by the genius of Newton, we see sphere bound to 
sphere, body to body, particle to particle, atom to mass, the min¬ 
utest part to the stupendous whole—each to each, each to all, 
and all to each—in the mysterious bonds of a ceaseless, recipro¬ 
cal influence. An influence whose workings are shown to be 
alike present in the globular dew-drop, or oblate-spheroidal earth ; 
in the falling shower, or vast heaving ocean tides; in the flying 
thistle-down, or fixed, ponderous rock ; in the swinging pendulum, 
or time-measuring sun; in the varying and unequal moon, or 
earth’s slowly retrograding poles ; in the uncertain meteor, or 
olazing comet wheeling swiftly away on its remote, yet determined 
round. An influence, in fine, that may link system to system 
through all the star-glowing firmament; then firmament to lirma- 



merit; aye, firmament to firmament, again and again, till, con¬ 
verging home, it may be, to some ineffable centre, where more 
presently dwells He who inhabiteth immensity, and where infini¬ 
tudes meet and eternities have their conliux, and where around 
move, in softest, swiftest measure, all the countless hosts that 
crowd heaven’s fathomless deeps. 

And yet Newton, amid the loveliness and magnitude of Om¬ 
nipotence, lost not sight of the Almighty One. A secondary, 
however universal, was not taken for the First Cause. An im¬ 
pressed force, however diffused and powerful, assumed not the 
functions of the creating, giving Energy. Material beauties, 
splendours, and sublimities, however rich in glory, and endless in 
extent, concealed not the attributes of an intelligent Supreme. 
From the depths of his own soul, through reason and the Word, 
he had risen, d 'priori , to God : from the heights of Omnipotence, 
through the design and law of the budded universe, he proved a 
posteriori , a Deity. “ I had,” says he, “ an eye upon such prin¬ 
ciples as might work, with considering men, for the belief of a 
Deity,” in writing the Principia ; at the conclusion whereof, he 
teaches that—“ this most beautiful system of the sun, planets and 
comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an 
intelligent and powerful Being. And if the fixed stars are the 
centres of other like systems, these, being forme 1 by the like 
wise counsels, must be all subject to the dominion of One; especially 
since the light of the fixed stars is of the same nature with the 
light of the sun, and from every system light passes into all other 
systems : and lest the systems of the fixed stars should, by their 
gravity, fall on each other mutually, he hath placed those systems 
at immense distances one from another. 

“ This Being governs all things, not as the soul of the world, 
but as Lord over all; and on account of his dominion he is wont. # 
to be called Lord God iravTongar^g or Universal Ruler ; for God 
is a relative word, and has a respect to servants ; and Deity is 
the dominion of God, not over his own body, as those imagine 
who fancy God to be the soul of the world, but over servants. 
The Supreme God is a Being eternal, infinite, absolutely perfect; 
but a being, however perfect, without dominion, cannot be said to 



be Lord God; for we say, my God, your God, the God of Israel 
the God of Gods, and Lord of Lords ; but we do not say, my 
Eternal, your Eternal, the Eternal of Israel, the Eternal of Gods ; 
we do not say my Infinite, or my Perfect: these are titles which 
have no respect to servants. The word God usually signifies 
Lord ; but every Lord is not God. It is the dominion of a spir¬ 
itual Being which constitutes a God ; a true, supreme, or imagi¬ 
nary dominion makes a true, supreme, or imaginary God. And 
from his true dominion it follows that the true God is a living, 
intelligent and powerful Being; and from his other perfections, 
that he is supreme or most perfect. He is eternal and in¬ 
finite, omnipotent and omniscient; that is, his duration reaches 
from eternity to eternity ; his presence from infinity to infinity; 
he governs all things and knows all things, that are or can be 
done. He is not eternity or infinity, but eternal and infinite ; 
he is not duration and space, but he endures and is present. 
He endures forever and is everywhere present; and by existing 
always and everywhere, he constitutes duration and space. Since 
every particle of space is always , and every indivisible moment 
of duration is everywhere , certainly the Maker and Lord of things 
cannot be never and nowhere. Every soul that has perception 
is, though in different times and different organs of sense and mo¬ 
tion, still the same indivisible person. There are given succes¬ 
sive parts in duration, co-existent parts in space, but neither the 
one nor the other in the person of a man, or his thinking 
principle; and much less can they be found in the thinking sub¬ 
stance of God. Every man, so far as he is a thing that has per¬ 
ception, is one and the same man during his whole life, in all and 
each of his organs of sense. God is one and the same God, al¬ 
ways and everywhere. He is omnipresent, not virtually only, 
but also substantially; for virtue cannot subsist without sub¬ 
stance. In him are all things contained and moved; yet neither 
affects the other ; God suffers nothing from the motion of bodies ; 
bodies find no resistance from the omnipresence of God. It is 
allowed by all that the Supreme God exists necessarily; and by 
the same necessity he exists always and everywhere. Whence 
also he is all similar, all eye, all ear, all brain, all arm, all powei 


3 ? 

to perceive, to understand, and to act; but in a manner not at all 
human, in a manner not at all corporeal, in a manner utterly un¬ 
known to us. As a blind man has no idea of colours, so have we 
no idea of the manner by which the all-wise God perceives and 
understands all things. He is utterly void of all body, and bodily 
ligure, and can therefore neither be seen, nor heard, nor touched: 
nor ought he to be worshipped under the representation of any 
corporeal thing. We have ideas of his attributes, but what the 
real substance of anything is we know not. In bodies we see 
only their figures and colours, we hear only the sounds, we touch 
only their outward surfaces, we smell only the smells, and taste 
only the savours ; but their inward substances are not to be known, 
either by our senses, or by any reflex act of our minds : much 
less, then, have we any idea of the substance of God. We know 
him only by his most wise and excellent contrivances of things, 
and final causes ; we admire him for his perfections ; but we rev 
erence and adore him on account of his dominion; for we adore 
him as his servants ; and a god without dominion, providence, and 
final causes, is nothing else but Fate and Nature. Blind meta¬ 
physical necessity, which is certainly the same always and every¬ 
where, could produce no variety of things. All that diversity of 
natural things which we find suited to different times and places 
could arise from nothing but the ideas and will of a Being neces¬ 
sarily existing.” 

Thus, the diligent student of science, the earnest seeker of 
truth, led, as through the courts of a sacred Temple, wherein, at 
each step, new wonders meet the eye, till, as a crowning grace, 
they stand before a Holy of Holies, and learn that all science and 
all truth are one which hath its beginning and its end in the 
knowledge of Him whose glory the heavens declare, and whose 
handiwork the firmament showeth forth. 

The introduction of the pure and lofty doctrines of the Prin- 
cipia was perseveringly resisted. Descartes,with his system of 
vortices, had sown plausibly to the imagination, and error had 
struck down deeply, and shot up luxuriantly, not only in the 
popular, but in the scientific mind. Besides the idea—in itself so 
simple and so grand—that the great masses of the planets were 



suspended in empty space, and retained in their orbits by an in¬ 
visible influence residing in the sun—was to the ignorant a thing 
inconceivable, and to the learned a revival of the occult qualities 
of the ancient physics. This remark applies particularly to the 
continent. Leibnitz misapprehended ; Huygens in part rejected; 
John Bernoulli opposed ; and Fontenelle never received the doc¬ 
trines of the Principia. So that, the saying of Voltaire is prob¬ 
ably true, that though Newton survived the publication of his 
great work more than forty years, yet, at the time of his death, 
he had not above twenty followers out of England. 

But in England, the reception of our author’s philosophy was 
rapid and triumphant. His own labours, while Lucasian Pro¬ 
fessor ; those of his successors in that Chair—Whiston and 
Saunderson ; those of Dr. Samuel Clarke, Dr. Laughton, Roger 
Cotes, and Dr. Bentley ; the experimental lectures of Dr. Keill 
and Desaguliers ; the early and powerful exertions of David 
Gregory at Edinburgh, and of his brother James Gregory at St. 
Andrew’s, tended to diffuse widely in England and Scotland a 
knowledge of, and taste for the truths of the Principia. Indeed, 
its mathematical doctrines constituted, from the first, a regular 
part of academical instruction; while its physical truths, given to 
the public in popular lectures, illustrated by experiments, had, 
before the lapse of twenty ) (ars, become familiar to, and adopted 
by the general mind. Pemberton’s popular “ View of Sir Isaac 
Newton’s Philosophy” was published, in 1728 ; and the year after¬ 
ward, an English translation of the Principia, and System of the 
World, by Andrew Motte. And since that period, the labours of 
Le Seur and Jacquier, of Thorpe, of Jebb, of Wright and others 
have greatly contributed to display the most hidden treasures of 
the Principia. 

About the time of the publication of the Principia, Janies II., 
bent on re-establishing the Romish Faith, had, among other ille¬ 
gal acts, ordered by mandamus, the University of Cambridge to 
confer the degree of Master of Arts upon an ignorant monk. 
Obedience to this mandate was resolutely refused. Newton was 
one of the nine delegates chosen to defend the independence of 
the University. They appeared before the High Court;—and 



successfully: the king abandoned his design. The prominent 
part which our author took in these proceedings, and his eminence 
in the scientific world, induced his proposal as one of the parlia¬ 
mentary representatives of the University. He was elected, in 
1688, and sat in the Convention Parliament till its dissolution. 
After the first year, however, he seems to have given little or no 
attention to his parliamentary duties, being seldom absent from 
the University till his appointment in the Mint, in 1695. 

Newton began his theological researches sometime previous to 
1691 ; in the prime of his years, and in the matured vigour of 
his intellectual powers. From his youth, as we have seen, he 
had devoted himself with an activity the most unceasing, and an 
energy almost superhuman to the discovery of physical truth;— 
giving to Philosophy a new foundation, and to Science a new 
temple. To pass on, then, from the consideration of the material, 
more directly to that of the spiritual, was a natural, nay, with so 
large and devout a soul, a necessary advance. The Bible was to 
him of inestimable worth. In the elastic freedom, which a pure 
and unswerving faith in Him of Nazareth gives, his mighty facul¬ 
ties enjoyed the only completest scope for development. His 
original endowment, however great, combined with a studious 
application, however profound, would never, without this libera¬ 
tion from the dominion of passion and sense, have enabled him to 
attain to that wondrous concentration and grasp of intellect, for 
which Fame has as yet assigned him no equal. Gratefully he 
owned, therefore, the same Author in the Book of Nature and the 
Book of Revelation. These were to him as drops of the same 
unfathomable ocean ;—as outrayings of the same inner splendour ; 
—as tones of the same ineffable voice ;—as segments of the same 
infinite curve. With great joy he had found himself enabled to 
proclaim, as an interpreter, from the hieroglyphs of Creation, the 
existence of a God : and now, with greater joy, and in the fulness 
of his knowledge, and in the fulness of his strength, he laboured 
to make clear, from the utterances of the inspired Word, the far 
mightier confirmations of a Supreme Good, in all its glorious 
amplitude of Being and of Attribute ; and to bring the infallible 
workings thereof plainly home to the understandings and the 



affections of his fellow-men; and finally to add the weight of his 
own testimony in favour of that Religion, whose truth is now, in¬ 
deed, “ girded with the iron and the rock of a ponderous and co¬ 
lossal demonstration.” 

His work, entitled, Observations upon the Prophecies of 
Holy Writ, particularly the Prophecies of Daniel and the 
Apocalypse of St. John, first published in London, in 1733 4to. 
consists of two parts : the one devoted to the Prophecies of 
Daniel, and the other to the Apocalypse of St. John. In the first 
part, he treats concerning the compilers of the books of the Old 
Testament;—of the prophetic language ;—of the vision of the 
four beasts;—of the kingdoms represented by the feet of the 
image composed of iron and clay ;—of the ten kingdoms repre¬ 
sented by the ten horns of the beast;—of the eleventh horn of 
Daniel’s fourth beast; of the power which should change times 
and laws of the kingdoms represented in Daniel by the ram 
and he-goat;—of the prophecy of the seventy weeks ;—of the 
times of the birth and passion of Christ;—of the prophecy of the 
Scripture of Truth ;—of the king who doeth according to his will, 
and magnified himself above every god, and honoured Mahuzzims, 
and regarded not the desire of women;—of the Mahuzzim, hon¬ 
oured by the king who doeth according to his will. In the sec¬ 
ond part, he treats of the time when the Apocalypse was written , 
of the scene of the vision, and the relation which the Apocalypse 
has to the book of the law of Moses, and to the worship of God 
in the temple ;—of the relation which the Apocalypse has to the 
prophecies of Daniel, and of the subject of the prophecy itself. 
Newton regards the prophecies as given, not for the gratification 
of man’s curiosity, by enabling him to foreknow ; but for his con¬ 
viction that the world is governed by Providence, by witnessing 
their fulfilment. Enough of prophecy, he thinks, has already 
been fulfilled to afford the diligent seeker abundant evidence of 
God’s providence. The whole work is marked by profound 
erudition, sagacity and argument. 

And not less learning, penetration and masterly reasoning are 
conspicuous in his Historical Account of Two Notable 
Corruptions of Scriptures in a Letter to a Friend. This 



Treatise, first accurately published in Dr. Horsley’s edition of his 
works, relates to two texts: the one, 1 Epistle of St. John v. 7; 
the other, 1 Epistle of St. Paul to Timothy iii. 16. As this 
work had the effect to deprive the advocates of the doctrine of 
the Trinity of two leading texts, Newton has been looked upon 
as an Arian ; but there is absolutely nothing in his writings to 
warrant such a conclusion. 

His remaining theological works consist of the Lexicon Pro- 
pheticum, which was left incomplete ; a Latin Dissertation on 
the sacred cubit of the Jews, which was translated into English, 
and published, in 1737, among the Miscellaneous Works of John 
Greaves ; and Four Letters addressed to Dr. Bentley , contain - 
ing some arguments in pi’oof of a Deity. These Letters were 
dated respectively: 10th December, 1692; 17th January, 1693; 
25th February, 1693; and 11th February, 1693—the fourth 
bearing an earlier date than the third. The best faculties and 
the profoundest acquirements of our author are convincingly 
manifest in these lucid and powerful compositions. They were 
published in 1756, and reviewed by Dr. Samuel Johnson. 

Newton’s religious writings are distinguished by their absolute 
freedom from prejudice. Everywhere, throughout them, there 
glows the genuine nobleness of soul. To his whole life, indeed, 
we may here fitly extend the same observation. He was most 
richly imbued with the very spirit of the Scriptures which he so 
delighted to study and to meditate upon. His was a piety, so 
fervent, so sincere and practical, that it rose up like a holy incense 
from every thought and act. His a benevolence that not only 
willed, but endeavoured the best for all. His a philanthropy 
that held in the embracings of its love every brother-man. 
His a toleration of the largest and the truest; condemning per¬ 
secution in every, even its mildest form; and kindly encouraging 
each striving after excellence :—i toleration that came not of 
indifference—for the immoral and the impious met with their 
quick rebuke—but a toleration that came of the wise humbleness 
and the Christian charity, which see, in the nothingness of self 
and the almightiness of Truth, no praise for the ablest, and no 
blame for th^ feeblest in their strugglings upward to light and life. 



In the winter of 1691-2, on returning from chapel, one morn¬ 
ing, Newton found mat a favourite little dog, called Diamond, 
had overturned a lighted taper on his desk, and that several pa¬ 
pers containing the results of certain optical experiments, were 
nearly consumed. His only exclamation, on perceiving his loss, 
was, “ Oh Diamond, Diamond, little knowest thou the mischiei 
thou hast done,” Dr. Brewster, in his life of our author, gives the 
following extract from the manuscript Diary of Mr. Abraham De 
La Pryme, a student in the University at the time of this oc¬ 

“ 1692. February, 3.—What I heard to-day I must relate. 
There is one Mr. Newton (whom I have very oft seen), Fellow 
of Trinity College, that is mighty famous for his learning, being a 
most excellent mathematician, philosopher, divine, &c. He has 
been Fellow of the Royal Society these many years ; and among 
other very learned books and tracts, he's written one upon the mathe¬ 
matical principles of philosophy, which has given him a mighty 
name, he having received, especially from Scotland, abundance of 
congratulatory letters for the same; but of all the books he ever 
wrote, there was one of colours and light, established upon thou¬ 
sands of experiments which he had been twenty years of making, 
and which had cost him many hundreds of pounds. This book 
which he vaiued so much, and which was so much talked of, had 
the ill luck to perish, and be utterly lost just when the learned 
author was almost at pitting a conclusion at the same, after this 
manner: In a winter’s morning, leaving it among his other papers 
on his study table while he went to chapel, the candle, which he 
had unfortunately left burning there, too, catched hold by some 
means of other papers, and they fired the aforesaid book, and ut¬ 
terly consumed it and several other valuable writings ; and which 
is most wonderful did no further mischief. But when Mr. New¬ 
ton came from chapel, and had seen what was done, every one 
thought he would have run mad, he was so troubled thereat that 
he was not himself for a month after. A long account of this his 
system of colours you may find in the Transactions of the Royal 
Society, which he had sent up to them long before this sad mis¬ 
chance happened unto him.” 



It will be borne in mind that all of Newton’s theological wri¬ 
tings, with the exception of the Letters to Dr. Bentley, were 
composed before this event which, we must conclude, from 
Pryme’s words, produced a serious impression upon our author for 
about a month. But M. Biot, in his Life of Newton, relying on a 
memorandum contained in a small manuscript Journal of Huygens, 
declares this occurrence to have caused a derangement of New¬ 
ton’s intellect. M. Biot’s opinions and deductions, however, as 
well as those of La Place, upon this subject, were based upon 
erroneous data, and have been overthrown by the clearest proof. 
There is not, in fact, the least evidence that Newton’s reason was, 
for a single moment, dethroned; on the contrary, the testimony 
is conclusive that he was, at all times, perfectly capable of carry¬ 
ing on his mathematical, metaphysical and astronomical inquiries. 
Loss of sleep, loss of appetite, and irritated nerves will disturb 
somewhat the equanimity of the most serene ; and an act done, or 
language employed, under such temporary discomposure, is not a 
just criterion of the general tone and strength of a man’s mind. 
As to the accident itself, we may suppose, whatever might have 
been its precise nature, that it greatly distressed him, and, still 
further, that its shock may have originated the train of nervous 
derangements, which afflicted him, more or less, for two years 
afterward. Yet, during this very period of ill health, we find him 
putting forth his highest powers. In 1692, he prepared for, and 
transmitted to Dr. Wallis the first proposition of the Treatise on 
Quadratures, with examples of it in first, second and third flux¬ 
ions. He investigated, in the same year, the subject of haloes; 
making and recording numerous and important observations rela¬ 
tive thereto. Those profound and beautiful Letters to Dr. Bentley 
were written at the close of this and the beginning of the next 
year. In October, 1693, Locke, who was then about publishing a 
second edition of his work on the Human Understanding, request¬ 
ed Newton to reconsider his opinions on innate ideas. And in 
1694, he was zealously occupied in perfecting his lunar theory ; 
visiting Flamstead, at the Koyal Observatory of Greenwich, in 
September, and obtaining a series of lunar observations ; and 



commencing, in October, a correspondence with that distinguished 
practical Astronomer, which continued till 1698. 

We now arrive at the period when Newton permanently with¬ 
drew from the seclusion of a collegiate, and entered upon a more 
active and public life. He was appointed Warden of the Mint, 
in 1695, through the influence of Charles Montague, Chancellor 
of the Exchequer, and afterward Earl of Halifax. The current 
roin of the nation had been adulterated and debased, and Mon¬ 
tague undertook a re-coinage. Our author’s mathematical and 
chemical knowledge proved eminently useful in accomplishing 
this difficult and most salutary reform. In 1699, he was pro¬ 
moted to the Mastership of the Mint—an office worth twelve or 
fifteen hundred pounds per annum, and which he held during the 
remainder of his life. He wrote, in this capacity, an official Re¬ 
port on the Coinage, which has been published: he also prepared 
a Table of Assays of Foreign Coins, which was printed at the 
end of Hr. Arbuthnot’s Tables of Ancient Coins, Weights, and 
Measures, in 1727. 

Newton retained his Professorship at Cambridge till 1703. 
But he had, on receiving the appointment of Master of the Mint, 
in 1699, made Mr. Whiston his deputy, with all the emoluments 
of the office ; and, on finally resigning, procured his nomination to 
the vacant Chair. 

In January 1697, John Bernouilli proposed to the most distin¬ 
guished mathematicians of Europe two problems for solution. 
Leibnitz, admiring the beauty of one of them, requested the time 
for solving it to be extended to twelve months—twice the period 
originally named. The delay was readily granted. Newton, how¬ 
ever, sent in, the day after he received the problems, a solution of 
them to the President of the Royal Society. Bernouilli obtained 
solutions from Newton, Leibinitz and the Marquis De L’Hopital; 
but Newton’s though anonymous, he immediately recognised 
“ tanquam ungue leonem ,” as the lion is known by his claw. 
We may mention here the famous problem of the trajectories 
proposed by Leibnitz, in 1716, for the purpose of “ feeling the 
pulse of the English Analysts.” Newton received the problem 
about five o’clock in the afternoon, as he was returning from the 



Mint; and though it was extremely difficult and he himself much 
fatigued, yet he completed its solution, the same evening before 
he went to bed. 

The history of these problems affords, by direct comparison, a 
striking illustration of Newton’s vast superiority of mind. That 
amazing concentration and grasp of intellect, of which we have 
spoken, enabled him to master speedily, and, as it were, by a 
single effort, those things, for the achievement of which, the many 
would essay utterly in vain, and the very, very few attain only 
after long and renewed striving. And yet, with a modesty as 
unparalleled as his power, he attributed his successes, not to any 
extraordinary sagacity, but solely to industry and patient thought. 
He kept the subject of consideration constantly before him, and 
waited till the first dawning opened gradually into a full and 
clear light; never quitting, if possible, the mental process till the 
object of it were wholly gained. He never allowed this habit of 
meditation to appear in his intercourse with society; but in the 
privacy of his own chamber, or in the midst of his own family, he 
gave himself up to the deepest abstraction. Occupied with some 
interesting investigation, he would often sit down on his bedside, 
after he rose, and remain there, for hours, partially dressed. 
Meal-time would frequently come and pass unheeded; so that, 
unless urgently reminded, he would neglect to take the re¬ 
quisite quantity of nourishment. But notwithstanding his anx¬ 
iety to be left undisturbed, he would, when occasion required, 
turn aside his thoughts, though bent upon the most intricate re¬ 
search, and then, when leisure served, again direct them to the 
very point where they ceased to act: and this he seemed to ac¬ 
complish not so much by the force of his memory, as by the force 
of his inventive faculty, before the vigorous intensity of which, no 
subject, however abstruse, remained long unexplored. 

He was elected a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences 
at Paris, in 1699, when that distinguished Body were empowered, 
by a new charter, to admit a small number of foreign associates. 
In 1700, he communicated to Dr. Halley a description of his re¬ 
flecting instrument for observing the moon’s distance from the 
fixed stars. This description was published in the Philosophical 



Transactions, in 1742. The instrument was the same as that 
produced by Mr. Hadley, in 1731, and which, under the name of 
Hadley’s Quadrant, has been of so great use in navigation. On 
(he assembling of the new Parliament, in 1701, Newton was re¬ 
elected one of the members for the University of Cambridge. In 
1703, he was chosen President of the Royal Society of London, 
to which office he was annually re-elected till the period of his 
decease—about twenty-five years afterward. 

Our author unquestionably devoted more labour to, and, in 
many respects, took a greater pride in his Optical, than his other 
discoveries. This science he had placed on a new and indestruc¬ 
tible basis; and he wished not only to build, but to perfect the 
costly and glowing structure. He had communicated, before the 
publication of the Principia, his most important researches on 
light to the Royal Society, in detached papers which were inserted 
in successive numbers of the Transactions; but he did not pub¬ 
lish a connected view of these labours till 1704, when they appeared 
under the title of Optics : or, a Treatise on the Reflexions, 
Refractions, Inflexions and Colours of Light. To this, 
but to no subsequent edition, were added two Mathematical Trea¬ 
tises, entitled, Tractatus duo de speciebus et magnitudine 
figurarum curvilinearum ; the one bearing the title Tractatus 
de Quadratura Curvarum; and the other, that of Enumeratio 
linearum tertii ordinis. The publication of these Mathemati¬ 
cal Treatises was made necessary in consequence of plagiarisms 
from the manuscripts of them loaned by the author to his friends. 
Dr. Samuel Clarke published a Latin translation of the Optics, in 
in 1706 ; whereupon he was presented by Newton, as a mark of 
his grateful approbation, with five hundred pounds, or one hun¬ 
dred pounds for each of his children. The work was afterward - 
translated into French. It had a remarkably wide circulation, 
and appeared, in several successive editions, both in England and 
on the Continent. There is displayed, particularly on this Opti¬ 
cal Treatise, the author’s talent for simplifying and communica¬ 
ting the profoundest speculations. It is a faculty rarely united to 
that of the highest invention. Newton possessed both ; and thus 
that mental perfectness which enabled him to create, to combine, 



and to teach, and so render himself, not the “ornament” cnly, 
but inconceivably more, the pre-eminent benefactor of his species. 

The honour of knighthood was conferred on our author in 
1705. Soon afterward, he was a candidate again for the Repre¬ 
sentation of the University, but was defeated by a large majority. 
It is thought that a more pliant man was preferred by both min¬ 
isters and electors. Newton was always remarkable for simplicity 
of dress, and his only known departure from it was on this oc¬ 
casion, when he is said to have appeared in a suit of laced 

The Algebraical Lectures which he had, during nine years, 
delivered at Cambridge, were published by Whiston, in 1707, 
under the title of Arithmetica Universalis, sine de Composi¬ 
tions et Resolutione Arithmetica Liber. This publication 
is said to have been a breach of confidence on Whiston’s part. Mr. 
Ralphson, not long afterward, translated the work into English; 
and a second edition of it, with improvements by the author, was 
issued at London, 1712, by Dr. Machin. Subsequent editions, 
both in English and Latin, with commentaries, have been published. 

In June, 1709, Newton intrusted the superintendence of a 
second edition of the Principia to Roger Cotes, Plumian Pro¬ 
fessor of Astronomy at Cambridge. The first edition had been 
sold off for some time. Copies of the work had become very 
rare, and could only be obtained at several times their original 
cost. A great number of letters passed oetween the author and 
Mr. Cotes during the preparation of the edition, which finally 
appeared in May, 1713. It had many alterations and improve¬ 
ments, and was accompanied by an admirable Preface from the 
pen of Cotes. 

Our author’s early Treatise, entitled, Analysis per Equationes 
Numero Terminorum Infinitas, as well as a small Tract, oearing 
the title of Methodus Differentialis, was published, wifn ms 
consent, in 1711. The r former of these, and the Treatise De 
Quadratura Curvarum, translated into Englisn, witn a *arge com¬ 
mentary, appeared in 1745. His work, entitled. Artis Ana¬ 
lytic.® Specimina, vel Geometria Analytica, was nrs; given 
to the world in the edition of Dr. Horsley, 1779. 




It is a notable fact, in Newton’s history, that he never volun* 
tarily published any one of his purely mathematical writings 
The cause of this unwillingness in some, and, in other instances, 
of his indifference, or, at least, want of solicitude to put forth his 
works may be confidently sought for in his repugnance to every¬ 
thing like contest or dispute. But, going deeper than this aver¬ 
sion, we find, underlying his whole character and running parallel 
with all his discoveries, that extraordinary humility which always 
preserved him in a position so relatively just to the behests of 
time and eternity, that the infinite value of truth, and the utter 
worthlessness of fame, were alike constantly present to him. 
Judging of his course, however, in its more temporary aspect, as 
bearing upon his immediate quiet, it seemed the most unfortunate. 
For an early publication, especially in the case of his Method of 
Fluxions, would have anticipated all rivalry, and secured him 
from the contentious claims of Leibnitz. Still each one will solve 
the problem of his existence in his own way, and, with a manlike 
Newton, his own, as we conceive, could be no other than the best 
way. The conduct of Leibnitz in this affair is quite irreconcilable 
with the stature and strength of the man; giant-like, and doing 
nobly, in many ways, a giant’s work, yet cringing himself into the 
dimensions and performances of a common calumniator. Opening 
in 1699, the discussion in question continued till the close of 
Leibnitz’s life, in 1716. We give the summary of the case as 
contained in the Report of the Committee of the Royal Society, 
the deliberately weighed opinion of which has been adopted as an 
authoritative decision in all countries. 

“ We have consulted the letters and letter books in the custody 
of the Royal Society, and those found among the papers of Mr. 
John Collins, dated between the years 1669 and 1677, inclusive; 
and showed them to such as knew and avouched the hands of Mr. 
Barrow, Mr. Collins, Mr. Oldenburg, and Mr. Leibnitz; and 
compared those of Mr. Gregory with one another, and with copies 
of some of them taken in the hand of Mr. Collins ; and have 
extracted from them what relates to the matter referred to us; 
all which extracts, herewith delivered to you, we believe to be 
genuine and authentic. And by these letters and papers wp 



“ I. Mr. Leibnitz was in London in the beginning of the year 
1673 ; and went thence in or about March, to Paris, where he 
kept a correspondence with Mr. Collins, by means of Mr. Olden¬ 
burg, till about September, 1676, and then returned, by London 
and Amsterdam, to Hanover: and that Mr. Collins was very free 
in communicating to able mathematicians what he had received 
from Mr. Newton and Mr. Gregory. 

“ II. That when Mr. Leibnitz was the first time in London, 
he contended for the invention of another differential method, 
properly so called; and, notwithstanding he was shown by Dr. 
Pell that it was Newton’s method, persisted in maintaining it to 
be his own invention, by reason that he had found it by himself 
without knowing what Newton had done before, and had much 
improved it. And we find no mention of his having any other 
differential method than Newton’s before his letter of the 21st of 
June, 1677, which was a year after a copy of Mr. Newton’s letter 
of the 10th of December, 1672, had been sent to Paris to be 
communicated to him; and above four years after Mr. Collins 
began to communicate that letter to his correspondents ; in which 
letter the method of fluxions was sufficiently described to any 
intelligent person. 

“III. That by Mr. Newton’s letter, of the 13th of June, 1676 
it appears that he had the method of fluxions above five years 
before the writing of that letter. And by his Analysis per AEqua- 
tiones numero Terminorum Infinitas, communicated by Dr. Barrow 
to Mr. Collins, in July, 1669, we find that he had invented the 
method before that time. 

“IV. That the differential method is one and the same with 
the method of fluxions, excepting the name and mode of notation ; 
Mr. Leibnitz calling those quantities differences wffiich Mr. Newton 
calls moments, or fluxions; and marking them with a letter d —a 
mark not used by Mr. Newton. 

“ And, therefore, we take the proper question to be, not who 
invented this or that method, but, who was the first inventor of 
the method ? And we believe that those who have reputed Mr. 
Leibnitz the first inventor knew little or nothing of his correspond¬ 
ence with Mr. Collins and Mr. Oldenburg long before, nor of Mr. 



Newton’s hiving that method above fifteen years before Mr 
Leibnitz began to publish it in the Acta Eruditorum of Leipsic. 

“ For which reason we reckon Mr. Newton the first inventor; 
and are of opinion that Mr. Keill, in asserting the same, has been 
no ways injurious to Mr. Leibnitz. And we submit to the judg¬ 
ment of the Society, whether the extract and papers, now pre¬ 
sented to you, together with what is extant, to the same pur¬ 
pose, in Dr. Wallis’s third volume, may not deserve to be made 

This Report, with the collection of letters and manuscripts, 
under the title of Commercium Epistolicum D. Johannis Collins 


Editum, appeared accordingly in the early part of 1713. Its 
publication seemed to infuse additional bitterness into the feelings 
of Leibnitz, who descended to unfounded charges and empty 
threats. He had been privy counsellor to the Elector of Han¬ 
over, before that prince was elevated to the British throne; and 
in his correspondence, in 1715 and 1716, with the Abbe Conti, 
then at the court of George L, and with Caroline, Princess of 
Wales, he attacked the doctrines of the Principia, and indirectly 
its author, in a manner very discreditable to himself, both as a 
learned and as an honourable man. His assaults, however, were 
triumphantly met; and, to the complete overthrow of his rival 
pretensions, Newton was induced to give the finishing blow. The 
verdict is universal and irreversible that the English preceded 
the German philosopher, by at least ten years, in the invention 
of fluxions. Newton could not have borrowed from Leibnitz; 
but Leibnitz might have borrowed from Newton. Anew edition 
of the Commercium Epistolicum was published in 1722-5 (?) ; but 
neither in this, nor in the former edition, did our author take any 
part. The disciples, enthusiastic, capable and ready, effectually 
shielded, with the buckler of Truth, the character of the Master, 
whose own conduct throughout was replete with delicacy, dignity 
and justice. He kept aloof from the controversy—in which Dr. 
Keill stood forth as the chief representative of the Newtonian 
side—till the very last, when, for the satisfaction of the King, 
George I., rather than for his own, he consented to put forth his 


hand and firmly secure his rights upon a certain and impregnable 

A petition to have inventions for promoting the discovery of the 
longitude at sea, suitably rewarded, was presented to the House 
of Commons, in 1714. A committee, having been appointed to 
investigate the subject, called upon Newton and others for their 
opinions. That of our author was given in writing. A report, 
favourable to the desired measure, was then taken up, and a bill 
for its adoption subsequently passed. 

On the ascension of George I., in 1714, Newton became an 
object of profound interest at court. His position under govern¬ 
ment, his surpassing fame, his spotless character, and. above all, 
his deep and consistent piety, attracted the reverent regard of the 
Princess of Wales, afterward queen-consort to George II. She 
was a woman of a highly cultivated mind, and derived the greatest 
pleasure from conversing with Newton and corresponding with 
Leibnitz. One day, in conversation with her, our author men¬ 
tioned and explained a new system of chronology, which he had 
composed at Cambridge, where he had been in the habit “ of 
refreshing himself with history and chronology, when he wa° 
weary with other studies.” Subsequently, in the year 1718, she 
requested a copy of this interesting and ingenious work. Newton, 
accordingly, drew up an abstract of the system from the separate 
papers in which it existed, and gave it to her on condition that it 
should not be communicated to any other person. Sometime 
afterward she requested that the Abbe Conti might be allowed 
to have a copy of it. The author consented: and the abbe 
received a copy of the manuscript, under the like injunction and 
promise of secrecy. This manuscript bore the title of “ A short 
Chronicle, from the First Memory of Things in Europe, to the 
Conquest of Persia, by Alexander the Great.” 

After Newton took up his residence in London, he lived in a 
style suited to his elevated position and rank. He kept his car¬ 
riage, with an establishment of three male and three female serv¬ 
ants. But to everything like vain show and luxury he was utterly 
averse. His household affairs, for the last twenty years of his 
life, were under the charge of his niece, Mrs. Catherine Barton, 



wife and widow of Colonel Barton—a woman of great beauty and 
accomplishment—and subsequently married to John Conduit, Esq. 
At home Newton was distinguished by that dignified and gentle 
hospitality which springs alone from true nobleness. On all pro¬ 
per occasions, he gave splendid entertainments, though without 
ostentation. In society, whether of the palace or the cottage, 
his manner was self-possessed and urbane; his look benign and 
affable; his speech candid and modest; his whole air undisturb¬ 
edly serene. He had none of what are usually called the singu¬ 
larities of genius ; suiting himself easily to every company— 
except that of the vicious and wicked; and speaking of himself 
and others, naturally, so as never even to be suspected of vanity. 
There was in him, if we may be allowed the expression, a whole¬ 
ness of nature, which did not admit of such imperfections and 
weakness—the circle was too perfect, the law too constant, and 
the disturbing forces too slight to suffer scarcely any of those 
eccentricities which so interrupt and mar the movements of many 
bright spirits, rendering their course through the world more like 
that of the blazing meteor than that of the light and life-impart¬ 
ing sun. In brief, the words greatness and goodness could 
not, humanly speaking, be more fitly employed than when applied 
as the pre-eminent characteristics of this pure, meek and vene¬ 
rable sage. 

In the eightieth year of his age, Newton was seized with 
symptoms of stone in the bladder. His disease was pronounced 
incurable. He succeeded, however, by means of a strict regimen, 
and other precautions, in alleviating his complaint, and procuring 
long intervals of ease. His diet, always frugal, was now extremely 
temperate, consisting chiefly of broth, vegetables, and fruit, with, 
now and then, a little butcher meat. He gave up the use of his 
carriage, and employed, in its stead, when he went out, a chair. 
All invitations to dinner were declined; and only small parties 
were received, occasionally, at his own house. 

In 1724 he wrote to the Lord Provost of Edinburgh, offering 
to contribute twenty pounds yearly toward the salary of Mr. 
Maclaurin, provided he accepted the assistant Professorship of 
Mathematics in the University of that place. Not only in the 



cause of ingenuity and learning, but in that of religion—in relieving 
the poor and .assisting his relations, Newton annually expended 
large sums. He was generous and charitable almost to a fault. 
Those, he would often remark, who gave away nothing till they 
died, never gave at all. His wealth had become considerable by 
a prudent economy; but he regarded money in no other light 
than as one of the means wherewith he had been intrusted to do 
good, and he faithfully employed it accordingly. 

He experienced, in spite of all his precautionary measures, a 
return of his complaint in the month of August, of the same year, 
1724, when he passed a stone the size of pea ; it came from him 
in two pieces, the one at the distance of two days from the other. 
Tolerable good health then followed for some months. In Janu¬ 
ary, 1725, however, he was taken with a violent cough and inflam¬ 
mation of the lungs. In consequence of this attack, he was pre¬ 
vailed upon to remove to Kensington, where his health greatly 
improved. In February following, he was attacked in both feet 
with the gout, of the approach of which he had received, a few 
years before, a slight warning, and the presence of which now 
produced a very beneficial change in his general health. Mr. 
Conduit, his nephew, has recorded a curious conversation which 
took place, at or near this time, between himself and Sir Isaac. 

“I was, on Sunday night, the 7th March, 1724-5, at Kensing¬ 
ton, with Sir Isaac Newton, in his lodgings, just after he was out 
of a fit of the gout, which he had had in both of his feet, for the 
first time, in the eighty-third year of his age. He was better after 
it, and his head clearer and memory stronger than I had known 
them for some time. He then repeated to me, by way of dis¬ 
course, very distinctly, though rather in answer to my queries, 
than in one continued narration, what he had often hinted to me 
before, viz.: that it was his conjecture (he would affirm nothing) 
that there was a sort of revolution in the heavenly bodies ; that 
the vapours and light, emitted by the sun, which had their sedi¬ 
ment, as water and other matter, had gathered themselves, by 
degrees, into a body, and attracted more matter from the planets, 
and at last made a secondary planet (viz.: one of those that go 
round another planet), and then, by gathering to them, and 



attracting more matter, became a primary planet; and then, bf 
increasing still, became a comet, which, after certain revolutions, 
by coining nearer and nearer to the sun, had all its volatile parts 
condensed, and became a matter lit to recruit and replenish the 
sun (which must waste by the constant heat and light it emitted), 
as a faggot would this lire if put into it (we were sitting by a 
wood lire), and that that would probably be the effect of the 
comet of 1680, sooner or later ; for, by the observations made 
upon it, it appeared, before it came near the sun, with a tail only 
two or three degrees long ; but, by the heat it contracted, in going 
so near the sun, it seemed to have a tail of thirty or forty degrees 
when it went from it; that he could not say when this comet 
would drop into the sun; it might perhaps have live or six revo¬ 
lutions more first, but whenever it did it would so much increase 
the heat of the sun that this earth would be burned, and no ani : 
mals in it could live. That he took the three phenomena, seen 
by Hipparchus, Tycho Brahe, and Kepler’s disciples, to have been 
of this kind, for he could not otherwise account for an extraor¬ 
dinary light, as those were, appearing, all at once, among the 
the fixed stars (all which he took to be suns, enlightening other 
planets, as our sun does ours), as big as Mercury or Venus seems 
to us, and gradually diminishing, for sixteen months, and then 
sinking into nothing. He seemed to doubt whether there were 
not intelligent beings, superior to us, who superintended these 
revolutions of the heavenly bodies, by the direction of the Supreme 
Being. He appeared also to be very clearly of opinion that the 
inhabitants of this world were of short date, and alledged, as one 
reason for that opinion, that all arts, as^ letters, ships, printing, 
needle, &c., were discovered within the memory of history, which 
could not have happened if the world had been eternal; and that 
there were visible marks of ruin upon it which could not be 
effected by flood only. When I asked him how this earth could 
have been repeopled if ever it had undergone the same fate 
it was threatened with hereafter, by the comet of 1680, he 
answered, that required the power of a Creator. He said he 
took all the planets to be composed of the same matter with this 
earth, viz.: earth, water, stones, &c., but variously concocted. J 



asked him why he would not publish his conjectures, as conjec¬ 
tures, and instanced that Kepler had communicated his; and 
though he had not gone near so far as Kepler, yet Kepler’s 
guesses were so just and happy that they had been proved and 
demonstrated by him. His answer was, “I do not deal in con¬ 
jectures.” But, on my talking to him about the four observations 
that had been made of the comet of 1680, at 574 years’ distance, 
and asking him the particular times, he opened his Principia , 
which laid on the table, and showed me the particular periods, 
viz.: 1st. The Julium Sidus, in the time of Justinian, in 1106, 
in 1680. 

“ And I, observing that he said there of that comet, ‘ incidet 
in corpus solis,’ and in the next paragraph adds, ‘ stellae fixae 
refici possunt,’ told him I thought he owned there what we had 
been talking about, viz.: that the comet would drop into the sun, 
and that fixed stars were recruited and replenished by comets 
when they dropped into them; and, consequently, that the sun 
would be recruited too; and asked him why he would not own as 
fully what he thought of the sun as well as what he thought of 
the fixed stars. He said, ‘that concerned us more;’ and, laugh¬ 
ing, added, that he had said enough for people to know his 

In the summer of 1725, a French translation of the chronolo¬ 
gical MS., of which the Abbe Conti had been permitted, some 
time previous, to have a copy, was published at Paris, in violation 
of all good faith. The Punic Abbe had continued true to his 
promise of secrecy while he remained in England ; but no sooner 
did he reach Paris than he placed the manuscript into the hands 
of M. Freret, a learned antiquarian, who translated the work, and 
accompanied it with an attempted refutation of the leading points 
of the system. In November, of the same year, Newton received 
a presentation copy of this publication, which bore the title of 
Abrege de Chronologie de M. le Chevalier Newton, fait 


afterward a paper entitled, Remarks on tfe Obervations made 
on a Chronological Index of Sir Isaac Newton, translated 
into French by the Observator, ane published at Paris, 



was drawn up by our author, and printed in the Philosophical 
Transactions for 1725. It contained a history of the whole 
matter, and a triumphant reply to the objections of M. Freret. 
This answer called into the field a fresh antagonist, Father Soueiet, 
whose five dissertations on this subject were chiefiy remarkable 
for the want of knowledge and want of decorum, which they 
displayed. In consequence of these discussions, Newton was in¬ 
duced to prepare his larger work for the press, and had nearly 
completed it at the time of his death. It was published in 1728, 
under the title of The Chronology of the Ancient Kingdoms 
Amended, to which is prefixed a short Chronicle from the 


Persia by Alexander the Great. It consists of six chap¬ 
ters: 1. On the Chronology of the Greeks; according to Whis- 
ton, our author wrote out eighteen copies of this chapter with his 
own hand, differing little from one another. 2. Of the Empire 
of Egypt; 3. Of the Assyrian Empire ; 4. Of the two contempo¬ 
rary Empires of the Babylonians and Medes; 5. A Description 
of the Temple of Solomon ; 6. Of the Empire of the Persians ; 
this chapter was not found copied with the other five, but as it 
was discovered among his papers, and appeared to be a continu¬ 
ation of the same work, the Editor thought proper to add it 
thereto. Newton's Letter to a person of distinction who 
had desired his opinion of the learned Bishop Lloyd’s 
Hypothesis concerning the form of tiie most ancient 
v ear, closes this enumeration of his Chronological Writings. 

A third edition of the Principia appeared in 1726, with many 
changes and additions. About four years were consumed in its 
preparation and publication, w T hich were under the superintend¬ 
ance of Dr. Henry Pemberton, an accomplished mathematician, 
and the author of “A view of Sir Isaac Newton’s Philo¬ 
sophy.” 1728. This gentleman enjoyed numerous opportunities 
of conversing with the aged and illustrious author. “ I found,” 
says Pemberton, “ he had read fewer of the modern mathemati¬ 
cians than one could have expected; but his own prodigious 
invention readily supplied him with what he might have an occa¬ 
sion for in the pursuit of any subject he undertook. I have often 



heard him censure the handling geometrical subjects ly algebraic 
calculations; and his book of Algebra he called by the name of 
Universal Arithmetic, in opposition to the injudicious title of 
Geometry, which Descartes had given to the treatise, wherein he 
shows how the geometer may assist his invention by such kind 
of computations. He thought Huygens the most elegant of any 
mathematical writer of modern times, and the most just imitator 
of the ancients. Of their taste and form of demonstration, Sir 
Isaac always professed himself a great admirer. I have heard 
him even censure himself for not following them yet more closely 
than he did ; and speak with regret of his mistake at the begin¬ 
ning of his mathematical studies, in applying himself to the works 
of Descartes and other algebraic writers, before he had considered 
the elements of Euclid with that attention which so excellent a 
writer deserves.” 

“ Though his memory was much decayed,” continues Dr. Pem¬ 
berton, “he perfectly understood his own writings.” And even 
this failure of memory, we would suggest, might have been more 
apparent than real, or, in medical terms, more the result of func¬ 
tional weakness than organic decay. Newton seems never to 
have confided largely to his memory: and as this faculty mani¬ 
fests the most susceptibility to cultivation ; so, in the neglect of 
due exercise, it more readily and plainly shows a diminution of 
its powers. 

Equanimity and temperance had, indeed, preserved Newton 
singularly free from all mental and bodily ailment. His hair was, 
to the last, quite thick, though as white as silver. He never 
made use of spectacles, and lost but one tooth to the day of his 
death. He was of middle stature, well-knit, and, in the latter 
part of his life, somewhat inclined to be corpulent. Mr. Conduit 
says, “ he had a very lively and piercing eye, a comely and gra¬ 
cious aspect, with a fine head of hair, white as silver, without any 
baldness, and when his peruke was off was a venerable sight.” 
According to Bishop Atterbury, “in the whole air of his face and 
make there was nothing of that penetrating sagacity which 
appears in his compositions. He had something rather languid 
in his look and manner which did not raise any great expectation 



in those who did not know him.” Hearne remarks, “ Sir Isaac 
was a man of no very promising aspect. He was a short, well- 
set man. He was full of thought, and spoke very little in com¬ 
pany, so that his conversation was not agreeable. When he rode 
in his coach, one arm would be out of his coach on one side and 
the other on the other.” These different accounts we deem 
easily reconcilable. In the rooms of the Royal Society, in the 
street, or in mixed assemblages, Newton’s demeanour—always 
courteous, unassuming and kindly—still had in it the overawings 
of a profound repose and reticency, out of which the communica¬ 
tive spirit, and the “lively and piercing eye” would only gleam 
in the quiet and unrestrained freedom of his own fire-side. 

“ But this I immediately discovered in him,” adds Pemberton, 
still further, “ which at once both surprised and charmed me. 
Neither his extreme great age, nor his universal reputation had 
rendered him stiff in opinion, or in any degree elated. Of this I 
had occasion to have almost daily experience. The remarks I 
continually sent him by letters on his Principia, were received 
with the utmost goodness. These were so far from being any¬ 
ways displeasing to him, that, on the contrary, it occasioned him 
to speak many kind things of me to my friends, and to honour me 
with a public testimony of his good opinion.” A modesty, open¬ 
ness, and generosity, peculiar to the noble and comprehensive 
spirit of Newton. “ Full of w T isdom and perfect in beauty,” yet 
not lifted up by pride nor corrupted by ambition. None, how¬ 
ever, knew so well as himself the stupendousness of his discoveries 
in comparison with all that had been previously achieved; and 
none realized so thoroughly as himself the littleness thereof in 
comparison with the vast region still unexplored. A short time 
before his death he uttered this memorable sentiment:—“ I do not 
know what I may appear to the world; but to myself I seem to 
have been only like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting 
myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier 
shell than ordinary, while the great ocean of truth lay all undis¬ 
covered before me.” How few ever reach the shore even, much 
less find “ a smoother pebble or a prettier shell!” 

Newton had now resided about two years at Kensington; and 



the air which he enjoyed there, and the state of absolute rest, 
proved of great benefit to him. Nevertheless he would occasion¬ 
ally go to town. And on Tuesday, the 28th of February, 1727, 
he proceeded to London, for the purpose of presiding at a meeting 
of the Royal Society. At this time his health was considered, 
by Mr. Conduit, better than it had been for many years. But 
the unusual fatigue he was obliged to suffer, in attending the 
meeting, and in paying and receiving visits, speedily produced a 
violent return of the affection in the bladder. He returned to 
Kensington on Saturday, the 4th of March. Dr. Mead and Dr. 
Cheselden attended him; they pronounced his disease to be the 
stone, and held out no hopes of recovery. On Wednesday, the 
15th of March, he seemed a little better; and slight, though 
groundless, encouragement was felt that he might survive the 
attack. From the very first of it, his sufferings had been intense. 
Paroxysm followed paroxysm, in quick succession: large drops 
)f sweat rolled down his face; but not a groan, not a complaint, 
not the least mark of peevishness or impatience escaped him: 
and during the short intervals of relief, he even smiled and con¬ 
versed with his usual composure and cheerfulness. The flesh 
quivered, but the heart quaked not; the impenetrable gloom was 
settling down: the Destroyer near; the portals of the tomb 
opening, still, amid this utter wreck and dissolution of the mortal, 
the immortal remained serene, unconquerable: the radiant light 
broke through the gathering darkness ; and Death yielded up its 
sting, and the grave its victory. On Saturday morning, 18th, 
he read the newspapers, and carried on a pretty long conversation 
with Dr. Mead. His senses and faculties were then strong and 
vigorous ; but at six o’clock, the same evening, he became insen¬ 
sible ; and in this state he continued during the whole of Sunday, 
and till Monday, the 20th, when he expired, between one and 
two o’clock in the morning, in the eighty-fifth year of his age. 

And these were the last days of Isaac Newton. Thus closed 
the career of one of earth’s greatest and best men. His mission 
was fulfilled. Unto the Giver, in many-fold addition, the talents 
were returned. While it was yet day he had worked; and for 
the night that quickly cometh he was not unprepared. Full of 



years, md full of honours, the heaven-sent was recalled; and, in 
the confidence of a “ certain hope,” peacefully he passed awaj 
into the silent depths of Eternity. 

His body was placed in Westminster Abbey, with the state 
and ceremonial that usually attended the interment of the most 
distinguished. In 1731, his relatives, the inheritors of his personal 
estate, erected a monument to his memory in the most conspicu¬ 
ous part of the Abbey, which had often been refused by the dean 
and chapter to the greatest of England’s nobility. During the 
same year a medal was struck at the Tower in his honour; and, 
in 1755, a full-length statue of him, in white marble, admirably 
executed, by Roubiliac, at the expense of Dr. Robert Smith, was 
erected in the ante-chamber of Trinity College, Cambridge. 
There is a painting executed in the glass of one of the windows 
of the same college, made pursuant to the will of Dr. Smith, who 
left five hundred pounds for that purpose. 

Newton left a personal estate of about thirty-two thousand 
pounds. It was divided among his four nephews and four nieces 
of the half blood, the grand-children of his mother, by the Reve¬ 
rend Mr. Smith. The family estates of Woolsthorpe and Sustern 
fell to John Newton, the heir-at-law, whose great grand-father 
was Sir Isaac’s uncle. Before his death he made an equitable 
distribution of his two other estates: the one in Berkshire to the 
sons and daughter of a brother of Mrs. Conduit; and the other, 
at Kensington, to Catharine, the only daughter of Mr. Conduit, 
and who afterward became Viscountess Lymington. Mr. Con¬ 
duit succeeded to the offices of the Mint, the duties of which he 
had discharged during the last two years of Sir Isaac’s life. 

Our author’s works are found in the collection of Castilion, 
Berlin, 1744, 4to. 8 tom.; in Bishop Horsley’s Edition, London, 
1779, 4to. 5 vol.; in the Biographia Brittannica, &c. Newton 
also published Bern. Varenii Geographia, &c., 1681, 8vo. 
There are, however, numerous manuscripts, letters, and other 
papers, which have never been given to the world: these are 
preserved, in various collections, namely, in the library of Trinity 
College, Cambridge; in the library of Corpus Christi College, 
Oxford; in the library of Lord Macclesfield; and, lastly and 



chiefly, in the possession of the family of the Earl of Portsmouth, 
through the Viscountess Lymington. 

Everything appertaining to Newton has been kept and che¬ 
rished with peculiar veneration. Different memorials of him are 
preserved in Trinity College, Cambridge; in the rooms of the 
Royal Society, of London ; and in the Museum of the Royal 
Society of Edinburgh. 

The manor-house, at Woolsthorpe, was visited by Dr. Stuke 
ley, in October, 1721, who, in a letter to Dr. Mead, written in 
1727, gave the following description of it:—’Tis built of stone, 
as is the way of the country hereabouts, and a reasonably good 
one. They led me up stairs and showed me Sir Isaac’s stud) , 
where I supposed he studied, when in the country, in his younger 
days, or perhaps when he visited his mother from the University. 
I observed the shelves were of his own making, being pieces of 
deal boxes, which probably he sent his books and clothes down 
in on those occasions. There were, some years ago, two or threr 
hundred books in it of his father-in-law, Mr. Smith, which Sir 
Isaac gave to Dr. Newton, of our town.” The celebrated apple- 
tree, the fall of one of the apples of which is said to have turned 
the attention of Newton to the subject of gravity, was destroyed 
by the wind about twenty years ago; but it has been preserved 
in the form of a chair. The house itself has been protected with 
religious care. It was repaired in 1798, and a tablet of white 
marble put up in the room where our author was born, with the 
following inscription :— 

“ Sir Isaac Newton, son of John Newton, Lord of the Manor 
of Woolsthorpe, was born in this room, on the 25th of December, 

Nature and Nature’s Laws were hid in night, 

God said, “ Let Newton be,” and all was light. 


Since the ancients (as we are told by Pappus), made great account of 
the science of mechanics in the investigation of natural things: and the 
moderns, laying aside substantial forms and occult qualities, have endeav¬ 
oured to subject the phenomena of nature to the laws of mathematics, I 
have in this treatise cultivated mathematics so far as it regards philosophy. 
I'he ancients considered mechanics in a twofold respect; as rational, which 
proceeds accurately by demonstration; and practical. To practical me¬ 
chanics all the manual arts belong, from which mechanics took its name. 
But as artificers do not work with perfect accuracy, it comes to pass that 
mechanics is so distinguished from geometry, that what is perfectly accu¬ 
rate is called geometrical; what is less so, is called mechanical. But the 
errors are not in the art, but in the artificers. He that works with less 
accuracy is an imperfect mechanic; and if any could work with perfect 
accuracy, he would be the most perfect mechanic of all; for the description 
if right lines and circles, upon which geometry is founded, belongs to me¬ 
chanics. Geometry does not teach us to draw these lines, but requires 
them to be drawn ; for it requires that the learner should f rst be taught 
to describe these accurately, before he enters upon geometry ; then it shows 
how by these operations problems may be solved. To describe right lines 
and circles are problems, but not geometrical problems. The solution of 
these problems is required from mechanics; and by geometry the use of 
them, when so solved, is shown ; and it is the glory of geometry that from 
those few principles, brought from without, it is able to produce so many 
things. Therefore geometry is founded in mechanical practice, and is 
nothing but that part of universal mechanics which accurately proposes 
and demonstrates the art of measuring. But since the manual arts arc 
chiefly conversant in the moving of bodies, it comes to pass that geometry 
is commonly referred to their magnitudes, and mechanics to their motion. 
In this sense rational mechanics will be the science of motions resulting 
from any forces whatsoever, and of the forces required to produce any mo¬ 
tions, accurately proposed and demonstrated. This part of mechanics was 



cultivated by the ancients in the five powers which relate to manual arts 
who considered gravity (it not being a manual power), fro otherwise than 
as it moved weights by those powers. Our design not respecting arts, hut 
philosophy, and our subject not manual but natural powers, we consider 
chiefly those things which relate to gravity, levity, elastic force, the resist¬ 
ance of fluids, and the like forces, whether attractive or impulsive; and 
therefore we offer this work as the mathematical principles :f philosophy; for 
all the difficulty of philosophy seems to consist in this—from the phenom¬ 
ena of motions to investigate the forces of nature, and then from these 
forces to demonstrate the other phenomena; and to this end the general 
propositions in the first and second book are directed. In the third book 
we give an example of this in the explication of the System of the World ; 
for by the propositions mathematically demonstrated in the former books, 
we in the third derive from the celestial phenomena the forces of gravity 
with which bodies tend to the sun and the several planets. Then from these 
forces, by other propositions which are also mathematical, we deduce the mo¬ 
tions of the planets, the comets, the moon, and the sea. I wish we could de¬ 
rive the rest of the phenomena of nature by the same kind of reasoning from 
mechanical principles; for I am induced by many reasons to suspect that 
they may all depend upon certain forces by which the particles of bodies, 
by some causes hitherto unknown, are either mutually impelled towards 
each other, and cohere in regular figures, or are repelled and recede from 
each other; which forces being unknown, philosophers have hitherto at¬ 
tempted the search of nature in vain; but I hope the principles here laid 
down will afford some light either to this or some truer method of philosophy. 

In the publication of this work the most acute and universally learned 
Mr. Edmund Halley not only assisted me with his pains in correcting the 
press and taking care of the schemes, but it was to his solicitations that its 
becoming public is owing; for when he had obtained of me my demonstra¬ 
tions of the figure of the celestial orbits, he continually pressed me to com¬ 
municate the same to the Rnycd Society, who afterwards, by their kind en¬ 
couragement and entreaties, engaged me to think of publishing them. But 
after I had begun to consider the inequalities of the lunar motions, and 
had entered upon some other things relating to the laws and measures of 
gravity, and other forces; and the figures that would be described by bodies 
attracted according to given laws; and the motion of several bodies moving 
among themselves; the motion of bodies in resisting mediums; the forces, 
densities, and motions, of m< Hums; the orbits of the comets, and such like; 

the author’s preface. lxix 

deferred that publication till I bad made a search into those matters, and 
could put forth the whole together. What relates to the lunar motions (be¬ 
ing imperfect), I have put all together in the corollaries of Prop. 66, to 
avoid being obliged to propose and distinctly demonstrate the several things 
there contained in a method more prolix than the subject deserved, and in¬ 
terrupt the series of the several propositions. Some things, found out after 
the rest, I chose to insert in places less suitable, rather than change the 
number of the propositions and the citations. I heartily beg that what 1 
have here done may be read with candour; and that the defects in a 
subject so difficult be not so much reprehended as kindly supplied, and in¬ 
vestigated by new endeavours of my readers. 


Cambridge, Trinity Couege May 8, l*)8b\ 

In the second edition the second section of the first book was enlarged. 
In the seventh section of the second book the theory of the resistances of fluids 
was more accurately investigated, and confirmed by new experiments. In 
the third book the moon’s theory and the praecession of the equinoxes were 
more fully deduced from their principles; and the theory of the comets 
was confirmed by more examples of the calculati m of their orbits, done 
also with greater accuracy. 

In this third edition the resistance of mediums is somewhat more largely 
handled than before; and new experiments of the resistance of heavy 
bodies falling in air are added. In the third book, the argument to prove 
that the moon is retained in its orbit by the force of gravity is enlarged 
on; and there are added new observations of Mr. Pound’s of the proportion 
of the diameters of Jupiter to each other: there are, besides, added Mr. 
Kirk’s observations of the comet in 16S0; the orbit of that comet com¬ 
puted in an ellipsis by Dr. Halley; and the ortit of the comet in 1723 
computed by Mr. Bradley. 







The quantity of matter is the measure of the same , arising from its 
density arid hulk conjunctly. 

Thus air of a double density, in a double space, is quadruple in quan- 
ti ty; in a triple space, sextuple in quantity. The same thing is to be un¬ 
derstood of snow, and fine dust or powders, that are condensed by compres¬ 
sion or liquefaction ; and of all bodies that are by any causes whatever 
differently condensed. I -have no regard in this place to a medium, if any 
such there is, that freely pervades the interstices between the parts of 
bodies. It is this quantity that I mean hereafter everywhere under the 
name of body or mass. And the same is known by the weight of each * 
body; for it is proportional to the weight, as I have found by experiments 
on pendulums, very accurately made, which shall be shewn hereafter. 


The quantity of motion is the measure of the same . arising from the 
velocity and quantity of matter conjunctly. 

The motion of the whole is the sum of the motions of all the parts; and 
therefore in a body double in quantity, with equal velocity, the motion is 
louble; with twice the velocity, it is quadruple. 


The vis insita, or innate force of matter , is a power of resisting , by 
which every body , as much as in it lies , endeavours to persevere in its 
present state , whether it be of rest , or of moving uniformly forward 
in a right line. 

This force is ever proportional to the body whose force it is; and differs 
nothing from the inactivity of the mass, but in our manner of conceiving 



it. A body, from the inactivity of matter, is not without difficulty put out 
of its state of rest or motion. Upon which account, this vis insita , may, 
by a most significant name, be called vis inertice , or force of inactivity. 
But a body exerts this force only, when another force, impressed upon it, 
endeavours to change its condition; and the exercise of this force may be 
considered both as resistance and impulse; it is resistance, in so far as the 
body, for maintaining its present state, withstands the force impressed; it 
is impulse, in so far as the body, by not easily giving way to the impressed 
force of another, endeavours to change the state of that other. Resistance 
is usually ascribed to bodies at rest, and impulse to those in motion; 
but motion and rest, as commonly conceived, are only relatively distin¬ 
guished ; nor are those bodies always truly at rest, which commonly are 
taken to be so. 


An impressed force is an action exerted upon a body , in order to change 
its state , either of rest , or of moving uniformly forward in a right 

This force consists in the action only; and remains no longer in the 
Body, when the action is over. For a body maintains every new state it 
acquires, by its vis inertice only. Impressed forces are of different origins • 
as from percussion, from pressure, from centripetal force. 


A centripetal force is that by irhich bodies are drawn or impelled, or any 
way tend , towards a point as to a centre. 

Of this sort is gravity, by which bodies tend to the centre of the earth 
magnetism, by which iron tends to the loadstone; and that force, what 
ever it is, by which the planets are perpetually drawn aside from the rec¬ 
tilinear motions, which otherwise they would pursue, and made to revolve 
in curvilinear orbits. A stone, whirled about in a sling, endeavours to re¬ 
cede from the hand that turns it; and by that endeavour, distends the 
sling, and that with so much the greater force, as it is revolved with the 
greater velocity, and as soon as ever it is let go, flies away. That force 
which opposes itself to this endeavour, and by which the sling perpetually 
draws back the stone towards the hand, and retains it in its orbit, because 
it is directed to the hand as the centre of the orbit, I call the centripetal 
force. And the same thing is to be understood of all bodies, revolved in 
any orbits. They all endeavour to recede from the centres of their orbits; 
and wore it not for the opposition of a contrary force which restrains them 
to, and detains them in their orbits, winch I therefore call centripetal, would 
fly off in right lines, with an uniform motion. A projectile, if it was not 
for the force of gravity, would not deviate towards the earth, tut would 



go off from it in a right line, and that with an uniform motion,,if the re¬ 
sistance of the air was taken away. It is by its gravity that it is drawn 
aside perpetually from its rectilinear course, and made to deviate towards 
the earth, more or less, according to the force of its gravity, and the velo¬ 
city of its motion. The less its gravity is, for the quantity of its matter, 
or the greater the velocity with which it is projected, the less will it devi¬ 
ate from a rectilinear course, and the farther it will go. ( If a leaden ball, 
projected from the top of a mountain by the force of gunpowder with a 
given velocity, and in a direction parallel to the horizon, is carried in a 
curve line to the distance of two miles before it falls to the ground; the 
same, if the resistance of the air were taken away, with a double or decuple 
velocity, would fly twice or ten times as far. And by increasing the velo¬ 
city, we may at pleasure increase the distance to which it might be pro¬ 
jected, and diminish the curvature of the line, which it might describe, till 
at last it should fall at the distance of 10, 30, or 90 degrees, or even might 
go quite round the whole earth before it falls; or lastly, so that it might 
never fall to the earth, but go forward into the celestial spaces, and pro¬ 
ceed in its motion in infinitum. And after the same manner that a pro¬ 
jectile, by the force of gravity, may be made to revolve in an orbit, and go 
round the whole earth, the moon also, either by the force of gravity, if it 
is endued with gravity, or by any other force, that impels it towards the 
earth, may be perpetually drawn aside towards the earth, out of the recti¬ 
linear way, which by its innate force it would pursue; and would be made 
to revolve in the orbit which it now describes; nor could the moon with¬ 
out some such force, be retained in its orbit. If this force was too small, 
it would not sufficiently turn the moon out of a rectilinear course: if it 
was too great, it would turn it too much, and draw down the moon from 
its orbit towards the earth. It is necessary, that the force be of a just 
quantity, and it belongs to the mathematicians to find the force, that may 
serve exactly to retain a body in a given orbit, with a given velocity; and 
vice versa , to determine the curvilinear way, into which a body projected 
from a given place, with a given velocity, may be made to deviate from 
its natural rectilinear way, by means of a given force. 

The quantity of any centripetal force may be considered as of three 
kinds; abjoluT, accelerative, and motive. 


The absolute quantity of a centripetal force is the measure of the same 

proportional to the eficacy of the cause that pi opagates it from the cen¬ 
tre, through the spaces round about. 

Thus the magnetic force is greater in one load-stone and less in another 
according to their sizes and strength of intensity. 




TIw accelerative quantity of a centripetal force is the measure of tht 
sa?ne, proportional to the velocity which it generates in a given time . 

Thus the force of the same load-stone is greater at a less distance, and 
less at a greater: also the force of gravity is greater in valleys, less on 
tops of exceeding high mountains; and yet less (as shall hereafter he shown), 
at greater distances from the body of the earth; but at equal distan¬ 
ces, it is the same everywhere; because (taking away, or allowing for, the 
resistance of the air), it equally accelerates all falling bodies, whether heavy 
or light, great or small. 


Tlie motive quantity of a centripetal force , is the measure of the sanu\ 

proportional to the motion which it generates in a given tinw. 

Thus the weight is greater in a greater body, less in a less body; and. 
in the same body, it is greater near to the earth, and less at remoter dis¬ 
tances. This sort of quantity is the centripetency, or propension of the 
whole body towards the centre, or, as I may say, its weight; and it is al¬ 
ways known by the quantity of an equal and contrary force just sufficient 
to Ifinder the descent of the body. 

These quantities of forces, we may, for brevity's sake, call by the names 
of motive, accelerative, and absolute forces; and, for distinction’s sake, con¬ 
sider them, with respect to the bodies that tend to the centre; to the places 
of those bodies; and to the centre of force towards which they tend ; that 
is to say, I refer the motive force to the body as an endeavour and propen¬ 
sity of the whole towards a centre, arising from the propensities of the 
several parts taken together; the accelerative force to the place of the 
body, as a certain power or energy diffused from the centre to all places 
around to move the bodies that are in them; and the absolute force to 
the centre, as endued with some cause, without which those motive forces 
would not be propagated through the spaces round about; whether that 
cause be some central body (su;h as is the load-stone, in the centre of the 
magnetic force, or the earth in the centre of the gravitating force), or 
anything else that does not yet appear. For I here design only to give a 
mathematical notion of those forces, without considering their physical 
causes and seats. 

Wherefore the accelerative force will stand in the same relation to the 
motive, as celerity does to motion. For the quantity of motion arises from 
the celerity drawn into the quantity of matter; and the motive force arises 
from the accelerative force drawn into the same quantity of matter. For 
the sum of the actions of the accelerative force, upon the several ■ articles 
of the body, is the motive force of the whole. Hence it is, that near the 


1 , 

surface of the earth, where the accelerative gravity, or force productive of 
gravity, in all bodies is the same, the motive gravity or the weight is as 
the body: but if we should ascend to higher regions, where the accelerative 
gravity is less, the weight would be equally diminished, and would always 
be as the product of the body, by the accelerative gravity. So in those re¬ 
gions, where the accelerative gravity is diminished into one half, the weight 
of a body two or three times less, will be four or six times less. 

I likewise call attractions and impulses, in the same sense, accelerative, 
and motive; and use the words attraction, impulse or propensity of any 
sort towards a centre, promiscuously, and indifferently, one for another; 
considering those forces not physically, but mathematically: wherefore, the 
reader is not to imagine, that by those words, I anywhere take upon me to 
define the kind, or the manner of any action, the causes or the physical 
reason thereof, or that I attribute forces, in a true and physical sense, to 
certain centres (which are only mathematical points); when at any time I 
happen to speak of centres as attracting, or as endued with attractive 


Hitherto I have laid down the definitions of such words as are less 
known, and explained the sense in which I would have them to be under¬ 
stood in the following discourse. I do not define time, space, place and 
motion, as being well known to all. Only I must observe, that the vulgar 
conceive those quantities under no other notions but from the relation they 
bear to sensible objects. And thence arise certain prejudices, for the re¬ 
moving of which, it will be convenient to distinguish them into absolute 
and relative, true and apparent, mathematical and common. 

I. Absolute, true, and mathematical time, of itself, and from its own na¬ 
ture flows equably without regard to anything external, and by another 
name is called duration: relative, apparent, and common time, is some sen¬ 
sible and external (whether accurate or unequable) measure of duration by 
the means of motion, which is commonly used instead of true time; such 
as an hour, a day, a month, a year. 

II. Absolute space, in its own nature, without regard to anything exter¬ 
nal, remains always similar and immovable. Relative space is some mo¬ 
vable dimension or measure of the absolute spaces; which our senses de¬ 
termine by its position to bodies; and which is vulgarly taken for immo¬ 
vable space; such is the-dimension of a subterraneous, an aereal, or celestial 
space, determined by its position in respect of the earth. Absolute and 
relative space, are the same in figure and magnitude; but they do not re¬ 
main always numerically the same. For if the earth, for instance, moves, 
a space of our air, which relatively and in respect of the earth remains al¬ 
ways the same, will at one time be one part of the absolute space into which 



the air passes; at another time it will be another part of the same, and so, 
absolutely understood, it will be perpetually mutable. 

III. Place is a part of space which a body takes up, and is according to 
the space, either absolute or relative. I say, a part of space; not the situation, 
nor the external surface of the body. For the places of equal solids are 
always equal; but their superfices, by reason of their dissimilar figures, are 
often unequal. Positions properly have no quantity, nor are they so much 
the places themselves, as the properties of places. The motion of the whole 
is the same thing with the sum of the motions of the parts; that is, the 
translation of the whole, out of its place, is the same thing with the sum 
of the translations of the parts out of their places; and therefore the place 
of the whole is the same thing with the sum of the places of the parts, and 
for that reason, it is internal, and in the whole body. 

IY. Absolute motion is the translation of a body from one absolute 
place into another; and relative motion, the translation from one relative 
place into another. Thus in a ship under sail, the relative place of a body 
is that part of the ship which the body possesses; or that part of its cavity 
which the body fills, and which therefore moves together with the ship : 
and relative rest is the continuance of the body in the same part of the 
ship, or of its cavity. But real, absolute rest, is the continuance of the 
body in the same part of that immovable space, in which the ship itself, 
its cavity, and all that it contains, is moved. Wherefore, if the earth is 
really at rest, the body, which relatively rests in the ship, will really and 
absolutely move with the same velocity which the ship has on the earth. 
But if the earth also moves, the true and absolute motion of the body will 
arise, partly from the true motion of the earth, in immovable space; partly 
from the relative motion of the ship on the earth; and if the body moves 
also relatively in the ship; its true motion will arise, partly from the true 
motion of the earth, in immovable space, and partly from the relative mo¬ 
tions as well of the ship on the earth, as of the body in the ship; and from 
these relative motions will arise the relative motion of the body on the 
earth. As if that part of the earth, where the ship is, was truly moved 
toward the east, with a velocity of 10010 parts; while the ship itself, with 
a fresh gale, and full sails, is carried towards the west, with a velocity ex¬ 
pressed by 10 of those parts ; but a sailor walks in the ship towards the 
east, with 1 part of the said velocity; then the sailor will be moved truly 
in immovable space towards the east, with a velocity of 10001 parts, and 
relatively on the earth towards the west, with a velocity of 9 of those parts. 

Absolute time, in astronomy, is distinguished from relative, by the equa¬ 
tion or correction of the vulgar time. For the natural days are truly un¬ 
equal, though they are commonly considered as equal, and used for a meas¬ 
ure of time; astronomers correct thi3 inequality for their more accurate 
deducing of the celestial motions. It may be, that there is no such thing 
as an equable motion, whereby time may bo accurately measured. All mo 



tions may be accelerated and retarded,; but the true, or equable, progress of 
absolute time is liable to no change. The duration or perseverance of the 
existence of tilings remains the same, whether the motions are swift or slow, 
or none at all: and therefore it ought to be distinguished from what are 
only sensible measures thereof; and out of which we collect it, by means 
of the astronomical equation. The necessity of which equation, for deter¬ 
mining the times of a phenomenon, is evinced as well from the experiments 
of the pendulum clock, as by eclipses of the satellites of Jupiter. 

As the order of the parts of time is immutable, so also is the order of 
the parts of space. Suppose those parts to be moved out of their places, and 
they will be moved (if the expression may be allowed) out of themselves. 
For times and spaces are, as it were, the places as well of themselves as of 
all other things. All things are placed in time as to order of succession; 
and in space as „to order of situation. It is from their essence or nature 
that they are places; and that the primary places of things should be 
moveable, is absurd. These are therefore the absolute places; and trans¬ 
lations out of those places, are the only absolute motions. 

But because the parts of space cannot be seen, or distinguished from one 
another by our senses, therefore in their stead we use sensible measures of 
them. For from the positions and distances of things from any body con¬ 
sidered as immovable, we define all places; and then with respect to such 
places, we estimate all motions, considering bodies as transferred from some 
of those places into others. And'so, instead of absolute places and motions, 
we use relative ones; and that without any inconvenience in common af¬ 
fairs ; but in philosophical disquisitions, we ought to abstract from our 
senses, and consider things themselves, distinct from what are only sensible 
measures of them. For it may be that there is no body really at rest, to 
which the places and motions of others may be referred. 

But we may distinguish rest and motion, absolute and relative, one from 
the other by their properties, causes and effects. It is a property of rest, - 
that bodies really at rest do rest in respect to one another. And therefore 
as it is possible, that in the remote regions of the fixed stars, or perhaps 
far beyond them, there may be some body absolutely at rest; but impossi¬ 
ble to know, from the position of bodies to one another in our regions 
whether any of these do keep the same position to that remote body; it 
follows that absolute rest cannot be determined from the position of bodies 
in our regions. 

It is a property of motion, that the parts, which retain given positions 
to their wholes, do partake of the motions of those wholes. For all the 
parts of revolving bodies endeavour to recede from the axis of motion; 
and the impetus of bodies moving forward, arises from the joint impetus 
of all the parts. Therefore, if surrounding bodies are moved, those that 
are relatively at rest within them, will partake of their motion. Upon 
which account, the true and absolute motion of a body cannot be deter- 



mined by the translation of it from those which only seem to rest; for the 
external bodies ought not only to appear at rest, but to be really at rest, 
For otherwise, all included bodies, beside their translation from near the 
surrounding ones, partake likewise of their true motions; and though that 
translation were not made they would not be really at rest, but only seem 
to be so. For the surrounding bodies stand in the like relation to the 
surrounded as the exterior part of a whole docs to the interior, or as the 
shell does to the kernel; but, if the shell moves, the kernel will also 
move, as being part of the whole, without any removal from near the shell. 

A property, near akin to the preceding, is this, that if a place is moved, 
whatever is placed therein moves along with it; and therefore a body, 
which is moved from a place in motion, partakes also of the motion of its 
place. Upon which account, all motions, from places in motion, are no 
other than parts of entire and absolute motions; and every entire motion 
is composed of the motion of the body out of its first place, and the 
motion of this place out of its place; and so on, until we come to some 
immovable place, as in the before-mentioned example of the sailor. Where¬ 
fore, entire and absolute motions can be no otherwise determined than by 
immovable places: and for that reason I did before refer thoso absolute 
motions to immovable places, but relative ones to movable places. Now 
no other places are immovable but those that, from infinity to infinity, do „ 
all retain the same given position one to another; and upon this account 
must ever remain unmoved; and do thereby constitute immovable space. 

The causes by which true and relative motions are distinguished, one 
from the other, arc the forces impressed upon bodies to generate motion. 
True motion is neither generated nor altered, but by some force impressed 
upon the body moved; but relative motion may be generated or altered 
without any force impressed upon the body. For it is sufficient only to 
impress some force on other bodies with which the former is compared, 
that by their giving way, that relation may be changed, in which the re¬ 
lative rest or motion of this other body did consist. Again, true motion 
suffers always some change from any force impressed upon the moving 
body ; but relative motion does not necessarily undergo any change by such 
forces. For if the same forces are likewise impressed on those other bodies, 
with which the comparison is made, that the relative position may be pre¬ 
served, then that condition will be preserved in which the relative motion 
consists. And therefore any relative motion may be changed when the 
true motion remains unaltered, and the relative may be preserved when the 
true suffers some change. Upon which accounts, true motion does by no 
means consist in such relations. 

The effects which distinguish absolute from relative motion are, the 
forces of receding from the axis of circular motion. For there are no such 
forces in a circular motion purely relative, but in a true and absolute cir¬ 
cular motion, they are greater or less, according t» the quantity of the 



motion. If a vessel, lmng by a long cord, is so often turned about that the 
cord is strongly twisted, then filled Avith Avater, and held at rest together 
with the Avater; after, by the sudden action of another force, it is whirled 
about the contrary way, and Avhile the cord is untAvisting itself, the vessel 
continues for some time in this motion; the surface of the Avater will at 
first be plain, as before the vessel began to move ; but the vessel, by grad¬ 
ually communicating its motion to the water, Avill make it begin sensibly 
t to revolve, and recede by little and little from the middle, and ascend to the 
sides of the vessel, forming itself into a concave figure (as I have experi¬ 
enced), and the SAvifter the motion becomes, the higher Avill the Avater rise, 
till at last, performing its revolutions in the same times Avith the vessel, 
it becomes relatively at rest in it. This ascent of the Avater shows its en¬ 
deavour to recede from the axis of its motion; and the true and absolute 
circular motion of the Avater, Avhich is here directly contrary to the rela¬ 
tive, discovers itself, and may be measured by this endeavour. At first. 
Avhen the relative motion of the Avater in the vessel Avas greatest, it pro¬ 
duced no endeavour to recede from the axis; the Avater showed no tendency 
to the circumference, nor any ascent towards the sides of the vessel, but 
remained of a plain surface, and therefore its true circular motion had not 
yet begun. But afterwards, Avhen the relative motion of the Avater had 
decreased, the ascent thereof toAvards the sides of the vessel proved its en¬ 
deavour to recede from the axis; and this endeavour shoAved the real cir¬ 
cular motion of the Avater perpetually increasing, till it had acquired its 
greatest quantity, Avhen the Avater rested relatively in the vessel. And 
therefore this endeavour does not depend upon any translation of the water 
in respect of the ambient bodies, nor can true circular motion be defined 
by such translation. There is only one real circular motion of any one 
revolving body, corresponding to only one poAver of endeavouring to recede 
from its axis of motion, as its proper and adequate effect; but relative 
motions, in one and the same body, are innumerable, according to the various 
relations it bears to external bodies, and like other relations, are altogether 
destitute of any real effect, any otherwise than they may perhaps par¬ 
take of that one only true motion. And therefore in their system Avho 
suppose that our heavens, revolving beloAV the sphere of the fixed stars, 
carry the planets along Avith them ; the several parts of those heavens, and 
the planets, Avhich are indeed relatively at rest in their heavens, do yet. 
really move. For they change their position one to another (Avhich never 
happens to bodies truly at rest), arid being carried together Avitli their 
heavens, partake of their motions, and as parts of revolving Avholes, 
endeavour to recede from the axis of their motions. 

Wherefore relative quantities are not the quantities themselves, Avhose 
names they bear, but those sensible measures of them (cither accurate or 
inaccurate), Avhich arc commonly used instead of the measured quantities 
themselves. And if the meaning of Avords is to he determined by their 



use, then by the names time, space, place and motion, their measures arv' 
properly to be understood; and the expression will be unusual, and purely 
mathematical, if the measured quantities themselves are meant. Upon 
which account, they do strain the sacred writings, who there interpret 
those words for the measured quantities. Nor do those less defile the 
purity of mathematical and philosophical truths, who confound real quan¬ 
tities themselves with their relations and vulgar measures. 

It is indeed a matter of great difficulty to discover, and effectually to 
distinguish, the true motions of particular bodies from the apparent; be¬ 
cause the parts of that immovable space, in which those motions are per¬ 
formed, do by no means come under the observation of our senses. Yet 
the thing is not altogether desperate: for we have some arguments to 
guide us, partly from the apparent motions, which are the differences of 
the true motions; partly from the forces, which are the causes and effects 
of the true motions. For instance, if two globes, kept at a given distance 
one from the other by means of a cord that connects them, were revolved 
about their common centre of gravity, we might, from the tension of the 
cord, discover the endeavour of the globes to recede from the axis of their 
motion, and from thence we might compute the quantity of their circular 
motions. And then if any equal forces should be impressed at once on the 
alternate faces of the globes to augment or diminish their circular motions, 
from the increase or deer* ase of the tensicn of I le cord, we might infer 
the increment or decrement of their motions; and thence would be found 
on what faces those forces ought to be impressed, that the motions of the 
globes might be most augmented ; that is, we might discover their hinder- 
most faces, or those which, in the circular motion, do follow. But the 
faces which follow being known, and consequently the opposite ones that 
precede, we should likewise know the determination of their motions. And 
thus we might find both the quantity and the determination of this circu¬ 
lar motion, even in an immense vacuum, where there was nothing external 
or sensible with which the globes could be compared. But now, if in that 
space some remote bodies were placed that kept always a given position 
one to another, as the fixed stars do in our regions, we could not indeed 
determine from the relative translation of the globes among those bodies, 
whether the motion did belong to the globes or to the bodies. But if we 
observed the cord, and found that its tension was that very tension which 
the motions of the globes required, we might conclude the motion to be in 
the globes, and the bodies to be at rest; and then, lastly, from the trans¬ 
lation of the globes among the bodies, we should find the determination of 
their motions. But how we are to collect the true motions from their 
causes, effects, and apparent differences; and, vice versa, how from the mo¬ 
tions, either true or apparent, we may come to the knowledge of their 
causes and effects, shall be explained more at large in the following tract 
For to this end it was that I composed it. 





Every body perseveres in its state of rest , or of uniform motion in a right 
line , unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed 

Projectiles persevere in their motions, so far as they are not retarded 
by the resistance of the air, or impelled downwards by the force of gravity 
A top, whose parts by their cohesion are perpetually drawn aside from 
rectilinear motions, does not cease its rotation, otherwise than as it is re¬ 
tarded by the air. The greater bodies of the planets and comets, meeting 
with less resistance in more free spaces, preserve theij motions both pro¬ 
gressive and circular for a much longer time. 


The alteration of motion is ever proportional to the motive force impress¬ 
ed ; and is made in the direction of the right line in, 'which that force 
is impressed. 

If any force generates a motion, a double force will generate double the 
motion, a triple force triple the motion, whether that force be impressed 
altogether and at once, or gradually and successively. And this motion 
(being always directed the same way with the generating force), if the bod y 
moved before, is added to or subducted from the former motion, according 
as they directly conspire with or are directly contrary to each other; or 
obliquely joined, when they arc oblique, so as to produce a new motion 
compounded from the determination of both. 


To every action there is edways opposed an, equal reaction : or the mu¬ 
tual actions of two bodies upon each other are edways equal , and di¬ 
rected to contrary parts. 

Whatever draws or presses another is as much drawn or pressed by that 
other. If you press a stone with your finger, the finger is also pressed by 
the stone. If a horse draws a stone tied to a rope, the horse (if I may so 
say) will be equally drawn back towards the stone: for the distended rope, 
by the same endeavour to relax or unbend itself, will draw the horse as 
much towards the stone, as it does the stone towards the horse, and will 
obstruct the progress of the one as much as it advances that of the other. 



If a body impinge upon ar_other, and by its force change the motion cf lit-? 
other, that body also (because of the equality of the mutual pressure) will 
undergo an equal change, in its own motion, towards the contrary part. 
The changes made by these actions are equal, not in the velocities but in 
the motions of bodies; that is to say, if the bodies are not hindered by any 
other impediments. For, because the motions are equally changed, the 
changes of the velocities made towards contrary parts are reciprocally pro¬ 
portional to the bodies. This laiv takes place also in attractions, as will 
be proved in the next scholium. 


A body by two forces conjoined will describe the diagonal of a parallelo¬ 
gram, in the same time that it woidd describe the sides, by those forces 
apart . 

If a body in a given time, by the force M impressed s - 

apart in the place A, should with an uniform motion / \ / 

be carried from A to B ; and by the force N impressed / 

apart in the same place, should be carried from A to c i> 

C; complete the parallelogram ABCD, and, by both forces acting together, 
it will in the same time be carried in the diagonal from A to D. For 
since the force N acts in the direction of the line AC, parallel to BD, this 
force (by the second law) will not at all alter the velocity generated by the 
other force M, by which the body is carried towards the line BD. The 
body therefore will arrive at the line BD in the same time, whether the 
rorce N be impressed or not; and therefore at the end of that time it will 
be found somewhere in the line BD. By the same argument, at the end 
of the same time it will be found somewhere in the line CD. Therefore it 
will be found in the point D, where both lines meet. But it will move in 
a right line from A to D, by Law I. 


And hence is explained the composition of any one direct force AD, out 
of any two oblique forces AC and CD ; and, on tlw contrary, the re¬ 
solution of any one direct force AD into two oblique forces AC and 
CD: which composition and resolution are abundantly confirmed from, 
mechanics . 

As if the unequal radii OM and ON drawn from the centre O of any 
wheel, should sustain the weights A and P by the cords MA and NP; and 
the forces of those weights to move the wheel were required. Through the 
centre O draw the right line KOL, meeting the cords perpendicularly in 
a and L; and from the centre O, with OL the greater of the distances 



OK and OL, describe a circle, meeting the cord 
MA in D : and drawing CD, make AC paral- ^ 
lei and DC perpendicular thereto. Now, it 
being indifferent whether the points K, L, D, of ' K '“ 
the cords be fixed to the plane of the wheel or D ^ 
not, the ay eights will have the same effect \ 
whether they are suspended from the points K 
and L, or from D and L. Let the whole force 
of the ay eight A be represented by the line AD, 
and let it be resolved into the forces AC and W 
CD ; of AYliich the force AC, draAYing the radius A 
OD directly from the centre, Avill have no effect to move the AYheel: bat 
the other force DC, draAving the radius DO perpendicularly, Avill have the 
same effect as if it dmv perpendicularly the radius OL equal to OD ; that 
is, it will have the same effect as the weight P, if that weight is to the 
weight A as the force DC is to the force DA; that is (because of the sim¬ 
ilar triangles ADC, DOK), as OK to OD or OL. Therefore the weights A 
and P, Avhich are reciprocally as the radii OK and OL that lie in the same 
right line, Avill be equipollent, and so remain in equilibrio ; AYhich is the ay ell 
knoAYn property of the balance, the lever, and the wheel. If either Aveight is 
greater than in this ratio, its force to move the Avheel will be so much greater. 

If the AYeight p, equal to the AYeight P, is partly suspended by the 
cord N p, partly sustained by the oblique plane pG ; draAY pH, NH, the 
former perpendicular to the horizon, the latter to the plane pG ; and if 
the force of the AYeight p tending doAYnwards is represented by the line 
pH, it may be resolved into the forces y?N, HN. If there AYas any plane 
/?Q, perpendicular to the cord y>N, cutting the other plane pG in a line 
parallel to the horizon, and the AYeight p AYas supported only by those 
planes y?Q,, pG, it AYOuld press those planes perpendicularly AYith the forces 
pN, HN; to AA'it, the plane pQ, AYith the force y?N, and the plane pG AYith 
the force HN. And therefore if the plane AYas taken aAYay, so that 
the AYeight might stretch the cord, because the cord, noAY sustaining the 
AYeight, supplies the place of the plane that AYas removed, it Avill be strained 
by the same force y?N AYhich pressed upon the plane before. Therefore, 
the tension of this oblique cord y?N AYill be to that of the other perpendic¬ 
ular cord PN as y?N to pH. And therefore if the AYeight p is to the 
weight A in a ratio compounded of the reciprocal ratio of the least distances 
of the cords PN, AM, from the centre of the wheel, and of the direct ratio of 
pH tojt?N, the weights AYill have the same effect towards moving the AYheel, 
and Avill therefore sustain each other; as any one may find by experiment. 

But the Aveight p pressing upon those tAYO oblique planes, may be con¬ 
sidered as a AYedge betAYeen the two internal surfaces of a body split by it; 
and hence the ft roe* of the v.edge and the mallet may be determined; for 



because the force with which the weight p presses the plane pd is to the 
force with which the same, whether by its own gravity, or by the blow of 
a mallet, is impelled in the direction of the line jdH towards both the 
planes, as joN to joH; and to the force with which it presses the other 
plane pG, as joN to NH. And thus the force of the screw may be deduced 
from a like resolution of forces; it being no other than a wedge impelled 
with the force of a lever. Therefore the use of this Corollary spreads far 
and wide, and by that diffusive extent the truth thereof is farther con¬ 
firmed. For on what has been said depends the whole doctrine of mechan¬ 
ics variously demonstrated by different authors. For from hence are easily 
deduced the forces of machines, which are compounded of wheels, pullics, 
fevers, cords, and weights, ascending directly or obliquely, and other mechan¬ 
ical powers; as also the force of the tendons to move the bones of animals. 


The quantity of motion , which is collected by taking the sum of the mo¬ 
tions directed towards the same parts , and the difference of those that 
are directed to contrary parts , suffers no change from the action oj 
bodies among themselves. 

For action and its opposite re-action are equal, by Law III, and there¬ 
fore, by Law II, they produce in the motions equal changes towards oppo¬ 
site parts. Therefore if the motions are directed towards the same parts, 
whatever is added to the motion of the preceding body will be subducted 
from the motion of that which follows; so that the sum will be the same 
as before. If the bodies meet, with contrary motions, there will be an 
equal deduction from the motions of both; and therefore the difference of 
the motions directed towards opposite parts will remain the same. 

Thus if a spherical body A with two parts of velocity is triple of a 
spherical body B which follows in the same right line with ten parts of 
velocity, the motion of A will be to that of B as 6 to 10. Suppose, 
then, their motions to be of 6 parts arid of 10 parts, and the sum will be 
16 parts. Therefore, upon the meeting of the bodies, if A acquire 3, 4, 
or 5 parts of motion, B will lose as many; and therefore after reflexion 
A will proceed \Vith 9, 10, or 11 parts, and B with 7, 6, or 5 parts; the 
sum remaining always of 16 parts as before. If the body A acquire 9, 
10, 11, or 12 parts of motion, and therefore after meeting proceed with 
15, 16, 17, or 18 parts, the body B, losing so many parts as A has got, 
will either proceed with 1 part, having lost 9, or stop and remain at rest, 
as having lost its whole progressive motion of 10 parts: or it will go back 
with 1 part, having not only lost its whole motion, but (if 1 may so say) 
one part more; or it will go back with 2 parts, because a progressive mo¬ 
tion of 12 parts is taken off. And so the sums of the inspiring motions 
15 rl, or 164*0, and the differences of the contrary ] otions 17—1 and 



IS—2, will always be equal to 16 parts, as they were before the meeting 
and reflexion of the bodies. But, the motions being known with which 
the bodies proceed after reflexion, the velocity of either will be also known, 
by taking the velocity after to the velocity before reflexion, as the motion 
after is to the motion before. As in the last case, where the motion of the 
body A was of 6 parts before reflexion and of IS parts after, and the 
velocity was of 2 parts before reflexion, the velocity thereof after reflexion 
will be found to be of 6 parts; by saying, as the 6 parts of motion before 
to IS parts after, so are 2 parts of velocity before reflexion to 6 parts after. 

But if the bodies are either not spherical, or, moving in different right 
lines, impinge obliquely one upon the other, and their mot'ons after re¬ 
flexion are required, in those cases we are first to determine the position 
of the plane that touches the concurring bodies in the point of concourse, 
then the motion of each body (by Corol. II) is to be resolved into two, one 
perpendicular to that plane, and the other parallel to it. This done, be¬ 
cause the bodies act upon each other in the direction of a line perpendicu¬ 
lar to this plane, the parallel motions are to be retained the same after 
reflexion as before; and to the perpendicular motions we are to assign 
equal changes towards the contrary parts; in such manner that the sum 
of the conspiring and the difference of the contrary motions may remain 
the same as before. From such kind of reflexions also sometimes arise 
the circular motions of bodies about their own centres. But these are 
cases which I do not consider in what follows; and it would be too tedious 
to demonstrate every particular that relates to this subject. 


The common centre of gravity of two or more bodies does not alter its 
state of motion or rest by the actions of the bodies among themselves ; 
and therefore the common centre of gravity of all bodies acting upon 
each other (excluding outward actions and impediments ) is either at 
rest , or moves uniformly in a right line. 

For if two points proceed with an uniform motion in right lines, and 
their distance be divided in a given ratio, the dividing point will be either 
at rest, or proceed uniformly in a right line. This is demonstrated here¬ 
after in Lem. XXIII and its Corol., when the points are moved in the same 
plane; and by a like way of arguing, it may be demonstrated when the 
points are not moved in the same plane. Therefore if any number of 
Kdies move uniformly in right lines, the common centre of gravity of any 
two of them is either at rest, or proceeds uniformly in a right line; because 
the line which connects the centres of those two bodies so moving is divided at 
that common centre in a given ratio. In like manner the common centre 
of those two and that of a third body will be either at rest or moving uni¬ 
formly in a right line because at that centre the distance letween the 



common centre of the two bodies, and the centre of this last, is divided in 
a given ratio. In like manner the common centre of these three, and of a 
fourth body, is either at rest, or moves uniformly in a right line; because 
the distance between the common centre of the three bodies, and the centre 
of the fourth is there also divided in a given ratio, and so on in infinitum. 
Therefore, in a system of bodies where there is neither any mutual action 
among themselves, nor any foreign frrce impressed upon them from without, 
and which consequently move uniformly in right lines, the common centre of 
gravity of them all is either at rest or moves uniformly forward in a right line. 

Moreover, in a system of two bodies mutually acting upon each other, 
since the distances between their centres and the common centre of gravity 
of both are reciprocally as the bodies, the relative motions of those bodies, 
whether of approaching to or of receding from that centre, will be equal 
among themselves. Therefore since the changes which happen to motions 
are equal and directed to contrary parts, the common centre of those bodies, 
by their mutual action between themselves, is neither promoted nor re¬ 
tarded, nor suffers any change as to its state of motion or rest. But in a 
system of several bodies, because the common centre of gravity of any two 
noting mutually upon each other suffers no change in its state by that ac¬ 
tion : and much less the common centre of gravity of the others with which 
that action does not intervene; but the distance between those two centres 
is divided by the common centre of gravity of all the bodies into parts re¬ 
ciprocally proportional to the total sums of those bodies whose centres they 
are: and therefore while those two centres retain their state of motion or 
rest, the common centre of all does also retain its state: it is manifest that 
the common centre of all never suffers any change in the state of its mo¬ 
tion or rest from the actions of any two bodies between themselves. But 
in such a system all the actions of the bodies among themselves either hap¬ 
pen between two bodies, or are composed of actions interchanged between 
some two bodies; and therefore they do never produce any alteration in 
the coinnv n centre of all as to its state of motion or rest. Wherefore 
.iince that centre, when the bodies do not act mutually one upon another, 
either is nt rest or moves uniformly forward in some right line, it will, 
vo Withstanding the mutual actions of the bodies among themselves, always 
pvYsevere in its state, either of rest, or of proceeding uniformly in a right 
lino, unless it is forced out of this state by the action of some power im- 
prevwd from without upon the whole system. And therefore the same law 
takev place in a system consisting of many bodies as in one single body, 
with ^gard to their persevering in their state of motion or of rest. For 
the progressive motion, whether of one single body, or of a whole system of 
bodies v*.5 always to be estimated from the motion of the centre of gravity. 


The motions of bodies included in a given space a m e the same among 



themselves, whether that space is at rest , or moves uniformly forwards 
in a right line without any circular motion. 

For the differences of the motions tending towards the same parts, and 
the sums of those that tend towards contrary parts, are, at first (by sup¬ 
position), in both cases the same; and it is from those sums and differences 
that the collisions and impulses do arise with which the bodies mutually 
impinge one upon another. Wherefore (by Law II), the effects of those 
collisions will be equal in both cases; and therefore the mutual motions 
of the bodies among themselves in the one case will remain equal to the 
mutual motions of the bodies among themselves in the other. A clear 
proof of which we have from the experiment of a ship; where all motions 
happen after the same manner, whether the ship is at rest, or is carried 
uniformly forwards in a right line. 


If bodies, any how moved among themselves, are urged in the direction 
of parallel lines by equal accelerative forces, they will all continue to 
move among themselves, after the same manner as if they had been 
'urged by no such forces . 

For these forces acting equally (with respect to the quantities of the 
Dodies to be moved), and in the direction of parallel lines, will (by Law II) 
move all the bodies equally (as to velocity), and therefore will never pro¬ 
duce any change in the positions or motions of the bodies among themselves. 


Hitherto I have laid down such principles as have been received by math¬ 
ematicians, and are confirmed by abundance of experiments. By the first 
two Laws and the first two Corollaries, Galileo discovered that the de¬ 
scent of bodies observed the duplicate ratio of the time, and that the mo¬ 
tion of projectiles was in the curve of a parabola; experience agreeing 
with both, unless so far as these motions are a little retarded by the re¬ 
sistance of the air. When a body is falling, the uniform force of its 
gravity acting equally, impresses, in equal particles of time, equal force's 
upon that body, and therefore generates equal velocities; and in the whole 
time impresses a whole force, and generates a whole velocity proportional 
to the time. And the spaces described in proportional times are as the 
velocities and the times conjunctly; that is, in a duplicate ratio of the 
times. And when a body is thrown upwards, its uniform gravity im¬ 
presses forces and takes oft’ velocities proportional to the times; and the 
times of ascending to the greatest heights are as the velocities to be taken 
off, and those heights are as the velocities and the times conjunctly, or ir. 
the duplicate ratio of the velocities. And if a body be projected in any 
direction, the motion arising from its projection jS compounded with the 



motion arising from its gravity. As if the body A by its motion of pio- 
jection alone could describe in a given time the right line B 

AB, and with its motion of falling alone could describe in 
the same time the altitude AC; complete the paralello- j '\ E 

gram ABDC ; and the body by that compounded motion \ 

will at the end of the time be found in the place D; and \ 

the curve line AED, which that body describes; will be a 
parabola, to which the right line AB will be a tangent in 
A; and whose ordinate BD will be as the square of the line AB. On the 
same Laws and Corollaries depend those things which have been demon- ** 
strated concerning the times of the vibration of pendulums, and are con¬ 
firmed by the daily experiments of pendulum clocks. By the same, to¬ 
gether with the third Law, Sir Christ. Wren, Dr. Wallis, and Mr. Huy¬ 
gens, the greatest geometers of our times, did severally determine the rules 
of the congress and reflexion of hard bodies, and much about the same 
time communicated their discoveries to the Royal Society, exactly agreeing 
among themselves as to those rules. Dr. Wallis, indeed, was something 
more early in the publication; then followed Sir Christopher Wren, and, 
lastly, Mr. Huygens. But Sir Christopher Wren confirmed the truth of 
the thing before the Royal Society by the experiment of pendulums, which 
Mr. Mariotte soon after thought fit to explain in a treatise entirely upon 
that subject. But to bring this experiment to an accurate agreement with 
the theory, we are to have a due regard as well to the resistance of the air 
as to the elastic force of the concurring bodies. Let the spherical bodies 
A, B be suspended by the parallel and e G c D P II 

equal strings AC, BD, from the centres 
C, D. About these centres, with those n 
intervals, describe the semicircles EAP, 

GBH, bisected by the radii CA, DB. 

Bring the body A to any point R of the 
arc EAF, and (withdrawing the body 
B) let it go from thence, and after one oscillation suppose it to return to 
the point V: then RY will be the retardation arising from the resistance 
of the air. ‘Of this RY let ST be a fourth part, situated in the middle, 
to wit, so as RS and TY may be equal, and RS may be to ST as 3 to 2 
then will ST represent very nearly the retardation during the descent 
from S to A. Restore the body B to its place : and, suppesing the body 
A to be let fall from the point S, the velocity thereof in the place of re¬ 
flexion A, without sensible error, will be the same as if it had descended 
in vacuo from the point T. Upon which account this velocity may be 
represented by' the chord of the arc TA. For it is a proposition well 
known to geometers, that the velocity of a pendulous body in the lowest 
point is as the chord of the arc which it has described in its descent. After 


9 I 

reflexion, suppose the body A comes to the place s, and the body B to the 
place k. Withdraw the body B, and find the place v, from which if the 
body A, being let go, should after one oscillation return to the place r, st 
may be a fourth part of rv , so placed in the middle thereof as to leave rs 
equal to tv, and let the chord of the arc tA represent the velocity which 
the body A had in the place A immediately after reflexion. For t will be 
the true and correct place to which the body A should have ascended, if 
the resistance of the air had been taken off. In the s.ime way we are to 
correct the place k to which the body B ascends, by finding the place l to 
which it should have ascended in vacuo. And thus everything may be 
subjected to experiment, in the same manner as if we were really placed 
in vacuo. These things being done, we are to take the product (if I may 
so say) of the body A, by the chord of the arc TA (which represents its 
velocity), that we may have its motion in the place A immediately before 
reflexion; and then by the chord of the arc tA, that we may have its mo¬ 
tion in the place A immediately after reflexion. And so we are to take 
the product of the body B by the chord of the arc B l, that we may have - 
the motion of the same immediately after reflexion. And in like manner, 
when two bodies are let go together from different places, we are to find 
the motion of each, as well before as after reflexion; and then we may 
compare the motions between themselves, and collect the effects of the re¬ 
flexion. Thus trying the thing with pendulums of ten feet, in unequal 
as well as equal bodies, and making the bodies to concur after a descent 
through large spaces, as of 8, 12, or 16 feet, I found always, without an 
error of 3 inches, that when the bodies concurred together directly, equal 
changes towards the contrary parts were produced in their motions, and, 
of consequence, that the action and reaction were always equal. As if the 
body A impinged upon the body B at rest with 9 parts of motion, and 
losing 7, proceeded after reflexion with 2, the body B was carried back¬ 
wards with those 7 parts. If the bodies concurred with contrary motions, 

A with twelve parts of motion, and B with six, then if A receded with 2, 

B receded with 8; to wit, with a deduction of 14 parts of motion on 
, each side. For from the motion of A subducting twelve parts, nothing 
will remain; but subducting 2 parts more, a motion will be generated of 
2 parts towards the contrary way; and so, from the motion of the body 
B of 6 parts, subducting 14 parts, a motion is generated of S parts towards 
the contrary way. But if the bodies were made both to move towards the 
same way, A, the swifter, with 14 parts of motion, B, the slower, with 5, 
and after reflexion A went on with 5, B likewise went on with 14 parts; 

9 parts being transferred from A to B. And so in other cases. By the 
congress and collision of bodies, the quantity of motion, collected from the 
sum of the motions directed towards the same way, or from the difference 
of those that were directed towards contrary ways, was never changed. 
For the error of an inch or two in measures may be easily ascribed to the 



difficulty of executing everything with accuracy. It was not easy to let 
go the two pendulums so exactly together that the bodies should impinge 
one upon the other in the lowermost place AB; nor to mark the places s, 
and k, to which the bodies ascended after congress. Nay, and some errors, 
too, might have happened from the unequal density of the parts of the pen¬ 
dulous bodies themselves, and from the irregularity of the texture pro¬ 
ceeding from other causes. 

But to prevent an objection that may perhaps be alledged against the 
rule, for the proof of which this experiment was made, as if this rule did 
suppose that the bodies were either absolutely hard, or at least perfectly 
elastic (whereas no such bodies are to be found in nature), I must add, that 
the experiments we have been describing, by no means depending upon 
that quality of hardness, do succeed as well in soft as in hard bodies. For 
if the rule is to be tried in bodies not perfectly hard, we are only to di¬ 
minish the reflexion in such a certain proportion as the quantity of the 
elastic force requires. By the theory of Wren and Huygens, bodies abso¬ 
lutely hard return one from another with the same velocity with which 
they meet. But this may be aflirmed with more certainty of bodies per¬ 
fectly elastic. In bodies imperfectly elastic the velocity of the return is to 
be diminished together with the elastic force; because that force (except 
when the parts of bodies are bruised by their congress, or suffer some such 
extension as happens under the strokes of a hammer) is (as far as I can per¬ 
ceive) certain and determined, and makes the bodies to return one from 
the other with a relative velocity, which is in a given ratio to that relative 
velocity with which they met. This I tried in balls of wool, made up 
tightly, and strongly compressed. For, first, by letting go the pendulous 
bodies, and measuring their reflexion, I determined the quantity of their 
elastic force; and then, according to this force, estimated the reflexions 
that ought to happen in other cases of congress. And with this computa¬ 
tion other experiments made afterwards did accordingly agree; the balls 
always receding one from the other with a relative velocity, which was to 
the relative velocity with which they met as about 5 to 9. Balls of steel 
returned with almost the same velocity : those of cork with a velocity some-^ 
thing less; but in balls of glass the proportion was as about 15 to 16. 
And thus the third Law, so far as it regards percussions and reflexions, is 
proved by a theory exactly agreeing with experience. 

In attractions, I briefly demonstrate the thing after this manner. Sup¬ 
pose an obstacle is interposed to hinder the congress of any two bodies A, 
B, mutually attracting one the other: then if either body, as A, is more 
attracted towards the other body B, than that other body B is towards the 
first body A, the obstacle will be more strongly urged by the pressure of 
the body A than by the pressure of the body B, and therefore will not 
remain in equilibrio : but the stronger pressure will prevail, and will make 
the system of the two bodies, together with the obstacle, to move directly 



towards the parts on which B lies: and in free spaces, to go forward in 
infinitum with a motion perpetually accelerated; which is absurd and 
contrary to the first Law. For, by the first Law, the system ought to per¬ 
severe in its state of rest, or of moving uniformly forward in a right line; 
and therefore the bodies must equally press the obstacle, and be equally 
attracted one by the other. I made the experiment on the loadstone and 
iron. If these, placed apart in proper vessels, are made to float by one 
another in standing water, neither of them will propel the other; but, 
by being equally attracted, they will sustain each other's pressure, and rest 
at last in an equilibrium. 

So the gravitation betwixt the earth and its parts is mutual. Let the 
earth FI be cut by any plane EG into two parts EOF 
and EGI, and their weights one towards the other 
will be mutually equal. For if by another plane 
HK, parallel to the former EG, the greater part F 
EGI is cut into two parts EGKH and HKI. 
whereof HKI is equal to the part EFG, first cut 
off, it is evident that the middle part EGKH, will 
have no propension by its proper weight towards either side, but will hang 
as it were, and rest in an equilibrium betwixt both. But the one extreme 
part HKI will with its whole weight bear upon and press the middle part 
towards the other extreme part EGF: and therefore the force with which 
EGI, the sum of the parts HKI and EGKH, tends towards the third part 
EGF, is equal to the weight of the part HKI, that is, to the weight of 
the third part EGF. And therefore the weights of the two parts EGI 
and EGF, one towards the other, are equal, as I was to prove. And in¬ 
deed if those weights were not equal, the whole earth floating in the non¬ 
resisting aether would give wmy to the greater weight, and, retiring from 
it, would be carried off in infinitum. 

And as those bodies are equipollent in the congress and reflexion, whose 
velocities are reciprocally as their innate forces, so in the use of mechanic 
instruments those agents are equipollent, and mutually sustain each the 
contrary pressure of the other, whose velocities, estimated according to the 
determination of the forces, are reciprocally as the forces. 

So those weights are of equal force to move the arms of a balance; 
which during the play of the balance are reciprocally as their velocities 
up^ ards and downwards; that is, if the ascent or descent is direct, those 
weights are of equal force, which are reciprocally as the distances of the 
points at which they are suspended from the axis ol the balance; but if 
they are turned aside by the interposition of oblique planes, or other ob¬ 
stacles, and made to ascend or descend obliquely, those bodies will be 
equipollent, which are reciprocally as the heights of their ascent and de¬ 
scent taken according .to the perpendicular; and that on account of the 
determination of gravity downwards. 



.And in like manner in the pully, or in a combination of pullies, the 
force of a hand drawing the rope directly, which is to the weight, whethei 
ascending directly or obliquely, as the velocity of the perpendicular ascent 
of the weight to the velocity of the hand that draws the rope, will sustain 
the weight. 

In clocks and such like instruments, made up from a combination of 
wheels, the contrary forces that promote and impede the motion of the 
wheels, if they are reciprocally as the velocities of the parts of the wheel 
en which they are impressed, will mutually sustain the one the other. 

The force of the screw to press a body is to the force of the hand that 
turns the handles by which it is moved as the circular velocity of the 
handle in that part where it is impelled by the hand is to the progressive 
velocity of the screw towards the pressed body. 

The forces by which the wedge presses or drives the two parts of the 
wood it cleaves are to the force of the mallet upon the wedge as the pro¬ 
gress of the wedge in the direction of the force impressed upon it by the 
mallet is to the velocity with which the parts of the wood yield to the 
wedge, in the direction of lines perpendicular to the sides of the wedge. 
And the like account is to be given of all machines. 

The power and use of machines consist only in this, that by diminishing 
the velocity we may augment the force, and the contrary: from whence 
in all sorts of proper machines, we have the solution of this problem; 7. 
move a given weight with a given power , or with a given force to over¬ 
come any other given resistance. For if machines are so contrived that the 
velocities of the agent and resistant are reciprocally as their forces, the 
agent will just sustain the resistant, hut with a greater disparity of ve¬ 
locity will overcome it. So that if the disparity of velocities is so great 
as to overcome all that resistance which commonly arises either from the 
attrition of contiguous bodies as they slide by one another, or from the 
cohesion of continuous bodies that are to be separated, or from the weights 
of bodies to be raised, the excess of the force remaining, after all those re¬ 
sistances are overcome, will produce an acceleration of motion proportional 
thereto, as well in the parts of fhe machine as in the resisting body. But 
to treat of mechanics is not my present business. I was only willing to 
show by those examples the great extent and certainty of the third Law ot 
motion. For if we estimate the action of the agent from its force and 
velocity conjunctly, and likewise the reaction of the impediment conjunctly 
from the velocities of its several parts, and from the forces of resistance 
arising from the attrition, cohesion, weight, and acceleration of those parts, 
the action and reaction in the use of all sorts of machines will found 
always equal to one another. And so far as the action is propagated by 
the intervening instruments, and at last impressed upon ti e resisting 
body, the ultimate determination of the action will be always contrary to 
the determination of the reaction. 






Of the method of first and last ratios of quantities, by the help whereof 
we demonstrate the propositions that follow. 


Quantities, and the ratios of quantities, which in any finite time converge 
continually to equality, and before the end of that time approach nearer 
the one to the other than by any given difference, become ultimately 

If you deny it, suppose them to be ultimately unequal, and let D be 
their ultimate difference. Therefore they cannot approach nearer to 
equality than by that given difference D ; which is against the supposition. 






If in any figure A acE, terminated by the right 
lines A a, AE, and the curve acE, there be in¬ 
scribed any number of parallelograms Ab, Be, 

Cd, ej’c., comprehended, under equal bases AB, 

BC, CD, $ *c., and the sides, Bb, Cc, Dd, 4*c., 
parallel to one side Aa of the figure; and the 
parallelograms aKbl, bLcm, cMdn, §'c., are com¬ 
pleted. Then if the breadth of those parallelo¬ 
grams be supposed to be diminished, and their a BF C D E 
number to be augmented in infinitum; I say, that :he ultimate ratios 
which the inscribed figure AKbLcMdD, the tin umscribed figure 
AalbmcndoE, and curvilinear figure AabcdE, will have to one another , 
are ratios of equality. 

For the difference of the inscribed and circumscribed figures is the sum 
of the parallelograms Kl, L m, M//, Do, that is (from the equality of all 
their bases), the rectangle under one of their bases K6 and the sum of their 




altitudes Aa, that is, the 


ABla. But this rectangle, because 



_ [Book 1 

its breadth AB is supposed diminished - in infinitum, becomes less than 
any given space. And therefore (by Lem. I) the figures inscribed and 
circumscribed become ultimately equal one to the other; and much more 
will the intermediate curvilinear figure be ultimately equal to either. 


The same ultimate ratios arc also ratios of equality, when the breadths , 
AB, BC, DC, $'c., of the parallelograms are unequal, and are all di¬ 
minished in infinitum. 

For suppose AF equal to the greatest breadth, and 
complete the parallelogram FA af. This parallelo¬ 
gram will be greater than the difference of the in¬ 
scribed and circumscribed figures; but, because its 
breadth AF is diminished in infinitum, it will be¬ 
come less than any given rectangle. Q.E.D. 

Cor. 1. Hence the ultimate sum of those evanes¬ 
cent parallelograms will in all parts coincide with 

the curvilinear figure. A BF C D E 

Cor. 2. Much more will the rectilinear figure # comprehended under tne 
chords of the evanescent arcs ab, be, cd, &c., ultimately coincide with tl.c 
curvilinear figure. 

Cor. 3. And also the circumscribed rectilinear figure comprehended 
under the tangents of the same arcs. 

Cor. 4 And therefore these ultimate figures (as to their perimeters acE) 
are not rectilinear, but curvilinear limits of rectilinear figures. 


If in two figures AacE, PprT, you inscribe {as before) 
two ranks of parallelograms, an equal number in 
each rank, and, when their breadths are diminished 
in infinitum, theultimate ratios of the parallelograms 
in one figure to those in the other, each to each respec¬ 
tively, are the same ; I say, that those two figures 
AacE, PprT, are to one another in that same ratio . 

For as the parallelograms in the one are severally to 
the parallelograms in the other, so (by composition) is the & 
sum of all in the one to the sum of all in the other: and 
so is the one figure to the other; because (by Lem. Ill) the 
former figure to the former sum, and the latter figure to the 
latter sum, are both in the ratio of equality. Q.E.D. 

Cor. Hence if two quantities of any kind are any 
how divided into an equal number of parts, and those a 



Sec. 1.1 

parts, when their number is augmented, and their magnitude diminished 
in infinitum, have a given ratio one to the other, the first to the first, the 
second to the second, and so on in order, the whole quantities will be one to 
the other in that same given ratio. For if, in the figures of this Lemma, 
the parallelograms are taken one to the other in the ratio of the parts, the 
sum of the parts will always be as the sum of the parallelograms; and 
therefore supposing the number of the parallelograms and parts to be aug¬ 
mented, and their magnitudes diminished in infinitum.\, those sums will be 
in the ultimate ratio of the parallelogram in the one figure to the corres¬ 
pondent parallelogram in the other; that is (by the supposition), in the 
ultimate ratio of any part of the one quantity to the correspondent part of 
the other. 


In similar figures, all sorts of homologous sides, ivhether curvilinear 07 
rectilinear, are proportional; and the areas are in the duplicate ratio 
of the homologous sides. 


If any arc ACB, given in position is sub¬ 
tended by its chord AB, and in any point 
A, in the middle of the continued curva¬ 
ture, is touched by a right line AD, pro¬ 
duced both ways; then if the points A 
and B approach one another and meet, 

I say, the angle B AD, contained betiocen 
the chord and. the tangent, will be dimin¬ 
ished in infinitum, and ultimately will vanish. 

For if that angle does not vanish, the arc ACB will contain with the 
tangent AD an angle equal to a rectilinear angle; and therefore the cur¬ 
vature at the point A will not be continued, which is against the supposi¬ 


The same things being supposed, I say that the ultimate ratio of the arc , 
chord, and tangent, any one to any other, is the ratio of equality. 

For while the point B approaches towards the point A, consider always 
AB and AD as produced to the remote points b and d, and parallel to the 
secant BD draw bd : and let the arc Acb be always similar to the arc 
ACB. Then, supposing the points A and B to coincide, the angle dAb 
will vanish, by the preceding Lemma; and therefore the right lines A b, 
Ad (which are always finite), and the intermediate arc Acb, will coincide, 
and become equal among themselves. Wherefore, the right lines AB, AD. 


and the intermediate arc ACB (which are always proportional to the 
former), will vanish, and ultimately acquire the ratio of equality. Q.E.D. 

Cor. 1. Whence if through B we draw 
BP parallel to the tangent, always cutting 
any right line A P passing through A in 
P, this line BP will be ultimately in the 
ratio of equality with the evanescent arc ACB; because, completing the 
parallelogram AFBD, it is always in a ratio of equality with AD. 

Cor. 2. And if through B and A more right lines are drawn, as BE, 
BD, AP, AG, cutting the tangent AD and its parallel BP; the ultimate 
ratio of all the abscissas AD, AE, BP, BG, and of the chord and arc AB, 
any one to any other, will be the ratio of equality. 

Cor. 3. And therefore in all our reasoning about ultimate ratios, we 
may freely use any one of those lines for any other. 


If the right lines AR, BR, with the arc ACB, the chord AB, and the 
tangent AD, constitute three triangles RAB. RACB, RAD,' and the 
points A and B approach and meet: I say, that the ultimate form of 
these evanescent triangles is that of similitude , and their ultimate 
ratio that of equality. 

Por while the point B approaches towards 
the point A, consider always AB, AD, AR, 
as produced to the remote points b, d , and r, 
and rbd as drawn parallel to RD, and let 
the arc A cb be always similar to the arc 
ACB. Then supposing the points A and B 
to coincide, the angle bAd will vanish; and 
therefore the three triangles rAb, rAcb, rAd 
(which are always finite), will coincide, and on that account become both 
similar and equal. And therefore the triangles RAB, RACB, RA D 
which are always similar and proportional to these, will ultimately be¬ 
come both similar and equal among themselves. Q..E.D. 

Cor. And hence in all reasonings about ultimate ratios, we may indif¬ 
ferently use any one of those triangles for any other. 


If a ngnt line AE. and a curve line ABC, both given by position , cut 
each other m a given angle , A; and to that right line, in another 
given angle, BD, CE are ordinately applied, meeting the curve in B, 
C: and the points B and C together approach towards and meet in 
the point A: I say, that the areas of the triangles ABD, ACE, wilt 
ultimately be one to the other in the duplicate ratio of the sides. 

a e\ in 

Book I.| 



For while the points B, C, approach e_ 
towards the point A, suppose always AD 
to be produced to the remote points d and 

e, so as Ad, Ae may be proportional to 
AD, AE; and the ordinates db, ec, to be 
drawn parallel to the ordinates DB and E 
EC, and meeting AB and AC produced d[ 
in b and c. 1 iet the curve Abe be similar 
to the curve ABC, and draw the rio;ht line 
A g so as to touch both curves in A, and 
cut the ordinates DB, EC, db ec, in F, G, 

f, g. Then, supposing the length Ae to remain the same, let the points B 
and C meet in the point A ; and the angle cAg vanishing, the curvilinear 
areas Abd, Ace will coincide with the rectilinear areas A fd, Age\ and 
therefore (by Lem. V) will be one to the other in the duplicate ratio of 
the sides Ad, Ae. But the areas ABD, ACE are always proportional to 
these areas; and so the sides AD, AE are to these sides. And therefore 
the areas ABD, ACE are ultimately one to the other in the duplicate ratio 
of the sides AD, AE. Q.E.D. 


The spaces which a body describes by any finite force urging it, whether 
that force is determined and immutable, or is continually augmented 
or continually diminished, are in the very beginning of the mMion one 
to the other in the duplicate ratio of the times . 

Let the times be represented by the lines AD, AE, and the velocities 
generated in those times by the ordinates DB, EC. The spaces described 
with these velocities will be as the areas ABD, ACE, described by those 
ordinates, that is, at the very beginning of the motion (by Lem. IX), in 
the duplicate ratio of the times AD, AE. Q.E.D. 

Cor. 1. And hence one may easily infer, that the errors of bodies des¬ 
cribing similar parts of similar figures in proportional times, are nearly 
as the squares of the times in which they are generated; if so be these 
errors are generated by any equal forces similarly applied to the bodies, 
and measured by the distances of the bodies from those places of the sim¬ 
ilar figures, at which, without the action of those forces, the bodies would 
have arrived in those proportional times. 

Cor. 2. But the errors that are generated by proportional forces, sim¬ 
ilarly applied to the bodies at similar parts of the similar figures, are as 
the forces and the squares of the times conjunc tly. 

Cor. 3. The same thing is to be understood of any spaces whatsoever 
described by bodies urged with different forces; all which, in the very be¬ 
ginning of the motion, are as the forces and the squares of the times conjunctlv. 



[Sec. 1 

Cor. 4. And therefore the forces are as the spaces described in the very 
beginning of the motion directly, and the squares of the times inversely. 

Cor. 5. And the squares of the times are as the spaces described direct¬ 
ly, and the forces inversely. 


If in comparing indetermined quantities of different sorts one with 
another, any one is said to be as any other directly or inversely, the mean¬ 
ing is, that the former is augmented or diminished in the same ratio with 
the latter, or with its reciprocal. And if any one is said to be as any other 
two or more directly or inversely, the meaning is, that the first is aug¬ 
mented or diminished in the ratio compounded of the ratios in which the 
others, or the reciprocals of the others, are augmented or diminished. As 
if A is said to be as B directly, and C directly, and D inversely, the mean¬ 
ing is, that A is augmented or diminished in the same ratio with B X C 
X qy-, that is to say, that A and ^ are one to the other in a given ratio. 


The evanescent subtense of the angle of contact, in all curves which at 
the point of contact have a finite curvature, is ultimately in the dupli¬ 
cate rath of the subtense of the conterminate arc. 

Case 1 . Let AB be that arc, AD its tangent, BD 
the subtense of the angle of contact perpendicular on 
the tangent, AB the subtense of the arc. Draw BG 
perpendicular to the subtense AB, and AG to the tan¬ 
gent AD, meeting in G; then let the points D, B, and 
O, approach to the points d, b, and g, and suppose J 
to be the ultimate intersection of the lines BG, AG, 
when the points D, B, have come to A. It is evident 
that the distance GJ may be less than any assignable.' 

But (from the nature of the circles passing through g 
the points A, B, G, A, b, g,) AB 2 = AG X BD, and 
Ab 2 = Ag X bd; and therefore the ratio of AB 2 to A b 2 is compounded of 
the ratios of AG to Ag, and of B d to bd. But because GJ may be as¬ 
sumed of less length than any assignable, the ratio of AG to Ag may be 
such as to differ from the ratio of equality by less than any assignable 
difference; and therefore the ratio of AB 2 to Ab 2 may be such as to differ 
from the ratio of BD to bd by less than any assignable difference. There¬ 
fore, by Lem. I, the ultimate ratio of AB 2 to Ab 2 is the same with tb.o ul¬ 
timate ratio of BD to bd. Q.E.D. 

Case 2. Now let BD be inclined to AD in any given angL, and the 
ultimate ratio of BD to bd will always be the same as before, and there¬ 
fore the same with the ratio of AB 2 to Ab 2 . Q.E.D 



Book I.] - 

Case 3. And if we suppose the angle D not to he given, but that the 
right line BD converges to a given point, or is determined by any other 
condition whatever ; nevertheless the angles D, d, being determined by the 
same law, will always draw nearer to equality, and approach nearer to 
each other than by any assigned difference, and therefore, by Lem. I, will at 
last be* equal; and therefore the lines BD, bd arc in the same ratio to each 
other as before. Q.E.D. 

Cor. 1. Therefore since the tangents AD, A d, the arcs AB, A b, and 
their sines, BC, be , become ultimately equal to the chords AB, A b, their 
squares will ultimately become as the subtenses BD, bd. 

Cor. 2. Their squares are also ultimately as the versed sines of the arcs, 
bisecting the chords, and converging to a given point. For those versed 
sines are as the subtenses BD, bd. 

Cor. 3. And therefore the versed sine is in the duplicate ratio of the 
time in which a body will describe the arc with a given velocity. 

Cor. 4. The rectilinear triangles ADB, A db are cl D 

ultimately in the triplicate ratio of the sides AD, Ad, 
and in a sesquiplicate ratio of the sides DB, db; as 
being in the ratio compounded of the sides AD to DB, 
and of Ad to db. So also the triangles ABC, A be 
are ultimately in the triplicate ratio of the sides BC, be. 

What I call the sesquiplicate ratio is the subduplicate 
of the triplicate, as being compounded of the simple 
and subduplicate ratio. 

Cor. 5. And because DB, db are ultimately paral- gr 
lei and in the duplicate ratio of the lines AD, Ad, the i 
ultimate curvilinear areas ADB, A db will be (by the nature of the para* 
bola) t\vo thirds of the rectilinear triangles ADB, A db and the segments 
AB, A b will be one third of the same triangles. And thence those areas 
and those segments will be in the triplicite ratio as well of the tangents 
AD, Ad, as of the chords and arcs AB, AB. 


But we have all along supposed the angle of contact to be neither infi¬ 
nitely greater nor infinitely less than the angles of contact made by cir¬ 
cles and their tangents: that is, that the curvature at the point A is neither 
infinitely small nor i afinitely great, or that the interval AJ is of a finite mag¬ 
nitude. For DB may be taken as AD 3 : in which case no circle can be drawn 
through the point A, between the tangent AD and the curve AB, and 
therefore the angle of contact will be infinitely less than those of circles. 
And by a like reasoning, if DB be made successfully as AD 4 , AD 5 , AD 8 , 
AD 7 , (fee., we shall have a series of angles of contact, proceeding in infini¬ 
tum, wherein every succeeding term is infinitely less than the pre- 



[Book 1 

ceding. And if DB be made successively as AD 2 , ADf, AD^, AD], AD| 
AD], &c., we shall have another infinite series of angles of contact, the first 
of which is of the same sort with those of circles, the second infinitely 
greater, and every succeeding one infinitely greater than the preceding. 
But between any two of these angles another series of intermediate angles 
of contact may be interposed, proceeding both ways in infinitum, wherein 
every succeeding angle shall be infinitely greater or infinitely less than the 
preceding. As if between the terms AD 2 and AD 3 there were interposed 
the series AD 13 , AD£ AD 3 , AD], AD], ADJ, AD^ 1 , AD£ ADf, &c. And 
again, between any two angles of this series, a new series of intermediate 
angles may be interposed, differing from one another by infinite intervals. 
Nor is nature confined to any bounds. 

Those things which have been demonstrated of curve lines, and the 
superfices which they comprehend, may be easily applied to the curve su- 
perfices and contents of solids. These Lemmas are premised to avoid the 
tediousness of deducing perplexed demonstrations ad absurdum, according 
to the method of the ancient geometers. For demonstrations are more 
contracted by the method of indivisibles: but because the hypothesis of 
indivisibles seems somewhat harsh, and therefore that method is reckoned 
less geometrical, I chose rather to reduce the demonstrations of the follow¬ 
ing propositions to the first and last sums and ratios of nascent and evane¬ 
scent quantities, that is, to the limits of those sums and ratios; and so to 
premise, as short as I could, the demonstrations of those limits. For hereby 
the same thing is performed as by the method of indivisibles; and now 
those principles being demonstrated, we may use them with more safety. 
Therefore if hereafter I should happen to consider quantities as made up of 
particles, or should use little curve lines for right ones, I would not be un¬ 
derstood to mean indivisibles, but evanescent divisible quantities : not the 
sums and ratios of determinate parts, but always the limits of sums and 
ratios; and that the force of such demonstrations always depends on the 
method laid down in the foregoing Lemmas. 

Perhaps it may be objected, that there is no ultimate proportion, of 
evanescent quantities; because the proportion, before the quantities have 
vanished, is not the ultimate, and when they are vanished, is none. But 
by the same argument, it may be alledged, that a body arriving at a cer¬ 
tain place, and there stopping, has no ultimate velocity: because the velo¬ 
city, before the body comes to the place, is not its ultimate velocity ; when 
it has arrived, is none 1 ut the answer is easy; for by the ultimate ve¬ 
locity is meant that with which the body is moved, neither before it arrives 
at its last place and the motion ceases, nor after, but at the very instant it 
arrives ; that is, that velocity with which the body arrives at its last place, 
and with which the motion ceases. And in like manner, by the ultimate ra¬ 
tio of evanescent quantities is to le understood the ratio of the quantities 



Sec. II.1 


Dot before they vanish, nor afterwards, but with which they vanish. In 
like manner the first ratio of nascent quantities is that with which they begin 
to be. And the first or last sum is that with which they begin and cease 
to be (or to be augmented or diminished). There is a limit which the ve¬ 
locity at the end of the motion may attain, but not exceed. 'This is the 
ultimate velocity. And there is the like limit in all quantities and pro¬ 
portions that begin and cease to be. And since such limits are certain and 
definite, to determine the same is a problem strictly geometrical. But 
whatever is geometrical we may be allowed to use in determining and de¬ 
monstrating any other thing that is likewise geometrical. 

It may also be objected, that if the ultimate ratios of evanescent quan¬ 
tities are given, their ultimate magnitudes will be also given: and so all 
quantities will consist of indivisibles, which is contrary to what Euclid 
has demonstrated concerning incommensurables, in the 1.0th Book of his 
Elements. But this objection is founded on a false supposition. For 
those ultimate ratios with w'hich quantities vanish are not truly the ratios 
of ultimate quantities, but limits towards which the ratios of quantities 
decreasing without limit do always converge; and to which they approach 
nearer than by any given difference, but never go beyond, nor in effect attain 
to, till the quantities are diminished in infinitum. This thing will appear 
more evident in quantities infinitely great. If two quantities, whose dif¬ 
ference is given, be augmented in infinitum , the ultimate ratio of these 
quantities will be given, to wit, the ratio of equality; but it does not from 
thence follow, that the ultimate or greatest quantities themselves, whose 
ratio that is, will be given. Therefore if in what follows, for the sake of 
being more easily understood, I should happen to mention quantities as 
least, or evanescent, or ultimate, you are not to suppose that quantities of 
any determinate magnitude are meant, but such as are conceived to be al¬ 
ways diminished without end. 


Of the Invention of Centripetal Forces . 


The areas, which revolving bodies describe by radii draivn to an immo¬ 
vable centre of force do lie in the same immovable planes, and are pro¬ 
portional to the times in which they are described. 

For suppose the time to be divided into equal parts, and in the first part 
of that time let the body by its innate force describe the right line AB 
In the second part of that time, the same would (by Law I.), if not hindered, 
proceel directly to c, alo iq: the line Be equal to AB ; so that by the radii 
AS, BS, cS, draw.i to the centre, the equal areas ASB, BSc, would be de- 



[Book l 

scribed. But when the body 
is arrived at B, suppose 
that a centripetal force acts 
at once with a great im¬ 
pulse, and, turning aside the 
body from the right line Be, 
compels it afterwards to con¬ 
tinue its motion along the 
right line BC. Draw cC 
parallel to BS meeting BC 
in C; and at the end of the 
second part of the time, the 
body (by Cor. I. of the Laws) 
will be found in C, in the 
same plane with the triangle 
A SB. Join SC, and, because 
SB and C c are parallel, the triangle SBC will be equal to the triangle SBc, 
and therefore also to the triangle SAB. By the like argument, if the 
centripetal force acts successively in C, D, E, &c., and makes the body, in 
each single particle of time, to describe the right lines CD, DE, EF, &c., 
they will all lie in the same plane; and the triangle SCD will be equal to 
the triangle SBC, and SDE to SCD, and SEF to SDE. And therefore, 
in equal times, equal areas are described in one immovable plane; and, by 
composition, any sums SADS, SAFS, of those areas, are one to the other 
as the times in which they are described. Now let the number of those 
triangles be augmented, and their breadth diminished in infinitum,; and 
(by Cor. 4, Lem. III.) their ultimate perimeter ADF will be a curve line: 
and therefore the centripetal force, by which the body is perpetually drawn 
back from the tangent of this curve, will act continually; and any described 
areas SADS, SAFS, which are always proportional to the times of de¬ 
scription, will, in this case also, be proportional to those times. Q.E.D. 

Cor. 1. The velocity of a body attracted towards an immovable centre, 
in spaces void of resistance, is reciprocally as the perpendicular let fall 
from that centre on the right line that touches the orbit. For the veloci¬ 
ties in those places A, B, C, D, E, are as the bases AB, BC, CD, DE, EF. 
of equal triangles ; and these bases are reciprocally as the perpendiculars 
let fall upon them. 

Cor. 2. If the chords AB, BC of two arcs, successively described in 
equal times by the same body, in spaces void of resistance, are completed 
into a parallelogram ABCV, and the diagonal BY of this parallelogram, 
in the position which it ultimately acquires when those arcs are diminished 
in infinitum ,, is produced both ways, it will pass through the centre of force. 

Cor. 3. If the chords AB, BC, and DE, EF, cf arcs described in equal 

Sec. IT.] 



times, in spaces void of resistance, are completed into the parallelograms 
ABCY, DEFZ : the forces in B and E are one to the other in the ulti¬ 
mate ratio of the diagonals BY, EZ, when those arcs are diminished in 
infinitum. For the motions BC and EF of the body (by Cor. 1 of the 
Laws) are compounded of the motions Be, BY, and E f } EZ : but BY and 
EZ, which are equal to Cc and Ff in the demonstration of this Proposi¬ 
tion, were generated by the impulses of the centripetal force in B and E, 
and are therefore proportional to those impulses. 

Cor. 4. The forces by which bodies, in spaces void of resistance, are 
drawn back from rectilinear motions, and turned into curvilinear orbits, 
are one to another as the versed sines of arcs described in equal times; which 
versed sines tend to the centre of force, and bisect the chords when those 
arcs are diminished to infinity. For such versed sines are the halves of 
the diagonals mentioned in Cor. 3. 

Cor. 5. And therefore those forces are to the force of gravity as the said 
versed sines to the versed sines perpendicular to the horizon of those para¬ 
bolic arcs which projectiles describe in the same time. 

Cor. 6. And the same things do all hold good (by Cor. 5 of the Laws), 
when the planes in which the bodies are moved, tpgether with the centres 
of force which are placed in those planes, are not at rest, but move uni¬ 
formly forward in right lines. 


Every body that moves in any curve line described in a plane , and by a 
radius , drawn to a point either immovable , or moving forward with 
an uniform rectilinear motion :, describes about that point areas propor¬ 
tional to the times , is urged by a centripetal force directed to that point 
Case. 1. For every body 
that moves in a curve line, 
is (by Law 1) turned aside 
from its rectilinear course 
by the action of some force 
that impels it. And that force 
by which the body is turned 
off from its rectilinear course, 
and is made to describe, in 
equal times, the equal least 
triangles SAB, SBC, SCD, 

&c., about the immovable 
point S (by Prop. XL. Book 
1, Elem. and Law II), acts 
in the place B, according to 
the direction of a line par- 


allel 1( cC. that is, in the direction of the line BS. and in the place C, 
accordii g to the direction of a line parallel to dD, that is, in the direction 
of the line CS, (fee.; and therefore acts always in the direction of lines 
tending to the immovable point S. Q.E.I). 

Case. 2. And (by Cor. 5 of the Laws) it is indifferent whether the su- 
perfices in which a body describes a curvilinear figure be quiescent, or moves 
together with the body, the figure described, and its point S, uniformly 
forward in right lines. 

Cor. 1. In non-resisting spaces or mediums, if the areas are not propor¬ 
tional to the times, the forces are not directed to the point in which the 
radii meet; but deviate therefrom in consequential or towards the parts to 
which the motion is directed, if the description of the areas is accelerated; 
but in antecedentia, if retarded. 

Cor. 2. And even in resisting mediums, if the description of the areas 
is accelerated, the directions of the forces deviate from the point in which 
the radii meet, towards the parts to which the motion tends. 


A body may be urged by a centripetal force compounded of several 
forces; in which case the meaning of the Proposition is, that the force 
which results out of all tends to the point S. But if any force acts per¬ 
petually in the direction of lines perpendicular to the described surface, 
this force will make the body to deviate from the plane of its motion : but 
will neither augment nor diminish the quantity of the described surface, 
and is therefore to be neglected in the composition of forces. 


Every body , that by a radius drawn to the centre of another body, how¬ 
soever moved , describes areas about that centre proportional to the times , 
is urged by a force compounded out of the centripetal force ■ending to 
that other body , and of all the accelerative force by which that other 
body is impelled. 

Let L represent the one, and T the other body; and (by Cor. 6 of the Laws) 
if both bodies are urged in the direction of parallel lines, by a new force 
equal and contrary to that by which the second body T is urged, the first 
body L will go on to describe about the other body T the same areas as 
before: but the force by which that other body T was urged will be now 
destroyed by an equal and contrary force; and therefore (by Law I.) that 
other body T, now left to itself, will either rest, or move uniformly forward 
in a right line: and the first body L impelled by the difference of the 
forces, that is, by the force remaining, will go on to describe about the other 
body T areas proportional to the times. And therefore (by Theor. II.) the 
difference ;f the forces is directed to the other body T as its centre. Q,.E.D 

Sec. II.] 



Cor. 1. Hence if the one body L, by a radius drawn to the other body T, areas proportional to the times; and from the whole force, by which 
the first body L is urged (whether that force is simple, or, according to 
Cor. 2 of the Laws, compounded out of several forces), we subduct (by the 
same Cor.) that whole accelerative force by which the other body is urged; 
the wlio.e remaining force by which the first body is urged will tend to the 
(ther body T, as its centre. 

Cor. 2. And, if these areas are proportional to the times nearly, the re¬ 
maining force will tend to the other body T nearly. 

Cor. 3. And vice versa , if the remaining force tends nearly to the other 
body T, those areas will be nearly proportional to the times. 

Cor. 4. If the body L, by a radius drawn to the other body T, describes 
areas, which, compared with the times, are very unequal; and that other 
body T be either at rest, or moves uniformly forward in a right line : the 
action of the centripetal force tending to that other body T is either none 
at all, or it is mixed and compounded with very powerful actions of other 
forces: and the whole force compounded of them all, if they are many, is 
directed to another (immovable or moveable) centre. The same thing ob¬ 
tains, when the other body is moved by any motion whatsoever; provided 
that centripetal force is taken, which remains after subducting that whole 
force acting upon that other body T. 


Because the equable description of areas indicates that a centre is re¬ 
spected by that force with which the body is most affected, and by which it 
is drawn back from its rectilinear motion, and retained in its orbit; why 
may we not be allowed, in the following discourse, to use the equable de¬ 
scription of areas as an indication of a centre, about which all circular 
motion is performed in free spaces ? 


The centripetal forces of bodies , which by equable motions describe differ - 
ent circles, tend to the centres of the same circles ; and are one to the 
other as the squares of the arcs described in equal t imes applied to the 
radii of the circles. 

These forces tend to the centres of the circles (by Prop. II., and Cor. 2, 
Prop. I.), and are one to another as the versed sines of the least arcs de¬ 
scribed in equal times (by Cor. 4, Prop. I.); that is, as the squares of the 
same arcs applied to the diameters of the circles (by Lem. VII.); and there¬ 
fore since those arcs are as arcs described in any equal times, and the dia- 
me'ers a«re as the radii, the forces will be as the squares of any arcs de- 
scr bed in the same time applied to the radii of the circles. Q.E.D. 

3or. 1. Therefore, since those arcs are as the velocities of the bodies 


l OS 

[Book . 

the centripetal forces are in a ratio compounded of the duplicate ratio of 
the velocities directly, and of the simple ratio of the radii inversely. 

Cor. 2. And since the periodic times are in a ratio compounded of the 
ratio of the radii directly, and the ratio of the velocities inversely, the cen¬ 
tripetal forces, are in a ratio compounded of the ra,tio of the radii directly, 
and the duplicate ratio of the periodic times inversely. 

Cor. 3. Whence if the periodic times are equal, and the velocities 
therefore as the radii, the centripetal forces will be also as the radii ; and 
the contrary. 

Cor. 4. If the periodic times and the velocities are both in the subdu- 
plfcate ratio of the radii, the centripetal forces will be equal among them¬ 
selves ; and the contrary.' 

Cor. 5. If the periodic times are as the radii, and therefore the veloci¬ 
ties equal, the centripetal forces will be reciprocally as the radii; and the 

Cor. 6. If the periodic times are in the sesquiplicate ratio of the radii, 
and therefore the velocities reciprocally in the subduplicate ratio of the 
radii, the centripetal forces will be in the duplicate ratio of the radii in¬ 
versely ; and the contrary. 

Cor. 7. And universally, if the periodic time is as any power R n of the 
radius R, and therefore the velocity reciprocally as the power R n — 1 of 
the radius, the centripetal force will be reciprocally as the power R 2n 1 of 
the radius; and the contrary. 

Cor. 8. The same things all hold concerning the times, the velocities, 
and forces by which bodies describe the similar parts of any similar figures 
that have their centres in a similar position with those figures ; as appears 
by applying the demonstration of the preceding cases to those. And the 
application is easy, by only substituting the equable description of areas in 
the place of equable motion, and using the distances of the bodies from the 
centres instead of the radii. 

Cor. 9. From the same demonstration it likewise follows, that the arc 
which a body, uniformly revolving in a circle by means of a given centri¬ 
petal force, describes in any time, is a mean proportional between the 
diameter of the circle, and the space which the same body falling by the 
same given force would descend through in the same given time. 


The case of the 6th Corollary obtains in the celestial bodies (as Sir 
Christopher Wren, Dr. Hooke, and Dr. Halley have severally observed ); 
and therefore in what follows, I intend to treat more at large of those 
things which relate to centripetal force decreasing in a duplicate ratio 
of the distances from the centres. 

Moreover, by means of the preceding Proposition and its Corollaries, we 

Sec. II.] 



may discover the proportion of a centripetal force to any other known 
force, such as that of gravity. For if a body by means of its gravity re¬ 
volves in a circle concentric to the earth, this gravity is the centripetal 
force of that body. But from the descent of heavy bodies, the time of one 
entire revolution, as well as the arc described in any given time, is given 
(by Cor. 9 of this Prop.). And by such propositions, Mr. Huygens, in his 
excellent book De IJorologio Oscillatorio, has compared the force of 
gravity with the centrifugal forces of revolving bodies. 

The preceding Proposition may be likewise demonstrated after this 
manner. In any circle suppose a polygon to be inscribed of any number 
of sides. And if a body, moved with a given velocity along the sides of the 
polygon, is reflected from the circle at the several angular points, the force, 
with which at every reflection it strikes the circle, will be as its velocity : 
and therefore the sum of the forces, in a given time, will be as that ve¬ 
locity and the number of reflections conjunctly; that is (if the species of 
the polygon be given), as the length described in that given time, and in¬ 
creased or diminished in the ratio of the same length to the radius of the 
circle; that is, as the square of that length applied to the radius; and 
therefore the polygon, by having its sides diminished in'infinitum, coin¬ 
cides with the circle, as the square of the arc described in a given time ap¬ 
plied to the radius. This is the centrifugal force, with which the body 
impels the circle; and to which the contrary force, wherewith the circle 
continually repels the body towards the centre, is equal. 


There being given , in any places, the velocity with which a body de¬ 
scribes a given figure, by means of forces directed to some common 

centre: to find that centre. 

Let the three right lines PT, TOY, YR 
touch the figure described in as many points, 

P, Q,, R, and meet in T and Y. On the tan¬ 
gents erect the perpendiculars PA, Q.B, RC, 
reciprocally proportional to the velocities of the 
body in the points P, Q, R, from which the 
perpendiculars were raised; that is, so that PA 
may be to OB as the velocity in Q, to the velocity in P, and QB to RC 
as the velocity in R to the velocity in Q. Through the ends A, B, C, of 
the perpendiculars draw AD, DBE, EC, at right angles, meeting in D and 
E: and the right lines TD, YE produced, will meet in S, the centre re¬ 

For the perpendiculars let fall from the centre S on the tangents PT, 
QT, are reciprocally as the velocities of the bodies in the points P and Q 



[Book 1 

(by Cor. 1, Prop. I.), and therefore, by construction, as the perpendiculars 
AP, BQ directly; that is, as the perpendiculars let fall from the point D 
on the tangents. Whence it is easy to infer that the points S, D, T, are 
in one right line. And by the like argument the points S, E, V are also 
in one right line; and therefore the centre S is in the point where the 
right lines TD, YE meet. Q.E.D. 


In a space void of resistance, if a body revolves in any orbit about an im¬ 
movable centre, and in the least time describes any arc just then na¬ 
scent ; and the versed sine of that arc is supposed to be drawn bisect¬ 
ing the chord, and produced passing through the centre of force: the 
centripetal force in the middle of the arc will be as the versed sine di¬ 
rectly and the square of the time inversely. 

For the versed sine in a given time is as the force (by Cor. 4, Prop. 1); 
and augmenting the time in any ratio, because the arc will be augmented 
in the same ratio, the versed sine will be augmented in the duplicate of 
that ratio (by Cor. 2 and 3, Lem. XI.), and therefore is as the force and the 
square of the time. Subduct on both sides the duplicate ratio of the. 
time, and the force will be as the versed sine directly, and the square of 
the time inversely. Q.E.D. 

And the same thing may also be easily demonstrated by Corol. 4, 
Lem. X. 

Cor. 1. If a body P revolving about the 
centre S describes a curve line APQ, which a 
right line ZPR touches in any point P; and 
from any other point Q of the curve, OR is / / 

drawn parallel to the distance SP, meeting j 
the tangent in R ; and QT is drawn perpen- s 
dicular to the distance SP; the centripetal force will be reciprocally as the 
SP 2 X QT 2 

solid-— _ -, if the solid be taken of that magnitude which it ulti- 

QR ’ ° 

mately acquires when the points P and Q coincide. For QR is equal to 

the versed sine of double the arc QP, whose middle is P: and double the 

triangle SQ,P, or SP X QT is proportional to the time in which that 

double arc is described; and therefore may be used for the exponent of 

the time. 

Cor. 2. By a like reasoning, the centripetal force is reciprocally as the 
SY 2 X QP 2 

solid--; if SY is a perpendicular from the centre of force on 


PR the tangent of the orbit. For the rectangles SY X QP and SP X QT 
are equal. 



Sec. IT.] 

Cor. 3. If the orbit is either a circle, or touches or cuts a circle c< ncen- 
trieally, that is, contains with a circle the least angle of contact or sec¬ 
tion, havirfc the same curvature rnd the same radius of curvature at the 
point P ; and if PV be a chord of this circle, drawn from the body through 
the centre of force; the centripetal force will be reciprocally as the solid 

SY 2 X PV. 

F ° r py is^y. 

Cor. 4. The same things being supposed, the centripetal force is as the 
square of the velocity directly, and that chord inversely. For the velocity 
is reciprocally as the perpendicular SY, by Cor. 1. Prop. I. 

Cor. 5. Hence if any curvilinear figure APQ is given, and therein a 
point S is also given, to which a centripetal force is perpetually directed, 
that law of centripetal force may be found, by which the body P will be 
continually drawn back from a rectilinear course, and. being detained in 
the perimeter of that figure, will describe the same by a perpetual revolu- 

SP 2 x QT 2 

tion. That is, we are to find, by computation, either the solid- ^7 - 

or the solid SY 2 X PV, reciprocally proportional to this force. Example: 
of this we shall give in the following Problems. 


Jf a body revolves in the circumference of a circle; it is proposed to find 
the law of centripetal force directed to any given point. 

Let VQPA be the circumference of the 
circle; S the given point to which as to 
a centre the force tends; P the body mov¬ 
ing in the circumference; Q the next 
place into which it is to move; and PRZ 
the tangent of the circle at the preceding 
place. Through the point S draw the 
chord PV, and the diameter VA of the 
circle: join AP, and draw QT perpen¬ 
dicular to SP, which produced, may meet 
the tangent PR in Z; and lastly, through 
the point Q, draw LR parallel to SP, meeting the circle in L, and the 
tangent PZ in R. And, because of the similar triangles ZQR, ZTP, 

VP A, we shall have 


AV 2 

RP 2 , that is, QRL to QT 2 as AV 2 to PV 2 . And 

PV 2 . SP 2 

-is equal to QT 2 . Multiply those equals by 

and the points P and Q coinciding, for RL write PV; then we shall have 
SP 2 X PV* SP 2 X QT 2 

. And therefore fhy For 1 and 5. Prop. VI.) 





[Book I. 

SP 2 X PV 3 

the centripetal force is reciprocally as - AyT —j that is (because AV 2 

is given), reciprocally as the square of the distance or altitude SP, and the 
cube of the chord PY conjunctly. Q.E.I. 

The same otherwise. 

On the tangent PR produced let fall the perpendicular SY; and (be¬ 
cause of the similar triangles SYP, VP A), we shall have AY to PY as SP 
SP X PY SP 2 v PV 3 

to SY, and therefore--jy-= SY, and- j-y- - = SY" 2 X PY. 

And therefore (by Corol. 3 and 5, Prop. YI), the centripetal force is recip- 
SP 2 X PY 3 

rocally as-—> that i s (because AY is given), reciprocally as SP 2 

X PY 3 . Q.E.I. 

Cor. 1. Hence if the given point S, to which the centripetal force al¬ 
ways tends, is placed in the circumference of the circle, as at Y, the cen¬ 
tripetal force will be reciprocally as the quadrato-cube (or fifth power) of 
the altitude SP. 

Cor. 2. The force by which the body P in the 
circle APTY revolves about the centre of force S T 
is to the force by which the same body P may re¬ 
volve in the same circle, and in the same periodic 
time, about any other centre of force R, as RP 2 X 
SP to the cube of the right line SG, which from 
the first centre of force S is drawn parallel to the 
distance PR of the body from the second centre of force R, meeting the 
tangent PG of the orbit in G. For by the construction of this Proposition, 
the former force is to the latter as RP 2 X PT 3 to SP 2 X PV 3 ; that is, as 
SP 3 X PY 3 

SP X RP 2 to-pp—; or (because of the similar triangles PSG, TPV) 

to SG 3 . 

Cor. 3. The force by which the body P in any orbit revolves about the 
centre of force S, is to the force by which the same body may revolve in 
the same orbit, and the same periodic time, about any other centre of force 
R. as the solid SP X RP 2 , contained under the distance of the body from 
the first centre of force S, and the square of its distance from the sec¬ 
ond centre of force R, to the cube of the right line SG, drawn from the 
first centre of the force S, parallel to the distance RP of the body from 
tt *3 second centre of force R, meeting the tangent PG of the orbit in G. 
For the force in this orbit at any point P is the same as in a circle of the 
same curvature. 

Sec. II.] 




If a body mtves in the semi-circv inference PQA; it is proposed to find 
the law of the centripetal force tending to a point S, so remote , that all 
the lines PS. RS drawn thereto , may be taken for parallels. 

From C, the centre of the semi-circle, let 
the semi-diameter CA he drawn, cutting the 
parallels at right angles in M and N, and 
join CP. Because of the similar triangles 
CPM, PZT, and RZQ, we shall have CP 2 
to PM 2 as PR 2 to QT 2 ; and, from the na¬ 
ture of the circle, PR 2 is equal to the rect¬ 
angle QR X RN + ON, or, the points P, Q coinciding, to the rectangle 
QR x 2PM. Therefore CP 2 is to PM 2 as QR X 2PM to QT 2 ; and 
QT 2 2PM 3 , QT 2 X SP 2 2PM 3 X SP 2 , - , _ n 

(JrT = " op 2 > and -QR- = -CP 2 -* And therefore ( b ? 

Corol. 1 and 5, Prop. YI.), the centripetal force is reciprocally as 

2PM 3 X SP 2 2SP 2 

--; that is (neglecting the given ratio 'gpr)? reciprocally as 

PM 3 . Q.E.I. 

And the same thing is likewise easily inferred from the preceding Pro 



A \ 

\c | 






And by a like reasoning, a body will be moved m an ellipsis, or even in 
an hyperbola, or parabola, by a centripetal force which is reciprocally ae 
the cube of the ordinate directed to an infinitely remote centre of force. 


Tf a body revolves in a spiral PQS, cutting all the radii SP, SQ, cJ*c., 
in a given angle ; it is proposed to find the law of the centripetal force 
tending to the centre of that spiral. 

Suppose the inde¬ 
finitely small angle 
PSQ to be given; be¬ 
cause, then, all the 
angles are given, the 

figure SPRQT will ,___,_ 

be given in specie. v 

QT QT 2 

Therefore the ratio—is also given, and p — is as QT, that is (be 



cause the figure is given in specie), as SP. But if the angle PSQ is any 
way changed, the right line QR, subtending the angle of contact QPR 




[Book i 

(by Lemma XI) will be changed in the duplicate ratio of PR or Q.T 

QT 2 

Therefore the ratio remains the same as before, that is, as SP. And 

QT 2 X SP 2 

is as SP 3 , and therefore (by Corol. 1 and 5, Prop. VI) the 

centripetal force is reciprocally as the cube of the distance SP. Q,.E.I. 

The same otherwise. 

The perpendicular SY let fall upon the tangent, and the chord PV of 
the circle concentrically cutting the spiral, are in given ratios to the height 
SP; and therefore SP 3 is as SY 2 X PV, that is (by Corol. 3 and 5, Prop. 
VI) reciprocally as the centripetal force. 


All parallelograms circumscribed about any conjugate diameters of a 
given ellipsis or hyperbola are equal among themselves. 

This is demonstrated by the writers on the conic sections. 


[f a body revolves in an ellipsis ; it is proposed to find the law of the 

centripetal force tending to the centre of the ellipsis. 

Suppose CA, CB to 
be semi-axes of the 
ellipsis; GP, DK, con- ^ 

jugate diameters; PF, 

Q,T perpendiculars to 
those diameters; Q,van 
ordinate to the diame¬ 
ter GP; and if the 
parallelogram Q^PR 
be completed, then (by 
the properties of the 
oonic sections) the rec¬ 
tangle FvG will be to 
dv 2 as PC 2 to CD 2 ; 
and (because of the 
similar triangles dvT, PCF), dv 2 to QT 2 as PC 2 to PF 2 ; and, by com 
position, the ratio of PtfG to QT 2 is compounded of the ratio of PC 2 1< 

CD 2 , and of the ratio of PC 2 to PF 2 , that is, vG 

QT 2 
to — as PC : 


CD 2 X PF 2 

PC 2 

Put Q,R for Fv , and (by Lem. XII) BC X CA for CD 

x: PF; also (the points P and d coinciding) 2PC for vG) and multiply- 

Sec. II.] 



QT 2 x PC 2 

ing the extremes and means together, we shall have-pr—--equal to 


2BC 2 X CA 2 

--. Therefore (by Cor. 5, Prop. VI), the centripetal foroe is 

2BC 2 X CA 2 

reciprocally as--; that is (because 2BC 2 X CA 2 is given), re¬ 

ciprocally as- — y; that is, directly as the distance PC. QJEI. 

The same otherwise. 

In the right line PG on the other side of the point T, take the point u 
so that T u may be equal to Tv ; then take uY, such as shall be to vG as 
DC 2 to PC 2 . And because Qv 2 is to PvG as DC 2 to PC 2 (by the conic 
sections), we shall have Q,v 2 ~ Pr X uY. Add the rectangle i/Tv to both 
sides, and the square of the chord of the arc PQ, will be equal to the rect¬ 
angle YPv; and therefore a circle which touches the conic section in P, 
and passes through the point Q,, will pass also through the point V. Now 
let the points P and Q, meet, and the ratio of uY to rG, which is the same 
with the ratio of DC 2 to PC 2 , will become the ratio of PV to PG, or PV 

2DC 2 

to 2PC: and therefore PY will be equal to pQ —• And therefore the 

force by which the body P revolves in the ellipsis will be reciprocally as 
2 DC 2 

——X PF' 2 (by Cor. 3, Prop. YI); that is (because 2DC 2 X PF 2 is 
given) directly as PC. Q.E.I. 

Cor. 1. And therefore the force is as the distance of the body from the 
centre of the ellipsis; and, vice versa , if the force is as the distance, the 
body will move in an ellipsis whose centre coincides with the centre of force, 
or perhaps in a circle into which the ellipsis may degenerate. 

Cor. 2. And the periodic times of the revolutions made in all ellipses 
whatsoever about the same centre will be equal. For those times in sim¬ 
ilar ellipses will be equal (bv Corol. 3 and S, Prop. IY); but in ellipses 
that have their greater axis common, they are one to another as the whole 
areas of the ellipses directly, and the parts of the areas described in the 
same time inversely; that is, as the lesser axes directly, and the velocities 
of the bodies in their principal vertices inversely; :hat is, as those lesser 
axes directly, and the ordinates to the same point f the common axes in¬ 
versely ; and therefore (because of the equality of the direct and inverse 
ratios) in the ratio of equality. 


If the ellipsis, by having its centre removed to an infinite distance, de¬ 
generates into a parabola, the body will move in this parabola; and the 



[Book I. 

force, now tending to a centre infinitely remote, will become equable. 
Which is Galileo's theorem. And if the parabolic section of the cone (by 
changing the inclination of the cutting plane to the cone) degenerates into 
an hyperbola, the body will move in the perimeter of this hyperbola, hav¬ 
ing its centripetal force changed into a centrifugal force. And in like 
manner as in the circle, or in the ellipsis, if the forces are directed to the 
centre of the figure placed in the abscissa, those forces by increasing or di¬ 
minishing the ordinates in any given ratio, or even by changing the angle 
of the inclination of the ordinates to the abscissa, are always augmented 
or diminished in the ratio of the distances from the centre; provided the 
periodic times remain equal; so also in all figures whatsoever, if the ordi¬ 
nates are augmented or diminished in any given ratio, or their inclination 
is any way changed, the periodic time remaining the same, the forces di¬ 
rected to any centre placed in the abscissa are in the several ordinates 
augmented or diminished in the ratio of the distances from the centre 


Of the motion of bodies in eccentric conic sections. 


If a body revolves in an ellipsis ; it is required to find the law of the 
centripetal force tending to the focus of the ellipsis. 

Let S be the focus 
of the ellipsis. Draw 
SP cutting the diame¬ 
ter DK of the ellipsis 
in E, and the ordinate 
in x ; and com¬ 
plete the parallelogram 
Q,.rPR. It is evident 
that EP is equal to the 
greater semi-axis AC: 
for drawing HI frofti 
the other focus H of 
the ellipsis parallel to 
EC, because CS, CH 
are equal, ES, El will 
be also equal; so that EP is the half sum of PS, PI, that is (because of 
the parallels HI, PR, and the equal angles IPR, HPZ), of PS, PH, which 
taken together are equal to the whole axis 2AC. Draw Q,T perpendicu¬ 
lar to SP, and putting L for the princi al latus rectum of the ellipsis (or foT 

Sec. III.] 



2BC 2 

we shall have L X OR to L X Py as QR to Py, that is, as PE 

or AC to PC; and L X Pv to GyP as L to Gy; and GvP to Q,y 2 as PC 2 
to CD 2 ; and by (Corol. 2, Lem. VII) the points Q, and P coinciding, Q,y 2 
is to Qx' in the ratio of equality; and Q.y 2 or Qv 2 is to QT 2 as EP 2 to 
PF 2 , that is, as CA 2 to PF 2 , or (by Lem. XII) as CD 2 to CB 2 . And com¬ 
pounding all those ratios together, we shall have L X QR to QT 2 as AC 

X L X PC 2 X CD 2 , or 2CB 2 X PC 2 X CD 2 to PC X Gy X CD 2 X 
CB 2 , or as 2PC to Gy. But the points Q and P coinciding, 2PC and Gr 
are equal. And therefore the quantities L X QR and QT 2 , proportional 

SP 2 

to these, will be also equal. Let those equals be drawn and L 

X SP 2 will become equal to 

SP 2 x QT 2 

And therefore (by Corol. 1 and 

5, Prop. VI) the centripetal force is reciprocally as L X SP 2 , that is, re¬ 
ciprocally in the duplicate ratio of the distance SP. Q.E.I. 

The same otherwise. 

Since the force tending to the centre of the ellipsis, by which the body 
P may revolve in that ellipsis, is (by Corol. 1, Prop. X.) as the distance 
CP of the body from the centre C of the ellipsis; let CE be drawn paral¬ 
lel to the tangent PR of the ellipsis; and the force by which the same body 
P may revolve about any other point S of the ellipsis, if CE and. PS in- 

PE 3 

tersect in E, will be as gp 2 

(by Cor. 3, Prop. VII.); that is, if the point 

S is the focus of the ellipsis, and therefore PE be given as SP 2 recipro¬ 
cally. Q.E.I. 

With the same brevity with which we reduced the fifth Problem to the 
parabola, and hyperbola, we might do the like here: but because of the 
dignity of the Problem and its use in what follows. I shall confirm the other 
cases by particular demonstrations. 


Suppose a body to move in an hyperbola ; it is required to find the law oj 
the centripetal force tending to the focus of that figure. 

Let CA, CB be the semi-axes of the hyperbola; PG, KD other con¬ 
jugate diameters ; PF a perpendicular to the diameter KD ; and Qy an 
ordinate to the diameter GP. Draw SP cutting the diameter DK in E, 
and the ordinate Qy in x : and complete the parallelogram QRP#. It is 
evident that EP is equal to the semi-transverse axis AC; for drawing 
HI, from the other focus H of the hyperbola, parallel to EC, because CS, 
CH are equal, ES El will be also equal; so that EP is the half difference 



[Boot I 

.of PS, PI; that is (be¬ 
cause of the parallels IH, 

PR, and the equal angles 
I PR, HPZ), of PS, PH, 
the difference of which is 
equal to the whole axis 
2AC. Draw QT perpen¬ 
dicular to SP; and put¬ 
ting L for the principal 
latus rectum of the hy¬ 
perbola (that is, for 

~~r ^ ? we shall have L 
AC / 

X OR to L X Pv as QR 
to Pv, or Vx to Pv, that is 
(because of the similar tri¬ 
angles Vxv, PEC), as PE 11 
to PC, or AC to PC. 

And L X Pv will be to 
Gv X Pv as L to Gv; 
and (by the properties of 
the conic sections) the rec¬ 
tangle G?*P is to Qv 2 as 
PC' 2 to CD 2 ; and by (Cor. 2, Lem. VII.), Qv 2 to Q# 2 , the points Q and P 
coinciding, becomes a ratio of equality; and Q.v 2 or Qv 2 is to QT 2 as EP S 
to PF 2 , that is, as CA 2 to PF 2 , or (by Lem. XII.) as CD 2 to CB 2 : and, 
compounding all those ratios together, we shall have L X QR to QT 2 as 
AC X L X PC 2 X CD 2 , or 2CB 2 X PC 2 X CD 2 to PC X Gv X CD 2 
X CB 2 , or as 2PC to Gv. But the points P and Q coinciding, 2PC and 
Gv are equal. And therefore the quantities L X QR and QT 2 , propor¬ 
tional to them, will be also equal. Let those equals be drawn into 

SP 2 SP 2 X QT 2 

and we shall have L X SP 2 equal to--. And therefore (by 


Cor. 1. and 5, Prop. VI.) the centripetal force is reciprocally as L X SP ; 
ihat is, reciprocally in the duplicate ratio of the distance SP. Q.E.I. 

The same otherwise. 

Find out the force tending from the centre C of the hyperbola. This will 
be proportional to the distance CP. But from thence (by Cor. 3, Prop. 

PE 3 

VII.) the force tending to the focus S will be as -gp, thi t is, because PE 
is given reciprocally as SP 2 . Q.E.I. 

Sec. III.] 



And the same way may it be demonstrated, that the body having its cen¬ 
tripetal changed into a centrifugal force, will move in the conjugate hy¬ 


The latus rectum of a parabola belonging to any vertex is quadruple 
the distance of that vertex from the focus of the jigure. 

This is demonstrated by the writers on the conic sections. 


The perpendicular, let fall from the focus of a parabola on its tangent , is 
a mean proportional between the distances of the focus from the point 
of contact, and from the principal vertex of the figure. 

For, let AP be the parabola, S its 
focus, A its principal vertex, P the 
point of contact, PO an ordinate to the 
principal diameter, PM the tangent 
meeting the principal diameter in M. 
and SN the perpendicular from the fo¬ 
cus on the tangent: join AN, and because of the equal lines MS and SP, 
MN and NP, MA and AO, the right lines AN, OP, will be parallel; and 
thence the triangle SAN will be right-angled at A, and similar to the 
equal triangles SNM, SNP; therefore PS is to SN as SN to SA. Q.E.I). 
Cor. 1. PS 2 is to SN 2 as PS to SA. 

Cor. 2. And because SA is given, SN 2 will be as PS. 

Cor. 3. And the concourse of any tangent PM, with the right line SN, 
drawn from the focus per] endicular on the tangent, falls in the right line 
AN that touches the parabola in the principal vertex. 


If a body moves in the perimeter of a parabola ; it is required to find the 
law of the centripetal force tending to the focus of that figure. 

Retaining the construction 
of the preceding Lemma, let P 
be the body in the perimeter 
of the parabola; and from the 
place Q, into which it is next 
to succeed, draw Q,R parallel 
and Q,T perpendicular to SP, 
as also Qv parallel to the tan¬ 
gent, and meeting the diame¬ 
ter PG in v , and the distance' 



[Book I. 

SP in x. Now, because of the similar triangles Pxv, SPM, and of the 

equal sides SP, SM of the one, the sides Vx or Q,R and Pi? of the other 

will be also equal. But (by the conic sections) the square of the ordinate 

Q,i? is equal to the rectangle under the latus rectum and the segment Pi? 

of the diameter; that is (by Lem. NIII.), to the rectangle 4PS X Pt?, or 

4PS X GIR j and the points P and GJ, coinciding, the ratio of GIi? to GLf 

(by Cor. 2, Lem. VII.,) becomes a ratio of equality. And therefore Q# 2 , in 

this case, becomes equal to the rectangle 4PS X OR. But (because of the 

similar triangles O^T, SPN), Q,# 2 is to OT 2 as PS 2 to SN 2 , that is (by 

Cor. 1, Lem. XIV.), as PS to SA ; that is, as 4PS X OR to 4SA X OR, 

and therefore (by Prop. IX. Lib. V., Elem.) OT 2 and 4SA X OR are 

SP 2 , SP 2 X OT 2 , 

will become equal 

equal. Multiply these equals by and 


to SP 2 X 4SA: and therefore (by Cor. 1 and 5, Prop. VI.), the centripetal 
force is reciprocally as SP 2 X 4S A; that is, because 4S A is given, recipro¬ 
cally in the duplicate ratio of the distance SP. O.E.I. 

Cor. 1. From the three last Propositions it follows, that if any body P 
goes from the place P with any velocity in the direction of any right line 
PR, and at the same time is urged by the action of a centripetal force that 
is reciprocally proportional to the square of the distance of the places from 
the centre, the body will move in one of the conic sections, having its fo¬ 
cus in the centre of force; and the contrary. For the focus, the point of 
contact, and the position of the tangent, being given, a conic section may 
be described, which at that point shall have a given curvature. But the 
curvature is given from the centripetal force and velocity of the body be¬ 
ing given; and two orbits, mutually touching one the other, cannot be de¬ 
scribed by the same centripetal force and the same velocity. 

Cor. 2. If the velocity with which the body goes from its place P is 
such, that in any infinitely small moment of time the lineola PR may be 
thereby describel; and the centripetal force such as in the same time to 
move the same body through the space Q,R ; the body will move in one of 

GIT 2 . . 
TTrrin its 

the conic sections, whose principal latus rectum is the quantity 

ultimate state, when thelineolae PR, Q,R are diminished in infinitum. In 
these Corollaries I consider the circle as an ellipsis; and I except the case 
where the body descends to the centre in a right line. 


Tf several bodies revolve about one common centre , and the centripetal 
force is reciprocally in the duplicate ratio of the distance of places 
from., the centre ; I say , that the principal latera recta of their orbits 
are in the duplicate ratio of the areas , which the bodies by radii drawn 
to the centre discribe in the same time. 



For (by Cor 2, Prop. XII'l) the latus rectum 

QT 2 . 

L is equal to the quantity-^g-in its ultimate 

state when the points P and Q. coincide. But 
the lineola Q,R in a given time is as the gen¬ 
erating centripetal force; that is (by supposi- 

Q,T 2 

tion), reciprocally as SP 2 . And therefor c - ^ - 


is as QT 2 X SP 2 ; that is, the latus rectum L is in the duplicate ratio of 
the area QT X SP. Q.E.D. 

Cor. Hence the whole area of the ellipsis, and the rectangle under the 
axes, which is proportional to it, is in the ratio compounded of the subdu¬ 
plicate ratio of the latus rectum, and the ratio of the periodic time. For 
the whole area is as the area QT X SP, described in a given time, mul¬ 
tiplied by the periodic time. 


The same things being supposed , 7 say, that the periodic times in ellip¬ 
ses are in the sesquiplicate ratio of their greater axes. 

For the lesser axis is a mean proportional between the greater axis and 
the latus rectum; and, therefore, the rectangle under the axes is in the 
ratio compounded of the subduplicate ratio of the latus rectum and the 
sesquiplicate ratio of the greater axis. But this rectangle (by Cor. o. 
Prop. XIV) is in a ratio compounded of the subduplicate ratio of the 
latus rectum, and the ratio of the periodic time. Subduct from both sides 
the subduplicate ratio of the latus rectum, and there will remain the ses¬ 
quiplicate ratio of the greater axis, equal to the ratio of the periodic time. 

Cor. Therefore the periodic times in ellipses are the same as in circles 
whose diameters are equal to the greater axes of the ellipses. 


The same things being supposed , and right lines being drawn to the 
bodies that shall touch the orbits , and perpendiculars being let fall on 
those tangents from the common focus; Isay , that the velocities oj 
the bodies are in a ratio compounded of the ratio of the perpendiculars 
inversely , and the subduplicate ratio of the principal latera recta 

From the focus S draw SY perpendicular to the tangent PR, and the 
velocity of the body P will be reciprocally in the subduplicate ratio of the 
SY 2 

quantity —j—. For that velocity is as the infinitely small arc PQ de* 



[Book I. 

scribed in a given moment of time, that is (by 
Lem. VII), as the tangent PR; that is (because 
of the proportionals PR to QT, and SP to 

and SP X QT directly; but SP X QT is as 
the area described in the given time, that is (by 
Prop. XIV), in the subduplicate ratio of the 
latus rectum. Q.E.D. 

Cor. 1. The principal latera recta are in a ratio compounded of the 
duplicate ratio of the perpendiculars and the duplicate ratio of the ve¬ 

Cor. 2. The velocities of bodies, in their greatest and least distances from 
the common focus, are in the ratio compounded of the ratio of the distan¬ 
ces inversely, and the subduplicate ratio of the principal latera recta di¬ 
rectly. For those perpendiculars are now the distances. 

Cor. 3. And therefore the velocity in a conic section, at its greatest or 
least distance from the focus, is to the velocity in a circle, at the same dis¬ 
tance from the centre, in the subduplicate ratio of the principal latus rec¬ 
tum to the double of that distance. 

Cor. 4. The velocities of the bodies revolving in ellipses, at their mean 
distances from the common focus, are the same as those of bodies revolving 
in circles, at the same distances ; that is (by Cor. 6, Prop. IV), recipro¬ 
cally in the subduplicate ratio of the distances. For the perpendiculars 
are now the lesser semi-axes, and these are as mean proportionals between 
the distances and the latera recta. Let this ratio inversely be compounded 
with the subduplicate ratio of the latera recta directly, and we shall have 
the subduplicate ratio of the distance inversely. 

Cor. 5. In the same figure, or even in different figures, whose principal 
latera recta are equal, the velocity of a body is reciprocally as the perpen¬ 
dicular let fall from the focus on the tangent. 

Cor. 6. In a parabola, the velocity is reciprocally in the subduplicate 
ratio^of the distance of the body from the focus of the figure; it is more 
variable in the ellipsis, and less in the hyperbola, than according to this 
ratio. For (by Cor. 2, Lem. XIV) the perpendicular let fall from the 
focus on the tangent of a parabola is in the subduplicate ratio of the dis¬ 
tance. In the hyperbola the perpendicular i3 less variable; in the ellipsis 

Cor. 7. In a parabola, the velocity of a body at any distance from the 
focus is to the velocity of a body revolving in a circle, at the same distance 
from the centre, in the subduplicate ratio of the number 2 to 1; in the 
ellipsis it is less, and in the hyperbola greater, than according to this ratio, 
For (by Cor. 2 of this Prop.) the velocitv at the vertex of a parabola is i e 

SY), as 


or as SY reciprocally 

Sec. III.] 



this ratio, and (by Cor. 6 of this Prop, and Prop. IV) the same proportion 
holds in all distances. And hence, also, in a parabola, the velocity is 
everywhere equal to the velocity of a body revolving in a circle at half the 
distance; in the ellipsis it is less, and in the hyperbola greater. 

Cor. S. The velocity of a body revolving in any conic section is to the 
velocity of a body revolving in a circle, at the distance of half the princi¬ 
pal latus rectum of the section, as that distance to the perpendicular let 
fall from the focus on the tangent of the section. This appears from 
Cor. 5. 

Cor. 9. Wherefore since (by Cor. 6, Prop. IV), the velocity of a body 
revolving in this circle is to the velocity of another body revolving in any 
other circle reciprocally in the subduplicate ratio of the distances; there¬ 
fore, ex cequo, the velocity of a body revolving •in a conic section will be 
to the velocity of a body revolving in a circle at the same distance as a 
mean proportional between that common distance, and half the principal 
latus rectum of the section, to the perpendicular let fall from the common 
focus upon the tangent of the section. 


Supposing the centripetal force to be reciprocally proportional to the 
squares of the distances of places from the centre, and that the abso¬ 
lute quantity of that force is knoiun ; it is required to determine the 
line which a body will describe that is let go from a given place with a 
given velocity in the direction of a given right line. 

Let the centripetal force 
tending to the point S be 
such as will make the body 
p revolve in any given orbit 
pq ; and suppose the velocity 
of this body in the place p 
is known. Then from the 
place P suppose the body P 
to be let go with a given ve¬ 
locity in the direction of the 
line PR; but by virtue of a 
centripetal force to be immediately turned aside from that right line into 
the conic section PQ,. This, the right line PR will therefore touch in P. 
Suppose likewise that the right line pr touches the orbit pq in p ; and if 
from S you suppose perpendiculars let fall on those tangents, the principal 
latus rectum of the conic section (by Cor. 1, Prop. XVI) will be to the 
principal latus rectum of that orbit in a ratio compounded of the duplicate 
ratio of the perpendiculars, and the duplicate ratio of the velocities; and 
is therefore given. Let this latus rectum be L ; the focus S of the conic 



[Book 1. 

section is also given. Let the angle RPH be the complement of the angle 
RPS to two right; and the line PH, in which the other focus H is placed, 
is given by position. Let fall SK perpendicular on PIf, and erect the 
conjugate semi-axis BC ; this done, we shall have SP 2 — 2KPH + PH 2 
= SH 2 = 4CH 2 = 4BH 2 — 4BC 2 = SP + PH 2 — L X SP"+"PH = 
SP 2 + 2SPH + PH 2 —L x SP“+PH. Add on both sides 2KPH — 
SP 2 —PH 2 + L X SF+T?H, and we shall have L X SP~+“PH = 2SPH 
•f 2KPH, or SP + PH to PH, as 2SP + 2KP to L. Whence PH is 
given both in length and position. That is, if the velocity of the body 
in P is such that the latus rectum L is less than 2SP + 2KP, PH will 
lie on the same side of the tangent PR with the line SP; and therefore 
the figure will be an ellipsis, which from the given foci S, H, and the 
principal axis SP + PH, is given also. But if the velocity of the body 
is so great, that the latus rectum L becomes equal to 2SP + 2KP, the 
length PH will be infinite; and therefore, the figure will be a parabola, 
which has its axis SH parallel to the line PK, and is thence given. But 
if the body goes from its place P with a yet greater velocity, the length 
PH is to be taken on the other side the tangent; and so the tangent pas¬ 
sing between the foci, the figure will be an hyperbola having its principal 
axis equal to the difference of the lines SP and PH, and thence is given. 
For if the body, in these cases, revolves in a conic section so found, it is 
demonstrated in Prop. XI, XII, and XIII, that the centripetal force will 
be reciprocally as the square of the distance of the body from the centre 
of force S; and therefore we have rightly determined the line PQ,, which 
a body let go from a given place P with a given velocity, and in the di¬ 
rection of the right line PR given by position, would describe with such a 
force. Q.E.F. 

Cor. 1. Hence in every conic section, from the principal vertex D, the 
latus rectum L, and the focus S given, the other focus H is given, by 
taking DH to DS as the latus rectum to the difference between the latus 
rectum and 4DS. For the proportion, SP + PH to PH as 2SP + 2KP 
to L, becomes, in the case of this Corollary, DS + DH to DH as 4DS to 
L, and by division DS to DH as 4DS — L to L. 

Cor. 2. Whence if the velocity of a body in the principal vertex D is 
given, the orbit may be readily found; to wit, by taking its latus rectum 
to twice the distance DS, in the duplicate ratio of this given velocity to 
the velocity of a body revolving in a circle at the distance DS (by Cor. 
3, Prop. XVI.), and then taking DH to DS as the latus rectum to the 
difference between the latus rectum and 4DS. 

Cor. 3. Hence also if a body move in any conic section, and is forced 
out of its orbit by any impulse, you may discover the orbit in which it will 
afterwards pursue its tourse. For bv compounding the proper motion oi 



Sec. IV.] 

the body with that motion, which the impulse alone would generate, you 
will have the motion with which the body will go off from a given place 
of impulse in the direction of a right line given in position. 

Cor. 4. And if that body is continually disturbed by the action of some 
foreign force, we may nearly know its course, by collecting the changes 
which that force introduces in some points, and estimating the continual 
changes it will undergo in the intermediate places, from the analogy that 
appears in the progress of the series. 


If a body P, by means of a centripetal 
force tending to any given point R, move 
in the perimeter of any given conic sec¬ 
tion whose centre is C; and the law of 
the centripetal force is required: draw 
CG parallel to the radius RP, and meet¬ 
ing the tangent PG of the orbit in G; 
and the force required (by Cor. 1, and 

Schol. Prop. X., and Cor. 3, Prop. VII.) will be as 


Of the finding of elliptic, parabolic, and hyperbolic orbits, from ttu 
focus given. 


Tffrom the two foci S, H, of any ellipsis or hyberbola, we draw to any 
third point Y the right lines SY, HY, whereof one HY is equal to the 
principal axis of the figure, that is, to the axis in which the foci are 
situated, the other, SY, is bisected in T by the perpendicular TR let 
fall upon it; that perpendicular TR will somewhere touch the conic 
section: and, vice versa, if it does touch it, HY will be equal to the 
principal axis of the figure. 

For, let the perpendicular TR cut the right line 
HY, produced, if need be, in R; and join SR. Be¬ 
cause TS, TY are equal, therefore the right lines SR, 

VR, as well as the angles TRS, TRY, will be also 
equal. Whence the point R will be in the conic section, and the perpen¬ 
dicular TR will touch the same; and the contrary. Q,.E.D. 



[Book 1 


From a focus and the principal axes given, to describe elliptic and hy¬ 
perbolic trajectories, which shall pass through given points, and touch 
right lines given by position. 

Let S be the common focus of the figures; AB A jj 

the length of the principal axis of any trajectory; "~p 

P a point through which the trajectory should \ /R 

pass; and TR a right line which it should touch. / __ -^1/ 

About the centre P, with the interval AB —SP, ^ S yf 

if the orbit is an ellipsis, or AB r SP, if the ^ G 

orbit is an hyperbola, describe the circle HG. On the tangent TR let fall 
the perpendicular ST, and produce the same to V, so that TV may be 
equal to ST; and about V as a centre with the interval AB describe the 
circle FH. In this manner, whether two points P, p, are given, or two 
tangents TR, tr , or a point P and a tangent TR, we are to describe two 
circles. Let H be their common intersection, and from the foci S, H, with 
the given axis describe the trajectory: I say, the thing is done. For (be¬ 
cause PH -j- SP in the ellipsis, and PH — SP in the hyperbola, is equal 
to the axis) the described trajectory will pass through the point P, and (by 
the preceding Lemma) will touch the right line TR. And by the same 
argument it will either pass through the two points P, p , or touch the two 
right lines TR, tr. Q,.E.F. 


About a given focus, to describe a parabolic trajectory, which shall pass 
through given points, and touch right lines given by position. 

Let S be the focus, P a point, and TR a tangent of 
the trajectory to be described. About P as a centre, 
with the interval PS, describe the circle FG. From 
the focus let fall ST perpendicular on the tangent, and 
produce the same to V, so as TV may be equal to ST. 

After the same manner another circle fg is to be de¬ 
scribed, if another pointy) is given ; or another point vl| 
is to be found, if another tangent tr is given; then draw 
the right line IF, which shall touch the two circles FG, fg, if two points 
P, p are given; or pass through the two points V, v, if two tangents TR, 
tr, are given: or touch the circle FG, and pass through the point V, if the 
point P and the tangent TR are given. On FI let fall the perpendicular 
SI, and bisect the same in K; and with the axis SK and principal vertex K 
describe a parabola : I say the thing is done. For this parabola (because 
SK is equal to IK, and SP to FP) will pass through the point P; and 

Sec. IV.] 


1 27 

(by Cor. 3, Lem. XIV) because ST is equal to TV. and STR a light an¬ 
gle, it will touch the right line TR. Q.E.F. 


About a given focus to describe any trajectory given in specie which shah 

pass through given points , and touch right lines given by position. 

Case 1. About the focus S it is re- ^ 
uired to describe a trajectory ABC, pass- f 
ing through two points B, C. Because the "K-l- 
trajectory is given in specie, the ratio of the j 
principal axis to the distance of the foci GAS IX 

will be given. In that ratio take KB to BS, and LC to CS. About the 
centres B, C, with the intervals BK, CL, describe two circles; and on the 
right line KL, that touches the same in K and L, let fall the perpendicu¬ 
lar SG; which cut in A and a , so that GA may be to AS, and Ga to aS, 
as KB to BS ; and with the axis A a, and vertices A, a , describe a trajectory : 
I say the thing is done. For let H be the other focus of the described 
figure, and seeing GA is to AS as Ga to aS, then by division we shall 
have Ga—GA, or A a to «S—AS, or SH in the same ratio, and therefore 
in the ratio which the principal axis of the figure to be described has to 
the distance of its foci; and therefore the described figure is of the same 
species with the figure which was to be described. And since KB to BS, 
and LC to CS, are in the same ratio, this figure will pass through the 
points B, C, as is manifest from the conic sections. 

Case 2. About the focus S it is required to v 
describe a trajectory which shall somewhere 
touch two right lines TR, tr. From the focus 
on those tangents let fall the perpendiculars 
ST, St, which produce to V, v , so that TV, tv 
may be equal to 'PS, tS. Bisect Yv in O, and 
erect the indefinite perpendicular OH, and cut 
the right line VS infinitely produced in K and 
k, so that VK be to KS, and Yk to kS, as the principal axis of the tra¬ 
jectory to be described is to the distance of its foci. On the diameter 
K.k describe a circle cutting OH in H; and with the foci S, H, and 
principal axis equal to VH, describe a trajectory : I say, the thing is done. 
For bisecting Kk in X, and joining HX, HS, HV, Hv, because VK is to 
KS as Yk to kS; and by composition, as VK + Yk to KS -fi kS ; and 
by division, as Yk — VK to kS — KS, that is, as 2VX to 2KX, and 
2KX to 2SX, and therefore as VX to HX and HX to SX, the triangles 
VXH, HXS will be similar; therefore VH will be to SH as VX to XH; 
and therefore as VK to KS. Wherefore VH, the principal axis of the 
described trajectory, has the same ratio to SH, the distance of the foci, as 



[Book 1. 




<f X 


K S k 

the principal axis of the trajectory which was to be described has to the 
distance of its foci; and is therefore of the same species. And seeing VH, 
vH are equal to the principal axis, and VS, vS are perpendicularly bisected 
by the right lines TR, tr, it is evident (by Lem. XV) that those right 
lines touch the described trajectory. Q.E.F. 

Case. 3. About the focus S it is required to describe a trajectory, which 
shall touch a right line TR in a given Point R. On the right line TR 
Jet fall the perpendicular ST, which produce to V, so that TV may be 
equal to ST; join VR, and cut the right line VS indefinitely produced 
in K and k, so. that VK may be to SK, and Yk to Sk, as the principal 
axis of the ellipsis to be described to the distance of its foci; and on the 
diameter Kk describing a circle, cut the 
right line VR produced in H; then with 
the foci S, H, and principal axis equal to 
VH, describe a trajectory: I say, the thing 
is done. Eor VH is to SH as VK to SK, 
and therefore as the principal axis of the trajectory which was to be de¬ 
scribed to the distance of its foci (as appears from what we have demon¬ 
strated in Case 2); and therefore the described trajectory is of the same 
species with that which was to be described; but that the right line TR, 
by which the angle VRS is bisected, touches the trajectory in the point R, 
is certain from the properties of the conic sections. Q.E.F. 

Case 4. About the focus S it is r 

required to describe a trajectory 
APB that shall touch a right line 
TR, and pass through any given 
point P without the tangent, and 
shall be similar to the figure apb, 
described with the principal axis ab, 
and foci s, h. On the tangent TR 
let fall the perpendicular ST, which 
produce to V, so that TV may be 
equal to ST; and making the an¬ 
gles hsq, shq, equal to the angles VSP, SVP, about q as a centre, and 
with an interval which shall be to ab as SP to VS, describe a circle cut¬ 
ting the figure apb in p : join sp, and draw 
SH such that it may be to sh as SP is to sp, 
and may make the angle PSH equal to the 
angle psh, and the angle VSH equal to the 
angle psq. Then with the foci S, H, and 
principal axis AB, equal to the distance VH, 
describe a conic section: I say, the thing is 
done; for if sv is drawn so that it shall be to 




Sec. IV.] 

sp as sh is to sq, and shall make the angle vsp equal to the angle hsq, and 
the angle vsh equal to the angle psq, the triangles svh, spq, will be similar, 
and therefore vh will be to pq as sh is to sq ; that is (because of the simi¬ 
lar triangles V SP, hsq), as VS is to SP, or as ab to pq. Wherefore 
vh and ab are equal. But, because of the similar triangles VSH. vsh, VH 
is to SH as vh to sh ; that is, the axis of the conic section now described 
is to the distance of its foci as the axis ab to the distance of the foci sh ; 
and therefore the figure now described is similar to the figure aph. But, 
because the triangle PSH is similar to the triangle psh, this figure passes 
through the point P; and because YH is equal to its axis, and VS is per¬ 
pendicularly bisected by the right line TR, the said figure touches the 
right line TR. Q.E.F- 


From three given points to draw to a fourth point that is not given three 

rigid lines whose differences shall be either given, or none at all. 

Case 1. Let the given points be A, B, C, and Z the fourth point which 
we are to find; because of the given difference of the lines AZ, BZ, the 
locus of the point Z will be an hyperbola 
whose foci are A and B, and whose princi¬ 
pal axis is the given difference. Let that 
axis be MN. Taking PM to MA as MN 
is to AB, erect PR perpendicular to AB, 
and let fall ZR perpendicular to PR; then 
from the nature of the hyperbola, ZR will 
be to AZ as MN is to AB. And by the 
like argument, the locus of the point Z will 
be another hyperbola, whose foci are A, C, and whose principal axis is the 
difference between AZ and CZ; and Q.S a perpendicular on AC may be 
drawn, to which (QS) if from any point Z of this hyperbola a perpendicular 
ZS is let fall (this ZS), shall be to AZ as the difference between AZ and 
CZ is to AC. Wherefore the ratios of ZR and ZS to AZ are given, and 
consequently the ratio of ZR to ZS one to the other ; and therefore if the 
right lines RP, SQ, meet in T, and TZ and TA are drawn, the figure 
TRZS will be given in specie, and the right line TZ, in which the point 
Z is somewhere placed, will be given in position. There will be given 
also the right line TA, and the angle ATZ; and because the ratios of AZ 
and TZ to ZS are given, their ratio to each other is given also; and 
thence will be given likewise the triangle ATZ, whose vertex is the point 
Z. Q.E.I. 

Case 2. If two of the three lines, for example AZ and BZ, are equal, 
draw the right line TZ so as to bisect the right line AB; then find the 
triangle ATZ as above. Q.E.I. 



Case 3. If all the three are equal, the point Z will be placed in the 
centre of a circle that passes through the points A, B, C. Q.E.I. 

This problematic Lemma is likewise solved in Apollonius’s Book ot 
Tactions restored by Vieta. 


About a given focus to describe a trajectory that shall pass through 

given points and touch right lines given by position. 

Let the focus S, the point P, and the tangent TR be given, and suppose 
that the other focus H is to be found. 

On the tangent let fall the perpendicular 
ST, which produce to Y, so that TY may 
be equal to ST, and YH will be equal 
to the principal axis. Join SP, HP, and 
SP will be the difference between HP and 
the principal axis. After this manner, 
if more tangents TR are given, or more 
points P, we shall always determine as 
many lines YH, or PH, drawn from the said points Y or P, to the focus 
H, which either shall be equal to the axes, or differ from the axes by given 
lengths SP ; and therefore which shall either be equal among themselves, 
or shall have given differences; from whence (by the preceding Lemma), 
that other focus H is given. But having the foci and the length of the 
axis (which is either YH, or, if the trajectory be an ellipsis, PH + SP; 
or PH — SP, if it be an hyperbola), the trajectory is given. Q.E.I. 


When the trajectory is an hyperbola, I do not comprehend its conjugate 
hyperbola under the name of this trajectory. For a body going on with a 
continued motion can never pass out of one hyperbola into its conjugate 

The case when three points are given 
is more readily solved thus. Let B, C, ^ 

I), be the given points. Join BC, CD, 
and produce them to E, F, so as EB may ® 
be to EC as SB to SC; and FC to FD 
as SC to SD. On EF drawn and pro¬ 
duced let fall the perpendiculars SG, 

BH, and in GS produced indefinitely 
take GA to AS, and Ga to aS, as HB 
is to BS; then A will be the vertex, and A a the principal axis of the tra¬ 
jectory ; which, according as GA is greater than, equal to, or less than 



Sec. V.] 

AS. will be either an ellipsis, a parabola, or an hyperbola; the point a in 
the first case falling on the same side of the line GF as the point A; in 
the second, going oft* to an infinite distance; in the third, falling on the 
other side of the line GF. For if on GF the perpendiculars Cl, DK are 
let fall, IC will be to HB as EC to EB; that is, as SC to SB; and by 
permutation, IC to SC as HB to SB, or as GA to SA. And, by the like 
argument, we may prove that KD is to SD in the same ratio. Where¬ 
fore the points B, C, D lie in a conic section described about the focus S. 
in such manner that all the right lines drawn from the focus S to the 
several points of the section, and the perpendiculars let fall from the same 
points on the right line GF, are in that given ratio. 

That excellent geometer M. De la Hire has solved this Problem much 
after the same way, in his Conics, Prop. XXV., Lib. VIII. 


How the orbits are to be found when neither focus is given. 

Iffrom any point P of a given conic section , to the four produced sides 
AB, CD, AC, DB, of any trapezium, ABDC inscribed in that section , 
as many right lines PQ, PR, PS, PT are drawn in given angle*, 
each line to each side ; the rectangleVQ, X PR of those on the opposite 
sides AB, CD, will be to the rectangle PS X PT of those on the other 
two opposite sides AC, BD, m a given ratio. 

Case 1. Let us suppose, first, that the lines drawn c 

to one pair of opposite sides are parallel to either of P ?t 

the other sides; as PQ, and PR to the side AC, and s j j 

PS and PT to the side AB. And farther, that one I i^D 

pair of the opposite sides, as AC and BD, are parallel | f° 

betwixt themselves; then the right line which bisects £ - Iq —' B 

those parallel sides will be one of the diameters of the K 

conic section, and will likewise bisect RQ. Let O be the point in which 
RQ is bisected, and PO will be an ordinate to that diameter. Produce 
PO to K, so that OK may be equal to PO, and OK will be an ordinate 
on the other side of that diameter. Since, therefore, the points A, B, P 
and K are placed in the conic section, and PK cut 3 AB in a given angle 
the rectangle PQK (by Prop. XVII., XIX., XXI. and XXIII., Book HI., 
of Apollonius's Conics) will be to the rectangle AQB in a given ratio. 
But QK and PR are equal, as being the differences of the equal lines OK, 
OP, and OQ, OR; whence the rectangles PQK and PQ X PR are equal ; 
and therefore the rectangle PQ X PR is to the rectangle A 9 B, that is, to 
the rectangle PS X PT in a given ratio. Q.E.D 



[Book f 

Case 2. Let ns next suppose that the oppo¬ 
site sides AC and BD of the trapezium are not 
parallel. Draw Be/ parallel to AC, and meeting 
as well the right line ST in Z, as the conic section 
in d. Join C d cutting PQ in r, and draw DM 
parallel to PQ,, cutting C d in M, and AB in N. 

Then (because of the similar triangles BTZ, 

DBN), B/ or PQ is to TZ as DN to NB. And 
so Rr is to AQ or PS as DM to AN. Wherefore, by multiplying the antece¬ 
dents by the antecedents, and the consequents by the consequents, as the 
rectangle PQ X Rr is to the rectangle PS X TZ, so will the rectangle 
IN DM be to the rectangle ANB; and (by Case 1) so is the rectangle 
PQ X Pr to the rectangle PS X PZ; and by division, so is the rectangle 
PQ X PR to the rectangle PS X PT. Q.E.D. 

Case 3. Let us suppose, lastly, the four lines 
PQ, PR, PS, PT, not to be parallel to the sides 
AC, AB, hut any way inclined to them. In their 
place draw P q, Pr, parallel to AC ; and Ps, PZ 
parallel to AB; and because the angles of the 
triangles PQy, PRr, PSs, PTZ are given, the ra¬ 
tios of FQ to P q, PR to Pr, PS to Ps, PT to PZ 
will he also given; and therefore the compound- 
<d ratios PQ X PR to Vq X Pr, and PS X PT to 

Q 9 
P s 


X PZ are 

given. But from what we have demonstrated before, the ratio of P q X P? 
to P 5 X PZ is given; and therefore also the ratio of PQ X PR to PS X 
PT. Q.E.D. 


The s wit things supposed , if the rectangle PQ X PR of the lines drawn 
to the two opposite sides of the trapezium is to the rectangle PS X PT 
of those drawn to the other tiro sides in a given ratio , the point P, 
from whence those lines are drawn , will be placed in a conic section 
described about the trapezium. 

Conceive a conic section to be described pas¬ 
sing through the points A, B, C, D, and any 
one of the infinite number of points P, as for 
example p ; I say, the point P will be always c 
placed in this section. If you deny the thing, 
join AP cutting this conic section somewhere 
else, if possible, than in P, as in b. Therefore 
if from those points p and b, in the given angles 
to the sides of the trapezium, we draw the right 
lines pq , pr , ps , pt , and bk , bn , bf, bd , we shall have, as bk X bn to bf X b(% 

Sec. Y.] 



so (by Lem. XVII) pq X pr to ps X pt; and so (by supposition) PQ x 
PR to PS X PT. And because of the similar trapezia bkAf\ PQAS, as 
bk to bf, so PQ to PS. Wherefore by dividing the terms of the preceding 
proportion by the correspondent terms of this, we shall have bn to bd as 
PR to PT. And therefore the equiangular trapezia Thibd, DRPT, are 
similar, and consequently their diagonals D6, DP do coincide. Wherefore 
b falls in the intersection of the right lines AP, DP, and consequently 
coincides with the point P. And therefore the point P, wherever it is 
taken, falls to be in the assigned conic section. Q.E.D. 

Cor. Hence if three right lines PQ, PR, PS, are drawn from a com¬ 
mon point P, to as many other right lines given in position, AB, CD, AC, 
each to each, in as many angles respectively given, and the rectangle PQ 
X PR under any two of the lines drawn be to the square of the third PS 
in a given ratio; the point P, from which the right lines are drawn, will 
be placed in a conic section that touches the lines AB, CD in A and C ; 
and the contrary. For, the position of the three right lines AB, CD, AC 
remaining the same, let the line BD approach to and coincide with the 
line AC; then let the line PT come likewise to coincide with the line PS ; 
and the rectangle PS X PT will become PS 2 , and the right lines AB, CD, 
which before did cut the curve in the points A and B, C and D, can no 
longer cut, but only touch, the curve in those coinciding points. 


In this Lemma, the name of conic section is to be understood in a larsfe 
sense, comprehending as well the rectilinear section through the vertex of 
the cone, as the circular one parallel to the base. For if the pointy? hap¬ 
pens to be in a right line, by which the points A and D, or C and B are 
joined, the conic section will be changed into two right lines, one of which 
is that right line upon which the point p falls, 
and the other is a right line that joins the other 
two of <he four points. If the two opposite an¬ 
gles of the trapezium taken together are equal c 
to two right angles, and if the four lines PQ, 

PR, PS, PT, are drawn to the sides thereof at 
right angles, or any other equal angles, and the 
rectangle PQ X PR under two of the lines 
drawn PQ and PR, is equal to the rectangle 
PS X PT under the other two PS and PT, the conic section will become 
a circle. And the same thing will happen if the four lines are drawn in 
any angles, and the rectangle PQ X PR, under one pair of the lines drawn, 
is to the rectangle PS X PT under the other pair as the rectangle under 
the sines of the angles S, T, in which the two last lines PS, PT are drawn 
to the rectangle under the sines of the angles Q, R, in which the first tw« 


PQ, PR are drawn. In all other cases the locus of the point P will be 
one of the three figures which pass commonly by the name of the conic 
sections. But in room of the trapezium A BCD, we may substitute a 
quadrilateral figure whose two opposite sides cross one another like diago¬ 
nals. And one or two of the four points A, B, C, D may be supposed to 
be removed to an infinite distance, by which means the sides of the figure 
which converge to those points, will become parallel; and in this case the 
conic section will pass through the other points, and will go the same way 
as the parallels in infinitum. 


7b find a point P from which if four right lines PQ, PR, PS, PT an 
drawn to as many other right lines AB, CD, AC, BD, given by posi¬ 
tion , each to each , at given angles , the rectangle PQ X PR, under any 
two of the lines drawn, shall be to the rectangle PS X PT, under the 
other two. in a given ratio. 

Suppose the lines AB, CD, to which the two 
right lines PQ, PR, containing one of the rect¬ 
angles, are drawn to meet two other lines, given 
by position, in the points A, B, C, D. From one 
of those, as A, draw any right line AH, in which 
you would find the point P. Let this cut the 
opposite lines BD, CD, in H and I; and, because 
all the angles of the figure are given, the ratio of 
PQ to PA, and PA to PS, and therefore of PQ 
to PS, will be also given. Subducting this ratio from the given ratio of 
PQ X PR to PS X PT, the ratio of PR to PT will be given; and ad¬ 
ding the given ratios of PI to PR, and PT to PH, the ratio of PI to PH. 
and therefore the point P will be given. Q.E.I. 

Cor. 1. Hence also a tangent may be drawn to any point D of the 
locus of all the points P. For the chord PD, where the points P and I) 
meet, that is, where AH is drawn through the point D, becomes a tangent. 
In which case the ultimate ratio of the evanescent lines IP and PH will 
be found as above. Therefore draw CF parallel to AD, meeting BD in 
F, and cut it in E in the same ultimate ratio, then DE will be the tan¬ 
gent ; because CF and the evanescent IH are parallel, and similarly cut in 
E and P. 

Cor. 2. Hence also the locus of all the points P may be determined. 
Through any of the points A, B, C, D, as A, draw AE touching the locus, 
and through any other point B parallel to the tangent, draw BF meeting 
the locus in F ; and find, the point F by this Lemma. Bisect BF in G, 
and, drawing the indefinite line AG, this will be the position of the dia¬ 
meter to which BG and FG are ordinates. Let this AG meet the locus 

Sec. Y.J 


1 35 

in H, and AH will be its diameter or latus trans- 
versum, to which the latus rectum will be as BG 2 
to AG X GH. If AG nowhere meets the locus, 
the line AH being infinite, the locus will be a par¬ 
abola; and its latus rectum corresponding to the 
BG 2 

diameter AG will be - . But if it does meet it 

anywhero, the locus will be an hyperbola, when 
the points A and H are placed on the same side the point G; and an 
ellipsis, if the point G falls between the points A and H; unless, perhaps, 
the angle AGB is a right angle, and at the same time BG 2 equal to the 
rectangle AGH, in which case the locus will be a circle. 

And so we have given in this Corollary a solution of that famous Prob¬ 
lem of the ancients concerning four lines, begun by Euclid, and carried on 
by Apollonius; and this not an analytical calculus, but a geometrical com¬ 
position, such as the ancients required. 


If the two opposite angular points A and P of any parallelogram ASPQ 
touch any conic section in the points A and P ; and the sides AQ, AS 
of one of those angles , indefinitely produced , meet the same conic section 
in B and C ; and from the points of concourse B and C to any fifth 
point D of the conic section, two right lines BD, CD are drawn meet¬ 
ing the two other sides PS, PQ of the parallelogram, indefinitely pro¬ 
duced in T and R; the parts PR and PT, cut off from the sides, will 
always be one to the other in a given ratio. And vice versa, if those 
parts cut off are one to the other in a given ratio, the locus of the point 
D will be a, conic section passing through the four points A, B, C, P 
Case 1. Join BP, CP, and from the point 
D draw the two right lines DG, DE, of which 
the first DG shall be parallel to AB, and 
meet PB, PQ, CA in H, I, G; and the other 
DE shall be parallel to AC, and meet PC ? 

PS, AB, in F, K, E; and (by Lem. XVII) 
the rectangle DE X DF will be to the rect¬ 
angle DG X DH in a given ratio. But 
PQ is to DE (or IQ) as PB to HB, and con¬ 
sequently as PT to DH; and by permutation PQ is to PT as DE to 
DH. Likewise PR is to DF as RC to DC, and therefore as (IG or) PS 
to DG; and by permutation PR is to PS as DF to DG; and, by com¬ 
pounding those ratios, the rectangle PQ X PR will be to the rectangle 
PS X PT as the rectangle DE X DF is to the rectangle DG X DH. 
and consequently in*a given ratio. But PQ and PS are given, and there¬ 
fore the ratio of PR to PT is given. Q.E.D. 



[Book L 

Case 2. But if PR and PT are supposed to be in a given ratio one to 
the other, then by going back again, by a like reasoning, it will follow 
that the rectangle DE X DF is to the rectangle DG X DH in a given 
ratio; and so the point D (by Lem. XVIII) will lie in a conic section pass¬ 
ing through the points A, B, C, P, as its locus. Q.E.D. 

Cor. 1. Hence if we draw BC cutting PQ in r and in PT take Vt to 
Pr in the same ratio which PT has to PR; then B£ will touch the conic 
section in the point B. For suppose the point D to coalesce with the point 
B, so that the chord BD vanishing, BT shall become a tangent, and CD 
and BT will coincide with CB and B£. 

Cor. 2. And, vice versa, if B£ is a tangent, and the lines BD, CD meet 
in any point D of a conic section, PR will be to PT as Pr to P£. And, 
on the contrary, if PR is to PT as Pr to Vt, then BD and CD will meet 
in some point D of a conic section. 

Cor. 3. One conic section cannot cut another conic section in more than 
four points. For, if it is possible, let two conic sections pass through the 
five points A* B, C, P, O; and let the right line BD cut them in the 
points D, d, and the right line Cd cut the right line PQ, in q. Therefore 
PR is to PT as P# to PT: whence PR and P q are equal one to the other, 
against the supposition. 


If two moveable and indefinite right lines BM, CM drawn through given 
points B, C, as poles , do by their point of concourse M describe a third 
right line MN given by position ; and other two indefinite right lines 
BD,CD are drawn , making with the former two at those given paints 
B, C, given angles , MBD, MCD : I say, that those two right lines BD, 
CD will by their point of concourse D describe a conic section passing 
through the points B, C. And, vice versa, if the right lines BD, CD 
do by their point of concourse D describe a conic section passing 
through the given points B, C, A, and the angle DBM is always 
equal to the given angle ABC, as well as the angle DCM always 
equal to the given angle AOB, the point M will lie in a right line 
given by position , as its locus. 

For in the right line MN let a point 
N be given, and when the moveable point 
M falls on the immoveable point N, let 
the moveable point D fall on an immo¬ 
vable point P. Join CN, BN, CP, BP, 
and from the point P draw the right lines 
PT, PR meeting BD, CD in T~and R, C 
and making the angle BPT epial to the 
given angle BNM, and the angle CPR 

Sec. V.J 



equal to the given angle CNM. Wherefore since (by supposition) the an¬ 
gles MBD, NBP are equal, as also the angles MOD, NCP, take away the 
angles NBD and NCD that are common, and there will remain the angles 
NBM and PBT, NCM and PCR equal; and therefore the triangles NBM, 
PBT are similar, as also the triangles NCM, PCR. Wherefore PT is to 
NM as PB to NB ; and PR to NM as PC to NC. But the points, B, C, 
N, P are immovable: wheiefore PT and PR have a given ratio to NM, 
and consequently a given ratio between themselves; and therefore, (by 
Lemma XX) the point D wherein the moveable right lines BT and CR 
perpetually concur, will be placed in a conic section passing through the 
points B, C, P. Q.E.D. 

And, vice versa , if the moveable point 
D lies in a conic section passing through 
the given points B, C, A ; and the angle 
DBM is always equal to the given an¬ 
gle ABC, and the angle DCM always 
equal to the given angle ACB, and when 
the point D falls successively on any 
two immovable points p , P, of the conic C 
section, the moveable point M falls suc¬ 
cessively on two immovable points N. 

Through these points ??, N, draw the right line ??N: this line ?iN will be 
the perpetual locus of that moveable point M. For, if possible, let the 
point M be placed in any curve line. Therefore the point D will be placed 
in a conic section passing through the five points B, C, A, p , P, when the 
point M is perpetually placed in a curve line. But from what was de¬ 
monstrated before, the point D will be also placed in a conic section pass¬ 
ing through the same five points B, C, A, p , P, when the point M is per¬ 
petually placed in a right line. Wherefore the two conic sections will both 
pass through the same five points, against Corol. 3, Lem. XX. It is 
therefore absurd to suppose that the point M is placed in a curve line. 



To describe a trajectory that shall pass through Jive given points . 

Let the five given points be A, B, C, P, D. c 
From any one of them, as A, to any other 
two as B, C, which may be called the poles, 
draw the right lines AB, AC, and parallel to 
those the lines TPS, PRO, through the fourth 
point P. Then from the two poles B, C, 
draw through the fifth point D two indefinite 
lines BDT, CRD, meeting with the last drawn lines TPS, PRQ (the 



[Book L 

former with the former, and the latter with the latter) in T and R. Then 
drawing the right line tr parallel to TR, cutting off from the right lines 
PT, PR, any segments P t, Pr, proportional to PT, PR; and if through 
their extremities, t, r, and the poles B, C, the right lines B/, Cr are drawn, 
meeting in d , that point d will be placed in the trajectory required. For 
(by Lem. XX) that point d is placed in a conic section passing through 
the four points A, B, C, P ; and the lines Rr, T t vanishing, the point d 
comes to coincide with the point D. Wherefore the conic section passes 
through the five points A, B, C, P, D. Q.E.D. 

The same otherwise . 

Of the given points join any three, as A, B, 

C; and about two of them B, C, as poles, 
making the angles ABC, ACB of a given 
magnitude to revolve, apply the legs BA, 

CA, first to the point D, then to the point P, 
and mark the points M, N, in which the other 
legs BL, CL intersect each other in both cases. 

Draw the indefinite right line MN, and let 
those moveable angles revolve about their 
poles B, C, in such manner that the intersection, which is now supposed to 
be m, of the legs BL, CL, or BM, CM, may always fall in that indefinite 
right line MN ; and the intersection, which is now supposed to be d, of the 
legs BA CA, or BD, CD, will describe the trajectory required, PADe/B. 
For (by Lem. XXI) the point d will be placed in a conic section passing 
through the points B, C ; and when the point rn comes to coincide with 
the points L, M, N, the point d will (by construction) come to coin¬ 
cide with the points A, D, P. Wherefore a conic section will be described 
that shall pass through the five points A, B, C, P, D. Q,.E.F. 

Cor. 1. Hence a right line may be readily drawn which shall be a tan¬ 
gent to the trajectory in any given point B. Let the point d come to co¬ 
incide with the point B, and the right line B d will become the tangent 

Cor. 2. Hence also may be found the centres, diameters, and latera recta 
of the trajectories, as in Cor. 2, Lem. XIX. 


The former of these constructions will be- c 
come something more simple by joining , 
and in that line, produced, if need be, aking 
B p to BP as PR is to PT; and t rough p 
draw the indefinite right ine pe parallel to S 
PT, and in that line pe taking always pe 
equal to P/ , and draw the right lines Be, Cr 

Sec. V.J 



to meet in d. For since Pr to P t, PR to PT, pE to PB, pe to P t, are all in 
the same ratio, pe and P/' will be always equal. After this manner the 
points of the trajectory are most readily found, unless you would rather 
describe the curve mechanically, as in the second construction. 


To describe a trajectory that shall pass through four given points , and 
touch a right line given by position. 

Case 1. Suppose that HB is the 
given tangent, B the point of contact, 
and C, L, P, the three other given 
points. Jon BO. and draw PS paral¬ 
lel to BH, and PQ parallel to BC; 
complete the parallelogram BSPQ. 

Draw BD cutting SP in T, and CD 
cutting PQ, in R. Lastly, draw any 
line tr parallel to TR, cutting off 
from PQ, PS, the segments Pr, Et proportional to PR, PT respectively ; 
and draw Cr, Et their point of concourse d will (by Lem. XX) always fall 
on the trajectory to be described. 

The same otherwise. 

1 et tie angle CBH of a given magnitude re¬ 
volve about the pole B, as also the rectilinear ra¬ 
dius PC, both ways produced, about the pole C. 

Mark the points M, N, on which the leg BC of 
the angle cuts that radius when BH, the other 
leg thereof, meets the same radius in the points 
P and D. Then drawing the indefinite line MN, 
let that radius CP or CD and the leg BC of the 
angle perpetually meet in this line; and the 
point of concourse of the other leg BH with the 
radius will delineate the trajectory required. 

For if in the constructions of the preceding Problem the point A comes 
to a coincidence with the point B, the lines CA and CB will coincide, and 
the line AB, in its last situation, will become the tangent BH ; and there* 
fore the constructions there set down will become the same with the con¬ 
structions here described. Wherefore the concourse of the leg BH with 
the radius will describe a conic section passing through the points C, D, 
P, and touching the line BH in the point B. Q.E.F. 

Case 2. Suppose the four points B, C, D, P, given, being situated with¬ 
out the tangent HI. Join each two by the lines BD, CP meeting in G, 
and cutting the tangent in H and I. Cut the tangent in A in such manner 



[Book 1 

that HA may be to IA as the rectangle un¬ 
der a mean proportional between CG and 
GP, and a mean proportional between BH 
and HD is to a rectangle under a mean pro¬ 
portional between GD and GB, and a mean 
proportional betweeen PI and IC, and A will 
be the point of contact. For if HX, a par¬ 
allel to the right line PI, cuts the trajectory 
in any points X and Y, the point A (by the 
properties of the conic sections) will come to be so placed, that HA 2 will 
become to AI 2 in a ratio that is compounded out of the ratio of the rec¬ 
tangle XHY to the rectangle BHD, or of the rectangle CGP to the rec¬ 
tangle DGB; and the ratio of the rectangle BHD to the rectangle PIC. 
But after the point of contact A is found, the trajectory will be described as 
in the first Case. Q.E.F. But the point A may be taken either between 
or without the points H and I, upon which account a twofold trajectory 
may be described. 


To descr ibe a trajectory that shall pass through three given points, and 
touch two right lines given by position. 

Suppose HI, KL to be the given tangents 
and B, C, D, the given points. Through any 
two of those points, as B, D, draw the indefi¬ 
nite right line BD meeting the tangents in 
the points H, K. Then likewise through 
any other two of these points, as C, D, draw 
the indefinite right line CD meeting the tan¬ 
gents in the points I, L. Cut the lines drawn 
in R and S, so that HR may be to KR as 
the mean proportional between BH and HD is to the mean proportional 
between BK and KD; and IS to LS as the mean pioportional between 
Cl and ID is to the mean proportional between CL and LD. But you 
may cut, at pleasure, either within or between the points K and H, I and 
L, or without them; then draw RS cutting the tangents in A and P, and 
A and P will be the points of contact. For if A and P are supposed to 
be the points of contact, situated anywhere else in the tangents, and through 
any of the points H, I, K, L, as I, situated in either tangent HI, a right 
line IY is drawn parallel to the other tangent KL, and meeting the curve 
in X and Y, and in that right line there be taken IZ equal to a mean pro¬ 
portional between IX and IY, the rectangle XIY or IZ 2 , will (by the pro¬ 
perties of the conic sections) be to LP 2 as the rectangle CID is to the rect¬ 
angle CLD, that is (by the construction), as SI is to SL 2 , and therefore 

Sec. V.] 



IZ i3 to LP as SI to SL. Wherefore the points S, P, Z. are in one right 
line. Moreover, since the tangents meet in G, the rectangle X1Y or IZ 2 
will (by the properties of the conic sections) be to IA 2 as GP 2 is to GA 2 , 
and consequently IZ will be to IA as GP to GA. Wherefore the points 
P, Z, A, lie in one right line, and therefore the points S, P, and A are in 
one right line. And the same argument will prove that the points R, P, 
and A are in one right line. Wherefore the points of contact A and P lie 
in the right line RS. But after these points are found, the trajectory may 
be described, as in the first Case of the preceding Problem. Q,.E.F. 

In this Proposition, and Case 2 of the foregoing, the constructions are 
the same, whether the right line XY cut the trajectory in X and Y, or 
not; neither do they depend upon that section. But the constructions 
being demonstrated where that right line does cut the trajectory, the con¬ 
structions where it does not are also known; and therefore, for brevity’s 
sake, I omit any farther demonstration of them. 


To transform figures into other figures of the same kind. 

Suppose that any figure HGI is to be 
transformed. Draw, at pleasure, two par¬ 
allel lines AO, BL, cutting any third line 
AB, given by position, in A and B, and from 
any point G of the figure, draw out any 
right line GD, parallel to OA, till it meet 
the right line AB. Then from any given 
point O in the line OA, draw to the point 
D the right line OD, meeting BL in d ; and 
from the point of concourse raise the right 
line dg containing any given angle with the right line BL, and having 
such ratio to O d as DG has to OD; and g will be the point in the new 
figure hgi, corresponding to the point G. And in like manner the several 
points of the first figure will give as many correspondent points of the new 
figure. If we therefore conceive the point G to be carried along by a con¬ 
tinual motion through all the points of the first figure, the point g will 
be likewise carried along by a continual motion through all the points of 
the new figure, and describe the same. For distinction’s sake, let us call 
DG the first ordinate, dg the new ordinate, AD the first abscissa, ad the 
new abscissa; O the pole, OD the abscinding radius, OA the first ordinate 
radius, and O a (by which the parallelogram OABa is completed) the new 
ordinate radius. 

I say, then, that if the point G is placed in a right line given by posi¬ 
tion. the point g will be also placed in a right line given by position. If 
the point G is placed in a conic section, the point g will be likewise placed 



[Book 1. 

in a conic section. And here I understand the circle as one of the conic 
sections. But farther, if the point G is placed in a line of the third ana¬ 
lytical order, the point g will also be placed in a line of the third order, 
and so on in curve lines of higher orders. The two lines in which the 
points G, g, are placed, will be always of the same analytical order. For 
as ad is to OA, so are O d to OD, dg to DG, and AB to AD; and there¬ 
fore AD is equal to — ^ , and DG equal Now if the 

point G is placed in a right line, and therefore, in any equation by which 
the relation between the abscissa AD and the ordinate GD is expressed, 
those indetermined lines AD and DG rise no higher than to one dimen¬ 

sion, by writing this equation 


in place of AD, and 

OA X d< 

ad r . ad 

in place of DG, a new equation will be produced, in which the new ab¬ 
scissa ad and new ordinate dg rise only to one dimension; and which 
therefore must denote a right line. But if AD and DG (or either of 
them) had risen to two dimensions in the first equation, ad and dg would 
likewise have risen to two dimensions in the second equation. And so on 
in three or more dimensions. The indetermined lines, ad, dg in the 
second equation, and AD, DG, in the first, will always rise to the same 
number of dimensions; and therefore the lines in which the points G, g , 
are placed are of the same analytical order. 

I say farther, that if any right line touches the curve line in the first 
figure, the same right line transferred the same way with the curve into 
the new figure will touch that curve line in the new figure, and vice versa. 
For if any two points of the curve in the first figure are supposed to ap¬ 
proach one the other till they come to coincide, the same points transferred 
will approach one the other till they come to coincide in the new figure; 
and therefore the right lines with which those points are joined will be¬ 
come together tangents of the curves in both figures. I might have given 

demonstrations of these assertions in a more geometrical form; but I study 
to be brief. 

Wherefore if one rectilinear figure is to be transformed into another, we 
need only transfer the intersections of the right lines of which the first 
figure consists, and through the transferred intersections to draw right lines 
in the new figure. But if a curvilinear figure is to be transformed, we 
must transfer the points, the tangents, and other right lines, by means of 
which the curve line is defined. This Lemma is of use in the solution of 
the more difficult Problems; for thereby we msgr transform the proposed 
figures, if they are intricate, into others that are more simple. Thus any 
right lines converging to a point are transformed into parallels, by taking 
for the first ordinate radius any right line that passes through the point 
of concourse of the converging lines, and that because their point of con- 

Sec. V.l 



course is by this means made to go off in infinitum ; and parallel lines 
are such as tend to a point infinitely remote. And after the problem is 
solved in the new figure, if by the inverse operations we transform the 
new into the first figure, we shall have the solution required. 

This Lemma is also of use in the solution of solid problems. For as 
often as two conic sections occur, by the intersection of which a problem 
may be solved, any one of them may be transformed, if it is an hyperbola 
or a parabola, into an ellipsis, and then this ellipsis may be easily changed 
into a circle. So also a right line and a conic section, in the construc¬ 
tion of plane problems, may be transformed into a right line and a circle 


To describe a trajectory that shall pass through two given points , and 

touch three right lines given by position. 

Through the concourse of any two of the tangents one with the other, 
and the concourse of the third tangent with the right line which passes 
through the two given points, draw an indefinite right line; and, taking 
this line for the first ordinate radius, transform the figure by the preceding 
Lemma into a new figure. In this figure those two tangents will become 
parallel to each other, and the third tangent will be parallel to the right 
line that passes through the two given points. Suppose hi, kl to be those 
two parallel tangents, ik the third tangent, and hi a right line parallel 
thereto, passing through those points a, b, 
through which the conic section ought to pass 
in this new figure; and completing the paral- 
lelogra n hikl, let the right lines hi, ik, kl be 
so cut in c, d, e, that he may be to the square 
root of the rectangle ahb, ic, to id, and ke to 
kd, as the sum of the right lines hi and kl is 
to the sum of the three lines, the first whereof ’ 
is the right line ik, and the other two are the 
square roots of the rectangles ahb and alb ; and c, d, e , will be the points 
of contact. For by the properties of the conic sections, he 2 to the rectan¬ 
gle ahb, and ic 2 to id 2 , and ke 2 to kd 2 , and el 2 to the rectangle alb, are all 
in the same ratio; and therefore he to the square root of ahb, ic to id, ke 
to kd, and el to the square root of alb, are in the subduplicate of that 
ratio; and by composition, in the given ratio of the sum of all the ante¬ 
cedents hi + kl, to the sum of all the consequents ahb 4 ik - alb . 
Wherefore from that given ratio we have the points of contact c, d, e, in 
the new figure. By the inverted operations of the last Lemma, let those 
points be transferred into the first figure, and the trajectory will be there 
described by Prob. XIV. Q.E.F. But according as the points a, b, fall 
between the points //, l, or without them, the points c, d, e, must be taken 



Book Lj 

either between the points, A, i, k, l, or without them. If one of the points 
a, b, falls between the points A, i, and the other ivithout the points A, A 
the Problem is impossible. 


To describe a trajectory that shall pass through a given point , and touch 
four right lines given by position. 

From the common intersections, of any two 
of the tangents to the common intersection of 
the other two, draw an indefinite right line; and 
taking this line for the first ordinate radius, 
transform the figure (by Lem. XXII) into a new 
figure, and the two pairs of tangents, each of 
which before concurred in the first ordinate ra¬ 
dius, will now become parallel. Let hi and kl, h 
ik and III , be those pairs of parallels completing the parallelogram hikl . 
And let p be the point in this new figure corresponding to the given point 
in the first figure. Through O the centre of the figure draw pq\ and Oq 
being equal to Op , q will be the other point through which the conic sec¬ 
tion must pass in this new figure. Let this point be transferred, by the 
inverse operation of Lem. XXII into the first figure, and there we shall 
have the two points through which the trajectory is to be described. But 
through those points that trajectory may be described by Prop. XVII. 


If two right lines , as AC, BD given by position , and terminating in 
given points A, B, are in a given ratio one to the other , and the right 
line CD, by which the indetermined points C, D are joined is cut in 
K in a given ratio ; I say, that the point K will be placed in a right 
line given by position. 

For let the right lines AC, BD meet in 
E, and in BE take BG to AE as BD is to 
AC, and let FD be always equal to the given 
line EG; and, by construction, EC will be 
to GD, that is, to EF, as AC to BD, and 
therefore in a given ratio ; and therefore the 
triangle EFC will be given in kind. Let 
CF be cut in L so as CL may be to CF in the ratio of CK to CD; and 
because that is a given ratio, the triangle EFL will be given in kind, and 
therefore the point L will be placed in the right line EL given by position. 
Join LK, and the triangles CLK, CFI) will be similar; and because FD 
is a given line, and LK is to FD in a given ratio, LK will be also given 

L - 




E I£ fjr T5 



Sec. V.] 

To this let EH be taken equal, and ELKH will be always a parallelogram. 
And therefore the point K is always placed in the side HK (given by po 
sition) of that parallelogram. Q.E.D. 

Cor. Because the figure EFLC i3 given in kind, the three right lines 
EF, EL, and EC, that is, GD, HK, and EC, will have given ratios to 
each other. 


If three right, lines, two whereof are parallel, and given by position, touch 
any conic section ; I say, that the semi-diameter of the section whi Ji 
is parallel to those two is a mean proportional between the segments 
of those two that are intercepted between the points of contact a nd the 
third tangent . 

Let AF, GB be the two parallels touch¬ 
ing the conic section ADB in A and B ; 

EF the third right line touching the conic 
section in I, and meeting the two former 
tangents in F and G, and let CD be the 
semi-diameter of the figure parallel to 
those tangents; I say, that AF, CD, BG 
are continually proportional. 

For if the conjugate diameters AB, DM 
meet the tangent FG in E and H, and cut one the other in C, and the 
parallelogram IKCL be completed ; from the nature of the conic sections, 
EC will be to CA as CA to CL ; and so by division, EC — CA to CA 
CL, orEAto AL; and by composition, EA to EA + AL or EL, as EC to 
EC-fCA or EB; and therefore (because of the similitude of the triangles 
EAF, ELI, ECH, EBG) AF is to LI as CH to BG. Likewise, from thi 
nature of the conic sections, LI (or CK) is to CD as CD to CH; and 
therefore [ex reqno pertnrhate) AF is to CD as CD to BG. Q.E.D. 

Cor. 1. Hence if two tangents FG, PQ, meet two parallel tangents AF, 
BG in F and G, P and Q,, and cut one the other in O; AF {ex cequo per- 
turbot t ) will be to BQ, as AP to BG, and by division, as FP to GQ, and 
therefore as FO to OG. 

Cor. 2. Whence also the two right lines PG, FQ, drawn through the 
points P and G, F and Q,, will meet in the right line ACB passing through 
the centre of the figure and the points of contact A, B. 


Ff four sides of a parallelogram indefinitely produced touch any conic 
section, and are cut by a fifth tangent ; I say, that, taking those seg¬ 
ments of any tico conterminous sides that terminate in opposite angles 




[Book 1. 

of the parallelogram, either segment is to the side from which it is 
cut off as that part of the other conterminous side which is intercepted 
between the point of contact and the third side is to the other segment, 
Let the four sides ML, IK, KL, MI, 
of the parallelogram MLIK touch the F 
conic section in A, B, C, D ; and let the 
fifth tangent FQ cut those sides in F, 

(4, H, and E ; and taking the segments 
ME, KQ of the sides MI, KJ, or the 
segments KH, MF of the sides KL, 

ML, 1 say, that ME is to MI as BK to 
KQ; and KH to KL as AM to MF. 

For, by Cor. 1 of the preceding Lemma, ME i3 to El as (AM or) BK to 
BQ; and, by composition, ME is to MI as BK to KQ. Q.E.D. Also 
KH is to HL as (BK or) AM to AF; and by division, KH to KL as AM 
to MF. Q.E.D. 

Cor. 1. Hence if a parallelogram IKLM described about a given conic 
section is given, the rectangle KQ X ME, as also the rectangle KH X MF 
equal thereto, will be given. For, by reason of the similar triangles KQH 
MFE, those rectangles are equal. 

Cor. 2. And if a sixth tangent eq is drawn meeting the tangents Kl. 
MI in q and e, the rectangle KQ X ME will he equal to the rectangle 
K^ X Me, and KQ will be to Me as Kq to ME, and by division as 
Qq to Ee. 

Cor. 3. Hence, also, if E q, eQ, are joined and bisected, and a right line 
is drawn through the points of bisection, this right line will pass through 
the centre of the conic section. For since Q q is to Ee as KQ to Me, the 
same right line will pass through the middle of all the lines E^, eQ, MK 
(by Lem. XXIII), and the middle point of the right line MK is the 
centre of the section. 


To describe a trajectory that may touch five right lines given by position. 

Supposing ABG, BCF, 

GCD, FDE, EA to be the 
tangents given by position. 

Bisect in M and N, AF, BE, 
the diagonals of the quadri¬ 
lateral figure ABFE con¬ 
tained under any four of 
them; and (by Cor. 3, Lem. 

XXV) the right line MN 
drawn through the points of 

Sec. V.l 



bisection will pass through the centre of the trajectory. Again, bisect in 
P and Q, the diagonals (if I may so call them) Bl), GF of the quadrila¬ 
teral figure BGI)F contained under any other four tangents, and the right 
line PQ, drawn through the points of bisection will pass through the cen¬ 
tre of the trajectory; and therefore the centre will be given in the con¬ 
course of the bisecting lines. Suppose it to be O. Parallel to any tan¬ 
gent BC draw KL at such distance that the centre 0 may be placed in the 
middle between the parallels; this KL will touch the trajectory to be de 
scribed. Let this cut any other turn tangents GOD, FJ)E, in L and K. 
Through the points C and K, F and L, where the tangents not parallel, 
CL, FK meet the parallel tangents OF, KL, draw CK, FL meeting in 
11; and the right line OR drawn and produced, will cut the parallel tan¬ 
gents CF, KL, in the points of contact. This appears from Cor. 2, Lem. 
XXIV. And by the same method the other points of contact may be 
found, and then the trajectory may be described by Prob. XIV. Q.E.F. 


Under the preceding Propositions are comprehended those Problems 
wherein either the centres or asymptotes of the trajectories are given. For 
when points and tangents and the centre are given, as many other points 
and as many other tangents are given at an equal distance on the other 
side of the centre. And an asymptote is to be considered as a tangent, and 
its infinitely remote extremity (if we may say so) is a point of contact. 
Conceive the point of contact of any tangent removed in infinitum , and 
the tangent will degenerate into an asymptote, and the constructions of 
the preceding Problems will be changed into the constructions of those 
Problems wTerein the asymptote is given. 

After the trajectory is described, we may 
find its axes and foci in this manrnr. In the 
construction and figure of Lem. XXI, let those 
legs BP, CP, of the moveable angles PBN, 

PCN, by the concourse of which the trajec¬ 
tory was described, be made parallel one to 
the other; and retaining that position, let 
them revolve about their poles 1 *, C, in that 
figure. In the mean while let the other legs 
CN, BN, of those angles, by their concourse 
K or k, describe the circle BKGC. Let O be the centre of this circle; 
and from this centre upon the ruler MN, wherein those legs CN, BN did 
concur while the trajectory was described, let fall the perpendicular OH 
meeting the circle in K and L. And when those other legs CK, BK meet 
in the point K that is nearest to the ruler, the first legs CP, BP will be 
pa-allel to the greater axis, and perpendicular on the lesser; and the con- 



[Book L 

trary will happen if those legs meet in the remotest point L. Whence il 
the centre of the trajectory is given, the axes will be given ; and those be¬ 
ing given, the foci will, be readily found. 

CK, BK, when the first legs CP, BP meet in the fourth given point, will 
be the ruler MN, by means of whicli the trajectory may be described 
Whence also on the other hand a trapezium given in kind (excepting a 
few cases that are impossible) may be inscribed in a given conic section. 

There are also other Lemmas, by the help of which trajectories given m 
kind may be described through given points, and touching given lines. 
Of such a sort is this, that if a right line is drawn through any point 
given by position, that may cut a given conic section in two points, and 
me distance of the intersections is bisected, the point of bisection will 
to ich ano her conic section of the same kind with the former, and having 

' o 

its axes parallel to the axes of the former. But I hasten, to things of 
greater use. 


To place the three angles of a triangle , given both in kind and magni¬ 
tude, in respect of as many right lines given by position, provided they 
are not all parallel among themselves , in such manner that the s e^eral 
angles may touch the several lines. 

Three indefinite right lines AB, AC, BC, are 
given by position, and it is required so to place 
the triangle DEF that its angle D may touch 
tbe line AB, its angle E the line AC, and 
its angle F the line BC. Upon DE, DF, and 
FF, describe three segments of circles DRE, 

DGF, EMF, capable of angles equal to the 
nngles BAC, ABC, ACB respectively. But those segments are to be de¬ 
scribed t' wards such sides of the lines DE, DF, EF, that the letters 

Snc. V.] of natural philosophy. 14*1 

DRED may turn round about in the same order with the letters 13ACB; 
the letters DGFD in the same order with the letters ABCA; and the 
letters EMFE in the same order with the letters ACBA; then, completing 
th :>se segmerts into entire circles let the two former circles cut one the 
other in G, and suppose P and Q, to be their centres. Then joining GP, 
PQ, take Ga to AB as GP is to PQ,; and about the centre G, with the 
interval Ga, describe a circle that may cut the first circle DGE in a. 
Join aD cutting the second circle DFG in b, as well as aE cutting the 
third circle EMF in c. Complete the figure ABC def similar and equal 
to the figure aicDEF: I say, the thing is done. 

For drawing Fc meeting aD in n t 
and joining aG, bG, QG, Q.D, PD, by 
construction the angle EaD is equal to 
the angle CAB, and the angle acF equal 
to the angle ACB; and therefore the 
triangle anc equiangular to the triangle 
ABC. Wherefore the angle anc or FaD 
is equal to the angle ABC, and conse- 
< uently to the angle F&D; and there¬ 
fore the point n falls on the point b. 

Moreover the angle GPQ, which is half 
the angle GPD at the centre, is equal 
to the angle GaD at the circumference 
and the angle GQP, which is half the angle GQD at the centre, is equal 
to the complement to two right angles of the angle G6D at the circum¬ 
ference, and therefore equal to the angle Gba. Upon which account the 
triangles GPQ, Gab, are similar, and Ga is to ab as GP to PQ.; that is 
'by construction), as Ga to AB. Wherefore ab and AB are equal; and 
consequently the triangles abc , ABC, which we have now proved to be 
similar, are also equal. And therefore since the angles D, E, F, of the 
triangle DEF do respectively touch the sides ab, ac, be of the triangle 
abc, the figure ABC def may be completed similar and equal to the figure 
a&cDEF, and by completing it the Problem will be solved. Q.E.F. 

Cor. Hence a right line may be drawn whose parts given in length may 
be intercepted between three right lines given by position. Suppose the 
triangle DEF, by the access of its point D to the side EF, and by having 
the sides DE, DF placed in directum to be changed into a right line 
whose given part DE is to be interposed between the right lines AB, AC 
given by position; and its given part DF is to be interposed between the 
right lines AB, BC, given by position; then, by applying the preceding 
construction to this case, the Problem will be solved. 



[Book 1. 


To describe a trajectory given both in kind and magnitude , given parts 
of which shall be interposed between three right lines given by position. 
Suppose a trajectory is to be described that 
may be similar and equal to the curve line DEF, 

♦and may be cut by three right lines AB, AC, 

BC, given by position, into parts DE and EF, 
similar and equal to the given parts of this 
curve line. 

Draw the right lines DE, EF, DF: and 
place the angles D, E, F, of this triangle DEF, so 
as to touch those right lines given by position (by 
Lem. XXVI). Then about the triangle describe 
the trajectory, similar and equal to the curve DEF. 



To describe a trapezium given in kind , the angles whereof may be su 
placedj in respect of four right lines given by position , that are neither 
all parallel among themselves , nor converge to one common point , that 
the several angles may touch the several lines . 

Let the four right lines ABC, AD, BD, CE, be 
given by position ; the first cutting the second in A, 
the third in B, and the fourth in C; and suppose a 
trapezium fghi is to be described that may be similar 
to the trapezium FCHI, and whose angle f equal to 
the given angle F, may touch the right line ABC; and 
the other angles g , h, i, equal to the other given angles, 

G, H, I, may touch the other lines AD, BD, CE, re¬ 
spectively. Join FH, and upon FG. FH, FI describe 
as many segments of circles FSG, FTH, FVI, the first 
of which FSG may be capable of an angle equal to 
the angle BAD; the second FTH capable of an angle 
equal to the angle CBD ; and the third FVI of an angle equal to the angle 
ACE. Bud the segments are to be described towards those sides of the 
linfes FG, FH, FI, that the circular order of the letters FSGF may be 
the same as of the letters BADB, and that the letters FTHF may turn 
about in the same order as the letters CBDC and the letters FVIF in the 
game order as the letters ACE A. Complete the segments into entire cir¬ 
cles, and let P be the centre of the first circle FSG, Q the centre of the 
second FTH. Join and produce both ways the line PQ, and in it take 
OR in the same ratio to PQ, as BC has to AB. But QR is to be taken 
towards that side of the point Q, that the order of the letters P, Q, R 



Sec. V.J 

may be the same as of the letters A, B, C; 
and about the centre R with the interval 
RF describe a fourth circle FNc cutting 
the third circle FVI in c. Join Fc cut¬ 
ting the first circle in a, and the second in 
t . Draw rtG, 5H, cl, and let the figure 
ABC fghi be made similar to the figure 
</5cFGHI; and the trapezium fghi will 
be that which was required to be de¬ 

For let the two first circles FSG, FTH 
cut one the other in K ; join PK, QK, 

RK, aK, 5K, cK, and produce Q,P to L. 

The angles FaK, F5K, FcK at the circumferences are the halves of the 
angles FPK, FQJC, FRK, at the centres, and therefore equal to LPK, 
LQK, LRK, the halves of those angles. Wherefore the figure PQRK is 
iquiangular and similar to the figure abcK, and consequently ab is to be 
<;s PQ, to Q,R. that is, as AB to BC. But by construction, the angles 
r Ag, /lMi,fCi, are equal to the angles F«G, F5H, FcL And therefore 
the figure ABC fghi may be completed similar to the figure o^cFGHI. 
Which done a trapezium fghi will be constructed similar to the trapezium 
FGHI, and which by its angles f g , h, i will touch the right lines ABC, 
AD, BD, CE. Q.E.F. 

Cor. Hence a right line may be drawn whose parts intercepted in a 
given order, between four right lines given by position, shall have a given 
proportion among themselves. Let the angles FGH, GHI, be so far in¬ 
creased that the right lines FG, GH, HI, may lie in directum ; and by 
constructing the Problem in this case, a right line fghi will be drawn, 
whose parts fg, gh , hi, intercepted between the four right lines given by 
position, AB and AD, AD and BD, BD and CE, will be one to another 
as the lines FG, GH, HI, and will observe the same order among them¬ 
selves. But the same thing may be more readily done in this manner. 

Produce AB to K and BD to L, 

so as BK may be to AB as HI to tI 

GH; and DL to BD as GI to FG; 
and join KL meeting the right line 
CE in i. Produce iL to M, so as 
LM may be to iL as GH to HI; 
then draw MQ, parallel to LB, and 
meeting the right line AD mg', and 
join gi cutting AB, BD in f A; I 
say, the thing is done. 

For let Mg* cut the right line AB in Q, and AD the right line KL in 






[Book I. 

S, and draw AP parallel to BD, and meeting ih in P, and §*M to LA (g: 
to hi, Mi to hi, GI to HI, AK to BK) and AP to BL, will be in the same 
ratio. Cut DL in R, so as DL to RL may be in that same ratio; and be¬ 
cause gS to gM, AS to AP. and DS to DL are proportional; therefore 
(ex cequo) as gS to L h, so will AS be to BL, and DS to RL; and mixtly, 
BL — RL to LA— BL, as AS— DS to gS — AS. That is, BR is to 
BA as AD is to A g, and therefore as BD to "Q,. And alternately BR is 
to BD as BA to g’Q, or as fh to fg. But by construction the line BL 
was cut in D and R in the same ratio as the line FI in C and H; and 
therefore BR is to BD as FH to FG. Wherefore fh is to fg as FH to 
FG. Since, therefore, gi to hi likewise is as Mi to Li, that is, as GI to 
III, it is manifest that the lines FI, /i, are similarly cut in G and H, g 
and A. Q.F.F. 

In the construction of this Corollary, after the line LK is drawn cutting 
CE in i, we may produce iE to Y, so as EY may be to Ei as FH to HI, 
arid then draw Yf parallel to BD. It will come to the same, if about the 
centre i with an interval IH, we describe a circle cutting BD in X, and 
produce iX to Y so as iY may be equal to IF, and then draw Yf parallel 
to BD. 

Sir Christopher Wren and Dr. Wallis have long ago given other solu¬ 
tions of this Problem. 

To describe a trajectory given in kind, that may be cut by four right 
lines given by position, into parts given in order , kind, and proportion. 
Suppose a trajectory is to be described that may be 
similar to the curve line FGHI, and whose parts, 
similar and proportional to the parts FG, GH, HI of 
the other, may be intercepted between the right lines 
AB and AD, AD, and BD, BD and CE given by po¬ 
sition, viz., the first between the first pair of those lines, 
the second between the second, and the third between 
the third. Draw the right lines FG, GH, HI, FI; 
and (by Lem. XXYII) describe a trapezium fghi that 
may be similar to the trapezium FGHI, and whose an¬ 
gles/, g, A, i, may touch the right lines given by posi¬ 
tion AB, AD, BD, CE, severally according to their order. And then about 
this trapezium describe a trajectory, that trajectory will be similar to the 
curve line FGHI. 


This problem may be likewise constructed in the following manner. 
Joining FG, GH, HI, FI, produce GF to Y, and join FH, IG, and make 

Sec. VI] 



the angles CAK. DAL equal to 
the angles FGH, VFH. Let 
AK, AL meet the right line 
BD in K and L, and thence 
draw KM, LN, of which let 
KM make the angle A KM equal 
to the angle CHI, and be itself 
to AK as HI is to GH; and let 

LN make the angle ALN equal to the angle FHI, and be itself 
to AL as HI to FH. But AK, KM. AL, LN are to be drawn 
towards those sides of the lines AD, AK, AL, that the letters 
OAKMC, ALKA, DALND may be carried round in the same 
order as the letters FGHIF; and draw MN meeting the right, 
line CE in i. Make the angle IEP equal to the angle IGF, 
and let PE be to Ei as FG to GI; and through P draw PQ/' that may 
with the right line ADE contain an angle PQ.E equal to the angle FIG, 
and may meet the right line AB in fi and join fi. But PE and PQ are 
to he drawn towards those sides of the lines CE, PE, that the circular 
order of the letters PEiP and PEQ,P may be the same as of the letters 
FGHIF; and if upon the line fi , in the same order of letters, and similar 
to the trapezium FGHI, a trapezium fghi is constructed, and a trajectory 
given in kind is circumscribed about it, the Problem will be solved. 

So far concerning the finding of the orbits. It remains that we deter¬ 
mine the motions of bodies in the orbits so found. 


How the fjiotioas are to be found in given orbits. 


To find at any assigned time the place of a body moving in a given 

parabolic trajectory. 

Let S be the focus, and A the principal vertex of 
the parabola; and suppose 4AS X M equal to the 
parabolic area to be cut off APS, which either was 
described by the radius SP, since the body's departure 
from the vertex, or is to be described thereby before 
its arrival there. Now the quantity of that area to 
be cut off is known from the time which is propor¬ 
tional to it. Bisect AS in G, and erect the perpendicular GH equal to 
3M, and a circle described about th 3 centre H, with the interval HS, will 
cut the parabola in the place P required. For letting fall PO perpendic¬ 
ular on the axis, and drawing PH, there will be AG 2 -f- GII 2 (—IIP 2 

AO —AGl 2 + PO — GH| 2 ) = AO 2 + PO 2 —2CA ) —?GTI f PO % 



[Book I 

AG* + GH 2 . Whence 2GH X PO (=*= AO 2 -f PO 2 — 2GAO) == AO* 

PO 2 

-f | PO 2 . For AO 2 write AO X'^jg; then dividing all the terms by 
3PO ; and multiplying them by 2AS, we shall have |GH X AS (= UO 
X PO + iAS X PO_“±“?x PO_i^“ X Pol* 

the area APO — SPO)| = to the area APS. But GH was 3M, and 
therefore 5 GH X AS is 4AS X M. Wherefore the area cut off APS is 
equal to the area that was to be cut off 4AS X M. Q.E.D. 

Cor. 1. Hence GH is to AS as the time in which the body described 
the arc AP to the time in which the body described the arc between the 
vertex A and the perpendicular erected from the focus S upon the axis. 

Cor. 2. And supposing a circle ASP perpetually to pass through the 
moving body P, the yelocity of the point H is to the velocity which the 
body had in the vertex A as 3 to 8 ; and therefore in the same ratio is 
the line GH to the right line which the body, in the time of its moving 
from A to P, would describe with that velocity which it had in the ver¬ 
tex A. 

Cor. 3. Hence, also, on the other hand, the time may be found in which 
the body has described any assigned arc AP. Join AP, and on its middle 
point erect a perpendicular meeting the right line GH in H. 


There is no oval figure whose area , cut off by right lines at pleasure, can. 
be universally found by means of equations of any number of finite 
terms and dimensions. 

Suppose that within the oval any point is given, about which as a pole 
a right line is perpetually revolving with an uniform motion, while in 
that right line a moveable point going out from the pole moves always 
forward with a velocity proportional to the square of that right line with¬ 
in the oval. By this motion that point will describe a spiral with infinite 
circumgyrations. Now if a portion of the area of the oval cut off by that 
right line could be found by a finite equation, the distance of the point 
from the pole, which is proportional to this area, might be found by the 
same equation, and therefore all the points of the spiral might be found 
by a finite equation also; and therefore the intersection of a right line 
given in position with the spiral might also be found by a finite equation. 
But every right line infinitely produced cuts a spiral in an infinite num¬ 
ber of points ; and the equation by which any one intersection of two lines 
is found at the same time exhibits all their intersections by as many roots, 
and therefore rises to as many dimensions as there are intersections. Bo- 
cause two circles mutually cut one another in two points, one of those in* 

Sfc. VI.] of natural philosophy. 155 

terscctions is not to be found but by an equation of two dimensions, bv 
which the other intersection may be also found. Because there may be 
four intersections of two conic sections, any one of them is not to be found 
universally, but by an equation of four dimensions, by which they may be 
all found together. For if those intersections are severally sought, be¬ 
cause the law and condition of all is the same, the calculus will be the 
same in every case, and therefore the conclusion always the same, which 
must therefore.comprehend all those intersections at once within itself, and 
exhibit them all indifferently. Hence it is that the intersections of the 
conic sp^ions with the curves of the third order, because they may amount 
to six, (x,me out together by equations of six dimensions; and the inter¬ 
sections of two curves of the third order, because they may amount to nine, 
come out together by equations of nine dimensions. If this did not ne¬ 
cessarily happen, we might reduce all solid to plane Problems, and those 
higher than solid to solid Problems. But here I speak of curves irreduci¬ 
ble in power. For if the equation by which the curve is defined may be 
reduced to a lower power, the curve will not be one single curve, but com¬ 
posed of two, or more, whose intersections may be severally found by different 
calculusses. After the same manner the two intersections of right lines 
with the conic sections come out always by equations of two dimensions; the 
three intersections of right lines with the irreducible curves of the third 
order by equations of three dimensions; the four intersections of right 
lines with the irreducible curves of the fourth order, by equations of four 
dimensions; and so on in infinitum. Wherefore the innumerable inter¬ 
sections of a right line with a spiral, since this is but one simple curve 
and not reducible to more curves, require equations infinite in r. amber of 
dimensions and roots, by which they may be all exhibited together. For 
the law and calculus of all is the same. For if a perpendicular is let fall 
from the pole upon that intersecting right line, and that perpendicular 
together with the intersecting line revolves about the pole, the intersec¬ 
tions of the spiral will mutually pass the one into the other; and that 
which was first or nearest, after one revolution, will be the second; after 
two, the third; and so on: nor will the equation in the mean time be 
changed but as the magnitudes of those quantities are changed, by which 
the position of the intersecting line is determined. Wherefore since those 
quantities after every revolution return to their first magnitudes, the equa¬ 
tion will return to its first form; and consequently one and the same 
equation will exhibit all the intersections, and will therefore have an infi¬ 
nite number of roots, by which they may be all exhibited. And therefore 
the intersection of a right line with a spiral cannot be universally found by 
any finite equation; and of consequence there is no oval figure whose area* 
cut off by right lines at pleasure, can be universally exhibited by anj 
such equation. 



[Book 1 

By the same argument, if the interval of the pole and point by which 
the spiral is described is taken proportional to that part of the perimeter 
of the oval which is cut off, it may be proved that the length of the peri¬ 
meter cannot be universally exhibited by any finite equation. But here I 
speak of ovals that are not touched by conjugate figures running out in 

Cor. Hence the area of an ellipsis, described by a radius drawn from 
the focus to the moving body, is not to be found from the time given by a 
finite equation ; and therefore cannot be determined by the description ol 
curves geometrically rational. Those curves I call geometrically rational, 
all the points whereof may be determined by lengths that are definable 
by equations; that is, by the complicated ratios of lengths. Other cur ves 
(such as spirals, quadratrixes, and cycloids) I call geometrically irrational. 
For the lengths which are or are not as number to number (according to 
the tenth Book of Elements) are arithmetically rational or irrational. 
And therefore I cut off an area of an ellipsis proportional to the time in 
which it is described by a curve geometrically irrational, in the following 


To find the place of a body moving in a given elliptic trajectory at any 

assigned time . 

Suppose A to be 
the principal vertex, 

S the focus, and O 
the centre of the 
ellipsis APB; and 
let P be the place of 
the body to be found. 

Produce OA to G so 
as OG may be to OA 
as OA to OS. Erect 
the perpendicular GH; and about the centre O, with the interval OG, de¬ 
scribe the circle GEF ; and on the ruler GH, as a base, suppose the wheel 
GEF to move forwards, revolving about its axis, and in the mean time by 
its point A describing the cycloid ALI. Which done, take GK to the 
perimeter GEFG of the wheel, in the ratio of the time in which the body 
proceeding from A described the arc AP, to the time of a whole revolution 
in the ellipsis. Erect the perpendicular KL meeting the cycloid in L ; 
then LP drawn parallel to KG will meet the ellipsis in P, the required 
place of the body. 

For about the centre O with the interval OA describe the semi-circle 
AQB, and let LP, produced, if need be, meet the arc AQ, in Q, and join 

Sec. VLj 



SQ, OQ. Let OQ meet the arc EFG in F, and upon OQ kt fall the 
perpendicular Sll. The area APS is as the area AQS, that is, as the 
diiference between the sector OQA and the triangle OQS, or as the difLr- 
ence of the rectangles pQ X AQ, and : ’OQ X SR, that is, because 
is given, as the difference between the arc AQ, and the right line Sll; and 
therefore (because of the equality of the given ratios SR to the sine of the 
arc AQ, OS to OA, OA to OG, AQ to GF; and by division, AQ— SR 
to Qp — s ine of the arc AQ) as GK, the difference between the arc G1 
and the sine of the arc AQ. Q.E.D. 


But since the description of this curve ng — ^ 

is difficult, a solution by approximation 
will be preferable. First, then, let there \ 

be found a certain angle B which may // \\ \\ 

be to an angle of 57,29578 degrees, / / \\ \ 

which an arc equal to the radius subtends, j r \ 

as SH, the distance of the foci, to AB, a s r> o ± b 
the diameter of the ellipsis. Secondly, a certain length L, which may be to 
the radius in the same ratio inversely. And these being found, the Problem 
may be solved by the following analysis. By any construction (or even 
by conjecture), suppose we know P the place of the body near its true 
place p. Then letting fall on the axis of the ellipsis the ordinate PR 
from the proportion of the diameters of the ellipsis, the ordinate RQ ol 
the circumscribed circle AQB will be given ; which ordinate is the sine of 
the angle AOQ, supposing AO to be the radius, and also cuts the ellipsis 
in P. It will .be sufficient if that angle is found by a rude calculus in 
numbers near the truth. Suppose we also know the angle proportional to 
the time, that is, which is to four right aigles as the time in which the 
body described the arc A p, to the time of one revolution in the ellipsis. 
Let this angle be N. Then take an angle D, which may be to the angle 
B as the sine of the angle AOQ to the radius; and an angle E which 
may be to the angle N — AOQ +D as the length L to the same length 
L diminished by the cosine of the angle AOQ, when that angle is less 
than a right angle, or increased thereby when greater. In the next 
place, take an angle F that may be to the angle B as the sine of the angle 
10Q + E to the radius, and an angle G, that may be to the angle N — 
AOQ — E + F as the length L to the same length L diminished by the 
cosine of the angle AOQ T E, when that angle i3 less than a right angle, 
or increased thereby when greater. For the third time take an angle H, 
that may be to the angle B as the sine of the angle AOQ r E + G to the 
radius; and an angle I to the angle N — AOQ — E — G -f H, as the 



|B(Ok L 

length L is to the same length L diminished by the cosine of the angle 
AOQ -f- E + G, when that angle is less than a right angle, or increased 
thereby when greater. And so we may proceed in infinitum. Lastly, 
take the angle AOq equal to the angle AOQ, -f- E + G +1 -{-, &c. and 
from its cosine Or and the ordinate pr, which is to its sine qr as the lesser 
axis of the ellipsis to the greater, w e shall have p the correct place of the 
body. When the angle N — AOQ + D happens to be negative, the 
sign + of the angle E must be every where changed into —, and the sign — 
into +. And the same thing is to be understood of the signs of the angles 
G and I, when the angles N — AOQ — E + P, and N — AOQ — E — 
G + H come out negative. But the infinite series AOQ + E -f- G -j- I +, 
&c. converges so very fast, that it will be scarcely ever needful to pro¬ 
ceed beyond the second term E. And the calculus is founded upon 
this Theorem, that the area APS is as the difference between the arc 
AQ and the right line let fall from the focus S perpendicularly upon the 
radius OQ. 

And by a calculus not unlike, the Problem 
is solved in the hyperbola. Let its centre be 
O, its vertex A, its focus S, and asymptote 
OK; and suppose the quantity of the area to 
be cut off is known, as being proportional to 
the time. Let that be A, and by conjecture 
suppose we know the position of a right i ne 
SP, that cuts off an area APS near the truth. 

Join OP, and from A and P to the asymptote ° T -A. S 

draw AI, PK parallel to the other asymptote; and by the table of loga¬ 
rithms the area AIKP will be given, and equal thereto the area OPA, 
which subducted from the triangle OPS, will leave the area cut off APS. 
And by applying 2APS — 2A, or 2A — 2A PS, the double difference of 
the area A that was to be cut off, and the area APS that is cut off, to the 
line SN that is let fall from the focus S, perpendicular upon the tangent 
TP, we shall have the length of the chord PQ. Which chord PQ is to 
be inscribed between A and P, if the area APS that is cut off be greater 
than the area A that was to be cut off, but towards the contrary side of the 
point P, if otherwise: and the point Q will be the place of the body more 
accurately. And by repeating the computation the place may be found 
perpetually to greater and greater accuracy. 

And by such computations we have a general 
analytical resolution of the Problem. But the par¬ 
ticular calculus that follows is better fitted for as¬ 
tronomical purposes. Supposing AO, OB, OD, to 
be the semi-axis of the ellipsis, and L its latus rec¬ 
tum, and D the difference betwixt the lesser semi- 



Sec. VII.] 

axis OD, and JL the half of the latus rectum : let an angle Y be found, whose 
sine may be to the radius as the rectangle under that difference D, and 
AO -f- OD the half sum of the axes to the square of the greater axis AB. 
Find also an angle Z, whose sine may be to the radius as the double rec¬ 
tangle under the distance of the foci SH and that difference D to triple 
the square of half the greater semi-axis AO. Those angles being once 
found, the place of the body may be thus determined. Take the angle T 
proportional to the time in which the arc BP was described, or equal to 
what is called the mean motion; and an angle V the first equation of the 
mean motion to the angle Y, the greatest first equation, as the sine of 
double the angle T is to the radius ; and an angle X, the second equation, 
to the angle Z, the second greatest equation, as the cube of the sine of the 
angle T is to the cube of the radius. Then take the angle BHP the mean 
motion equated equal to T + X + V, the sum of the angles T, V, X, 
if the angle T is less than a right angle; or equal to T + X — Y, the 
difference of the same, if that angle T is greater than one and less than 
two right angles; and if HP meets the ellipsis in P, draw SP, and it will 
cut off the area BSP nearly proportional to the time. 

This practice seems to be expeditious enough, because the angles V and 
X, taken in second minutes, if you please, being very small, it will be suf¬ 
ficient to find two or three of their first figures. But it is likewise 
sufficiently accurate to answer to the theory of the planet’s motions. 
For even in the orbit of Mars, where the greatest equation of the centre 
amounts to ten degrees, the error will scarcely exceed one second. But 
when the angle of the mean motion equated BHP is found, the angle of 
the true motion BSP, and the distance SP, are readily had by the known 

And so far concerning the motion of bodies in curve lines. But it may 
also come to pass that a moving body shall ascend or descend in a right 
line: and I shall now go on to explain what belongs to such kind of 


Concerning the rectilinear ascent and descent of bodies. 


Supposing that the centripetal force is reciprocally proportional to the. 
square of the distance of the places from the centre; it is required 
to define the spaces which a body, falling directly , describes in given 

Case 1. If the body does not fall perpendicularly, it will (by Cor. I 



[Book I 

Prop. XIII) describe some conic section whose focus is 
placed in the centre of force. Suppose that conic sec¬ 
tion to be A RPB and its focus S. And, first, if the 
figure be an ellipsis, upon the greater axis thereof AB 
describe the semi-circle ADB, and let the right line 
DPC pass through the falling body, making right angles 
with the axis; and drawing BS, PS, the area ASD will 
be proportional to the area ASP, and therefore also to 
the time. The axis AB still remaining the same, let the 
breadth of the ellipsis be perpetually diminished, and 
the area ASD will always remain proportional to the 
time. Suppose that breadth to be diminished in infinitum ; and the orbit 
APB in that case coinciding with the axis AB, and the focus S with the 
extreme point of the axis B, the body will descend in the right line AC’, 
and the area ABD will become proportional to the time. Wherefore the 
space AC will be given which the body describes in a given time by its 
perpendicular fall from the place A, if the area ABD is taken proportional 
to the time, and from the point D the right line DC is let fall perpendic¬ 
ularly on the right line AB. Q,.E.I. 

Case 2. If the figure RPB is an hyperbola, on the 
same principal diameter AB describe the rectangular 
hyperbola BED ; and because the areas CSP, CB/P, 

SP/B, are severally to the several areas CSD, CBED, 

SDEB, in the given ratio of the heights CP, CD, and 
the area SPyB is proportional to the time in which 
the body P will move through the arc iyB, the area 
SDEB will be also proportional to that time. Let 
the latus rectum of the hyperbola RPB be diminished 
in infinitum, the latus transversum remaining the 
same; and the arc PB will come to coincide with the 
right line CB, and the focus S, wfith the vertex B, 
and the right line SD with the right line BD. And therefore the area 
BDEB will be proportional to the time in which the body C, by its per¬ 
pendicular descent, describes the line CB. Q.E.I. 

Case 3. And by the like argument, if the figure 
RPB is a parabola, and to the same principal ver¬ 
tex B another parabola BED is described, that 
may always remain given while the former para¬ 
bola in whose perimeter the body P moves, by 
having its latus rectum diminished and reduced 
to nothing, comes to coincide with the line CB, 
the parabolic segment BDEB will be proportional 
to the time in which that body P or C will descend to the centre S or 


Skc. V/I.J 



77/e things above found being supposed . / say, /A/// ike velocity of a Jai¬ 
ling body in any place C is to the velocity of a body, describing a 
circle about the centre B at the distance BC ; in the subduplicate ratio 
of AG, the distance of the body from the remoter vertex A of the circle 
or rectangular hyperbola, to £AB, the principal semi-diameter of the 

Let AB, the common dia- |t 
meter of both figures RPB, 

DEB, be bisected in O; and 
draw the right line PT that 
may touch the figure RPB 
in P, and likewise cut that 
common diameter AB (pro¬ 
duced, if need be) in T; and 
let SY be perpendicular to 
this line, and BQ to this di¬ 
ameter, and suppose the latus 
rectum of the figure RPB to 
be L. From Cor. 9, Prop. 

XVI, it is manifest that the 
velocity of a body, moving 
in the line RPB about the 
centre S, in any place P, is 
to the velocity of a body describing a circle about the same centre, at the 
distance SP, in the subduplicate ratio of the rectangle £L X SP to SY 2 
For by the properties of the conic sections ACB is to CP 2 as 2AO to L. 

2CP 5 X AO 

and therefore-rwrr-— is equal to L. Therefore those, velocities ar< 




to each other in the subduplicate ratio of- 


toSY 2 . Mon 

over, by the properties of the conic sections, CO is to BO as BO to Tn 
and (by composition or division) as CB to BT. Whence (by division c\ 
composition) BO —or 4* CO will be to BO as CT to BT, that is, AC 


will be to AO as CP to BQ; and therefore- 77^5 -—is equal to 



AO X BC ‘ Now sn PP ose CP, the breadth of the figure RPB, to 

be diminished in infinitum, so as the point P may come to coincide with 
the point C, and the point S with the point B, and the line SP with the 
line BC, and the line SY with the line BQ; and the velocity of the body 
now descending perpendicularly in the line CB will be to the velocity of 




a body describing a circle about the centre B, at the distance BC, in thr 

subduplicate ratio of 


to SY 2 , that is (neglecting the n\- 

tios of equality of SP to BC, and BQ, 2 to SY 2 ), in the subduplicate ratio 
of AC to AO, or £AB. Q.E.D. 

Cor. 1. When the points B and S come to coincide, TC will become to 
TS as AC to AO. 

Cor. 2. A body revolving in any circle at a given distance from the 
centre, by its motion converted upwards, will ascend to double its distance 
from the centre. 


If the figure BED is a parabola, I say, that the velocity of a falling 
body in any place C is equal to the velocity by which a body may 
uniformly describe a circle about the centre B at half the interval BC 
For (by Cor. 7, Prop. XVI) the velocity of a 
body describing a parabola RPB about the cen¬ 
tre S, in any place P, is equal to the velocity of 
a body uniformly describing a circle about the c 
same centre S at half the interval SP. Let the 
breadth CP of the parabola be diminished in 
infinitum , so as the parabolic arc P/B may come 
to coincide with the right line CB, the centre S s 
with the vertex B, and the interval SP with the B 
interval BC, and the proposition will be manifest. Q.E.D. 


The same things supposed, I say, that the area of the figure DES, de¬ 
scribed by the indefinite radius SD, is equal to the area which a body 
xoith a radius equal to half the latus rectum of the figure DES, by 
uniformly revolving about the centre S, may describe in the same time\ 



Sec. VII.] 

For suppose a body C in the smallest moment of time describes in fal¬ 
ling the infinitely little line Cc, while another body K, uniformly revolv¬ 
ing about the centre S in the circle OK/', describes the arc K k. Erect the 
perpendiculars CD, cd, meeting the figure DES in D, d. Join SD, Sd. 
SK, S k, and draw D d meeting the axis AS in T, and thereon let fall the 
perpendicular SY. 

Case 1. If the figure DES is a circle, or a rectangular hyperbola, bisect 
its transverse diameter AS in O, and SO will be half the latus rectum. 
And because TC is to TD as Cc to D d, and TD to TS as CD to SY; 
ex cequo TC will be to TS as CD X Cc to SY X T)d. But (by Cor. 1, 
Prop. XXXIII) TC is to TS as AC to AO; to wit, if in the coalescence 
of the points D, d , the ultimate ratios of the lines are taken. Wherefore 
AC is to AO or SK as CD X Cc to S Y X T)d. Farther, the velocity of 
the descending body in C is to the velocity of a body describing a circle 
about the centre S, at the interval SC, in the subduplicate ratio of AC to 
AO or SK (by Prop. XXXIII); and this velocity is to the velocity of a 
body describing the circle OKA: in the subduplicate ratio of SK to SC 
(by Cor. 6, Prop'IV); and, ex cequo, the first velocity to the last, that is, 
the little line Cc to the arc KA', in the subduplicate ratio of AC to SC, 
that is, in the ratio of AC to CD. Wherefore CD X Cc is equal to AC 
X K/r, and consequently AC to SK as AC X KA; to SY X T)d. and 
thence SK X KA; equal to SY X D d, and <!SK X KA; equal to iSY X D d, 
that is, the area KSA; equal to the area SDc?. Therefore in every moment 
of time two equal particles, KSA; and SDe?, of areas are generated, which, 
if their magnitude is diminished, and their number increased in infimhuu, 
obtain the ratio of equality, and consequently (by Cor. Lem. IV), the whole 
areas together generated are always equal. Q..E.D. 

Case 2. But if the figure DES is a 
parabola, we shall find, as above, CD X 
Cc to SY X D d as TC to TS, that is, 
as 2 to 1; and that therefore JCD X Cc 
is equal to h SY X T)d. But the veloc¬ 
ity of the falling body in C is equal to 
the velocity with which a circle may be 
uniformly described at the interval dSC 
(by Prop. XXXIV). And this velocity 
to the velocity with which a circle may 
be described with the radius SK, that is, 
the little line Cc to the arc KA:, is (by 
Cor. 6, Prop. IV) in the subduplicate ratio of SK to £SC; that is, in the 
ratio of SK to <1CD. Wherefore £SK X KA; is equal to ICD X Cc, and 
therefore equal to £SY X T>d ; that is, the area KSA: is equal to the area 
SD/Y, as above. Q.E.D. 



[Book 1. 


To determine the times of the descent of a body falling from 

place A. 

Upon the diameter AS, the distance of the body from the 
centre at the beginning, describe the semi-circle ADS, as 
likewise the semi-circle OKH equal thereto, about the centre 
S. From any place C of the body erect the ordinate CD. 
Join SD, and make the sector OSK equal to the area ASD. 

It is evident (by Prop. XXXY) that the body in falling will 
describe the space AC in the same time in which another body, 
uniformly revolving about the centre S, may describe the arc 
OK. Q.E.F. 

a given 


To define the times of the ascent or descent of a body projected upwards 
or downwards from a given place. 

Suppose the body to go off from the given place G, in the direction of 
the line GS, with any velocity. In the duplicate ratio of this velocity to 
the uniform velocity in a circle, with which the body may revolve about 

the centre S at the given interval SG, take GA to «|AS. If that ratio is 
the same as of the number 2 to 1, the point A is infinitely remote; in 
which case a parabola is to be described with any latus rectum to the ver¬ 
tex S, and axis SG ; as appears by Prop. XXXIY. But if that ratio is 
less or greater than the ratio of 2 to 1, in the former case a circle, in the 
latter a rectangular hyperbola, is to be described on the diameter SA ; as 
appears by Prop. XXXIII. Then about the centre S, with an interval 
equal to half the latus rectum, describe the circle HA;K; and at the place 
G of the ascending or descending body, and at any other place C, erect the 
perpendiculars GI, CD, meeting the conic section or circle in I and D. 
Then joining SI, SD, let the sectors HSK, HS/c be made equal to the 
segments SEIS, SEDS, and (by Prop. XXXY) the body G will describe 

Sec. YII.J 



the space GO in the same time in which the body K may describe the arc 
Kk. Q.E.F. 


Supposing that the centripetal force is proportional to the altitude or 
distance of places from the centre, I sap, that the times and velocities 
of falling bodies, and the spaces which they describe, are respectively 
proportional to the arcs, and the right and versed sines of the arcs. 
Suppose the body to fall from any place A in the 
right line AS; and about the centre of force S, with 
the interval AS, describe the quadrant of a circle AE; 
and let CD be the right sine of any arc AD; and the 
body A will in the time AD in falling describe the 
space AC, and in the place C will acquire the ve¬ 
locity CD. 

This is demonstrated the same way from Prop. X, as Prop. XXX11 was 
demonstrated from Prop. XI. 

Cor. 1. Hence the times are equal in which one body falling from the 
place A arrives at the centre S, and another body revolving describes the 
quadrantal arc ADE. 

Cor. 2. Wherefore all the times are equal in which bodies falling from 
whatsoever places arrive at the centre. For all the periodic times of re¬ 
volving bodies are equal (by Cor. 3, Prop. IV). 


Supposing a centripetal force of any kind, and granting the quadra¬ 
tures of curvilinear figures ; it is required to find the velocity of a body, 
ascending or descending in a right line, in the several places through 
which it passes ; as also the time in which it will arrive at any place : 
and vice versa. 

Suppose the body E to fall from any place 
A in the right line AD EC; and from its place 
E imagine a perpendicular EG always erected p 
proportional to the centripetal force in that 
place tending to the centre C; and let BFG 
be a curve line, the locus of the point G. And D 
in the beginning of the motion suppose EG to 
coincide with the perpendicular AB; and the 
velocity of the body in any place E will be as c 
a right line whose square is equal to the cur¬ 
vilinear area ABGE. QJE.I. 

Tn EG take EM reciprocally proportional to 

A B 



] 66 


[Book I 

a right line whose square is equal* to the area ABGE, and let YLM be a 
curve line wherein the point M is always placed, and to which the right 
line AB produced is an asymptote; and the time in which the body in 
falling describes the line AE, will be as the curvilinear area ABTYME. 

For in the right line AE let there be taken the very small line DE of 
a given length, and let DLF be the place of the line EMG, when the 
body was in D ; and if the centripetal force be such, that a right line, 
whose square is equal to the area ABGE, is as the velocity of the descend¬ 
ing body, the area itself will be as the square of that velocity; that is, if 
for the velocities in D and E we write V and Y + I, the area ABFI) will 
be as YY, and the area ABGE as YY + 2YI -f II | and by division, the 

area DFGE as 2Y1 + II, and therefore 



will be as- 

2YI + II 

~ DE 


that is. if we take the first ratios of those quantities when just nascent, the 


length DF is as the quantity and therefore also as half that quantity 

1 X Y 

But the time in which the body in falling describes the very 

small line DE, is as that line directly and the velocity Y inversely; and 
the force will be as the increment I of the velocity directly and the time 
inversely; and therefore if we take the first ratios when those quantities 
I X Y 

are just nascent, as—that is, as the length DF. Therefore a force 

proportional to DF or EG will cause the body to descend with a velocity 
that is as the right line whose square is equal to the area ABGE. Q.E.D. 

Moreover, since the time in which a very small line DE of a given 
length may be described is as the velocity inversely, and therefore also 
inversely as a right line whose square is equal to the area ABFD ; and 
since the line DL, and by consequence the nascent area DLME, will be as 
the same right line inversely, the time will be as the area DLME, and 
the sum of all the times will be as the sum of all the areas; that is (by 
Cor. Lem. IY), the whole time in which the line AE is described will be 
as the whole area ATYME. Q.E.D. 

Cor. 1. Let P be the place from whence a body ought to fall, so as 
that, when urged by any known uniform centripetal force (such as 
gravity is vulgarly supposed to be), it may acquire in the place D a 
velocity equal to the velocity which another body, falling by any force 
whatever, hath acquired in that place D. In the perpendicular DF let 
there be taken DR, -which may be o DF as that uniform force to 
the other force in the place D. Complete the rectangle PDRQ, and cut 
off the area.ABFD equal to that rectangle. Then A will be the place 



Sec. Yll.J 

from whence the other body fell. For com¬ 
pleting the rectangle DRSE, since the area 
ABFD is to the area I)FGE as YY to 2YI, 
and therefore as £Y to I, that is, as half the 
whole velocity to the increment of the velocity 
of the body falling by the unequable force; and 
in like manner the area PQRD to the area 
DRSE as half the whole velocity to the incre¬ 
ment of the velocity of the body falling by the 
uniform force; and since those increments (by 
reason of the equality of the nascent times) 
are as the generating forces, that is, as the or¬ 
dinates DF, DR, and consequently as the nascent areas DFGE, DRSE: 
therefore, ex aequo , the whole areas ABFD, PQRD will be to one another 
as the halves of the whole velocities; and therefore, because the velocities 
are equal, they become equal also. 

Cor. 2. VYhence if any body be projected either upwards or downwards 
with a given velocity from any place D, and there be given the law of 
centripetal force acting on it, its velocity will be found in any other place, 
as e, by erecting the ordinate eg, and taking that velocity to the velocity 
in the place D as a right line whose square is equal to the rectangle 
PQRD, either increased by the curvilinear area DF ge, if the place e is 
below the place D, or diminished by the same area D Fge, if it be higher, 
is to the right line whose square is equal to the rectangle PQRD alone. 

Cor. 3. The time is also known by erecting the ordinate em recipro¬ 
cally proportional to the square root of PQRD -f- or — DFge, and taking 
the time in which the body has described the line De to the time in which 
another body has fallen with an uniform force from P, and in falling ar¬ 
rived at D in the proportion of the curvilinear area DL me to the rectan¬ 
gle 2PD X DL. For the time in which a body falling with an uniform 
force hath described the line PD, is to the time in which the same body 
has described the line PE in the subduplicate ratio of PD to PE; that is 
(the very small line DE being just nascent), in the ratio of PD to PD -f- 
4 DE, or 2PD to 2PD -f- DE, and, by division, to the time in which the 
body hath described the small line DE, as 2PD to DE, and therefore as 
the rectangle 2PD X DL to the area DLME; and the time in which 
both the bodies described the very small line DE is to the time in which 
the body moving unequably hath described the line De as the area DLME 
to the area DLme ; and, ex cequo , the first mentioned of these times is to 
the last as the rectangle 2PD X DL to the area DLme. 


[Book I 



Of the invention of orbits wherein bodies will revolve, being acted upon 
by any sort of centripetal force. 


[fa, body, acted upon by any centripetal force, is any how moved, and 
another body ascends or descends in a right line, and their velocities 
be equal in any one case of equal altitudes, their velocities will be also 
equed at all equal altitudes. 

Let a body descend from A through D and E ; to the centre 
O; and let another body move from V in the curve line VIKA:. 

From the centre C, with any distances, describe the concentric 
circles DI, EK, meeting the right line AC in D and E, and 
the curve YIK in I and K. Draw IC meeting KE in N, and 
on IK let fall the perpendicular NT; and let the interval DE 
or IN between the circumferences of the circles be very small; 
and imagine the bodies in D and I to have equal velocities. 

Then because the distances CD and Cl are equal, the centri¬ 
petal forces in D and I will be also equal. Let those forces be k) \\ 

expressed by the equal lineohe DE and IN; and let the force ’ 

IN (by Cor. 2 of the Laws of Motion) be resolved into two 
others, NT and IT. f l hen the force NT acting in the direction of the 
line NT perpendicular to the path ITK of the body will not at all affect 
or change the velocity of the body in that path, but only draw it aside 
from a rectilinear course, and make it deflect perpetually from the tangent 
of the orbit, and proceed in the curvilinear path ITK/j. That whole 
force, therefore, will be spent in producing this effect; but the other force 
IT, acting in the direction of the course of the body, will be all employed 
in accelerating it, and in the least given time will produce an acceleration 
proportional to itself. Therefore the accelerations of the bodies in D and 
I, produced in equal times, are as the lines DE, IT (if we take the first 
ratios of the nascent lines DE, IN, IK, IT, NT); and in unequal times as 
those lines and the times conjunctly. But the times in which DE and IK 
are described, are, by reason of the equal velocities (in D and I) as the 
spaces described DE and IK, and therefore the accelerations in the course 
of the bodies through the lines DE and IK are as DE and IT, and DE 
and IK conjunctly; that is, as the square of DE to the rectangle IT into 
IK. But the rectangle IT X IK is equal to the square of IN, that is, 
equal to the square of DE; and therefore the accelerations generated in 
the passage of the bodies from D and I to E and K are equal. Therefore 
the velocities of the bo lies in E and K are also equal. and by the same 
reasoning they will always be found equal in any subsequent equal dis¬ 
tances. Q.E.D. 

Sec. VIll.J 



By the same reasoning, bodies of equal velocities and equal distances 
from the centre will be equally retarded in their ascent to equal distances. 

Cor. 1. Therefore if a body either oscillates by hanging to a string, or 
by any polished and perfectly smooth impediment is forced to move in a 
curve line ; and another body ascends or descends in a right line, and their 
velocities be equal at any one equal altitude, their velocities will be also 
equal at all other equal altitudes. For by the string of the pendulous 
body, or by the impediment of a vessel perfectly smooth, the same thing 
will be effected as by the transverse force NT. The body is neither 
accelerated nor retarded by it, but only is obliged to leave its rectilinear 

Cor. 2. Suppose the quantity P to be the greatest distance from the 
centre to which a body can ascend, whether it be oscillating, or revolving 
in a trajectory, and so the same projected upwards from any point of a 
trajectory with the velocity it has in that point. Let the quantity A be 
the distance of the body from the centre in any other point of the orbit; and 
let the centripetal force be always as the power A n —', of the quantity A, the 
index of which power n — 1 is any number n diminished by unity. Then 
the velocity in every altitude A will be as y/ P 11 — A 11 , and therefore will 
be given. For by Prop. XXXIX, the velocity of a body ascending and 
descending in a right line is in that very ratio. 


Supposing a centripetal force of any kind, and granting the quadra¬ 
tures of curvilinear figures, it is required to find as well the trajecto¬ 
ries in which bodies will move, as the times of their motions in the 
trajectories found. 

Let any centripetal force tend to A-R 

the centre C, and let it be required j-J? - yj -U-— 

to find the trajectory VIKA:. Let y\ / \ \/( 

there be given the circle VR, described \\i/ D| a/\™\ 

from the centre C with any interval \V __ L j \ \g 

CV; and from the same centre de- /Vy B *1 g\ 

scribe any other circles ID, KE cut- J Vy / \ 

ting the trajectory in I and K, and & I ^ 
the right line CV in D and E. Then V 

draw the right line CNIX cutting the c 

circles KE, VR in N and X, and the right line CKY meeting tne circle 
VR in Y. Let the points I and K be indefinitely near; and let the body 
go on from V through I and K to k ; and let the point A be the place 
from whence anothe body is to fall, so as in the place D to acquire a ve¬ 
locity equal to the velocity of the first body in I. And things remaining 
as in Prop. XXXIX, the lineola IK, described in the least given time 



[Book i 

will be as the velocity, and therefore as the right line whose square is 
equal to the area ABFD, and the triangle ICK proportional to the time 
will be given, and therefore KN will be reciprocally as the altitude IC : 
that is (if there be given any quantity Q, and the altitude 1C be called 
Q Q, 

A), as This quantity — call Z, and suppose the magnitude of Q, to 

be such that in some case v/ABFI) may be to Z as IK to KN, and then 
in all cases ABFD will be to Z as IK to KN, and ABFI) to ZZ {is 
IK 2 to KN 2 , and by division ABFD — ZZ to ZZ as IN 2 to KN 2 , and therc- 

_ Q, 

fore >/ ABFD — ZZ to Z, or — as IN to KN ; and therefore A X KN 

will be equal to 

Q X I N 

Therefore since YX X XC is to A X KN 

as CX 2 , to A A, the rectangle XY X XC will be equal to 

q x in x cx . 2 

A A v/ABFI) — ZZ! 

Therefore in the perpendicular DF let there be taken continually IV, IV 

, q q x cx 2 . 1 

equal to- - , . . . respectively, anu 

2 y/ ABFD — ZZ 2AA y/ ABFD — ZZ 

let the curve lines ab , cic, the foci of the points b and c, be described : and 
from the point Y let the perpendicular Y a be erected to the line AC, cut¬ 
ting off the curvilinear areas YDba, YD ca, and let the ordinates Err, 
Err, be erected also. Then because the rectangle D6 X IN or D bzD is 
equal to half the rectangle A X KN, or to the triangle ICK ; and the 
rectangle De X IN or DcrrE is equal to half the rectangle YX X XC, or 
to the triangle XCY; that is, because the nascent particles IVsE, ICK 
of the areas YDba, VIC are always equal; and the nascent particles 
DcrrE, XCY of the areas VDca, YCX are always equal: therefore the 
generated area YDba will be equal to the generated area VIC, and there¬ 
fore proportional to the time; and the generated area Y Dca is equal to 
the generated sector YCX. If, therefore, any time be given during which 
the body has been moving from Y, there will be also given the area pro¬ 
portional to it YDba ; and thence will be given the altitude of the body 
CD or Cl; and the area YDc«, and the sector YCX equal there’o, together 
with its angle YCI. But the angle YCI, and the altitude Cl being given, 
there is also given the place I, in which the body will be found at the end 
of that time. q.E.I. 

Cor. 1. Hence the greatest and least altitudes of the bodies, that is, the 
apsides of the trajectories, may be found very readily. For the apsides 
are those points in which a right line IC drawn through the centre falls 
perpendicularly upon the trajectory YIK; which comes to pass when the 
right lines IK and NK become equal; that is, when the area ABFD is 
equal to ZZ. 



Sec. VII 1.1 

Cor. 2. So also the angle KIN, in which the trajectory at any place 
cuts the line IC. may be readily found by the given altitude 1C of the 
body: to wit, by making the sine of that angle to radius as IiN to IK 
that is, as Z to the square root of the area ABFD. 

Cor. 3. If to the centre C, and the 
principal vertex V, there be described a 
conic section VRS; and from any point \f 
thereof, as R, there be drawn the tangent t 
RT meeting the axis CV indefinitely pro¬ 
duced in the point T; and then joining C 
CR there be drawn the right line CP, 
equal to the abscissa CT, making an angle VCP proportional to the sector 
VCR; and if a centripetal force, reciprocally proportional to the cubes 
of the distances of the places from the centre, tends to the centre C; and 
from the place V there sets out a body with a just velocity in the direc¬ 
tion of a line perpendicular to the right,line CV; that body will proceed 
in a trajectory VPQ, which the point P will always touch; and therefore 
if the conic section VRS be an hyberbola, the body will descend to the cen¬ 
tre ; but if it be an ellipsis, it will ascend perpetually, and go farther and 
farther off in infinitum. And, on the contrary, if a body endued with any 
velocity goes off from the place V, and according as it begins either to de* 
scend obliquely to the centre, or ascends obliquely from it, the figure VRS 
be either an hyperbola or an ellipsis, the trajectory may be found by increas¬ 
ing or diminishing the angle VCP in a given ratio. And the centripetal 
force becoming centrifugal, the body will ascend obliquely in the trajectory 
VPQ, which is found by taking the angle VCP proportional to the elliptic 
sector VRC, and the length CP equal to the length CT, as before. All these 
things follow from the foregoing Proposition, by the quadrature of a certain 
curve, the invention of which, as being easy enough, for brevity’s sake I omit. 


The law of centripetal force being given , it is required to find the motion 
of a body setting out from a given place, with a given velocity , in the 

direction of a given right line. 

Suppose the same things as in 
the three preceding propositions; 
and let the body go off from 
the place I in the direction of the ' 
little line, IK, with the same ve¬ 
locity as another body, by falling 
with an uniform centripetal force 
from the place P, may acquire in 
1); and let this uniform force be 
to the force with which the body 



[Book 1. 

is at first urged in I, as DR to DF. Let the body go on towards k; and 
about the centre C, with the interval C k, describe the circle he, meeting 
the right line PD in e, and let there be erected the lines eg, ev, ew, ordi- 
nately applied to the curves BFg - , abv, acio. From the given rectangle 
PDRQ, and the given law of centripetal force, by which the first body is 
acted on, the curve line BFg is also given, by the construction of Prop. 
XXVII, and its Cor. 1. Then from the given angle CIK is given the 
proportion of the nascent lines IK, KN; and thence, by the construction 
of Prob. XXVIII, there is given the quantity Q, with the curve lines abv, 
acw; and therefore, at the end of any time D bve, there is given both 
the altitude of the body Ce or C k, and the area D ewe, with the sector 
equal to it XC y, the angle ICk, and the place k, in which the body will 
then be found. Q.E.I. 

We suppose in these Propositions the centripetal force to vary in its 
recess from the centre according to some law, which any one may imagine 
at pleasure; but at equal distances from the centre to be everywhere the 

I have hitherto considered the motions of bodies in immovable orbits. 
It remains now to add something concerning their motions in orbits which 
revolve round the centres of force. 


Of the motion of bodies in moveable orbits ; and of the motion of the 


h is required to make a body move in a trajectory that revolves about 
the centre of force in the same manner as another body in the same 
trajectory at rest. 

In. the orbit VPK, given by position, let the body 
P revolve, proceeding from V towards K. From 
the centre C let there be continually drawn Cp, equal 
to CP, making the angle VC p proportional to the 
angle VCP; and the area which the line Cp describes 
will be to the area VCP, which the line CP describes 
at the same time, as the velocity of the describing 
line Cp to the velocity of the describing line CP; 
that is, as the angle VC 'p to the angle VCP, therefore in 
and therefore proportional to the time. Since, then, the area described by 
the line Cp in an immovable plane is proportional to the time, it is manifest 
that a body, being acted upon by a just quantity of centripetal force may 

given ratio, 

Sec. LX.] 



revolve with the point p in the curve line which the same point p, by the 
method just now explained, may be made to describe an immovable plane. 
Make the angle YCw equal to the angle PCp, and the line C a equal to 
CY, and the figure uGp equal to the figure YCP, and the body being al¬ 
ways in the point p , will move in the perimeter of the revolving figure 
uGp, and will describe its (revolving) arc up in the same time tha* the 
other body P describes the similar and equal arc YP in the quiescov.t fig¬ 
ure YPK. Find, then, by Cor. 5, Prop. YI., the centripetal force by vrhich 
the body may be made to revolve in the curve line which the point p de¬ 
scribes in an immovable plane, and the Problem will be solved. <AE.F. 


The difference of the forces , by which two bodies may be math. to move 
equally , one in a quiescent , the other in the same orbit revolving , i t in 
a triplicate ratio of their common altitudes inversely. 

Let the parts of the quiescent or¬ 
bit YP, PK be similar and equal to 
the parts of the revolving orbit up, 
pk ; and let the distance of the points 
P and K be supposed of the utmost 
smallness Let fall a perpendicular 
kr from the point k to the right line 
pC, and produce it to m, so that mr 
may be to kr as the angle YC 'p to the 
angle YCP. Because the altitudes 
of the bodies PC and pG, KC and 
kC, are always equal, it is manifest 
that the increments or decrements of 
the lines PC and pC are always 
equal; and therefore if each of the 
several motions of the bodies in the places P and p be resolved into two 
(by Cor. 2 of the Laws of Motion), one of which is directed towards the 
centre, or according to the lines PC, pC, and the other, transverse to the 
former, hath a direction perpendicular to the lines PC and pC ; the mo¬ 
tions towards the centre will be equal, and the transverse motion of the 
body p will be to the transverse motion of the body P as the angular mo¬ 
tion of the line pG to the angular motion of the line PC; that is, as the 
angle YGp to the angle YCP. Therefore, at the same time that the bodv 
P, by both its motions, comes to the point K, the body p, having an equal 
motion towards the centre, will be equally moved from p towards C ; and 
therefore that time being expired, it will be found somewhere in the 
line rnkr, which, passing through the point k, is perpendicular to the line 
pG ; and by its transverse motion will acquire a distance from the line 



[Book 1. 

vC, that will be to the distance which the other body P acquires from the 
line PC as the transverse motion of the body p to the transverse motion of 
the other body P. Therefore since kr is equal to the distance which the 
body P acquires from the line PC, and m,r is to kr as the angle VC p to 
the angle VCP, that is, as the transverse motion of the body p to the 
transverse motion of the body P, it is manifest that the body p, at the ex¬ 
piration of that time, will be found in the place m. These things will be 
so, if the bodies p and P are equally moved in the directions of the lines 
pC and PC, and are therefore urged with equal forces in those directions, 
h ut if we take an angle pCn that is to the angle pOk as the angle VC p 
to the angle VCP, and nC be equal to kC, in that case the body p at the 
expiration of the time will really be in n ; and is therefore urged with a 
greater force than the body P, if the angle nOp is greater than the angle 
kOp, that is, if the orbit vpk, move either in consequentia, or in antece- 
dentici , with a celerity greater than the double of that with which the line 
CP moves in conseqnentia ; and with a less force if the orbit moves slower 
in antecedentia. And ihe difference of the forces will be as the interval 
mn of the places through which the body would be carried by the action of 
that difference in that given space of time. About the centre C with the 
interval C n or C k suppose a circle described cutting the lines mr, inn pro¬ 
duced in s and t, and the rectangle mn X mt will be equal to the rectan- 

mk X ms 

gle mk X ms , and therefore mn will be equal to-——. But since 

the triangles pOk, pCn, in a given time, are of a given magnitude, kr and 
mr, a id their difference mk , and their sum ms, are reciprocally as the al¬ 
titude pC, and therefore the rectangle mk X ms is reciprocally as the 
square of the altitude pC. But, moreover, mt is directly as \mt, that is, as 
the altitude pC. These are the first ratios of the nascent lines; and hence 
mk X ms 

- r —- that is, the nascent lineola mn, and the difference of the forces 


proportional thereto, are reciprocally as the cube of the altitude pC. 


Cor. 1. Hence the difference of the forces in the places P and p, or K and 
k, is to the force with which a body may revolve with a circular motion 
from R to K, in the same time that the body P in an immovable orb de¬ 
scribes the arc PK, as the nascent line mn to the versed sine of the nascent 
mk X ms rk ^ 

arc RK, that is, as-—— to or as mk X ms to the square of 

rk ; that is, if we take given quantities F and G in the same ratio to one 
another as the angle VCP bears to the angle VC p, as GG — FF to FF. 
And, therefore, if from the centre C, with any distance CP or Op, there be 
described a circular sector equal to the whole area VPC, which the body 

Sec. IX.] 



revolving in an immovable orbit has by a radius drawn to the centre de¬ 
scribed in any certain time, the difference of the forces, with which the 
body P revolves in an immovable orbit, and the body p in a movable or¬ 
bit, will be to the centripetal force, with which another body by a radius 
drawn to the centre can uniformly describe that sector in the same time 
as the area VPC is described, as GG— FF to FF. For that sector and 
the area pOk are to one another as the times in which they are described. 

Cor. 2. If the orbit YPK be an 
ellipsis, having its focus C, and its 
highest apsis Y, and we suppose the 
the ellipsis upk similar and equal to 
it, so that pC may be always equal 
to PC, and the angle YCjo be to the 
angle YCP in the given ratio of G 
to F ; and for the altitude PC or pC 
we put A, and 2R for the latus rec¬ 
tum of the ellipsis, the force with 
which a body may be made to re¬ 
volve in a movable ellipsis will be as 

AA + A 5 5 

and vice versa. 

1 iCt the force with which a body may 

revolve in an immovable ellipsis be expressed by the quantity 



and the 


force in Y will be ^ Trr . But the force with which a body mav revolve in 
CY 2 J 

a circle at the distance CY, with the same velocity as a body revolving in 
an ellipsis has in Y, is to the force with which a body revolving in an ellip¬ 
sis is acted upon in the apsis Y, as half the latus rectum of the ellipsis to the 


semi-diameter CY of the circle, and therefore is as : and the force 


which is to this, as GG 

RGG —RFF , „ 

FF to FF, is as--: and this force 

’ CY 3 

(by Cor. 1 of this Prop.) is the difference of the forces in Y, with which the 
body P revolves in the immovable ellipsis YPK, and the body p in the 
movable ellipsis upk. Therefore since by this Prop, that difference ;it 

any other altitude A is to itself at the altitude CY as — to the same 

.. . • RGG — RFF 

uiflerence in every altitude A will be as - 

A 3 

Therefore to the 


force ^ by which the body may revolve in an immovable ellipsis VTK 



[Book I. 

add the excess 

and the sum will be the whole force 

Viiv j WiiU mv pum TV 111 k/V UUL UUV1V JIUltL YA 

RGG—RFF t t J , . , . . , 

-- by which a body may revolve m the same time m the mot- 

able ellipsis upk. 

Cor. 3. In the same manner it will be found, that, if the immovable or¬ 
bit VPK be an ellipsis having its centre in the centre of the forces C, and 
there be supposed a movable ellipsis upk, similar, equal, and concentrical 
to it; and 2R be the principal latus rectum of that ellipsis, and *2T the 
latus transversum, or greater axis; and the angle VC p be continually to the 
angle VCP as G to F; the forces with which bodies may revolve in the im- 


movable and movable ellipsis, in equal times, will be as —^ - and -y^ 

- ill X , - 

-f- —- respectively. 

Cor. 4. And universally, if the greatest altitude CV of the body be called 
T, and the radius of the curvature which the orbit VPK has in V, that is, 
the radius of a circle equally curve, be called R, and the centripetal force 
with which a body may revolve in any immovable trajectory VPK at the place 

V be called , and in other places P be indefinitely styled X ; and the 

altitude CP be called A, and G be taken to F in the given ratio of the 
angle VC p to the angle VCP; the centripetal force with which the same 
body will perform the same motions in the same time, in the same trajectory 
upk revolving with a circular motion, will be as the sum of the forces X 4* 
A 3 

Cor. 5. Therefore the motion of a body in an immovable orbit being 
given, its angular motion round the centre of the forces may be increased 
or diminished in a given ratio; and thence new immovable orbits may be 
found in which bodies may revolve with new centripetal forces. 

Cor. 6. Therefore if there be erected the line VP of an indeterminate 
p length, perpendicular to the line CV given by po- 

— v sition, and CP be drawn, and Cp equal to it, mak- 
ing the angle VC p having a given ratio to the an- 
/ \ gle VCP, the force with which a body may revolve 

\ in the curve line Ypk, which the point p is con- 

/ tinually describing, will be reciprocally as the cube 

** C of the altitude Cp. For the body P, by its vis in¬ 

ertia alone, no other force impelling it, will proceed uniformly in the right 
line VP. Add, then, a force tending to the centre C reciprocally as the 
cube of the altitude CP or Cp, and (by what was just demonstrated) the 


1 77* 

Sec. IX.J 

body will deflect from the rectilinear motion into the curve line Yplc. But 
this curve V pk is the same with the curve ^PQ found in Cor. 3, Prop 
XLI, in which, I said, bodies attracted with such forces would ascend 


To find the motion of the apsides in orbits approaching very near to 


This problem is solved arithmetically by reducing the orbit, which a 
body revolving in a movable ellipsis (as in Cor. 2 and 3 of the above 
Prop.) describes in an immovable plane, to the figure of the orbit whose 
apsides are required ; and then seeking the apsides of the orbit which that 
body describes in an immovable plane. But orbits acquire the same figure, 
if the centripetal forces with which they are described, compared between 
themselves, are made proportional at equal altitudes. Let the point Y be 
the highest apsis, and write T for the greatest altitude CY, A for any other 
altitude CP or Cp, and X for the difference of the altitudes CY — CP; 
and the force with which a body moves in an ellipsis revolving about its 

pipi RGGr_ rfF 

focus C (as in Cor. 2), and which in Cor. 2 was as H--, 

that is as, 

A 3 

, by substituting T — X for A, will be- 


come as -- 

A 3 

In like manner any other cen¬ 

tripetal force is to be reduced to a fraction whose denominator is A 3 , and 
the numerators are to be made analogous by collating together the homo¬ 
logous terms. This will be made plainer by Examples. 

Example 1. Let us suppose the centripetal force to be uniform, 
A 3 

and therefore as or, writing T — X for A in the numerator, as 

T 3 — 3TTX + 3TXX — X 3 ^ „ . 

_= :s= _ — . Then collating together the correspon- 

A 3 

dent terms of the numerators, that is, those that consist of given quantities, 
with those of given quantities, and'those of quantities not given with those 
of quantities not given, it will become RGG — RFF + TFF to T 3 as — 
FFX to 3TTX + 3TXX — X 3 , or as —FF to —3TT + 3TX — XX. 
Now since the orbit is supposed extremely near to a circle, let it coincide 
with a circle; and because in that case R and T become equal, and X is 
infinitely diminished, the last ratios will be, as RGG to T 2 , so — FF to — 
3TT, or as GG to TT, so FF to 3TT; and again, as GG to FF, so TT 
to 3TT, that is, as 1 to 3 ; and therefore G is to F, that is, the angle YC p 
to the angle YCP, as 1 to 3. Thereiore since the body, in an immovable 




[Book I 

ellipsis, in descending from the upper to the lower apsis, describes an angle, 
if I may so speak, of 180 deg., the other body in a movable ellipsis, and there¬ 
fore in the immovable orbit we are treating of, will in its descent from 


the upper to the lower apsis, describe an angle YCp of —~ deg. And this 


comes to pass by reason of the likeness of this orbit which a body acted 
upon by an uniform centripetal force describes, and of that orbit which a 
body performing its circuits in a revolving ellipsis will describe in a quies¬ 
cent plane. By this collation of the terms, these orbits are made similar; 
not universally, indeed, but then only when they approach very near to a 
circular figure. A body, therefore revolving with an uniform centripetal 


force in an orbit nearly circular, will always describe an angle of — ~ deg/, or 


103 deg., 55 m., 23sec., at the centre; moving from the upper apsis to the 
lower apsis when it has once described that angle, and thence returning to 
the upper apsis when it has described that angle again; and so on in in¬ 

Exam. 2. Suppose the centripetal force to be as any power of the alti- 

A n 

tude A, as, for example, A n — 3 , or — 3 ; where n — 3 and n signify any in¬ 
dices of powers whatever, whether integers or fractions, rational or surd, 
affirmative or negative. That numerator A n or T — X| n being reduced to 
an indeterminate series by my method of converging series, will become 

T n — ??XT n - 

XXT n — 2 , (fee. And conferring these terms 

with the terms of the other numerator RGG — RFF + TFF — FFX, it 

becomes as RGG —RFF + TFF to T", so — FF to — »,T"—’ + —~ 

XT n — 2 , cfec. And taking the last ratios where the orbits approach to 
circles, it becomes as RGG to T‘\ so — FF to — nT* 1 — T , or as GG to 
T n — T , so FF to ?iT n — ; and again. GG to FF, so T n — 1 to n'Y n — l , that 
is, as 1 to n ; and therefore G is to F, that is the angle YCp to the angle 
YCP, as 1 to sfn. Therefore since the angle YCP, described in the de¬ 
scent of the body from the upper apsis to the lower apsis in an ellipsis, is 
of ISO deg., the angle YCp, described in the descent of the body from the 
upper apsis to the lower apsis in an orbit nearly circular which a body de¬ 
scribes with a centripetal force proportional to the power A"— 3 , will be equal 

to an angle of-deg., and this angle being repeated, the body will re¬ 

's/ n 

turn from the lower to the upper apsis, and so on in infinitum. As if the 
centripetal force be as the distance of the body from the centre, that is, as A, 
A 4 

or -7-j, n will be equal to 4, and y/n equal to 2 ; and therefore the angle 

Sec. IX.] 


between the upper and the lower apsis will be equal to — deg., or 90 deg. 


Therefore the body having performed a fourth part of one revolution, will 
arrive at the lower apsis, and having performed another fourth part, will 
arrive at the upper apsis, and so on by turns in infinitum. This appears 
also from Prop. X. For a body acted on by this centripetal force will re¬ 
volve in an immovable ellipsis, whose centre is the centre of force. If the 

1 A 2 

centripetal force is reciprocally as the distance, that is, directly as — or ^ 

n will be equal to 2; and therefore the angle between the upper and lower 

apsis will be —- deg., or 1 27 deg., 16 min., 45 sec.; and therefore a body re- 


volving with such a force, will by a perpetual repetition of this angle, move 
alternately from the upper to the lower and from the lower to the upper 
apsis for ever. So, also, if the centripetal force be reciprocally as the 
biquadrate root of the eleventh power of the altitude, that is, reciprocally 

as A and, therefore, directly as -~ v or as —, n will be equal to [, and 


— deg. will be equal to 360 deg.; and therefore the body parting from 

the upper apsis, and from thence perpetually descending, will arrive at the 
lower apsis when it has completed one entire revolution; and thence as¬ 
cending perpetually, when it has completed another entire revolution, it 
will arrive again at the upper apsis; and so alternately for ever. 

Exam. 3. Taking m and n for any indices of the powers of the alti¬ 
tude, and b and c for any given numbers, suppose the centripetal force 

_ bA m -f cA" . b into T — Xl m -f- c into T — X|" 

to be as--, that is, as- t-s- 

A 3 A 3 

or (by the method of converging series above-menticncd) as 

AT‘ n + cT n — mbXT n — 1 //cXT n — 1 mm — m^ _ 2 _j_ vH '— 7/ 


and comparing the terms of the numerators, there will 

arise RGG — RFF -j- TFF to &T m + cT n as — FF to — w-Z>T r 

bXT m — 2 + 

cX T n — 2 , (fee. And tak- 

ing the last ratios that arise when the orbits come to a circular form, there 
will come forth GG to 6T m — 1 4* cT n — I aa FF to mbT m — 1 + wcT n — 1 ; 
and again, GG to FF as 6T m — 1 + cT n — 1 to mbT° — 1 + ncT n — *. 
/This proportion, by expressing the greatest altitude CV or T arithmeti¬ 
cally by unity, becomes, GG to FF as b -j- c to mb 4 wc, and therefore as 1 



[Book ] 

mb -f- vc 

to - Whence G becomes to F, that is, the angle VCp to the an- 

b -f c 
gle VCP, as 1 to y 

mb + nc 


And therefore since the angle VCP between 

the upper and the lower apsis, in an immovable ellipsis, is of 180 deg., the 
angle VC p between the same apsides in an orbit which a body describes 

bA™ -j- c A n 

with a centripetal force, that is, as-—, will be equal to an angle of 

ISO — r~Z“ ; deg. And by the same reasoning, if the centripetal force 

be as 

mb + vc 
bA m — cA" 

A 3 

, the angle between the apsides will be found equal to 

After the same manner the Problem is solved in 

more difficult cases. The quantity to which the centripetal force is pro¬ 
portional must always be resolved into a converging series whose denomi¬ 
nator is A 3 . Then the given part of the numerator arising from that 
operation is to be supposed in the same ratio to that part of it which is not 
given, as the given part of this numerator RGG — RFF + TFF — FFX 
is to that part of the same numerator which is not given. And taking 
away the superfluous quantities, and writing unity for T, the proportion 
of G to F is obtained. 

Cor. 1. Hence if the centripetal force be as any power of the altitude, 
that power may be found from the motion of the apsides; and so contra¬ 
riwise. That is, if the whole angular motion, with which the body returns 
to the same apsis, be to the angular motion of one revolution, or 360 deg., 
as any number as m to another as n, and the altitude called A; the force 


will be as the power A nun ® of the altitude A; the index of which power is 

—— — 3. This appears by the second example. Hence it is plain that 

the force in its recess from the centre cannot decrease in a greater than a 
triplicate ratio of the altitude. A body revolving with such a force / and 
parting from the apsis, if it once begins to descend, can never arrive at the 
lower apsis or least altitude, but will descend to the centre, describing the 
curve line treated of in Cor. 3, Prop. XLI. But if it should, at its part- 
i ng from the lower apsis, begin to ascend never so little, it will ascend in 
infinitum , and never come to the upper apsis; but will describe the curve 
line spoken of in the same Cor., and Cor. 6, Prop. XLIV. So that where 
the force in its recess from the centre decreases in a greater than a tripli¬ 
cate ratio of the altitude, the body at its parting from the apsis, will either 
descend to the centre, or ascend in infinitum , according as it descends or 
ascends at the beginning of its motion. But if the force in its recess from 

'Sec. IX.J 



the centre either decreases in a less than a triplicate ratio of the altitude, 
or increases in any ratio of the altitude whatsoever, the body will never 
descend to the centre, but will at some time arrive at the lower apsis; and, 
on the contrary, if the body alternately ascending and descending from one 
apsis to another never comes to the centre, then either the force increases 
in the recess from the centre, or it decreases in a less than a triplicate ratio 
of the altitude; and the sooner the body returns from one apsis to another, 
the farther is the ratio of the forces from the triplicate ratio. As if the 
body should return to and from the upper apsis by an alternate descent and 
ascent in 8 revolutions, or in 4, or 2, or ; that is, if m should be to n as 8, 

or 4, or 2, or to 1, and therefore --3,be g 1 ,— 3,or T \ — 3,or{ — 3,or 

3; then the force will be as A 6 4 3 ’ or A 18 3 ’ or A 4 3? or A 9 

or A 3 ™ 1 ™ or A 3 ”** or A 3 

that is, it will be reciprocally as A 
If the body after each revolution returns to the same apsis, and the apsis 

nn _ 3 

remains unmoved, then m will be to n as 1 to 1, and therefore A^i 
will be equal to A 

, or -7—7-; and therefore the decrease of the forces will 
’ AA ’ 

be in a duplicate ratio of the altitude; as was demonstrated above. If the 
body in three fourth parts, or two thirds, or one third, or one fourth part 
of an entire revolution, return to the same apsis; m will be to n as | or \ 

or ^ or l to 1, and therefore Amm 3 is equal to A 9 ; or A 4 or A 

_ 3 18 _ 3 . 1_1 

' ’ or A ; and therefore the force is either reciprocally as A 0 or 

3 6 13 

A 4 ’ or directly as A or A . Lastly if the body in its progress from the 
upper apsis to the same upper apsis again, goes over one entire revolution 
and three deg. more, and therefore that apsis in each revolution of the body 
moves three deg. in consequentia ; then m will be to n as 363 deg. to 

360 deg. or as 121 to 120, and therefore Amm will be equal to 

_ 2 9 5 2 3 

A 146415 and therefore the centripetal force will be reciprocally as 

2 9 5 2 3 _ 2 _ 4 _ 

A J 4 6 4 1’ or reciprocally as A 2 4 3 very nearly. Therefore the centripetal 
force decreases in a ratio something greater than the duplicate; but ap¬ 
proaching 59f times nearer to the duplicate than the triplicate. 

Cor. 2. Hence also if a body, urged by a centripetal force which is re¬ 
ciprocally as the square of the altitude, revolves in an ellipsis whose focus 
is in the centre of the forces; and a new and foreign force should be added 
to or subducted from this centripetal force, the motion of the apsides arising 
from that foreign force may (by the third Example) be known; and so on 
the contrary. As if the force with which the body revolves in the ellipsis 



[Book I 

DG aS AA ’ an ^ ^ ore ^ n f° rce subducted as cA, and therefore the remain- 

ing force as —-; then (by the third Example) b will be equal to 1 . 

tn equal to 1 , and n equal to 4; and therefore the angle of revolution be 

| _ Q 

-tween the apsides is equal to 180 ^ deg. Suppose that foreign force 

to be 357.45 parts les 3 than the other force with which the body revolves 
in the ellipsis ; that is, c to be 3 T ; A or T being equal to 1; and then 
1 — c 

180will be 180-y/f jf|-f or 180.7623, that is, 180 deg., 45 min., 

44 sec. Therefore the body, parting from the upper apsis, will arrive at 
the lower apsis with an angular motion of 180 deg., 45 min., 44 sec, and 
this angular motion being repeated, will return to the upper apsis; and 
therefore the upper apsis in each revolution will go forward 1 deg., 31 min., 
2 S sec. The apsis of the moon is about twice as swift 

So much for the motion of bodies in orbits whose planes pass through 
the centre of force. It now remains to determine those motions in eccen¬ 
trical planes. For those authors who treat of the motion of heavy bodies 
used to consider the ascent and descent of such bodies, not only in a per¬ 
pendicular direction, but at all degrees of obliquity upon any given planes ; 
and for the same reason we are to consider in this place the motions of 
bodies tending to centres by means of any forces whatsoever, when those 
bodies move in eccentrical planes. These planes are supposed to be 
perfectly smooth and polished, so as not to retard the motion of the bodies 
in the least. Moreover, in these demonstrations, instead of the planes upon 
which those bodies roll or slide, and which are therefore tangent planes to 
the bodies, I shall use planes parallel to them, in which the centres of the 
bodies move, and by that motion describe orbits. And by the same method 
I afterwards determine the motions of bodies performed in curve superficies. 


Of the motion of bodies in given superficies, and of the reciprocal motion 
offunependulous bodies. 


Any kind of centripetal force being supposed, and the centre offorce, and 
any plane whatsoever in which the body revolves, being given , and the 
quadratures of curvilinear figures being allowed ; it is required to de¬ 
termine the motion of a body going off from a given place ., with a 
given velocity, in the direction of a given right line in that plane. 

Sec. X.J of natural philosophy. 183 

Let S be the centre of force, SC the 
least distance of that centre from the given 
plane, P a body issuing from the place P 
in the direction of the right line PZ, Q 
the same body revolving in its trajectory, 
and PQR the trajectory itself which is 
required to be found, described in that 
given plane. Join CQ, QS, and if in QS 
we take SV proportional to the centripetal 
force with which the body is attracted to¬ 
wards the centre S, and draw VT parallel 
to CQ, and meeting SC in T; then will the force SV be resolved into 
two (by Cor. 2, of the Laws of Motion), the force ST, and the force TV ; of 
which ST attracting the body in the direction of a line perpendicular to 
that plane, does not at all change its motion in that plane. But the action 
(f the other force TV, coinciding with the position of the plane itself, at¬ 
tracts the body directly towards the given point C in that plane; and 
t lerefcre causes the body to move in this plane in the same manner as if 
the force S T were taken away, and the body were to revolve in free space 
about the centre C by means of the force TV alone. But there being given 
the centripetal force TV with which the body Q revolves in free space 
about the given centre C, there is given (by Prop. XLII) the trajectory 
PQR which the body describes; the place Q, in which the body will be 
found at any given time; and, lastly, the velocity of the body in that place 
Q. And so e contra. Q.E.I. 


Supposing the centripetal force to he proportional to the distance of the 
body from, the centre ; all bodies revolving i?i any planes whatsoever 
will describe ellipses , and complete their revolutions in equal times ; 
and those which move in right lines , running backwards and forwards 
alternately , will complete their several periods of going and returning 
in the same times. 

For letting all things stand as in the foregoing Proposition, the force 
SV, with -which the body Q revolving in any plane PQR is attracted to¬ 
wards the centre S, is as the distance SQ ; and therefore because SV and 
SO, TV and CQ, are proportional, the force TV with which the body is 
attracted towards the given point C in the plane of the orbit is as the dis¬ 
tance CQ. Therefore the forces with which bodies found in the plane 
PQR are attracted towaids the point C, are in proportion to the distances 
equal to the forces with which the same bodies are attracted every way to¬ 
wards the centre S ; and therefore the bodies will move in the same times, 
and in the same figures, in any plane PQR about the point C. as they 



[Book 1. 

would do in free spaces about the centre S; and therefore (by Cor. 2, Prop. 
Xj ai d Gor. 2, Prop. XXXVIII.) they will in equal times either describe 
ellipsis in that plane about the centre C, or move to and fro in right lines 
passing through the centre C in that planej completing the same periods 
of time in all cases. Q.E.D. 


Tne ascent and descent of bodies in curve superficies has a near relation 
to these motions we have been speaking of. Imagine curve lines to be de¬ 
scribed on any plane, and to revolve about any given axes passing through 
the centre of force, and by that revolution to describe curve superficies ; and 
that the bodies move in such sort that their centres may be always found 
in those superficies. If those bodies reciprocate to and fro with an oblique 
ascent and descent, their motions will be performed in planes passing through 
tlie axis, and therefore in the curve lines, by whose revolution those curve 
superficies were generated. In those cases, therefore, it will be sufficient to 
consider the motion in those curve lines. 


If « wheel stands upon the outside of a globe at right angles thereto, and 
revolving about its own axis goes forward in a great circle, the length 
of the curvilinear path which any point, given in the perimeter of the 
wheel , hath described, since the time that it touched the globe [which 
curvilinear path we may call the cycloid, or epicycloid), will be to double 
the versed sine of half the arc which since that time has touched the 
globe in passittg over it, as the sum of the diameters of the globe and 
the wheel to the semi-diameter of the globe. 


If a wheel stand upon the inside of a concave globe at right angles there¬ 
to, and revolving about its own axis go forward in one of the great 
circles of the globe, the length of the curvilinear path which any point, 
given in the perimeter of the wheel\ hath described since it touched the 
globe, will be to the double of the versed sine of half the arc which in 
all that time has touched the globe in passing over it, as the difference 
of the diameters of the globe and the wheel to the semi-diameter of the 

Let ABL be the globe, C its centre, BPV the wheel insisting thereon, 
E the centre of the wheel, B the point of contact, and P the given point 
in the perimeter of the wheel. Imagine this wheel to proceed in the great 
circle ABL from A through B towards L, and in its progress to revolve in 
such a manner that the arcs AB, PB may be always equal one to the other, 
and the given point P in the perimeter of the wheel may describe in thf 

Sec. X.I 




mean time the curvilinear path AP. Let AP be the whole curvilinear 
path described since the wheel touched the globe in A, and the length of 
this path AP will be to twice the versed sine of the arc |d?B as 2CE to 
CB. For let the right line CE (produced if need be) meet the wheel in V, 
and join CP, BP, EP, VP; produce CP, and let fall thereon the perpen¬ 
dicular VF. Let PH, VH, meeting in II, touch the circle in P and V, 
and let PH cut VF in G, and to VP let fall the perpendiculars GI, HK. 
From the centre C with any interval let there be described the circle nom, 
cutting the right line CP in n, the perimeter of the wheel BP in o, and 
the curvilinear path AP in m ; and from the centre V with the interval 
Vo let there be described a circle cutting VP produced in q. 

Because the wheel in its progress always revolves about the point of con¬ 
tact B, it is manifest that the right line BP is perpendicular to that curve line 
AP which the point P of the wheel describes, and therefore that the right 
line VP will touch this curve in the point P. Let the radius of the circle nom 
be gradually increased or diminished so that at last it become equal to the 
distance CP; and by reason of the similitude of the evanescent figure 
P nnmq, and the figure PFGVI, the ultimate ratio of the evanescent lineola; 
Pm, Pn, Po, P q, that is, the ratio of the momentary mutations of the curve 
AP, the right line CP, the circular arc BP, and the right line VP, will W 


[Book 1. 


the same as of the lines PY, PF, PG ; PI, respectively. But since VF is 
perpendicular to CF, and YH to CY, and therefore the angles HVG, YCF 
equal; and the angle VHG (because the angles of the quadrilateral figure 
HYEP are right in Y and P) is equal to the angle CEP, the triangles 
VHG, CEP will be similar; and thence it will come to pass that asEP is 
to CE so is HG to HY or HP, and so KI to KP, and by composition or 
division as CB to CE so is PI to PK, and doubling the consequents asCB 
to 2CE so PI to PY, and so is P q to P m. Therefore the decrement of the 
line YP, that is, the increment of the line BY—YP to the increment of the 
curve line AP is in a given ratio of CB to 2CE, and therefore (by Cor. 
Lem. IV) the lengths BY—YP and AP, generated by those increments, are 
in the same ratio. But if BY be radius, YP is the cosine of the angle BYP 
or JBEP, and therefore BY—YP is the versed sine of the same angle, and 
therefore in this wheel, whose radius is ^BV, BY—YP will be double the 
versed sine of the arc ^BP. Therefore AP is to double the versed sine of 
the arc ^BP as 2CE to CB. Q.E.D. 

The line AP in the former of these Propositions we shall name the cy¬ 
cloid without the globe, the other in the latter Proposition the cycloid within 
the globe, for distinction sake. 

Cor. 1. Hence if there be described the entire cycloid ASL, and the 
same be bisected in S, the length of the part PS will be to the length PY 
(which is the double of the sine of the angle YBP, when EB is radius) as 
2CE to CB, and therefore in a given ratio. 

Cor. 2. And the length of the semi-perimeter of the cycloid AS will be 
equal to a right line which is to the dumeter of the wheel BY as 2CF- 
to CB. 


To cause a pendulous body to oscillate in a given cycloid. 

Let there be given within the globe QVS de¬ 
scribed with the centre C, the cycloid QRS, bi¬ 
sected in R, and meeting the superficies of the 
globe with its extreme points Q and S on either 
hand. Let there be drawn CR bisecting the arc 
QS in O, and let it be produced to A in such 
sort that CA may be to CO as CO to CR. 
About the centre C, with the interval CA, let 
there be described an exterior globe UAF ; and 
within this globe, by a wheel whose diameter is 
AO, let there be described two semi-cycloids AQ, 
AS, touching the interior globe in Q, and S, and meeting the exterior globe 
in A. From that point A, with a thread APT in length equal to the line 
AR, let the body T depend, and oscillate in such manner between the two 

Skc. X.J 



semi-cycloids AQ, AS, that, us often as the pendulum parts from the per¬ 
pendicular AR, the upper part of the thread AP may be applied to that 
semi-cycloid APS towards which the motion tends, and fold itself round 
that curve line, as if it were some solid obstacle, the remaining part of the 
same thread PT which has not yet touched the semi-cycloid continuing 
straight. Then will the weight T oscillate in the given cycloid QRS. 

For let the thread PT meet the cycloid QRS in T, and the circle QOS 
m Y, and let OY be drawn; and to the rectilinear part of the thread PT 
from the extreme points P and T let there be erected the perpendiculars 
BP, TW, meeting the right line CV in B and W. It is evident, from the 
construction and generation of the similar figures AS, SR, that those per¬ 
pendiculars PB, TYV, cut off from CV the lengths YB, YYV equal the 
diameters of the wheels OA, OR. Therefore TP is to VP (which is dou¬ 
ble the sine of the angle YBP when |BY is radius) as B YV to BY, or AO 
-FOR to AO, that is (since CA and CO, CO and CR, and by division AO 
and OR are proportional), as CA + CO to CA, or, if BY be bisected in E, 
as 2CE to CB. Therefore (by Cor. 1, Prop. XLIX), the length of the 
rectilinear part of the thread PT is always equal to the arc of the cycloid 
PS, and the whole thread APT is always equal to the half of the cycloid 
APS, that is (by Cor. 2, Prop. XLIX), to the length AR. And there¬ 
fore contrariwise, if the string remain always equal to the length AR, the 
point T will always move in the given cycloid QRS. Q.E.D. 

Cor. The string AR is equal to the semi-cycloid AS, and therefore has 
the same ratio to AC the semi-diameter of the exterior globe as the like 
semi-cycloid SR has to CO the semi-diameter of the interior globe. 


If a centripetal force tending on all sides to the centre C of a globe, be in 
all places as the distance of the place from the centre , and by this force 
alone acting upon it, the body T oscillate {in the manner above de¬ 
scribed) in the perimeter of the cycloid QRS; I say, that all the oscil¬ 
lations, how unequal soever in themselves, will be performed in equal 

For upon the tangent TW infinitely produced let fall the perpendicular 
CX, and join CT. Because the centripetal force with which the body T 
is impelled towards C is as the distance CT, let this (by Cor. 2, of the 
I iaws) be resolved into the parts CX, TX, of which CX impelling the 
body directly from P stretches the thread PT, and by the resistance the 
'hrcad makes to it is totally employed, producing no other effect; but the 
other part TX, impelling the body transversely or towards X, directly 
accelerates the motion in the cycloid. Then it is plain that the accelera- 
/ tion of the body, proportional to this accelerating force, will be every 



[Book 1 

moment as the length TX, that is (because CV\ 
WV, and TX, TW proportional to them are given), 
as the length TW, that is (by Cor. 1, Prop. XLIX) 
as the length of the arc of the cycloid TR. If there¬ 
fore two pendulums APT, A/tf, be unequally drawn 
aside from the perpendicular AR, and let fall together, 
their accelerations will be always as the arcs to be de¬ 
scribed TR, £R. But the parts described at the 
beginning of the motion are as the accelerations, thai 
is, as the wholes that are to be described at the be- 

described, and the subsequent accelerations proportional to those parts, are 
also as the wholes, and so on. Therefore the accelerations, and consequently 
the velocities generated, and the parts described with those velocities, and 
the parts to be described, are always as the wholes ; and therefore the parts 
to be described preserving a given ratio to each other will vanish together, 
that is, the two bodies oscillating will arrive together at the perpendicular AR. 
And since on the other hand the ascent of thependulums from the lowest place 
R through the same cycloidal arcs with a retrograde motion, is retarded in 
the several places they pass through by the same forces by which their de¬ 
scent was accelerated; it is plain that the velocities of their ascent and de¬ 
scent through the same arcs are equal, and consequently performed in equal 
times ; and, therefore, since the two parts of the cycloid RS and RQ lying 
on either side of the perpendicular are similar and equal, the two pendu¬ 
lums will perform as well the wholes as the halves of their oscillations in 
the same times. Q.E.D. 

' Cor. The force with which the body T is accelerated or retarded in any 
place T of the cycloid, is to the whole weight of the same body in the 
highest place S or Q as the arc of the cycloid TR is to the arc SR or QR 


To define the velocities of the pendulums in the several places , and the 
times in which both the entire oscillations , and the several parts of them 
are performed. 

About any centre G, with the interval GH equal to 
the arc of the cycloid RS, describe a semi-circle HKM 
bisected by the semi-diameter GK. And if a centripe¬ 
tal force proportional to the distance of the places from 
the centre tend to the centre G, and it be in the peri¬ 
meter HIK equal to the centripetal force in the perime¬ 
ter of the globe QOS tending towards its centre, and at 
the same time that the pendulum T is let fall from the 
highest place S, a body, as L, is let fall from H to G ; then because th« 

Sec. X.J of natural philosophy. IS9 

forces which act upon the bodies are equal at the be¬ 
ginning, and always proportional to the spaces to be 
described TR, LG, and therefore if TR and LG are 
equal, arc also equal in the places T and L, it is plain 
that those bodies describe at the beginning equal spaces 
ST, HL, and therefore are still acted upon equally, and continue to describe 
equal spaces. Therefore by Prop. XXXVIII, the time in which the body 
describes the arc ST is to the time of one oscillation, as the arc HI the time 
in which the body H arrives at L, to the semi-periphery IIKM, the time 
in which the body H will come to M. And the velocity of the pendulous 
body in the place T is to its velocity in the lowest place R, that is, the 
velocity of the body H in the place L to its velocity in the place G, or the 
momentary increment of the line HL to the momentary increment of the 
line HG (the arcs HI, HK increasing with an equable flux) as the ordinate 
LI to the radius GK, or as v/SR 2 — Til 2 to SR. Hence, since in unequal 
oscillations there are described in equal time arcs proportional to the en¬ 
tire arcs of the oscillations, there are obtained from the times given, both 
the velocities and the arcs described in all the oscillations universally. 
Which was first required. 

Let now any pendulous bodies oscillate in different cycloids described 
within different globes, whose absolute forces are also different; and if the 
absolute force of any globe QOS be called V, the accelerative force with 
which the pendulum is acted on in the circumference of this globe, when it 
begins to move directly towards its centre, will be as the distance of the 
pendulous body from that centre and the absolute force of the globe con- 
junctly, that is, as CO X V. Therefore the lineola HY, which is as this 
accelerated force CO X V, will be described in a given time; and if there 
be erected the perpendicular YZ meeting the circumference in Z, the nascent 
arc HZ will denote that given time. But that nascent arc HZ is in the 
subduplicate ratio of the rectangle GHY, and therefore as v/GH X CO X V 
Whence the time of an entire oscillation in the cycloid QRS (it being as 
the semi-periphery HKM, which denotes that entire oscillation, directly ; 
and as the arc HZ which in like manner denotes a given time inversely) 
will be as GH directly and -/GH X CO X V inversely; that is, because 

GH and SR are equal, as ^ QQ^ ' y ? or (by Lor. Prop. L,) as 

Therefore the oscillations in all globes and cycloids, performed with what 
absolute forces soever, are in a ratio compounded of the subduplicate ratio of 
the length of the string directly, and the subduplicate ratio of the distance 
between the point of suspension and the centre of the globe inversely, and 
the subduplicate ratio of the absolute force of the globe inversely also 



[Bo^k 1. 

Cor. 1. Hence also the times of oscillating, falling, and revolving bodies 
may be compared among themselves. For if the diameter of the wheel 
with which the cycloid is described within the globe is supposed equal to 
the semi-diameter of the globe, the cycloid will become a right line passing 
through the centre of the globe, and the oscillation will be changed into a 
descent and subsequent ascent in that right line. Whence there is given 
both the time of the descent from any place to the centre, and the time equal 
to it in which the body revolving uniformly about the centre of the globe 
at any distance describes an arc of a quadrant For this time (by 
Case 2) is to the time of half the oscillation in any cycloid QRS as 1 to 
^ AC' 

Cor. 2. Hence also follow 7 what Sir Christopher Wren and M. Huygens 
have discovered concerning the vulgar cycloid. For if the diameter of the 
globe be infinitely increased, its sphaerical superficies will be changed into a 
plane, and the centripetal force will act uniformly in the direction of lines 
perpendicular to that plane, and this cycloid of our’s will become the same 
with the common cycloid. But in that case the length of the arc of the 
cycloid between that plane and the describing point will become equal to 
four times the versed sine of half the arc of the wheel between the same 
plane and the describing point, as was discovered by Sir Christopher Wren. 
And a pendulum between two such cycloids will oscillate in a similar and 
equal cycloid in equal times, as M. Huygens demonstrated. The descent 
of heavy bodies also in the time of one oscillation will be the same as M. 
Huygens exhibited. 

The propositions here demonstrated are adapted to the true constitution 
of the Earth, in so far as wheels moving in any of its great circles will de¬ 
scribe, by the motions of nails fixed in their perimeters, cycloids without the 
globe; and pendulums, in mines and deep caverns of the Earth, must oscil¬ 
late in cycloids within the globe, that those oscillations may be performed 
in equal times. For gravity (as will be shewn in the third book) decreases 
in its progress from the superficies of the Earth; upwards in a duplicate 
ratio of the distances from the centre of the Earth; downwards in a sim¬ 
ple ratio of the 3ame. 


Granting the quadratures of curvilinear figures , it is required to find 
the forces with which bodies moving in given curve lines may always 
perform their oscillations in equal times. 

Let the body T oscillate in any curve line STRQ,, whose axis is AR 
passing through the centre of force C. Draw TX touching that curve in 
any place of the body T, and in that tangent TX take TY equal to the 
arc TR. The length of that arc is known from the common methods used 


Sec. X. 



for the quadratures of figures. From the point Y 
draw the right line YZ perpendicular to the tangent. 

Draw CT meeting that perpendicular in Z, and the 
centripetal force will be proportional to the right line 
TZ. Q.E.I. 

For if the force with which the body is attracted 
from T towards C be expressed by the right line TZ 
taken proportional to it, that force will be resolved 
into two forces TY, YZ, of which YZ drawing the 
body in the direction of the length of the thread PT, 
docs not at all change its motion; whereas the other 
force TY directly accelerates or retards its mction in the curve STRQ 
Wherefore since that force is as the space to be described TR, the acceler¬ 
ations or retardations of the body in describing two proportional parts ft* 
greater and a less) of two oscillations, will be always as those parts, and 
therefore will cause those parts to be described together. But bodies w 7 hich 
continually describe together parts proportional to the wholes, will describe 

the wholes together 

also. Q.E.D. 

Cor. 1. Hence if the body T, hanging by a rectilinear thread 
AT from the centre A, describe the circular arc STRQ., 
and in the mean time be acted on by any force tending 
downwards with parallel directions, which is to the uni¬ 
form force of gravity as the arc TR to its sine TN, the 
times of the several oscillations will be equal. For because 
TZ, AR are parallel, the triangles ATN, ZTY are similar; and there¬ 
fore TZ will be to AT as TY to TN; that is, if the uniform force of 
gravity be expressed by the given length AT, the force TZ. by which the 
oscillations become isochronous, will be to the force of gravity AT, as the 
arc TR equal to TY is to TN the sine of that arc. 

Cor. 2. And therefore in clocks, if forces were impressed by some ma¬ 
chine upon the pendulum which preserves the motion, and so compounded 
with the force of gravity that the whole force tending downwards should 
be always as a line produced by applying the rectangle under the arc TR 
and the radius AR to the sine TN, all the oscillations will become 


Granting the quadratures of curvilinear figures , it is required to find 
the times in which bodies by means of any centripetal force will descend 
or ascend in any curve lines described in a plane passing through the 
centre of force. 

Let the body descend from any place S, and move in any curve ST/R 
given in a plane passing through the centre of force C. Join CS, and lei 



[Book 1 

it be divided into innumerable equal parts, and let 
Del be one of those parts. From the centre C, with 
the intervals CD, C d, let the circles DT, dt be de¬ 
scribed, meeting the curve line ST7R in T and t. 
And because the law of centripetal force is given, 
and also the altitude CS from which the body at 
first fell, there will be given the velocity of the body 
in any other altitude CT (by Prop. XXXIX). But 
the time in whieh the body describes the lineola T/ 
is as the length of that lineola, that is, as the secant 
of the angle /TC directly, and the velocity inversely. 
Let the ordinate DN, proportional to this time, be made perpendicular to 
the right line CS at the point D, and because D d is given, the rectangle 
D d X DN, that is, the area DNwtf, will be proportional to the same time. 
Therefore if PN??, be a curve line in which the point N is perpetually found, 
and its asymptote be the right line SQ standing upon the line CS at right 
angles, the area SQPND will be proportional to the time in whieh the body 
in its descent hath described the line ST; and therefore that area bein'* 
found, the time is also given. Q.E.I. 


If a body move in any curve superficies , whose axis passes through the 
centre of force , and from the body a perpendicular be let fall upon the 
axis ; and a line parallel and equal thereto be drawn from any given 
point of the axis ; I say , that this parallel line will describe an area 
proportional to the time, 

Let BKL be a curve superficies, T a body 
revolving in it, STR a trajectory which the 
body describes in the same, S the beginning 
of the trajectory, OMK the axis of the curve 
superficies, TN a right line let fall perpendic¬ 
ularly from the body to the axis; OP a line 
parallel and equal thereto drawn from the 
given point O in the axis; AP the orthogra¬ 
phic projection of the trajectory described by 
the point P in the plane AOP in which the 
revolving line OP is found; A the beginning 
of that projection, answering to the point S; 
TC a right line drawn from the body to the centre; TG a part thereof 
proportional to the centripetal force with which the body tends towards the 
centre C; TM a right line perpendicular to the curve superficies; TI a 
part thereof proportional to the force of pressure with which the body urges 



N ' 





Sec. X.] 

the superficies, and therefore with which it is again repelled by the super¬ 
ficies towards M; PTF a right line parallel to the axis and passing through 
the body, and GF, IH right lines let fall perpendicularly from the points 
G and I upon that parallel PHTF. I say, now, that the area AOP, de¬ 
scribed by the radius OP from the beginning of the motion, is proportional 
to the time. For the force TG (by Cor. 2, of the Laws of Motion) is re¬ 
solved into the forces TF, FG; and the force TI into the forces TH, HI; 
but the forces TF, 'TH, acting in the direction of the line PF perpendicular 
to the plane AOP, introduce no change in the motion of the body but in a di¬ 
rection perpendicular to that plane. Therefore its motion, so far as it has 
the same direction with the position of the plane, that is, the motion of the 
point P, by which the projection AP of the trajectory is described in that 
plane, is the same as if the forces TF, TH were taken away, and the body 
were acted on by the forces FG, HI alone; that is, the same as ,f the body 
were to describe in the plane AOP the curve AP by means of a centripetal 
force tending to the centre O, and equal to the sum of the forces FG and 
HI. But with such a force as that (by Prop. 1) the area AOP will be de¬ 
scribed proportional to the time. Q,.E.D. 

Cor. By the same reasoning, if a body, acted on by forces tending to 
two or more centres in any the same right line CO, should describe in a 
free space any curve line ST, the area AOP would be always proportional 
to the time. 


Granting the quadratures of curvilinear figures , and szipposing that 
there are given both the law of centripetal force tending to a given cen¬ 
tre , and the curve superficies ichose axis passes through that centre ; 
it is required to find the trajectory which a body will describe in that 
superficies , when going ojffrom a given place with a given velocity , 
and in a given direction in that superficies . 

The last construction remaining, let the 
body T go from the given place S, in the di¬ 
rection of a line given by position, and turn 
into the trajectory sought STR, whose ortho¬ 
graphic projection in the plane BDO is AP. 

And from the given velocity of the body in 
the altitude SC, its velocity in any other al¬ 
titude TC will be also given. With that 
velocity, in a given moment of time, let the 
body describe the particle T£ of its trajectory, 
and let P p be the projection of that particle 
described in the plane AOP. Join Op, and 
a little circle being described upon the curve superficies about the centre T 



with the interval T7 let the projection of that little circle in the plane AOP 
be the ellipsis pQ. And because the magnitude of that little circle TV, and 
TN or PO its distance from the axis CO is also given, the ellipsis pQ will 
be given both in kind and magnitude, as also its position to the right line 
PO. And since the area PO p is proportional to the time, and therefore 
given because the time is given, the angle PO/? will be given. And thence 
will be given p the common intersection of the ellipsis and. the right line 
Op, together with the angle OP 'p, in which the projection APy? of the tra¬ 
jectory cuts the line OP. But from thence (by conferring Prop. XLI, with 
its 2d Cor.) the manner of determining the curve AP/? easily appears. 
Then from the several points P of that projection erecting to the plane 
AOP, the perpendiculars PT meeting the curve superficies in T, there will 
be o^iven the several points T of the trajectory. Q.E.I. 


( f the motions of bodies tending to each other with centripetal forces . 

I have hitherto been treating of the attractions of bodies towards an im¬ 
movable centre; though very probably there is no such thing existent in 

nature. For attractions are made towards bodies, and the actions of the 


bodies attracted and attracting are always reciprocal and equal, by Law III ; 
so that if there are two bodies, neither the attracted nor the attracting body 
is truly at rest, but both (by Cor. 4, of the Laws of Motion), being as it 
were mutually attracted, revolve about a common centre of gravity. And 
if there be more bodies, which are either attracted by one single one which 
is attracted by them again, or which all of them, attract each other mutu¬ 
ally , these bodies will be so moved among themselves, as that their common 
centre of gravity will either be at rest, or move uniformly forward in a 
right line. I shall therefore at present go on to treat of the motion of 
bodies mutually attracting each other; considering the centripetal forces 
as attractions ; though perhaps in a physical strictness they may more truly 
be called impulses. But these propositions are to be considered as purely 
mathematical; and therefore, laying aside all physical considerations, I 
make use of a familiar way of speaking, to make myself the more easily 
understood by a mathematical reader. 


Two bodies attracting each other mutually describe similar figures about 
their common centre of gravity , and about each other mutually. 

For the distances of the bodies from their common centre of gravity are 
leciprocally as the bodies; and therefore in a given ratio to each other: 
%nd thence, by composition of ratios, in a given ratio to the whole distance 

Sec. XI. J 



between thje bodies. Now these distances revolve about their common term 
with an equable angular motion, because lying in the same right line they 
never change their inclination to each other mutually But right lines 
that are in a given ratio to each other, and revolve about their terms with 
an equal angular motion, describe upon planes, which either rest with 
those terms, or move with any motion not angular, figures entirely similar 
round those terms. Therefore the figures described by the revolution of 
these distances are similar. Q,.E.D. 


If two bodies attract each other mutually with forces of any kind, and 
in the mean time revolve about the common centre of gravity ; I say, 
that , by the same forces, there may be described round either body un¬ 
moved a figure similar and equal to the figures which the bodies so 
moving describe round each other mutually. 

Let the bodies S and P revolve about their common centre of gravity 
C, proceeding from S to T, and from P to Q,. Prom the given point s let. 


there be continually drawn sp, sq, equal and parallel to SP, TQ,; and the 
;ur vepqVj which the point p describes in its revolution round the immovable 
point s, will be similar and equal to the curves which the bodies S and P’ 
describe about each other mutually; and therefore, by Theor. XX, similar 
to the curves ST and PQ,V which the same bodies describe about their 
common centre of gravity C.; and that because the proportions of the lines 
SC, CP, and SP or sp, to each other, are given. 

Case 1. The common centre of gravity C (by Cor. 4, of the Laws of Mo¬ 
tion) is either at rest, or moves uniformly in a right line. Let us first 
suppose it at rest, and in s and p let there be placed two bodies, one im¬ 
movable in s, the other movable in p, similar and equal to the bodies S and 
P. Then let the right lines PR and pr touch the curves PQ, and pq ki P 
and p , and produce CQ and sq to R and r. And because the figures 
CPRQ, sprq are similar, RQ will be to rq as CP to sp , and therefore in a 
given ratio. Hence if the force with which the body P is attracted to¬ 
wards the body S, and by consequence towards the intermediate point the 
centre C, were to the force with which the body p is attracted towards the 
centre s. in the same given ratio, these forces would in equal times attract 


the bodies from the tangents PR,jor to the arcs PQ, pq, through the in¬ 
tervals proportional to them RQ, rq ; and therefore this last force (tending 
to s ) would make the body p revolve in the curve pqv, which would becomf 
similar to the curve PQV, in which the first force obliges the body P t( 
revolve; and their revolutions would be completed in the same times 
But because those forces are not to each other in the ratio of CP to sp, bu; 
(by reason of the similarity and equality of the bodies S and s, P and p 
and the equality of the distances SP, sp) mutually equal, the bodies h 
equal times will be equally drawn from the tangents; and therefore th.V 
the body p may be attracted through the greater interval rq, there is re¬ 
quired a greater time, which will be in the subduplicate ratio of the inter¬ 
vals ; because, by Lemma X, the spaces described at the very beginning ol 
the motion are in a duplicate ratio of the times. Suppose, then the velocity 
of the body p to be to the velocity of the body P in a subduplicate ratio of 
the distance sp to the distance CP, so that the arcs pq , PQ,, which are in a 
simple proportion to each other, may be described in times that are in n 
subduplicate ratio of the distances ; and the bodies P, p, always attracted 
by equal forces, will describe round the quiescent centres C and 5 similar 
figures PQV, pqv , the latter of which pqv is similar and equal to the figure 
which the body P describes round the movable body S. Q.E.D 

Case 2. Suppose now that the common centre of gravity, together with 
the space in which the bodies are moved among themselves, proceeds uni¬ 
formly in a right line ; and (by Cor. 6, of the Laws of Motion) all the mo¬ 
tions in this space will be performed in the same manner as before; and 
therefore the bodies will describe mutually about each other the same fig¬ 
ures as before, which will be therefore similar and equal to the figure pqv. 

Cor. 1. Hence two bodies attracting each other with forces proportional 
to their distance, describe (by Prop. X) both round their common centre of 
gravity, and round each other mutually concentrical ellipses; and, vice 
versa, if such figures are described, the forces are proportional to the dis¬ 

Cor. 2. And two bodies, whose forces are reciprocally proportional to 
the square of their distance, describe (by Prop. XI, XII, XIII), both round 
their common centre of gravity, and round each other mutually, conic sec¬ 
tions having their focus in the centre about which the figures are described. 
And, vice versa, if such figures are described, the centripetal forces are re¬ 
ciprocally proportional to the squares of the distance. 

Cor. 3. Any two bodies revolving round their common centre of gravity 
describe areas proportional to the times, by radii drawn both to that centre 
and to each other mutually. 

Sec. XL] 




The periodic time of two bodies S and P revolving round their common 
centre of gravity C,is to the periodic time of one of the bodies P re¬ 
volving round the other S remaining unmoved , and describing a fig¬ 
ure similar and equal to those ivhich the bodies describe about each 
other mutually , in a subduplicate ratio of the other body S to the sum 
of the bodies S + P. 

For, by the demonstration of the last Proposition, the times in which 
any similar arcs PQ, and pq are described are in a subduplicate ratio of the 
distances CP and SP, or sp, that is, in a subduplicate ratio of the ody S 
to the sum of the bodies S + P. And by composition of ratios, the sums 
of the times in which all the similar arcs PQ and pq are described, that is, 
the whole times in which the whole similar figures are described are in the 
same subduplicate ratio. Q.E.D. 


If tivo bodies S and P, attracting each other with forces reciprocally pro¬ 
portional to the squares of their distance , revolve about their common 
centre of gravity ; I say , that the principal axis of the ellipsis which 
either of the bodies , as P, describes by this motion about the other S, 
will be to the principal axis of the ellipsis , ivhich the same body P may 
describe in the same periodical time about the other body S quiescent , 
as the sum of the ttvo bodies S + P to the first of two m,ean propor¬ 
tionals betiveen that sum and the other body S. 

For if the ellipses described were equal to each other, their periodic times 
by the last Theorem would be in a subduplicate ratio of the body S to the 
sum of the bodies S 4- P. Let the periodic time in the latter ellipsis be 
diminished in that ratio, and the periodic times will become equal; but, 
by Prop. XV, the principal axis of the ellipsis will be diminished in a ratio 
sesquiplicate to the former ratio; that is, in a ratio to which the ratio of 
S to S 4* P is triplicate; and therefore that axis will be to the principal 
axis of the other ellipsis as the first of two mean proportionals between S 
4- P and S to S + P. And inversely the principal axis of the ellipsis de¬ 
scribed about the movable body will be to the principal axis of that described 
round the immovable as S + P to the first of two mean proportionals be¬ 
tween S -f- P and S. Q.E.D. 


If two bodies attracting each other with any kind of forces , and not 
otherwise agitated or obstructed , are moved in any manner ivhatsoever, 
those motions will be the same as if they did not at all attract each 
other mutually } but were both attracted with the same forces by a third 
body placed in their common centre of gravity ; and the law of the 



[Book L 

attracting fortes will be the saw£ in respect of the distance of the. 
bodies from the common centre , as in respect of the distance between 
the two bodies. 

For those forces with which the bodies attract each other mutually, by 
tending to the bodies, tend also to the common centre of gravity lying di¬ 
rectly between them ; and therefore are the same as if they proceeded from 
*an intermediate body. QJE.D. 

And because there is given the ratio of the distance of either body from 
that common centre to the distance between the two bodies, there is given, 
-it course, the ratio of any power of one distance to the same power of the 
.ther distance; and also the ratio of any quantity derived in any manner 
from one of the distances compounded any how with given quantities, to 
another quantity derived in like manner from the other distance, and as 
many given quantities having that given ratio of the distances to the first 
Therefore if the force with which one body is attracted by another be di¬ 
rectly or inversely as the distance of the bodies from each other, or a3 any 
power of that distance; or, lastly, as any quantity derived after any man¬ 
ner from that distance compounded with given qnantities; then will the 
same force with which the same body is attracted to the common centre of 
gravity be in like manner directly or inversely as the distance of the at¬ 
tracted body from the common centre, or as any power of that distance ; 
cr, lastly, as a quantity derived in like sort from that distance compounded 
with analogous given quantities. That is, the law of attracting force will 
be the same with respect to both distances. Q,.E.D. 


To determine the motions of two bodies which attract each other with 
forces reciprocally proportional to the squares of the distance between 
them , and are let fall from given places. 

The bodies, by the last Theorem, will be moved in the same manner as 
if they were attracted by a third placed in the common centre of their 
gravity; and by the hypothesis that centre will be quiescent at the begin¬ 
ning of their motion, and therefore (by Cor. 4, of the Laws of Motion) will 
be always quiescent. The motions of the bodies are therefore to be deter¬ 
mined (by Prob. XXV) in the same manner as if they were impelled by 
forces tending to that centre; and then we shall have the motions of the 
bodies attracting each other mutually. Q.E.I. 


To determine the motions of two bodies attracting each other with forces 
reciprocally proportional to the squares of their distance , and going 
off f com given places in. given directions with given velocities. 

The motions of the bodies at the beginning being given, there is given 



Sec. XL] 

also the uniform motion of the common centre of gravity, and the motion 
of the space which moves along with this centre uniformly in a right line, 
and also the very first, or beginning motions of the bodies in respect of this 
space. Then (by Cor. 5, of the Laws, and the last Theorem) the subse¬ 
quent motions will be performed in the same manner in that space, as if 
that space together with the common centre of gravity were at rest, and as 
if the bodies did not attract each other, but were attracted by a third body 
placed in that centre. The motion therefore in this movable space of each" 
body going off from a given place, in a given direction, with a given velo¬ 
city, and acted upon by a centripetal force tending to that centre, is to be 
determined by Prob. IX and XXVI, and at the same time will be obtained 
the motion of the other round the same centre. With this motion com¬ 
pound the uniform progressive motion of the entire system of the space and 
the bodies revolving in it, and there will be obtained the absolute motion 
of the bodies in immovable space. Q.E.I. 


Supposing forces with which bodies mutually attract each other to in¬ 
crease in a simple ratio of their distances from the centres ; it is ro- 
qnired to find the motions of several bodies among themselves. 
Suppose the first two bodies T and L 3 ^ 

to have their common centre of gravity in 1 c 
l). These, by Cor. 1, Theor. XXI, will S y 
describe ellipses having their centres in D, 
the magnitudes of which ellipses are 
known by Prob. V. 

Let now a third body S attract the two 
former T and L with the accelerative forces ST, SL, and let it be attract¬ 
ed again by them. The force ST (by Cor. 2, of the Laws of Motion) is 
resolved into the forces SD, DT; and the force SL into the forces SD and 
DL. Now the forces DT, DL, which are as their sum TL, and therefore 
as the accelerative forces with which the bodies T and L attract each other 
mutually, added to the forces of the bodies T and L, the first to the first, 
and the last to the last, compose forces proportional to the distances DT 
and DL as before, but only greater than those former forces; and there¬ 
fore (by Cor. 1, Prop. X, and Cor. l,and S, Prop. IV) they will cause those 
bodies to describe ellipses as before, but with a swifter motion. Tlie re¬ 
maining accelerative forces SD and DL, by the motive forces SD X T and 
SD X L, which are as the bodies attracting those bodies equally and in the 
direction of the lines TI, LK parallel to DS, do not at all change their situ¬ 
ations with respect to one another, but cause them equally to approach to 
the line IK; which must be imagined drawn through the middle of the 
body S, and perpendicular to the line DS. But that approach to the line 



TBook I. 

IK will be hindered by causing the system of the bodies T and L on one 
side, and the body S on the other, with proper velocities, to revolve round 
the common centre of gravity C. With such a motion the body S, because 
the sum of the motive forces SD X T and SD X L is proportional to the 
distance CS, tends to the centre C, will describe an ellipsis round the same, 
centre C; and the point D, because the lines CS and CD are proportional, 
will describe a like ellipsis over against it. But the bodies T and L, at¬ 
tracted by the motive forces SD X T and SD X L, the first by the first, 
and the last by the last, equally and in the direction of the parallel lines TI 
and LK, as was said before, will (by Cor. 5 and 6, of the Laws of Motion) 
continue to describe their ellipses round the movable centre D, as before. 

Let there be added a fourth body V, and, by the like reasoning, it will 
be demonstrated that this body and the point C will describe ellipses about 
the common centre of gravity B; the motions of the bodies T, L, and S 
round the centres D and C remaining the same as before; but accelerated. 
And by the same method one may add yet more bodies at pleasure. Q.E.I. 

v This would be the case, though the bodies T and L attract each other 
mutually with accelerative forces either greater or less than those with 
which they attract the other bodies in proportion to their distance. Let 
all the mutual accelerative attractions be to each other as the distances 
multiplied into the attracting bodies ; and from what has gone before it 
will easily be concluded that all the bodies will describe different ellipses 
with equal periodical times about their common centre of gravity B, in an 
immovable plane. Q.E.I. 


Bodies , whose forces decrease in a duplicate ratio of their distances from 
their centres , may move among themselves in ellipses ; and by radii 
drawn to the foci may describe areas proportional to the times very 

In the last Proposition we demonstrated that case in which the motions 
will be performed exactly in ellipses. The more distant the law of the 
forces is from the law in that case, the more will the bodies disturb each 
others motions ; neither is it possible that bodies attracting each other 
mutually according to the law supposed in this Proposition should move 
exactly in ellipses, unless by keeping a certain proportion of distances from 
each other. However, in the following crises the orbits will not much dif¬ 
fer from ellipses. 

Case l. Imagine several lesser bodies to revolve about some very great 
one at different distances from it, and suppose absolute forces tending to 
t very one of the bodies proportional to each. And because (by Cor. 4, ot 
the T aws) the common centre of gravity of them all is either at rest, oi 

Src. XI.] 



mores uniformly forward in a right line, suppose the lesser bodies so small 
that the great body may be never at a sensible distance from that centre ; 
and then the great body will, without any sensible error, be either at rest, 
or move uniformly forward in a right line; and the lesser will revolve 
about that great one in ellipses, and by radii drawn thereto will describe 
areas proportional to the times; if we except the errors that may be intro¬ 
duced by the receding of the great body from the common centre of gravity, 
or by the mutual actions of the lesser bodies upon each other. But the 
lesser bodies may be so far diminished, as that this recess and the mutual 
actions of the bodies on each other may become less than any assignable; 
and therefore so as that the orbits may become ellipses, and the areas an¬ 
swer to the times, without any error that is not les3 than any assignable. 

Case 2. Let us imagine a system of lesser bodies revolving about a very 
great one in the manner just described, or any other system of two bodies 
revolving about each other to be moving uniformly forward in a right line, and 
in the mean time to be impelled sideways by the force of another vastly greater 
body situate at a great distance. And because the equal accelerative forces 
with which the bodies are impelled in parallel directions do not change the 
situation of the bodies with respect to each other, but only oblige the whole 
system to change its place while the parts still retain their motions among 
themselves, it is manifest that no change in those motions of the attracted 
bodies can arise from their attractions towards the greater, unless by the 
inequality of the accelerative attractions, or by the inclinations of the lines 
towards each other, in whose directions the attractions are made. Suppose, 
therefore, all the accelerative attractions made towards the great body 
to be among themselves as the squares of the distances reciprocally; and 
then, by increasing the distance of the great body till the differences of fhe 
right lines drawn from that to the others in respect of their length, and the 
inclinations of those lines to each other, be less than any given, the mo¬ 
tions of the parts of the system will continue without errors that are not 
less than any given. And because, by the small distance of those parts from 
each other, the whole system is attracted as if it were but one body, it will 
therefore be moved by this attraction as if it were one body ; that is, its 
centre of gravity will describe about the great bod/ one of the conic sec¬ 
tions (that is, a parabola or hyperbola when the attraction is but languid 
and an ellipsis when it is more vigorous); and by radii drawn thereto, it 
will describe areas proportional to the times, without any errors but those 
which arise from the distances of the parts, which are by the supposition 
exceedingly small, and may be diminished at pleasure. Q.E.O. 

By a like reasoning one may proceed to more compounded cases in in¬ 

Cor 1 . In the second Case, the nearer the very great body approaches to 



[Cook I 

the system of two or more revolving bodies, the greater will the pertur¬ 
bation be of the motions of the parts of the system among themselves; be¬ 
cause the inclinations of the lines drawn from that great body to those 
parts become greater ; and the inequality of the proportion is also greater. 

Cor. 2. But the perturbation will be greatest of all, if we suppose the 
accelerative attractions of the parts of the system towards the greatest body 
of all are not to each other reciprocally as the squares of the distances 
from that great body; especially if the inequality of this proportion be 
greater than the inequality of the proportion of the distances from the 
great body. For if the accelerative force, acting in parallel directions 
and equally, causes no perturbation in the motions of the parts of the 
system, it must of course, when it acts unequally, cause a perturbation some¬ 
where, which will be greater or less as the inequality is greater or less. 
The excess of the greater impulses acting upon some bodies, and not acting 
upon others, must necessarily change their situation among themselves. And 
this perturbation, added to the perturbation arising from the inequality 
and inclination of the lines, makes the whole perturbation greater. 

Cor. El ence if the parts of this system move in ellipses or circles 
without any remarkable perturbation, it is manifest that, if they are at all 
impelled by accelerative forces tending to any other bodies, the impulse is 
very weak, or else is impressed very near equally and in parallel directions 
upon all of them. 


If three bodies whose forces decrease in a duplicate ratio of the distances 
attract each other mutually ; and the accelerative attractions of any 
two towards the third be between themselves reciprocally as the squares 
of the distances ; and the two least revolve about the greatest; I say, 
that the interior of the two revolving bodies will, by radii drawn to the 
innermost and greatest, describe round that body areas more propor¬ 
tional to the t imes, and a figure more approaching to that of an ellip¬ 
sis having its focus in the point of concourse of the radii,if that great 
body be agitated by those attractions, than it would do if that great 
body were not attracted at all by the lesser, but remained at rest; or 
than, it would if that great body were very much more or very much 
less attracted, or very much more or very much less agitated, by the 

This appears plainly enough from the demonstration of the second 
Corollary of the foregoing Proposition; but it may be made out after 
this manner by a way of reasoning more distinct and more universally 

Case 1. Let the lesser bodies P and S revolve in the same plane about 
the greatest body T, the body P describing the interior orbit PAB, and S 

Sec. XI.J of natural philosophy. 203 

the exterior orbit ESE. Let SK be the mean distance of the bodies P and 
S; and let the accelerative attraction of the body P towards S, at that 
mean distance, be expressed by that line SK. Make SL to SK as the 

square of SK to the square of SP, and SL will be the accelerative attrac¬ 
tion of the body P towards S at any distance SP. Join PT, and draw 
LM parallel to it meeting ST in M; and the attraction SL will be resolv¬ 
ed (by Cor. 2, of the Laws of Motion) into the attractions SM, LM. And 
so the body P will be urged with a threefold accelerative force. One of 
these forces tends towards T, and arises from the mutual attraction of the 
bodies T and P. By this force alone the body P would describe round the 
body T, by the radius PT, areas proportional to the times, and an 
ellipsis whose focus is in the centre of the body T ; and this it would do 
whether the body T remained unmoved, or whether it were agitated by that 
attraction. This appears from Prop. XI, and Cor. 2 and 3 of Theor. 
XXI. The other force is that of the attraction LM, which, because it 
tends from P to T, will be superadded to and coincide with the former 
force; and cause the areas to be still proportional to the times, by Cor. 3, 
Theor. XXI. But because it is not reciprocally proportional to the square 
of the distance PT, it will compose, when added to the former, a force 
varying from that proportion ; which variation will be the greater by how 
much the proportion of this force to the former is greater, cceteris paribus. 
Therefore, since by Prop. XI, and by Cor. 2, Theor. XXI, the force with 
which the ellipsis is described about the focus T ought to be directed to 
that focus, and to be reciprocally proportional to the square of the distance 
PT, that compounded force varying from that proportion will make the 
orbit PAB vary from the figure of an ellipsis that has its focus in the point 
T ; and so much the more by how much the variation from that proportion 
is greater; and by consequence by how much the proportion of the second 
force LM to the first force is greater, cceteris paribus. But now the third 
force SM, attracting the body P in a direction parallel to ST, composes with 
the other forces a new force which is no longer directed from P to T: and which 
varies so much more from this direction by how much the proportion of this 
third force to the other forces is greater, cceterisparibus ; and therefore causes 
the body P to describe, by the radius TP, areas no longer proportional to the 
times: and therefore makes the variation from that proportionality so much 
greater by how much the proportion of this force to the others is greater. 
But this third force will increase the variation of the orbit PAB from the 



[Book I 

elliptical figure before-mentioned upon two accounts; first because that 
force is not directed from P to T ; and, secondly, because it is not recipro¬ 
cally proportional to the square of the distance PT. These things being 
premised, it i3 manifest that the areas are then most nearly proportional to 
the times, when that third force is the least possible, the rest preserving 
their former quantity ; and that the orbit PAB does then approach nearest 
to the elliptical figure above-mentioned, when both the second and third, 
but especially the third force, is the least possible; the first force remain¬ 
ing in its former quantity. 

Let the accelerative attraction of the body T towards S be expressed by 
the line SN ; then if the accelerative attractions SM and SN were equal, 
these, attracting the bodies T and P equally and in parallel directions 
would not at all change their situation with respect to each other. The mo¬ 
tions of the bodies between themselves would be the same in that case as if 
those attractions did not act at all, by Cor. 6, of the Laws of Motion. And, 
by a like reasoning, if the attraction SN is less than the attraction SM, it 
will take away out of the attraction SM the part SN, so that there will re¬ 
main only the part (of the attraction) MN to disturb the proportionality of 
the areas and times, and the elliptical figure of the orbit. And in like 
manner if the attraction SN be greater than the attraction SM, the pertur¬ 
bation of the orbit and proportion will be produced by the difference MN 
alone. After this manner the attraction SN reduces always the attraction 
SM to the attraction MN, the first and second attractions rema ning per¬ 
fectly unchanged; and therefore the areas and times come then nearest to 
proportionality, and the orbit PAB to the above-mentioned elliptical figure, 
when the attraction MN is either none, or the least that is possible; that 
is, when the accelerative attractions of the bodies P and T approach as near 
as possible to equality; that is, when the attraction SN is neither none at 
all, nor less than the least of all the attractions SM, but is, as it were, a 
mean between the greatest and least of all those attractions SM, that is 
not much greater nor much less than the attraction SK. Q.E.D. 

Case 2. Let now the lesser bodies P. S, revolve about a greater T in dif¬ 
ferent planes; and the force LM, acting in the direction of the line PT 
situate in the plane of the orbit PAB, will have the same effect as before; 
neither will it draw the body P from the plane of its orbit. But the other 
force NM acting in the direction of a line parallel to ST (and which, there¬ 
fore, when the body S is without the line of the nodes is inclined to the 
plane of the orbit PAB), besides the perturbation of the motion just now 
spoken of as to longitude, introduces another perturbation also as to latitude, 
attracting the body P out of the plane of its orbit. And this perturbation, 
in any given situation of the bodies P and T to each other, will be as the 
generating force MN; and therefore becomes least when the force MN ia 
least, that is (as was just now shewn), where the attraction SN is not mucb 
greater nor much less than the attraction SK. Q.E.D. 



Sfc. XI.] 

Cor. 1. Hence it may be easily collected, that if several less bodies P 
8, R, (See., revolve about a very great body T, the motion of the innermost 
revolving body P will be least disturbed by the attractions of the others, 
when the great body is as well attracted and agitated by the rest (accord¬ 
ing to the ratio of the accelerative forces) as the rest are by each other 

Cor. 2. In a system of three bodies, T, P, S, if the accelerative attrac¬ 
tions of any two of them towards a third be to each other reciprocally as the 
squares of the distances, the body P, by the radius PT, will describe its area 
about the body T swifter near the conjunction A and the opposition B than it 
will near the quadratures C and D. For every force with which the body P 
is acted on and the body T is not, and which does not act in the direction of 
the line PT, does either accelerate or retard the description of the area, 
according as it is directed, whether in conseqventia or in antecedentia. 
Such is the force NM. This force in the'passage of the body P frem C 
to A is directed in consequentia- to its motion, and therefore accelerates 
it; then as far as D in antecedentia, , and retards the motion; then in, con¬ 
sequentia as far as B ; and lastly in antecedentia as it moves from B to C. 

Cor. 3. And from the same reasoning it appears that the body P cceteris 
paribus , moves more swiftly in the conjunction and opposition than in the 

Cor. 4. The orbit of the body P, cceteris paribus , is more curve at the 
quadratures than at the conjunction and opposition. For the swifter 
bodies move, the less they deflect from a rectilinear path. And besides the 
force KL, or NM, at the conjunction and opposition, is contrary to the 
force with which the body T attracts the body P, and therefore diminishes 
that force; but the body P will deflect the less from a rectilinear path the 
less it is impelled towards the body T. 

Cor. 5. Hence the body P, cccteris paribus , goes farther from the body 
T at the quadratures than at the conjunction and opposition. This is said, 

however, supposing no regard had to the motion of eccentricity. For if 
the orbit of the body P be eccentrical, its eccentricity (as will be shewn 
presently by Cor. 9) will be greatest when the apsides are in the syzy- 
gies; and thence it may sometimes come to pass that the body P, in ita 
near approach to the farther apsis, may go farther from the body T at the 
syzygies than at the quadratures. 

Cor. 6 . Because the centripetal force of the central body T, by which 



[Book 1 

the body P is retained in its orbit, is increased at the quadratures by the 
addition caused by the force LM, and diminished at the syzygie 3 by the 
subduction caused by the force KL, and, because the force KL is greatei 
than LM, it is more diminished than increased; and, moreover, since that 
centripetal force (by Cor. 2, Prop. IV) is in a ratio compounded of the sim¬ 
ple ratio of the radius TP directly, and the duplicate ratio of the periodi¬ 
cal time inversely; it is plain that this compounded ratio is diminished by 
the action of the force KL; and therefore that the periodical time, supposing 
the radius of the orbit PT to remain the same, will be increased, and that 
in the subduplicate of that ratio in which the centripetal force is diminish¬ 
ed ; and, therefore, supposing this radius increased or diminished, the peri¬ 
odical time will be increased more or diminished less than in the sesquipli- 
cate ratio of this radius, by Cor. 6, Prop. IV. If that force of the central 
body should gradually decay, the body P being less and less attracted would 
go farther and farther from the centre T ; and, on the contrary, if it were 
increased, it would draw nearer to it. Therefore if the action of the distant 
body S, by which that force is diminished, were to increase and decrease 
by turns, the radius TP will be also increased and diminshed by turns; 
and the periodical time will be increased and diminished in a ratio com¬ 
pounded of the sesquiplicate ratio of the radius, and of the subduplicate oi 
that ratio in which the centripetal force of the central body T is dimin¬ 
ished or increased, by the increase or decrease of the action of the distant 
body S. 

Cor. 7. It also follows, from what was before laid down, that the axis 
of the ellipsis described by the body P, or the line of the apsides, does as 
to its angular motion go forwards and backwards by turns, but more for¬ 
wards than backwards, and by the excess of its direct motion is in the 
whole carried forwards. For the force with which the body P is urged to 
the body T at the quadratures, where the force MN vanishes, is compound¬ 
ed of the force LM and the centripetal force with which the body T at¬ 
tracts the body P. The first force LM, if the distance PT be increased, is 
increased in nearly the same proportion with that distance, and the other 
force decreases in the duplicate ratio of the distance; and therefore the 
sum of these two forces decreases in a less than the duplicate ratio of the 
distance PT; and therefore, by Cor. 1, Prop. XLV, will make the line of 
the apsides, or, which is the same thing, the upper apsis, to go backward. 
But at the conjunction and opposition the force with which the body P is 
urged towards the body T is the difference of the force KL, and of the 
force with which the body T attracts the body P; and that difference, be¬ 
cause the force KL is very nearly increased in the ratio of the distance 
PT, decreases in more-than the duplicate ratio of the distance PT; and 
therefore, by' Cor. 1, Prop. XLV, causes the line of the apsides to go for¬ 
wards. In the places between the syzygies and the quadratures, the motion 



Sec. Xl.J 

of the line of the apsides depends upon both of these causes conjunctly, so 
that it either goes forwards or backwards in proportion to the excess ol 
one of these causes above the other. Therefore since the force KL in the 
syzygies is almost twice as great as the force LM in the quadratures, the 
excess will be on the side of the force KL, and by consequence the line of 
the apsides will be carried forwards. The truth of this and the foregoing 

Corollary will be more easily understood by conceiving the system of the 
two bodies T and P to be surrounded on every side by several bodies S, 
S, S, &c., disposed about the orbit ESE. For by the actions of these bo¬ 
dies the action of the body T will be diminished on every side, and decrease 
in more than a duplicate ratio of the distance. 

Cor. 8. Put since the progress or regress of the apsides depends upon 
the decrease of the centripetal force, that is, upon its being in a greater or 
less ratio than the duplicate ratio of the distance TP, in the passage of 
the body from the lower apsis to the upper; and upon a like increase in 
its return to the lower apsis again ; and therefore becomes greatest where 
the proportion of the force at the upper apsis to the force at the lower ap¬ 
sis recedes farthest from the duplicate ratio of the distances inversely; it 
is plain, that, when the apsides are in the syzygies, they will, by reason of 
the subducting force KL or NM — LM, go forward more swiftly ; and in 
the quadratures by the additional force LM go backward more slowly. 
Because the velocity of the progress or slowness of the regress is continued 
for a long time; this inequality becomes exceedingly great. 

Cor. 9. If a body is obliged, by a force reciprocally proportional to the 
square of its distance from any centre, to revolve in an ellipsis round that 
centre; and afterwards in its descent from the upper apsis to the lower 
apsis, that force by a perpetual accession of new force is increased in more 
than a duplicate ratio of the diminished distance ; it is manifest that the 
body, being impelled always towards the centre by the perpetual accession 
of this new force, will incline more towards that centre than if it were 
urged by that force alone which decreases in a duplicate ratio of the di¬ 
minished distance, and therefore will describe an orbit interior to that 
elliptical orbit, and at the lower apsis approaching nearer to the centre 
than before. Therefore the orbit by the accession of this new force will 
become more eccentrical. If now, while the body is returning from the 
lower to the upper apsis, it should decrease by the same degrees by which 
it increases before the body would return to its first distance; and there- 


fore if the force decreases in a yet greater ratio, the body, being now less 
attracted than before, will ascend to a still greater distance, and so the ec¬ 
centricity of the orbit will be increased still more. Therefore if the ratio 
of the increase and decrease of the centripetal force be augmented each 
revolution, the eccentricity will be augmented also; and, on the contrary, 
if that ratio decrease, it will be diminished. 

Now, therefore, in the system of the bodies T, P, S, when the apsides of 
the orbit PAB are in the quadratures, the ratio of that increase and de¬ 
crease is least of all, and becomes greatest when the apsides are in the 
syzygies. If the apsides are placed in the quadratures, the ratio near the 
apsides is less, and near the syzygies greater, than the duplicate ratio of the 
distances ; and from that greater ratio arises a direct motion of the line of 
the apsides, as was just now said. But if we consider the ratio of the 
whole increase or decrease in the progress between the apsides, this is less 
than the duplicate ratio of the distances. The force in the lower is to the 
force in the upper apsis in less than a duplicate ratio of the distance of the 
upper apsis from the focus of the ellipsis to the distance of the lower apsis 
from the same focus; and, contrariwise, when the apsides are placed in the 
syzygies, the force in the lower apsis is to the force in the upper apsis in a 
greater than a duplicate ratio of the distances. For the forces LM in the 
quadratures added to the forces of the body T compose forces in a less ra¬ 
tio ; and the forces KL in the syzygies subducted from the forces of the 
body T, leave the forces in a greater ratio. Therefore the ratio of the 
whole increase and decrease in the passage between the apsides is least at 
the quadratures and greatest at the syzygies; and therefore in the passage 
of the apsides from the quadratures to the syzygies it is continually aug¬ 
mented, and increases the eccentricity of the ellipsis; and in the passage 
from the syzygies to the quadratures it is perpetually decreasing, and di 
minishes the eccentricity. 

Cor. 10. That we may give an account of the errors as to latitude, let 
us suppose the plane of the orbit EST to remain immovable; and from 
the cause of the errors above explained, it is manifest, that, of the two 
forces NM, ML, which are the only and entire cause of them, the force 
ML acting always in the plane of the orbit PAB never disturbs the mo¬ 
tions as to latitude; and that the force NM, when the nodes are in the 
syzygies, acting also in the same plane of the orbit, does not at that time 
affect those motions. But when the nodes are in the quadratures, it dis¬ 
turbs fhem very much, and, attracting the body P perpetually out of the 
plane of its orbit, it diminishes the inclination of the plane in the passage 
of the body from the quadratures to the syzygies, and again increases the 
same in the passage from the syzygies to the quadratures. Hence it 
comes to pass that when the body is in the syzygies, the inclination is 
then least of all, and returns to the first magnitude nearly, when the body 



Sec. XI.] 

arrives at the next node. But if the nodes are situate at the octants after 
the quadratures, that is, between C and A, B and B, it will appear, from 

wnat was just now shewn, that in the passage of the body P from either 
node to the ninetieth degree from thence, the inclination of the plane is 
perpetually diminished; then, in the passage through the next 45 degrees 
to the next quadrature, the inclination is increased; and afterwards, again, 
in its passage through another 45 degrees to the next node, it is dimin¬ 
ished. Therefore the inclination is more diminished than increased, and 
is therefore always less in the subsequent node than in the preceding one. 
And, by a like reasoning, the inclination is more increased than diminish¬ 
ed when the nodes are in the other octants between A and D, B and C. 
The inclination, therefore, is the greatest of all when the nodes are in the 
syzygies In their passage from the syzygies to the quadratures the incli¬ 
nation is diminished at each appulse of the body to the nodes ; and be¬ 
comes least of all when the nodes are in the quadratures, and the body in 
the syzygies ; then it increases by the same degrees by which it decreased 
before; and, when the nodes come to the next syzygies, returns to its 
former magnitude. 

Cor. 11. Because when the nodes are in the quadratures the body P is 
perpetually attracted from the plane of its orbit; and because this attrac¬ 
tion is made towards S in its passage from the node C through the con¬ 
junction A to the node D ; and to the contrary part in its passage from the 
node D through the opposition B to the node C; it is manifest that, in its 
motion from the node C, the body recedes continually from the former 
plane CD of its orbit till it comes to the next node; and therefore at that 
node, being now at its greatest distance from the first plane CD, it will 
pass through the plane of the orbit EST not in D, the other node of that 
plane, but in a point that lies nearer to the body S, which therefore be¬ 
comes a new place of the node in antecedentia to its former place. And, 
by a like reasoning, the nodes will continue to recede in their passage 
from this node to the next. The nodes, therefore, when situate in the 
quadratures, recede perpetually; and at the syzygies, where no perturba¬ 
tion can be produced in the motion as to latitude, are quiescent: in the in¬ 
termediate places they partake of both conditions, and recede more slowly; 
and, therefore, being always either retrograde or stationary, they will be 
carried backwards, or in antecedentia , each revolution. 

Cor. 12. All the errors described in these corrollaries arc a little greate? 




Book L 

at the conjunction of the bodies P, S, than at their opposition; because 
the generating forces NM and ML are greater. 

Cor. 13. And since the causes and proportions of the errors and varia¬ 
tions mentioned in these Corollaries do not depend upon the magnitude of 
the body S, it follows that all things before demonstrated will happen, if 
the magnitude of the body S be imagined so great as that the system of the 
two bodies P and T may revolve about it. And from this increase of the 
body S, and the consequent increase of its centripetal force, from which the 
errors of the body P arise, it will follow that all these errors, at equal dis- 
tances, will be greater in this case, than in the other where the body S re¬ 
volves about the system of the bodies P and T. 

Cor. 14. But since the forces NM, ML, when the body S is exceedingly 
distant, are very nearly as the force SK and the ratio PT to ST con- 
junctly ; that is, if both the distance PT, and the absolute force of the body 
S be given, as ST 3 reciprocally ; and since those forces NM, ML are the 
causes of all the errors and effects treated of in the foregoing Corollaries; 
it is manifest that all those effects, if the system of bodies T and P con¬ 
tinue as before, and only the distance ST and the absolute force of the body 
S be changed, will be very nearly in a ratio compounded of the direct ratio 
of the absolute force of the body S, and the triplicate inverse ratio of the 
distance ST. Hence if the system of bodies T and P revolve about a dis¬ 
tant body S, those forces NM, ML, and their cifi ts, will be (by Cor. 2 and 
6, Prop IV) reciprocally in a duplicate ratio of the periodical time. And 
thence, also, if the magnitude of the bod} S be proportional to its absolute 
force, those forces NM, ML, and their effects, will be directly as the cube 
of the apparent diameter of the distant body S viewed from T, and so vice 
versa. For these ratios are the same as the compounded ratio above men¬ 

Cor. 15. And because if the orbits ESE and PAB, retaining their fig¬ 
ure, proportions, and inclination to each other, should alter their magni¬ 
tude; and the forces of the bodies S and T should either remain, or be 
changed in any given ratio; these forces (that is, the force of the body T, 
which obliges the body P to deflect from a rectilinear course into the orbit 
PAB, and the force of the body S, which causes the body P to deviate from 
that orbit) would act always in the same manner, and in the same propor¬ 
tion ; it follows, that all the effects will be similar and proportional, and 
the times of those effects proportional also ; that is, that all the linear er¬ 
rors will be as tne diameters of the orbits, the angular errors the same as 
before; and the times of similar linear errors, or equal angular errors, as 
the periodical times of the orbits. 

Cor. 16. Therefore if the figures of the orbits and their inclination to 
each other be given, and the magnitudes, forces, and distances of the bodies 
be any how changed, we may. from the errors and times of those errors in 

Sec. XI.J 



one case, collect very nearly the errors and times of the errors in any other 
case. But this may be done more expeditiously by the following method. 
The forces NM, ML, other things remaining unaltered, are as the radius 
TP; and their periodical effects (by Cor. 2, Lem. X) are as the forces and 
the square of the periodical time of the body P conjunctly. These are the 
linear errors of the body P ; and hence the angular errors as they appear 
from the centre T (that is, the motion of the apsides and of the nodes, and all 
the apparent errors as to longitude and latitude) are in each revolution of 
the body P as the square of the time of the revolution, very nearly. Let 
these ratios be compounded with the ratios in Cor. 14, and in any system 
of bodies T, P, S, where P revolves about T very near to it, and T re¬ 
volves about S at a great distance, the angular errors of the body P, ob¬ 
served from the centre T, will be in each revolution of the body P as the 
square of the periodical time of the body P directly, and the square of the 
periodical time of the body T inversely. And therefore the mean motion 
of the line of the apsides will be in a given ratio to the mean motion of 
the nodes; and both those motions will be as the periodical time of the 
body P directly, and the square of the periodical time of the body T in¬ 
versely. The increase or diminution of the eccentricity and inclination of 
the orbit PAB makes no sensible variation in the motions of the apsides 
and nodes, unless that increase or diminution be very great indeed. 

Cor. 17. Since the line LM becomes sometimes greater and sometimes 
less than the radius FT, let the mean quantity of the force LM be expressed 

by that radius PT; and then that mean force will be to the mean force 
SK or SN (which may be also expressed by ST) as the length PT to the 
length ST. But the mean force SN or ST, by which the body T is re¬ 
tained in the orbit it describes about S, is to the force with which the body P 
is retained in its orbit about T in a ratio compounded of the ratio of the 
radius ST to the radius PT, and the duplicate ratio of the periodical time 
of the body P about T to the periodical time of the body T about S. And, 
ex (BqiiOj the mean force LM is to the force by which the body P is retain¬ 
ed in its orbit about T (or by which the same body P might revolve at the 
distance PT in the same periodical time about any immovable point T) in 
the same duplicate ratio of the periodical times. The periodical times 
therefore being given, together with the distance PT, the mean force LM 
is also given; and that force being given, there is given also the force MN, 
very nearly, by the analogy of the lines PT and MN. 



[Book I 

Cok. IS. By the same laws by which the body P revolves about the 
body T, let us suppose many fluid bodies to move round T at equal dis¬ 
tances from it; and to be so numerous, that they may all become contiguous 
to each other, so as to form a fluid annulus, or ring, of a round figure, and 
concentrical to the body T; and the several parts of this annulus, perform¬ 
ing their motions by the same law as the body P, will draw nearer to the 
body T, and move swifter in the conjunction and opposition of themselves 
and the body S, than in the quadratures. And the nodes of this annulus, 
or its intersections with the plane of the orbit of the body S or T, will rest 
at the syzygies ; but out of the syzygies they will be carried backward, or 
in cintecedentia ; with the greatest swiftness in the quadratures, and more 
slowly in other places. The inclination of this annulus also will vary, and 
its axis will oscillate each revolution, and when the revolution is completed 
will return to its former situation, except only that it will be carried round 
a little by the precession of the nodes. 

Cor. 19. Suppose now the spherical body T, consisting of some matter 
not fluid, to be enlarged, and to extend its.*lf on every side as far as that 
annulus, and that a channel were cut all round its circumference contain¬ 
ing water; and that this sphere revolves uniformly about its own axis in 
the same periodical time. This water being accelerated and retarded by 
turns (as in the last Corollary), will be swifter at the syzygies, and slower 
at the quadratures, than the surface of the globe, and so will ebb and flow in 
its channel after the manner of the sea. If the attraction of the body S were 
taken away, the water would acquire no motion of flux and reflux by revolv- 
.ng round the quiescent centre of the globe. The case is the same of a globe 
moving uniformly forwards in a right line, and in the mean time revolving 
about its centre (by Cor. 5 of the Laws of Motion), and of a globe uni¬ 
formly attracted from its rectilinear course (by Cor. 6, of the same Laws). 
But let the body S come to act upon it, and by its unequable attraction the 
uater will receive this new motion ; for there will be a stronger attraction 
upon that part of the water that is nearest to the body, and a weaker upon 
that part which is more remote. And the force LM will attract the w'ater 
downwards at the quadratures, and depress it as far as the syzygies ; and the 
force KL will attract it upwards in the syzygies, and withhold its descent, 
and make it rise as far as the quadratures; except only in so far as the 
motion of flux and reflux may be directed by the channel of the water, and 
be a little retarded by friction. 

Cor. 20. If, now, the annulus becomes hard, and the globe is diminished, 
the motion of flux and reflux will cease ; but the oscillating motion of the 
inclination and the praecession of the nodes will remain. Let the globe 
have the same axis with the annulus, and perform its revolutions in the 
same times, and at its surface touch the annulus within, and adhere to it; 
then the globe partaking of the motion of the annulus, this whole compages 

Sec. XI. 



will oscillate, and the nodes will go backward, for the globe, as we shall 
shew presently, is perfectly indifferent to the receiving of all impressions. 
The greatest angle of the inclination of the annulus single is when the 
nodes are in the syzygies. Thence in the progress of the nodes to the 
quadratures, it endeavours to diminish its inclination, and by that endea¬ 
vour impresses a motion upon the whole globe. The globe retains this 
motion impressed, till the annulus by a contrary endeavour destroys that 
motion, and impresses a new motion in a contrary direction. And by this 
means the greatest motion of the decreasing inclination happens when the 
nodes are in the quadratures, and the least angle of inclination in the octants 

after the quadratures; and, again, the greatest motion of roclination happens 
when the nodes are in the syzygies; and the greatest angle of reclination in 
the octants following. And the case is the same of a globe without this an¬ 
nulus, if it be a little higher or a little denser in the equatorial than in the 
polar regions ; for the excess of that matter in the regions near the equator 
supplies the place of the annulus. And though we should suppose ..the cen¬ 
tripetal force of this globe to be any how increased, so that all its parts 
were to tend downwards, as the parts of our earth gravitate to the centre, 
yet the phenomena of this and the preceding Corollary would scarce be al¬ 
tered ; except that the places of the greatest and least height of the water 
will be different; for the water is now no longer sustained and kept in its 
orbit by its centrifugal force, but by the channel in which it flows. And, 
besides, the force LM attracts the water downwards most in the quadra¬ 
tures, and the force KL or NM — LM attracts it upwards most in the 
syzygies. And these forces conjoined cease to attract the water downwards, 
and begin to attract it upwards in the octants before the syzygies; and 
cease to attract the water upwards, and begin to attract the water down¬ 
wards in the octants after the syzygies. And thence the greatest height of 
the water may happen about the octants after the syzygies; and the least 
height about the octants after the quadratures; excepting only so far as the 
motion of ascent or descent impressed by these forces may by the vis insita 
of the water continue a little longer, or be stopped a little sooner by impe¬ 
diments in its channel. 

Cor. 21. For the same reason that redundant matter in the equatorial 
regions of a globe causes the nodes to go backwards, and therefore by the 
increase of that matter that retrogradation is increased, by the diminution 
is diminished, and by the removal quite ceases: it follows, that, if more than 



[Book 1 

that redundant matter be taken away, that is, if the globe be either more 
depressed, or of a more rare consistence near the equator than near the 
poles, there will arise a motion of the nodes in consequentia. 

Cor. 22. And thence from the motion of the nodes is known the consti¬ 
tution of the globe. That is, if the globe retains unalterably the same poles, 
and the motion (of the nodes) be in antecedentia, there is a redundance oi 
the matter near the equator; but if in consequentia, a deficiency. Sup¬ 
pose a uniform and exactly sphaerical globe to be first at rest in a free space ; 
then by some impulse made obliquely upon its superficies to be driven from 
its place, and to receive a motion partly circular and partly right forward. 
Because this globe is perfectly indifferent to all the axes that passthrough 
its centre, nor has a greater propensity to one axis or to one situation of 
the axis than to any other, it is manifest that by its own force it will never 
change its axis, or the inclination of it. Let now this globe be impelled 
obliquely by a new impulse in the same part of its superficies as before. 
and since the effect of an impulse is not at all changed by its coming sooner 
or later, it is manifest that these tivo impulses, successively impressed, will 
produce the same motion as if they were impressed at the same time; that, 
is, the same motion as if the globe had been impelled by a simple force 
compounded of them both (by Cor. 2, of the Laws), that is, a simple motion 
about an axis of a given inclination. And the case is the same if the sec¬ 
ond impulse were made upon any other place of the equator of the first 
motion ; and also if the first impulse were made upon any place in the 
equator of the motion which would be generated by the second impulse 
alone; and therefore, also, when both impulses are made in any places 
whatsoever; for these impulses will generate the same circular motion as 
if they were impressed together, and at once, in the place of the intersec¬ 
tions of the equators of those motions, which would be generated by each 
of them separately. Therefore, a homogeneous and perfect globe will not 
retain several distinct motions, but will unite all those that are impressed 
on it, and reduce them into one; revolving, as far as in it lies, always witli 
a simple and uniform motion about one single given axis, with an inclina¬ 
tion perpetually invariable. And the inclination of the axis, or the velocity 
of the rotation, will not be changed by centripetal force. For if the globe 
be supposed to be divided into two hemispheres, by any plane whatsoever 
passing through its own centre, and the centre to which the force is direct¬ 
ed, that force will always urge each hemisphere equally ; and therefore will 
not incline the globe any way as to its motion round its own axis. But 
let there be added any where between the pole and the equator a heap oi 
new matter like a mountain, and this, by its perpetual endeavour to recede 
from the centre of its motion, will disturb the motion of the globe, and 
cause its poles to wander about its superficies, describing circles about 
themselves and their opposite points. Neither can this enormous evagatior 

Sec. XI.] of natural philosophy. 2In 

of the poles be corrected, unless by placing that mountain ei i er in one ol 
the poles; in which case, by Cor. 21, the nodes of the equator will go for¬ 
wards ; or in the equatorial regions, in which case, by Cor. 20, the nodes 
will go backwards; or, lastly, by adding on the other side of the axis anew 
quantity of matter, by which the mountain may be balanced in its motion; 
and then the nodes will either go forwards or backwards, as the mountain 
and this newly added matter happen to be nearer to the pole or to the 


The same laws of attraction being supposed , I say, that the exterior body 
S does, by radii drawn to the point O, the common centre of gravity 
of the interior bodies P aiid T, describe round that centre areas more 
proportional to the times, and an orbit more approaching to the form 
of an ellipsis having its focus in that cen 'v. than, it can describe 
round the innermost and greatest body T by ra Hi drawn to that 

For the attractions of the body S towards T and 
P compose its absolute attraction, which is more 
directed towards O, the common centre of gravity s 
of the bodies T and P, than it is to the s. reatest 
body T ; and which is more in a reciprocal propor¬ 
tion to the square of the distance SO, than it is to the square of the distanci 
ST ; as will easily appear by a little consideration. 


The same laws of attraction supposed , I say, that the exterior body S 
will, by radii draion to O, the common centre of gravity of the interior 
bodies P and T, describe round that centre areas more propor¬ 
tional to the times, and an orbit more approaching to the form of an 
ellipsis having its focus in that centre, if the innermost and greatest 
body be agitated by these attractions as well as the rest, than it would 
do if that body were either at rest as not attracted, or were much more 
or much less attracted, or much more or much less agitated. 

This may be demonstrated after the same manner as Prop. LXVI, but 
by a more prolix reasoning, which I therefore pass over. It will be suf¬ 
ficient to consider it after this manner. From the demonstration of the 
last Proposition it is plain, that the centre, towards which the body S is 
urged by the two forces conjunctly, is very near to the common centre of 
gravity of those two other bodies. If this centre were to coincide with that 
common centre, and moreover the common centre of gravity of all the three 
bodies were at rest, the body S on one side, and the common centre of 
gravity of the other two bodies on the other side, would describe true ellip- 



[Hook 1 

ses about that quiescent common centre. This appears from Cor. 2, Pro]) 
LVIII, compared with what was demonstrated in Prop. LX1V, and LXV 
Now this accurate elliptical motion will be disturbed a little by the dis¬ 
tance of the centre of the two bodies from the centre towards which the 
third body S is attracted. Let there be added, moreover, a motion to the 
common centre of the three, and the perturbation will be increased yet 
more. Therefore the perturbation is least when the 
common centre of the three bodies is at rest; that 
is, when the innermost and greatest body T is at¬ 
tracted acccording to the same law as the rest are; 
and is always greatest when the common centre of 
the three, by the diminution of the motion of the body T, begins to be 
moved, and is more and more agitated. 

Cor. And hence if more lesser bodies revolve about the great one, it 
may easily be inferred that the orbits described will approach nearer to 
ellipses; and the descriptions of areas will be more nearly equable, if all 
the bodies mutually attract and agitate each other with accelerative forces 
that are as their absolute forces directly, and the squares of the distances 
inversely ; and if the focus of each orbit be placed in the common centre 
of gravity of all the interior bodies (that is, if the focus of the first and in¬ 
nermost orbit be placed in the centre of gravity of the greatest and inner¬ 
most body; the focus of the second orbit in the common centre of gravity 
of the two innermost bodies; the focus of the third orbit in the common 
centre of gravity of the three innermost; and so on), than if the innermost 
body were at rest, and was made the common focus of all the orbits. 


[n a system of several bodies A, B, C, D, fyc., if any one of those bodies, 
as A, attract all the rest , B, C, D, $*c.,with accelerative faxes that are 
reciprocally as the squares of the distances from the attracting- body ; 
amt another body, as B, attracts also the rest, A, C, D, &pc., with forces 
that are reciprocally as the squares of the distances from the attract¬ 
ing body ; the absolute forces of the attracting bodies A and B will 
be to each other as those very bodies A and B to 'which those forces 

For the accelerative attractions of all the bodies B, C, D, towards A, 
are by the supposition equal to each other at equal distances; and in like 
manner the accelerative attractions of all the bodies towards B are also 
equal to each other at equal distances. But the absolute attractive force 
of the body A is to the absolute attractive force of the body B as the ac¬ 
celerative attraction of all the bodies towards A to the accelerative attrac¬ 
tion of all the bodies towards B at equal distances; and so is also the ac¬ 
celerative attraction of the body B towards A to the accelerative attraction 


Sec. XI ] 

21 7 

of the body A towards B. But the accelerative attraction of the body B 
towards A is to the accelerative attraction of the body A towards B as the 
mass of the body A to the mass of the body B ; because the motive forces 
which (by the 2d, 7th, and Sth Definition) are as the accelerative forces 
and the bodies attracted conjunctly are here equal to one another by the 
third Law. Therefore the absolute attractive force of the body A is to the 
absolute attractive force of the body B a8 the mass of the body A to the 
mass of the body B. Q.E.D. 

Cor. 1. Therefore if each of the bodies of the system A, B, C, D, &c. 
does singly attract all the rest with accelerative forces that are reciprocally 
as the squares of the distances from the attracting body, the absolute forces 
of all those bodies will be to each other as the bodies themselves. 

Cor. 2. By a like reasoning, if each of the bodies of the system A, B, 
C, D, &c., do singly attract all the rest with accelerative forces, which are 
either reciprocally or directly in the ratio of any power whatever of the 
distances from the attracting body; or which are defined by the distances 
from each of the attracting bodies according to any common law ; it is plain 
that the absolute forces of those bodies are as the bodies themselves. 

Cor. 3. In a system of bodies whose forces decrease in the duplicate ra¬ 
tio of the distances, if the lesser revolve about one very great one in ellip¬ 
ses, having their common focus in the centre of that great body, and of a 
figure exceedingly accurate; and moreover by radii drawn to that great 
ody describe areas proportional to the times exactly ; the absolute forces 
>{ those bodies to each other will be either accurately or very nearly in the 
ratio of the bodies. And s > on the contrary. This appears from Cor. of 
Prop.XLVIIl,compared with the first Corollary of this Prop. 


These Propositions naturally lead us to the analogy there is between 
centripetal forces, and the central bodies to which those forces used to be 
directed; for it is reasonable to suppose that forces which are directed to 
bodies should depend upon the nature and quantity of those bodies, as we 
see they do in magnetical experiments. And when such cases occur, we 
are to compute the attractions of the bodies by assigning to each of their 
particles its proper force, and then collecting the sum of them all. I here 
u^e the word attraction in general for any endeavour, of what kind soever, 
made by bodies to approach to each other; whether that endeavour arise 
from the action of the bodies themselves, as tending mutually to or agita¬ 
ting each other by spirits emitted; or whether it arises from the action 
of the aether or of the air, or of any medium whatsoever* whether corporeal 
or incorporeal, any how impelling bodies placed therein towards each other. 
In the same general sense I use the word impulse, not defining in this trea¬ 
tise the species or physical qualities of forces, but investigating tbe quantities 



and mathematical proportions of them ; as I observed before in the Defi¬ 
nitions. In mathematics we are to investigate the quantities of forces 
with their proportions consequent upon any conditions supposed ; then, 
when we enter upon physics, we compare those proportions with the phe¬ 
nomena of Nature, that we may know what conditions of those forces an¬ 
swer to the several kinds of attractive bodies. And this preparation being 
made, we argue more safely concerning the physical species, causes, and 
proportions of the forces. Let us see, then, w r ith what forces sphaerical 
bodies consisting of particles endued with attractive powers in the manner 
above spoken of must act mutually upon one another : and what kind of 
motions will follow from thence. 


Of the attractive forces of sphcerical bodies. 


If to every point of a sphcerical surface there tend equal centripetal forces 
decreasing in the duplicate ratio of the distances from those points ; 
I say } that a corpuscle placed within that superficies will not be attract¬ 
ed by those forces any way. 

Let HIKL, be that sphmrical superficies, and P a 
corpuscle placed within. Through P let there be 
drawn to this superficies to two lines I1K, IL, inter¬ 
cepting very small arcs HI, KL ; and because (by 
Cor. 3, Lem. VII) the triangles HPI,LPK are alike, 
those arcs will be proportional to the distances HP 
LP; and any particles at HI and KL of the spheri¬ 
cal superficies, terminated by right lines passing through P, will be in the 
duplicate ratio of those distances. Therefore the forces of these particles 
exerted upon the body P are equal between themselves. For the forces arc 
as the particles directly, and the squares of the distances inversely. And 
these two ratios compose the ratio of equality. The attractions therefore, 
being made equally towards contrary parts, destroy each other. And by a 
like reasoning all the attractions through the whole sphmrical superficies 
are destroyed by contrary attractions. Therefore the body P will not be 
any way impelled by those attractions. Q.E.D. 


The same things supposed as above , I say, that a corpus!c placed with¬ 
out the sphcerical sitperfcies is attracted towards the centre of the 
sphere with a force reciprocally proportional to the square of its dis¬ 
tance from that centre. 

Let AHKB, ah kb, be two equal sphaerical superficies described about 



Sec. XII.] 

the centre S, s ; their diameters AB, ab ; and let P and p be two corpus¬ 
cles situate without the spheres in those diameters produced. Let there 

be drawn from the corpuscles the lines PHK, PIL, phk, pil, cutting off 
from the great circles AHB, ahb , the equal arcs HK, hk , IL ; il ; and to 
those lines let fall the perpendiculars SD, sd, SE, sp, 1R, ir ; of which let 
SD, sd, cut PL,joJ, in F and f. Let fall also to the diameters the perpen¬ 
diculars IQ, iq. Let now the angles DPE, dpe, vanish; and because DS 
and ds, ES and es are equal, the lines PE, PF, and pe, pf, and the lineolae 
DF, df may be taken for equal; because their last ratio, when the angles 
DPE, dpe vanish together, is the ratio of equality. These things then 
supposed, it will be, as PI to PF so is RI to DF, and as pf to pi so is df or 
DF to ri ; and, ex cequo, as PI X pf to PF X pi so is RI to ri, that is 
(by Cor. 3, Lem VII), so is the arc IH to the arc ih. Again, PI is to PS 
as IQ to SE, and ps to pi as se or SE to iq ; and, ex cequo, PI X ps to 
PS X pi as IQ. to iq. And compounding the ratios PI 2 X pf X ps is to 
pi 2 X PF X PS, as IH X IQ to ih X iq ; that is, as the circular super¬ 
ficies which is described by the arc IH, as the semi-circle AKB revolves 
about the diameter AB, is to the circular superficies described by the arc ih 
as the semi-circle akb revolves about the diameter ab. And the forces 
with which these superficies attract the corpuscles P and p in the direction 
of lines tending to those superficies are by the hypothesis as the superficies 
themselves directly, and the squares of the distances of the superficies from 
those corpuscles inversely; that is, as pf X ps to PF XPS. And these 
forces again are to the oblique parts of them which (by the resolution of 
forces as in Cor. 2, of the Laws) tend to the centres in the directions of the 
lines PS, Jos*, as PI to PQ, andy?i to pq ; that is (because of the like trian¬ 
gles PIQ and PSF, piq and psf), as PS to PF and ps to pf. Thence ex 
cequo, the attraction of the corpuscle P towards S is to the attraction of 

the corpuscle p towards 5 as ^ ^PS^ is to that is, 

as ps 2 to PS 2 . And, by a like reasoning, the forces with which the su¬ 
perficies described by the revolution of the arcs KL, kl attract those cor¬ 
puscles, will be asjt?s 2 to PS 2 . And in the same ratio will be the forces 
of all the circular superficies into which each of the sphaerical superficies 
may be divided by taking sd always equal to SD, and se equal to SE. And 
therefore, by composition, the forces of the entire sphaerical superficies ex¬ 
erted upon those corpuscles will be in the same ratio. Q.E.D 



[Book 1 


If to the several points of a sphere there tend equal centripetal forces de¬ 
creasing in a duplicate ratio of the distances from those points ; and 
there be given both the density of the sphere and the ratio of the di¬ 
ameter of the sphere to the distance of the corpuscle from its centre ; 
I say, that the force with which the corpuscle is attracted is propor¬ 
tional to the semi-diameter of the sphere. 

For conceive two corpuscles to be severally attracted by two spheres, one 
by one, the other by the other, and their distances from the centres of the 
spheres to be proportional to the diameters of the spheres respectively , and 
the spheres to be resolved into like particles, disposed in a like situation 
to the corpuscles. Then the attractions of one corpuscle towards the sev¬ 
eral particles of one sphere will be to the attractions of the other towards 
as many analogous particles of the other sphere in a ratio compounded of 
the ratio of the particles directly, and the duplicate ratio of the distances 
inversely. But the particles are a3 the spheres, that is, in a triplicate ra¬ 
tio of the diameters, and the distances are as the diameters; and the first 
ratio directly with the last ratio taken twice inversely, becomes the ratio 
of diameter to diameter. Q,.E.D. 

Cor. 1. Hence if corpuscles revolve in circles about spheres composed 
of matter equally attracting, and the distances from the centres of the 
spheres be proportional to their diameters, the periodic times will be equal. 

Cor. 2. And, vice versa , if the periodic times are equal, the distances 
will be proportional to the diameters. These two Corollaries appear from 
Cor. 3, Prop. IV. 

Cor. 3. If to the several points of an^ two solids whatever, of like fig¬ 
ure and equal density, there tend equal centripetal forces decreasing in a 
duplicate ratio of the distances from those points, the forces, with which 
corpuscles placed in a like situation to those two solids will be attracted 
by them, will be to each other as the diameters of the solids. 


If to the several points of a given sphere there tend equal centripetal forces 
decreasing in a duplicate ratio of the distances from the pomts ; 1 
say, that a corpuscle placed 'within the sphere is attracted by a force 
proportional to its distance from the centre. 

In the sphere ABCD, described about the centre S, 
let there be placed the corpuscle P; and about the 
same centre S, with the interval SP, conceive de- 
B scribed an interior sphere PEQ,F. It is plain (by 
Prop. LXX) that the concentric sphmrical superficies, 
of which the difference AEBF of the spheres is com¬ 
posed, have no effect at all upon the body P, their at- 


Sec. XII.] 


tractions being destroyed by contrary attractions. There remains, there¬ 
fore, only the attraction of the interior sphere PEQF. And (by Prop. 
LX XII) this is as the distance PS. Q.E.D. 


By the superficies of which I here imagine the solids composed, I do not 
mean superficies purely mathematical, but orbs so extremely thin, that 
their thickness is as nothing; that is, the evanescent orbs of which the sphere 
will at last consist, when the number of the orbs is increased, and their 
thickness diminished without end. In like manner, by the points of which 
lines, surfaces, and solids are said to be composed, are to be understood 
equal particles, whose magnitude is perfectly inconsiderable. 


The same things supposed , I say , that a corpuscle situate without the 
sphere is attracted with a force reciprocally proportional to the square 
of its distance from the centre . 

For suppose the sphere to be divided into innumerable concentric sphe¬ 
rical superficies, and the attractions of the corpuscle arising from the sev¬ 
eral superficies will be reciprocally proportional to the square of the dis¬ 
tance of the corpuscle from the centre of the sphere (by Prop. LXXI). 
And, by composition, the sum of those attractions, that is, the attraction 
of the corpuscle towards the entire sphere, will be in the same ratio. Q.E.D. 

Cor. 1. Hence the attractions of homogeneous spheres at equal distances 
from the centres will be as the spheres themselves. For (by Prop. LXXII) 
if the distances be proportional to the diameters of the spheres, the forces 
will be as the diameters. Let the greater distance be diminished in that 
ratio; and the distances now being equal, the attraction will be increased 
in the duplicate of that ratio; and therefore will be to the other attraction 
in the triplicate of that ratio ; that is, in the ratio of the spheres. 

Cor. 2. At any distances whatever the attractions are as the spheres 
applied to the squares of the distances. 

Cor. 3. If a corpuscle placed without an homogeneous sphere is attract¬ 
ed by a force reciprocally proportional to the square of its distance from 
the centre, and the sphere consists of attractive particles, the force of every 
particle will decrease in a duplicate ratio of the distance from each particle. 


If to the several points of a given sphere there tend equal centripetal forces 
decreasing in a duplicate ratio of the distances from the points ; Isay , 
that another similar sphere will be attracted by it with a force recip¬ 
rocally proportional to the square of the distance of the centres. 

For the attraction of every particle is reciprocally as the square of its 



|Book L 

distance from the centre of the attracting sphere (by Prop. LXXIV), and 
is therefore the same as if that whole attracting force issued from one sin¬ 
gle corpuscle placed in the centre of this sphere. But this attraction is as 
great as on the other hand the attraction of the same corpuscle would be, 
if that were itself attracted by the several particles of the attracted sphere 
with the same force with which they are attracted by it. But that attrac¬ 
tion of the corpuscle would be (by Prop. LXXIV) reciprocally propor¬ 
tional to the square of its distance from the centre of the sphere ; therefore 
the attraction of the sphere, equal thereto, is also in the same ratio. Q,.E. D. 

Cor. 1. The attractions of spheres towards other homogeneous spheres 
are as the attracting spheres applied to the squares of the distances of their 
centres from the centres of those which they attract. 

Cor. 2. The case is the same when the attracted sphere does also at¬ 
tract. For the several points of the one attract the several points of the 
other with the same force with which they themselves are attracted by the 
others again; and therefore since in all attractions (by Law III) the at¬ 
tracted and attracting point are both equally acted on, the force will be 
doubled by their mutual attractions, the proportions remaining. 

Cor. 3. Those several truths demonstrated above concerning the motion 
of bodies about the focus of the conic sections will take place when an 
attracting sphere is placed in the focus, and the bodies move without the 

Cor. 4. Those things which were demonstrated before of the motion of 
bodies about the centre of the conic sections take place when the motions 
are performed within the sphere. 


If spheres be however dissimilar (as to density of matter and attractive 
force) in the same ratio onward from the centre to the circumference ; 
but every where similar, at every given distance from the centre, on all 
sides round about; and the attractive force of every point decreases 
in the duplicate ratio of the distance of the body attracted ; Isay, 
that the whole force with which one of these spheres attracts the other 
will be reciprocally proportional to the square of the distance of the 
centres . 

Imagine several concentric similar 
spheres, AB, CD, EF, &c.. the inner¬ 
most of which added to the outermost 
may compose a matter more dense to¬ 
wards the centre, or subducted from 
them may leave the same more lax and 
rare. Then, by Prop. LXXV, these 
spheres will attract other similar con- 

Sec. XJL] 



sentric spheres GH, IK, LM, &c., each the other, with forces reciprocally 
proportional to the square of the distance SP. And, by composition or 
division, the sum of all those forces, or the excess of any of them above 
the others; that is, the entire force with which the whole sphere AB (com¬ 
posed of any concentric spheres or of their differences) will attract the 
whole sphere GH (composed of any concentric spheres or their differences) 
in the same ratio. Let the number of the concentric spheres be increased 
in infinitum, so that the density of the matter together with the attractive 
force may, in the progress from the circumference to the centre, increase or 
decrease according to any given law ; and by the addition of matter not at¬ 
tractive, let the deficient density be supplied, that so the spheres may acquire 
any form desired; and the force with which one of these attracts the other 
will be still, by the former reasoning, in the same ratio of the square of the 
distance inversely. QJE.l). 

Cor. 1. Hence if many spheres of this kind, similar in all respects, at¬ 
tract each other mutually, the accelerative attractions of each to each, at 
any equal distances of the centres, will be as the attracting spheres. 

Cor. 2. And at any unequal distances, as the attracting spheres applied 
to the squares of the distances between the centres. 

Cor. 3. The motive attractions, or the weights of the spheres towards 
one another, will be at equal distances of the centres as the attracting and 
attracted spheres conjunctly ; that is, as the products arising from multi¬ 
plying the spheres into each other. 

Cor. 4. And at unequal distances, as those products directly, and the 
squares of the d'- stances between the centres inversely. 

Cor. 5. These proportions take place also when the attraction arises 
from the attractive virtue of both spheres mutually exerted upon each 
other. For the attraction is only doubled by the conjunction of the forces, 
the proportions remaining as before. 

Cor. 6. If spheres of this kind revolve about others at rest, each about 
each ; and the distances between the centres of the quiescent and revolving 
bodies are proportional to the diameters of the quiescent bodies ; the peri¬ 
odic times will be equal. 

Cor. 7. And, again, if the periodic times are equal, the distances will 
be proportional to the diameters. 

Cor. 8. All those truths above demonstrated, relating to the motions 
of bodies about the foci of conic sections, will take place when an attract¬ 
ing sphere, of any form and condition like that above described, is placed 
in the focus. 

Cor. 9. And also when the revolving bodies are also attracting spheres 
of any condition like that above described. 



[Book I. 


Tf to the several points of spheres there tend centripetal forces propor¬ 
tional to the distances of the points from the attracted bodies ; I say, 
that the compounded force with which two spheres attract each other 
mutually is as the distance between the centres of the spheres. 

Case 1. Let AEBP be a sphere; S its 
centre. P a corpuscle attracted: PA SB 
the axis of the sphere passing through the 
centre of the corpuscle ; EF, ef two planes 
cutting the sphere, and perpendicular to 
the axis, and equi-distant, one on one side, 
the other on the other, from the centre of 
the sphere; G and g the intersections of 
the planes and the axis ; and H any point in the plane EF. The centri¬ 
petal force of the point PI upon the corpuscle P, exerted in the direction of 
the line PH, is as the distance PH; and (by Cor. 2, of the Laws) the same 
exerted in the direction of the line PG, or towards the. centre S, is as the 
length PG. Therefore the force of all the points in the plane EF (that is, 
of that whole plane) by which the corpuscle P is attracted towards the 
centre S is as the distance PG multiplied by the number of those points, 
that is, as the solid contained under that plane EF and the distance PG. 
And in like manner the force of the plane ef, by which the corpuscle P is 
attracted towards the centre S, is as that plane drawn into its distance P^, 
or as the equal plane EF drawn into that distance P^ ; and the sum of the 
forces of both planes as the plane EF drawn into the sum of the distances 
PG -f- Pg-, that is, as that plane drawn into twice the distance PS of the 
centre and the corpuscle ; that is, as twice the plane EF drawn into the dis¬ 
tance PS, or as the sum of the equal planes EF + ef drawn into the same 
distance. And, by a like reasoning, the forces of all the planes in the 
whole sphere, equi-distant on each side from the centre of the sphere, are 
as the sum of those planes drawn into the distance PS, that is, as the 
whole sphere and the distance PS conjunctly. Q.E.D. 

Case 2. Let now the corpuscle P attract the sphere AEBF. And, by 
the same reasoning, it will appear that the force with which the sphere is 
attracted is as the distance PS. Q,.E.D. 

Case 3. Imagine another sphere composed of innumerable corpuscles P: 
and because the force with which every corpuscle is attracted is as the dis¬ 
tance of the oorpuscle from the centre of the first sphere, and as the same 
sphere conjunctly, and is therefore the same as if it all proceeded from a 
single corpuscle situate in the centre of the sphere, the entire force with 
which all the corpuscles in the second sphere are attracted, that is, with 
which that whole sphere is attracted, will be the same as if that sphere 

Sec. X1I.J op natural philosophy. 225 

were attracted by a force issuing from, a single corpuscle in the centre of 
the first sphere; and is therefore proportional to the distance between the 
centres of the spheres. Q.E.D. 

Case 4. Let the spheres attract each other mutually, and the force will 
be doubled, but the proportion will remain. Q.E.D. 

Case 5. Let the corpuscle p be placed within 
the sphere AEBF; and because the force of the 
plane ef upon the corpuscle is as the solid contain¬ 
ed under that plane, and the distance^; and the B 
contrary force of the plane EF as the solid con¬ 
tained under that plane and the distance pG ; the 
force compounded of both will be as the difference 
of the solids, that is, as the sum of the equal planes drawn into half the 
difference of the distances ; that is, as that sum drawn into pS, the distance 
of the corpuscle from the centre of the sphere. And, by a like reasoning, 
the attraction of all the planes EF, ef throughout the whole sphere, that 
is, the attraction of the whole sphere, is conjunctly as the sum of all the 
planes, or as the whole sphere, and as jdS, the distance of the corpuscle from 
the centre of the sphere. Q.E.D. 

Case 6. And if there be composed a new sphere out of innumerable cor¬ 
puscles such as p, situate within the first sphere AEBF, it may be proved, 
as before, that the attraction, whether single of one sphere towards the 
other, or mutual of both towards each other, will be as the distance p S of 
the centres. Q E.D. 


If spheres in the progress from the centre to the circumference be howcier 
dissimilar and unequable, but similar on every side round about at all 
given distances from the centre ; and the attractive force of every 
point be as the distance of the attracted body ; I say, that the entire 
force with 'which two spheres of this kind attract each other mutually 
is proportional to the distance betioeen the centres of the spheres. 

This is demonstrated from the foregoing Proposition, in the same man¬ 
ner as Proposition LXXVI was demonstrated from Proposition LXXV. 

Cor. Those things that were above demonstrated in Prop. X and LXIV, 
of the motion of bodies round the centres of conic sections, take place when 
all the attractions are made by the force of sphaerical bodies of the condi¬ 
tion above described, and the attracted bodies are spheres of the same kind. 


I have now explained the two principal cases of attractions; to wit, 
when the centripetal forces decrease in a duplicate ratio of the distances! 
'.r increase in a simple ratio of the distances, causing the bodies in botli 




[Book I 

cases to revolve in conic sections, and composing sphaerical bodies whose 
centripetal forces observe the same law of increase or decrease in the recess 
from the centre as the forces of the particles themselves do ; which is very 
remarkable. It would be tedious to run over the other cases, whose con¬ 
clusions are less elegant and important, so particularly as I have dohe 
these. I choose rather to comprehend and determine them all by one gen¬ 
eral method as follows. 


ff about the centre S there be described any circle as AEB, and about the 
centre P there be also described two circles EP, ef, cutting the first in 
E and e, and the line PS in P and f; and there be let fall to PS the 
perpendiculars ED, ed; I say, that if the distance of the arcs EF, ef 
be supposed to be infinitely diminished, the last ratio of the evanscent 
line Dd to the evanescent line Pf is the same as that of the line PE to 
the line PS. 

For if the line Pe cut the arc EF in q ; and the right line Ee, which 

coincides with the evanescent arc Ee, be produced, and meet the right line 
PS in T ; and there be let fall from S to PE the perpendicular SG ; then, 
because of the like triangles DTE, dTe, DES, it will be as D d to Ee so 
DT to TE, or DE to ES ; and because the triangles, Yeq, ESG (by Lem. 
VIII, and Cor. 3, Lem. VII) are similar, it will be as Ee to eq or F/ so ES 
to SG ; and, ex aequo. , as T)d to Yf so DE to SG ; that is (because of the 
similar triangles PDE, PGS), so is PE to PS. Q.E.D. 


Suppose a superficies as EFfe to have its breadth infinitely diminished , 
and to be just vanishing ; and that the same superficies by its revolu¬ 
tion round the axis PS describes a sphcerical concavo-convex solid, to 
the severed equal particles of which there tend equal centripetal forces ; 
I say, that the force with which that solid attracts a corpuscle situate 
in P is in a ratio compounded of the ratio of the solid DE 2 X Ff and 
the ratio of the force with which the given particle in the place Ff 
would, attract the same corpuscle . 

For if we consider, first, the force of the ^phmrical superficies FE which 



Sec. XII.] 

is generated by the revolution of the arc PE, 
and is cut any where, as in r, by the lineJe, 
the annular part of the super 'icies generated 
by the revolution of the arc rE will be as the 
lineola D d, the radius of the sphere PE re- •> 
maining the same; as Archimedes has de¬ 
monstrated in his Book of the Sphere and 
Cylinder. And the force of this super¬ 
ficies exerted in the direction of the lines PE 
or Pr situate all round in the conical superficies, will be as this annular 
superficies itself; that is as the lineola D d, or, which is the same, as the 
rectangle under the given radius PE of the sphere and the lineola Do? ; but 
that force, exerted in the direction of the line PS tending to the centre S, 
will be less in the ratio PD to PE, and therefore will be as PD X Do?. 
Suppose now the line DP to be divided into innumerable little equal par¬ 
ticles, each of which call D d. and then the superficies PE will be divided 
into so many equal annuli, whose forces will be as the sum of all the rec¬ 
tangles PD X D d, that is, as 1 PF 2 —^PD 2 , and therefore as DE 3 . 
Let now the superficies FE be drawn into the altitude Ff; and the force 
of the solid EF/e exerted upon the corpuscle P will be as DE 2 X Ff; 
that is, if the force be given which any given particle as Ff exerts upon 
the corpuscle P at the distance PF. But if that force be not given, the 
force of the solid EF fe will be as the solid DE 2 X F/ and that force not 
given, conjunctly. Q.E.D. 


If to the several equal parts of a sphere ABE described about the centre 
S there tend equal centripetal forces ; and from the several points D 
in the axis of the sphere AB in. which a corpuscle , as P, is placed , 
there be erected the perpendiculars DE meeting the sphere in E, and 
if in those perpendiculars the lengths DN be taken as the quantity 
DE 2 X PS 

-pg-, and as tlu>force which a particle of the sphere situate in. 

the axis exerts at the distance PE upon the corpuscle P conjunctly ; 1 
say , that the whole force with which the corpuscle P is attracted to¬ 
wards the sphere is as the area ANB, comprehended under the axis of 
the sphere AB, and the curve line ANB, the locus of the point N. 

For supposing the construction in the last Lemma and Theorem to 
stand, conceive the axis of the sphere AB to be divided into innumerable 
equal particles Do?, and the whole sphere to be divided into so many sphe¬ 
rical concavo-convex laminae EF fe; and erect the perpendicular dn. By 
the last Theorem, the force with which the laminae FtFfe attracts the cor¬ 
puscle P is as DE 2 X Ff and the force of one particle exerted at the 



[Book I. 


distance PE or PF, conjunctly. 

But (by the last Lemma) D d is to 

Fy* as PE to PS, and therefore Fy 

PS X Do? , _ 
is equal to —^—; and DE 2 X 



F/ is equal to D d X 

DE 2 X PS 

and therefore the force of the la- 
DE 2 X PS 

mina EFyb is as Do? X 


and the force of a particle exerted at the distance PF conjunctly ; that is, 
by the supposition, as DN X Do?, or as the evanescent area DNwtf. 
Therefore the forces of all thelaminm exerted upon the corpuscle P are as 
all the areas DN//c?, that is, the whole force of the sphere will be as the 
whole area ANB. Q.E.D. 

Cor. 1. Hence if the centripetal force tending to the several particles 

DE 2 X PS 

remain always the same at all distances, and DN be made as--; 


the whole force with which the corpuscle is attracted by the sphere is. as 
the area ANB. 

Cor. 2. If the centripetal force of the particles be reciprocally as the 

DE 2 X PS 

distance of the corpuscle attracted by it, and DN be made as--, 

the force with which the corpuscle P is attracted by the whole sphere will 
be as the area ANB. 

Cor. 3. Jf the centripetal force of the particles be reciprocally as the 
cube of the distance of the corpuscle attracted by it, and DN be made as 
DE 2 X PS 

—PEP- ; ^ orce the corpuscle is attracted by the whole 

sphere will be as the area ANB. 

Cor. 4. And universally if the centripetal force tending to the several 
particles of the sphere be supposed to be reciprocally as the quantity V; 
DE 2 X PS 

and D5? be made as -; the force with which a corpuscle is at* 


tracted by the whole sphere will be as the area ANB. 


The things remaining as above i it is required lo measure the area 

From the point P let there be drawn the right line PH touching the 
sphere in H; and to the axis PAB, letting fall the perpendicular HI, 
bisect PI in L; and (by Prop. XII, Book II, Elem.) PE 2 is equal t<r 

Sec. XII.] 



LD 2 — ALB. For LS 2 — 


-=-=--; where it instead oi V we write 


PS 2 + SE 3 + 2PSD. But because ^ 

the triangles SPH, SHI are alike, 

SE 2 or SH 2 is equal to the rectan- \ \ 

gle PSI, Therefore PE 2 is equal ^/ \ \ 

to the rectangle contained under PS _1_X_ 

and PS + SI + 2SD ; that is, under L A k 1 

PS and 2LS + 2SD ; that is, under V & J 

PS and 2LD. Moreover DE 2 is S' 

equal to SE 2 — SD 2 , or SE 2 — ^ 

LS 2 +2SLD— LD 2 , that is, 2SLD — LD 2 — ALB. For LS 2 — 
SE 2 or LS 3 —SA a (by Prop. YI, Book II, Elem.) is equal to the rectan¬ 
gle ALB. Therefore if instead of EE 2 we write2SLD — LD 2 — ALB, 
DE 2 X PS 

the quantity —p^-—;—, which (by Cor. 4 of the foregoing Prop.) is as 

the length of the ordinate DN, will now resolve itself into three parts 

2SLD x PS LD 2 X PS ALB xPS , . r . x , 

— 77 ft— 77 —-ftft -i?- 7777 xT~ \ where it instead oi V we write 


the inverse ratio of the centripetal force, and instead of PE the mean pro¬ 
portional between PS and 2LD, those three parts will become ordinates to 
so many curve lines, whose areas are discovered by the common methods. 

Example 1. If the centripetal force tending to the several particles of 
the sphere be reciprocally as the distance; instead of Y write PE the dis 
tance, then 2PS X LD for PE 2 ; and DN will become as SL — ( \ LD — 

~|y Suppose DN equal to its double 2SL — LD ——j-g; and 2SL 

the given part of the ordinate drawn into the length AB will describe the 
rectangular area 2SL X AB; and the indefinite part LD, drawn perpen¬ 
dicularly into the same length with a continued motion, in such sort as in 
its motion one way or another it may either by increasing or decreasing re- 

LB 2 — LA 2 

main always equal to the length LD, will describe the area-^-, 

that is, the area SL X AB; which taken from the former area 2SL X 


AB, leaves the area SL X AE. But the third part drawn after the 

same manner with a continued motion perpendicularly into the same length, 

will describe the area of an hyperbola, which subducted ^ ^ 

from the area SL X AB will leave ANB the area sought. yN 

Whence arises this construction of the Problem. At 

the points, L, A, B, erect the perpendiculars L /, A a, B b\ 

making A a equal to LB, and B6 equal to LA. Making 

Li/ and LB asymptotes, describe through the points a, b , jJ—^-^ 


[Book 1 

the hyperbolic crrve ab. And the chord ba being drawn, will inclose the 
area aba equal to the area sought ANB. 

Example 2. If the centripetal force tending to the several particles of 
the sphere be reciprocally as the cube of the distance, or (which is the same 

PE 3 

thing) as that cube applied to any given plane; write ^gg for Y, and 

SL X AS ^ AS ^ 

2PS X LD for PE 2 ; and DN will become as pg x pjj - £pg- 

SxLB* * S (k ecause PS? AS, SI are continually proportional), as 
— jSI — ^ we draw’ then these three parts into th 

length AB, the first j-jj will generate the area of an hyperbola; the sec* 

_ , . , ALB X SI , ALB X SL 

ond iSI the area JAB X SI; the third — the area-- 

; that is, |AB X SI. From the first subduct the sum of the 


second and third, and there will remain ANB, the area sought. Whence 
arises this construction of the problem. At the points L, A, S, B, erect 
l a the perpendiculars 12 A a Ss, B6, of which suppose Ss 

l equal to SI; and through the point s, to the asymptotes 

\ % LZ, LB, describe the hyperbola asb meeting the 

\ s perpendiculars A a, B b, in a and b ; and the rectangle 

-? 2ASI, subducted from the hyberbolic area A asbB, will 

l. a~~i'— s- b leave ANB the area sought. 

Example 3. If the centripetal force tending to the several particles of 
the spheres decrease in a quadruplicate ratio of the distance from the par- 

pp 4 _ 

tides; writer—— for V, then %/ 2PS + LD for PE, andDN will become 
’ 2AS 3 ’ 

SI 2 X SL 1 SI 2 w 1 SI 2 X ALB v _ 1_ 

118 V2SI X v/LD 3 2^281 X v/LD 2v2SI ^LD 5 ‘ 
These three parts drawn into the length A B, produce so many areas, viz. 

2SI 2 XSL . t — I “ 1~ 

V2SI mt ° v'LA v/ LB 5 

SI 2 . -v-7- , 




7~LB 5 

jB — v/ 

LA; and 


0 v/LA 3 

v/LB 3 ' 

V2SI v v 7 

bSI 2 X ALB . j 1 1 ~~ 

3v/2SI ln ° y/LA 3 v/LB 3 ’ 
And these after due reduction come 

forth L , SO, and SI» + 



Sec. XII.] 

2SI 3 . 4SI 3 

-gj-j. And these by subducting the last from the first, become -^q. 

Therefore the entire force with ,?hieh the corpuscle P is attracted towards 

Si 3 

the centre of the sphere is as-py, that is, reciprocally as PS 3 X PJ 

By the same method one may determine the attraction of a corpuscle 
situate within the sphere, but more expeditiously by the following Theorem. 


In a sphere described about the centre S with the interval SA, if there be 
taken SI, SA, SP continually proportional; I say, that the attraction 
of a corpuscle within the sphere in any place I is to its attraction without 
the sphere in the place P in a ratio compounded of the subduplicate 
ratio of IS, PS, the distances from the centre , and the subduplicate 
ratio of the centripetal forces tending to the centre in those places P 
and I. 

As if the centripetal forces of the 
particles of the sphere be reciprocally 
as the distances of the corpuscle at¬ 
tracted by them ; the force with which 
the corpuscle situate in I is attracted 
by the entire sphere will be to the 
force with which it is attracted in P 
in a ratio compounded of the subdu¬ 
plicate ratio of the distance SI to the distance SP, and the subduplicate 
ratio of the centripetal force in the place I arising from any particle in the 
centre to the centripetal force in the place P arising from the same particle in 
the centre; that is, in the subduplicate ratio of the distances SI, SP to each 
other reciprocally. These two subduplicate ratios compose the ratio of 
equality, and therefore the attractions in I and P produced by the whole 
sphere are equal. By the like calculation, if the forces'of the particles of 
the sphere are reciprocally in a duplicate ratio of the distances, it will be 
found that the attraction in I is to the attraction in P as the distance SP 
to the semi-diameter SA of the sphere. If those forces are reciprocally in 
a triplicate ratio of the distances, the attractions in I and P will be to each 
other as SP 2 to SA 2 ; if in a quadruplicate ratio, as SP 3 to SA 3 . There¬ 
fore since the attraction in P was found in this last case to be reciprocally 
as PS 3 X PI, the attraction in I will be reciprocally as SA 3 X PI, that is, 
because SA 3 is given reciprocally as PI. And the progression is the same 
in infinitum. The demonstration of this Theorem is as follows: 

The things remaining as above constructed, and a corpuscle being in anj 



[Book I. 

DE 2 X PS 

place P. the ordinate DN was found to be as —prFr:— yf~. Therefore if 

r ' rE X V 

IE be drawn, that ordinate for any other place of the corpuscle, as I, will 

x DE 2 X IS 1 . 

become (mutatis mutandis) as y—. Suppose the centnpetaMbrces 

flowing from any point of the sphere, as E, to be to each other at the dis¬ 
tances IE and PE as PE" to IE n (where the number u denotes the index 

DE 2 X PS 

of the powers of PE and IE), and those ordinates will become as 
EE 2 X IS 

and —--whose ratio to each other is as PS X IE X IE" to IS X 

IE X IE n 

PE X PE". Because SI, SE, SP are in continued proportion, the tri¬ 
angles SPE, SEI are alike; and thence IE is to PE as IS to SE or SA. 
Fbr the ratio of IE to PE write the ratio of IS to SA; and the ratio of 
the ordinates becomes that of PS X IE n to SA X PE". But the ratio of 
PS to SA is subduplicate of that of the distances PS, SI; and the ratio of 
IE" to PE" (because IE is to PE as IS to SA) is subduplicate of that of 
the forces at the distances PS, IS. Therefore the ordinates, and conse¬ 
quently the areas which the ordinates describe, and the attractions propor¬ 
tional to them, are in a ratio compounded of those subduplicate ratios. 


To find the force with which a corpuscle placed in the centre of a sphere 
is attracted towards any segment of that sphere whatsoever. 

ri^ Let P be a body in the centre of that sphere and 

RBSD a segment thereof contained under the plane 
RDS, and thesphmrical superficies RBS. Let DB be cut 
in F by a sphaerical superficies EFG described from the 
centre P, and let the segment be divided into the parts 
BREFGS, FEDG. Let us suppose that segment to 
be not a purely mathematical but a physical superficies, 
having some, but a perfectly inconsiderable thickness. 
1 Let that thickness be called O, and (by what Archi - 
medes has demonstrated) that superficies will be as 
PF X T)F X O. Let us suppose besides the attrac¬ 
tive forces of the particles of the sphere to be reciprocally as that power of 
she distances, of which n is index; and the force with which the superficies 

DE 2 X O 

EFG attracts the body P will be (by Prop. LXXIX) as ——, that 

2DF X O DF 2 X O 

is, as t 


PF n 


Let the perpendicular FN drawn into 

Sec. XJ11.J of natural philosophy. 233 

O be proportional to this quantity ; and the curvilinear area BDI, which 
the ordinate FN, drawn through the length DB with a continued motion 
will describe, will be as the whole force with which the whole segment 
RBSD attracts the body P. Q.E.I. 


To find the force with which a corpuscle, placed without the centre of a 
sphere in the axis of any segment , is attracted by that segment. 

Let the body P placed in the axis ADB of 
the segment EBK be attracted by that seg¬ 
ment. About the centre P, witli the interval 
PE, let the sphserical superficies EFK be de¬ 
scribed; and let it divide the segment into 
two parts EBKFE and EFKDE. Find the 
force of the first of those parts by Prop. 

LXXXI, and the force of the latter part by 
Prop. LXXXIII, and the sum of the forces will be the force of the whole 
segment EBKDE. Q.E.I. 



The attractions of sphaerical bodies being now explained, it comes next 
in order to treat of the laws of attraction in other bodies consisting in like 
manner of attractive particles; but to treat of them particularly is not neces¬ 
sary to my design. It will be sufficient to subjoin some general proposi¬ 
tions relating to the forces of such bodies, and the motions thence arising, 
because the knowledge of these will be of some little use in philosophical 


Of the attractive forces of bodies which are not of a sphcerical figure, 


If a body be attracted by another , and its attraction be vastly stronger 
when it is contiguous to the attracting body than when they are sepa¬ 
rated from one another by a very small interval; the forces of the 
particles of the attract ing body decrease , in the recess cf the body at¬ 
tracted , in more than a duplicate ratio of the distance of the particles. 
For if the forces decrease in a duplicate ratio of the distances from the 
particles, the attraction towards a sphaerical body being (by Prop. LXXIV) 
reciprocally as the square of the distance of the attracted body from the 
sentre of the sphere, will not be sensibly increased by the contact, and it 



[Book 1 

will be still less increased by it, if the attraction, in the recess c*f the body 
attracted, decreases in a still less proportion. The proposition, therefore, 
is evident concerning attractive spheres. And the case is the same of con¬ 
cave sphmrical orbs attracting external bodies. And much more does it 
appear in orbs that attract bodies placed within them, because there the 
attractions diffused through the cavities of those, orbs are (by Prop. LXX) 
destroyed by contrary attractions, and therefore have no effect even in the 
place of contact. Now if from these spheres and sphaerical orbs we take 
away any parts remote from the place of contact, and add new parts any 
where at pleasure, we may change the figures of the attractive bodies at 
pleasure; but the parts added or taken away, being remote from the place 
of contact, will cause no remarkable excess of the attraction arising from 
the contact of the two bodies. r J herefore the proposition holds good in 
bodies of all figures. Q.E.D. 


If the forces of the particles of which cm attractive body is composed de¬ 
crease^ in the recess of the attractive body, in a triplicate or more than 
a triplicate ratio of the distance from the particles, the attraction will 
be vastly stronger in the point of contact than when the attracting and 
attracted bodies are separated from each other, though by never so 
small an interval. 

For that the attraction is infinitely increased when the attracted corpus¬ 
cle comes to touch an attracting sphere of this kind, appears, by the solu¬ 
tion of Problem XLI, exhibited in fte second and third Examples. The 
same will also appear (by comparing those Examples and Theorem XLI 
together) of attractions of bodies made towards concavo-convex orbs, whether 
the attracted bodies be placed without the orbs, or in the cavities within 
them. And by aiding to or taking from those spheres and orbs any at¬ 
tractive matter any where without the place of contact, so that the attrac¬ 
tive bodies may receive any assigned figure, the Proposition will hold good 
of all bodies universally. Q.E.D. 


If two bodies similar to each other, and consisting of matter equally at - 
tractive i attract separately two corpuscles proportioned to those bodies , 
and in a like situation to them, the accelerative attractions of the cor¬ 
puscles toivards the entire bodies will be as the accelerative attractions 
of the corpuscles towards particles of the bodies proportional to the 
wholes, and alike situated in them. 

For if the bodies are divided into particles proportional to the wholes, 
and alike situated in them, it will be, as the attraction towards any parti¬ 
cle of one of the bodies to the attraction towards the correspondent particle 

Sec. A III.] 



in the other body, so are the attractions towards the several particles of the 
first body, to the attractions towards the several correspondent particles of 
the other body j and, by composition, so is the attraction towards the first 
whole body to the attraction towards the second whole body. Q,.E.D. 

Cor. 1 . Therefore if, as the distances of the corpuscles attracted increase, 
the attractive forces of the particles decrease in the ratio of any power 
of the distances, the accelerative attractions towards the whole bodies will 
be as the bodies directly, and those powers of the distances inversely. As 
if the forces of the particles decrease in a duplicate ratio of the distances 
from the corpuscles attracted, and the bodies are as A 3 and B 3 , and there¬ 
fore both the cubic sides of the bodies, and the distance of the attracted 
corpuscles from the bodies, are as A and B ; the accelerative attractions 

A 3 B 3 

towards the bodies will be as — and . that is, as A and B the cubic 

A 2 B 2 

sides of those bodies. If the forces of the particles decrease in a triplicate 
ratio of the distances from the attracted corpuscles, the accelerative attrac- 

A 3 B 3 

tions towards the whole bodies will be as — and g~, that is, equal. If the 

forces decrease in a quadruplicate ratio, the attractions towards the bodies 

A 3 B 3 

will be as — and —, that is, reciprocally as the cubic sides A and B. 
And so in other cases. 

Cor. 2. Hence, on the other hand, from the forces with which like bodies 
attract corpuscles similarly situated, may be collected the ratio of the de¬ 
crease of the attractive forces of the particles as the attracted corpuscle 
recedes from them; if so be that decrease is directly or inversely in any 
ratio of the distances. 


If the attractive forces of the equal particles of any body be as the dis¬ 
tance of the places from the particles, the force of the whole body will 
tend to its centre of gravity ; and will be the same with the force of 
a globe, consisting of similar and equal matter , and having its centre 
■in the centre of gravity. 

Let the particles A, B, of the body RSTV at¬ 
tract any corpuscle Z with forces which, suppos¬ 
ing the particles to be equal between themselves, 
are as the distances AZ, BZ; but, if they are 
supposed unequal, are as those particles and 
their distances AZ, BZ, conjunctly, or (if I may 
so speak) as those particles drawn into their dis- 


tancos AZ, BZ respectively. And let those forces be expressed by the 


contents u.ider A X AZ, and B X BZ. Join AB, and let it be cut in G, 
so that AG may be to BG as the particle B to the particle A ; and G 
will be the common centre of gravity of the particles A and B. The force 
A X AZ will (by Cor. 2, of the Laws) be resolved into the forces A X GZ 
and A X AG; and the force B X BZ into the forces B X GZ and B X 
BG. Now the forces A X AG and B X BG, because A is proportional to 
B, and BG to AG, are equal, and therefore having contrary directions de¬ 
stroy one another. There remain then the forces A X GZ and B X GZ. 

These tend from Z towards the centre G, and compose the force A + B 
X GZ; that is, the same force as if the attractive particles A and B were 
placed in their common centre of gravity G, composing there a little globe. 

By the same reasoning, if there be added a third particle G, and the 
force of it be compounded with the force A + B X GZ tending to the cen¬ 
tre G, the force thence arising will tend to the common centre of gravity 
of that globe in G and of the particle C ; that is, to the common centre oi 
gravity of the three particles A, B, C ; and will be the same as if that 
globe and the particle C were placed in that common centre composing a 
greater globe there; and so we may go on in infinitum. Therefore 
the whole force of all the particles of any body whatever RSTV is the 
same as if that body, without removing its centre of gravity, were to put 
on the form of a globe. Q.E.D. 

Cor. Hence the motion of the attracted body Z will be the same as if 
the attracting body RSTV were sphaerical; and therefore if that attract¬ 
ing body be either at rest, or proceed uniformly in a right line, the body 
attracted will move in an ellipsis having its centre in the centre of gravity 
of the attracting body. 


If there be several bodies consisting of equal particles whose Jorces are 
as the distances of the places from each, the force compounded of all 
the forces by which any corpuscle is attracted will tend to the common 
centre of gravity of the attracting bodies ; and will be the same as if 
those attracting bodies, preserving their common centre of gravity, 
should unite there, and be formed into a globe. 

This is demonstrated after the same manner as the foregoing Proposi¬ 

Cor. Therefore the motion of the attracted body will be the same as if 
the attracting bodies, preserving their common centre of gravity, should 
unite there, and be formed into a globe. And, therefore, if the common 
centre of gravity of the attracting bodies be either at rest, or proceed uni¬ 
formly in a* right line, the attracted body will move in an ellipsis having 
its centre in the common centre of gravity of the attracting bodies. 

Sec. Xill.j 





If to the several points of any circle there tend equal centripeta forces , 
increasing or decreasing in any ratio of the distances ; it is required 
to find the force icith which a corpuscle is attracted, that is, situate 
any where in a right line which stands at right angles to the plane 
of the circle at its centre. 

Suppose a circle to be described about the cen¬ 
tre A with any interval AD in a plahe to which 
the right line AP is perpendicular ; and let it be 
required to find the force with which a corpuscle 
P is attracted towards the same. From any point 
E of the circle, to the attracted corpuscle P, let 
there be drawn the right line PE. In the right 
line PA take PF equal to PE, and make a per¬ 
pendicular FK, erected at F, to be as the force 
with which the point E attracts the corpuscle P. 

And let the curve line IKL be the locus of the point K. Let that cm re 
meet the plane of the circle in L. In PA. take PH equal to PD, and er'/ct 
the perpendicular HI meeting that curve in I; and the attraction of the 
corpuscle P towards the circle will be as the area AHIL drawn into the 
altitude AP. Q,.E.I. 

For let there be taken in AE a very small line Ee. Join Pe, and in PE, 
PA take PC, Pf equal to Pe. And because the force, with which any 
point E of the annulus described about the centre A with the interval Afi 
in the aforesaid plane attracts to itself the body P, is supposed to be as 
FK; and, therefore, the force with which that point attracts the body P 

towards A is as --; and the force with which the whole annulus 


attracts tne body P towards A is as the annulus and 



ly; and that annulus also is as the rectangle under the radius A E and the 
breadth Ee, and this rectangle (because PE and AE, Ee and CE are pro¬ 
portional) is equal to the rectangle PE X CE or PE X F f; the force 
with which that annulus attracts the body P towards A will be as PE X 

F/* and--conjunctly; that is, as the content under ¥f X FK X 


AP, or as the area FK kf drawn into AP. And therefore the sum of the 
forces with which all the annuli, in the circle described about the centre A 
with the interval AD, attract the body P towards A, is as the whole area 
AIHKL drawn into AP. Q..E.D. 

Cor. 1. Hence if the forces of the points decrease in the duplicate ratio 



[Book 1. 

of the distances, that is, if FK be as jjpj, and therefore the area AHIKL 
as p-r — p ; the attraction of the corpuscle P towards the circle will 

, - PA AH 

be as 1 — p|j; that is, as pg 

Cor. 2. And universally if the forces of the points at the distances D bt 
reciprocally as any power D n of the distances; that is, if FK be as 

and therefore the area AHIKL as =r-r- 7 — 

PA n — 1 

of the corpuscle P towards the circle will be as 


PH n — 15 

PA' 1 — 

the attraction 

PH"— r 

Cor. 3. And if the diameter of the circle be increased in infinitum , and 
the number n be greater than unity ; the attraction of the corpuscle P to¬ 
wards the whole infinite plane will be reciprocally as PA r ‘ — 2 , because the 

other term 


PH n 



To find the attraction of a corpuscle situate in the axis of a round solid , 
to whose several points there tend equal centripetal forces decreasing 
in any ratio of the dista?ices whatsoever. 

Let the corpuscle P, situate in the axis AB 
of the solid DECG, be attracted towards that 
solid. Let the solid be cut by any circle as 
RFS, perpendicular to the axis j and in its 
semi-diameter FS, in any plane PALKB pass¬ 
ing through the axis, let there be taken (by 
Prop. XC) the length FK proportional to the 
force with which the corpuscle P is attracted 
towards that circle. Let the locus of the point 
K be the curve line LKI, meeting the planes of the outermost circles AL 
and BI in L and I; and the attraction of the corpuscle P towards the 
solid will be as the area LABI. Q.E.I. 

Cor. 1. Hence if the solid be a cylinder described by the parallelogram 
A DEB revolved about the axis AB, and the centripetal forces tending to 
the several points be reciprocally as the squares of the distances from the 
points; the attraction of the corpuscle P towards this cylinder will be as 
AB — PE + PD. For the ordinate FK (by Cor. 1, Prop. XC) will be 

as 1 — —— The part 1 of this quantity, drawn into the length AB, de- 

Sec. X III-] 



3cribes the area 1 X AB ; 

pg-, drawn into the length 

and the other part 
PB describes the 


area 1 into 
shewn from 

PE — AD (as may be 
the quadrature of the 



LKI); and, in like 



drawn into the length PA describes 

L into PD — AD, 

same part 
the area 
and drawn into AB, the 




difference of PB and PA, describes 1 into PE —PD, the difference of the 
areas. From the first content 1 X AB take away the last content 1 into 
PE — PD, and there will remain the area LABI equal to 1 into 
AB — PE 4* PD. Therefore the force, being proportional to this area, 
is as AB — PE + PD. 

Cor. 2. Hence also is known the force 
by which a spheroid AGBC attracts any 
body P situate externally in its axis AB. f 
Let NKRM be a conic section whose or- fl 
dinate HR perpendicular to PE may be 
always equal to the length of the line PD 
continually drawn to the point D in 
which that ordinate cuts the spheroid. 

From the vertices A, B, of the spheriod, 
let there be erected to its axis AB the perpendiculars AK, BM, respectively 
equal to AP, BP, and therefore meeting the conic sectio'n in K and M; and 
join KM cutting off from it the segment KMRK. Let S be the centre of the 
spheroid, and SC its greatest semi-diameter ; and the force with which the 
spheroid attracts the body P will be to the force with which a sphere describ- 

, . ATJ „ wl , , ASXCS--PSXKMRK 

ed with the diameter AB attracts the same body as 
AS 3 

is to 


PS 2 + CS 2 —AS 2 
And by a calculation founded on the same principles may be 

found the forces of the segments of the spheroid. 

Cor. 3. If the corpuscle be placed within the spheroid and in its axis, 
the attraction will be as its distance from the centre. This may be easily 
collected from the following reasoning, whether 
the particle be in the axis or in any other given 
diameter. Let AGOF be an attracting sphe¬ 
roid, S its centre, and P the body attracted. 

Through the body P let there be drawn the ! i 
semi-diameter SPA, and two right lines DE, ^ 

FG meeting the spheroid in 1) and E, F and 
G ; and let, PCM, HLN be the superficies of 

240 the mathematical principle* £Book 1. 

two interior spheroids similar and concentrical to the exterior, the first of 
which passes through the body P. and cuts the right lines DE, FG in B 
and C ; and the latter cuts the same right lines in H and I, K and L. 
1 iet the spheroids have all one common axis, and the parts of the right 
lines intercepted on both sides DP and BE, FP and CG, DH and IE, FK 
and LG, will be mutually equal; because the right lines DE, PB, and HI, 
are bisected in the same point, as are also the right lines FG, PC, and KL. 
Conceive now DPF, EPG to represent opposite cones described with the 
infinitely small vertical angles DPF, EPG, and the lines DH, El to be 
infinitely small also. Then the particles of the cones DHKF, GLIE, cut 
off by the spheroidical superficies, by reason of the equality of the lines DH 
and El, will be to one another as the squares of the distances from the body 
P, and will therefore attract that corpuscle equally. And by a like rea¬ 
soning if the spaces DPF, EGCB be divided into particles by the superfi¬ 
cies of innumerable similar spheroids concentric to the former and having 
one common axis, all these particles will equally attract on both sides the 
body P towards contrary parts. Therefore the forces of the cone DPF, 
and of the conic segment EGCB, are equal, and by their contrariety de¬ 
stroy each other. And the case is the same of the forces of all the matter 
that lies without the interior spheroid PCBM. Therefore the body P is 
attracted by the interior spheroid PCBM alone, and therefore (by Cor. 3, 
Prop. 1 .XXII) its attraction is to the force with which the body A is at¬ 
tracted by the whole spheroid AGOD as the distance PS to the distance 
AS. Q.E.D. 


An attracting body being given , it is required to find the ratio of the de¬ 
crease of the centripetal forces tending to its several points. 

The body given must be formed into a sphere, a cylinder, or some regu¬ 
lar figure, whose law of attraction answering to any ratio of decrease may 
be found by Prop. LXXX, LXXXI, and XCI. Then, by experiments, 
the force of the attractions must be found at several distances, and the law 
of attraction towards the whole, made known by that means, will give 
the ratio of the decrease of the forces of the several parts; which was to 
be found. 


If a solid be plane on one side , and infinitely extended on all otljer sides , 
and consist of equal particles equally attractive , whose forces decrease , 
in the recess from the solid , in the ratio of any power greater than the 
square of the distances ; and a corpuscle placed towards eithi r pa,rt of 
the plane is attracted by the force of the whole solid ; I say that the 
attractive force of the whole solid , in the recess from its plow superfi - 

Sec. XIII.J 



ties, will decrease in the ratio of a power whose tide is the distance oj 
the corpuscle from the plane, and its index less by 3 than the index of 
the power of the distances. 

CaseI. Let LG/be the plane by which 
the solid is terminated. Let the solid .L 

lie on that hand of the plane that is to- 
wards I, and let it be resolved into in-_ 

numerable planes mHM, ?/IN, oKO,- 

<fcc., parallel to GL. And first let the K l H 6 

attracted body C be placed without the 

solid. Let there be drawn CGHI per- o n m l 

pendicular to those innumerable planes, 

and let the attractive forces of the points of the solid decrease in the ratio 
of a power of the distances whose index is the number n not less than 3. 
Therefore (by Cor. 3, Prop. XC) the force with which any plane mHM 
attracts the point C is reciprocally as CH n — 2 . In the plane mHM take the 
length HM reciprocally proportional to CH’— 2 , and that force will be as 
HM. In like manner in the several planes /GL, //TN, oKO, &c., take the 
lengths GL, IN, KO, &c., reciprocally proportional to CG n — 2 , Cl 1 — 2 , 
CK n — 2 , &c., and the forces of tliose planes will be as the lengths so taken, 
and therefore the sum of the forces as the sum of the lengths, that is, the 
force of the w r hole solid as the area GLOK produced infinitely towards 
OK. But that area (by the known methods of quadratures) is reciprocally 
as CG n — 3 , and therefore the force of the whole solid is reciprocally as 
CG n — 3 . Q.E.D. 

Case 2. Let the corpuscle C be now placed on that 
hand of the plane /GL that is within the solid, !o N L 

and take the distance CK equal to the distance 
CG. And the part of the solid LG/oKO termi¬ 
nated by the parallel planes /GL, oKO, will at- K I"”c G 

tract the corpuscle C, situate in the middle, neither 

one way nor another, the contrary actions of the ^ 

opposite points destroying one another by reason of 

their equality. Therefore the corpuscle C is attracted by the force only 
of the solid situate beyond the plane OK. But this force (by Case 1) is 
reciprocally as CK n — 3 , that is, (because CG, CK are equal) reciprocally as 
CG' 1 - 3 . Q.E.D. 

Cor. 1. Hence if the solid LGIN be terminated on each side by two in¬ 
finite parallel places LG, IN, its attractive force is known, subducting 
from the attractive force of the whole infinite solid LGKO the attractive 
force of the more distant part NIKO infinitely produced towards KO. 

Cor. 2. If the more distant part of this solid be rejected, because its at¬ 
traction compared wfith the attraction of the nearer part is inconsiderable^ 



the attraction of that nearer part will, as the distance increases, decrease 
nearly in the ratio of the power CG n — 3 . 

Cor. 3. And hence if any finite body, plane on one side, attract a cor¬ 
puscle situate over against the middle of that plane, and the distance between 
the corpuscle and the plane compared with the dimensions of the attracting 
body be extremely small; and the attracting body consist of homogeneous 
particles, whose attractive forces decrease in the ratio of any power of the 
distances greater than the quadruplicate; the attractive force of the whole 
body will decrease very nearly in the ratio of a power whose side is that 
very small distance, and the index less by 3 than the index of the former 
power. This assertion does not hold good, however, of a body consisting 
of particles whose attractive forces decrease in the ratio of the triplicate 
power of the distances; because, in that case, the attraction of the remoter 
part of the infinite body in the second Corollary is always infinitely greater 
than the attraction of the nearer part. 


If a body is attracted perpendicularly towards a given plane, and from 
the law of attraction given, the motion of the body be required ; the Pro¬ 
blem will be solved by seeking (by Prop. XXXIX) the motion of the body 
descending in a right line towards that plane, and (by Cor. 2, of the Laws) 
compounding that motion with an uniform motion performed in the direc¬ 
tion of lines parallel to that plane. And, on the contrary, if there be re¬ 
quired the law of the attraction tending towards the plane in perpendicu¬ 
lar directions, by which the body may be caused to move in any given 
curve line, the Problem will be solved by working after the manner of the 
third Problem. 

But the operations may be contracted by resolving the ordinates into 
converging series. As if to a base A the length B be ordinately ap¬ 
plied in any given angle, and that length be as any power of the base 

A~; and there be sought the force with which a body, either attracted to¬ 
wards the base or driven from it in the direction of that ordinate, may be 
caused to move in the curve line which that ordinate always describes with 
its superior extremity; I suppose the base to be increased by a very small 

part O, and I resolve the ordinate A + oi n into an infinite series A^ -f 

— OA ----- 00 A &c., and I suppose the force propor- 

n ahv 

tional to the term of this series in which O is of two dimensions, that is, 
to the term —5 -OOA —— Therefore the force sought is as 

Sec. XIV.J 




mm — mn m - 2n . . . . . . . mm — mn m - 2n 

-A ~z —, or, which is the same thing, as-B . 

As if the ordinate describe a parabola, m being = 2, and n = 1, the force 
will be as the given quantity 2B°, and therefore is given. Therefore with 
a given force the body will move in a parabola, as Galileo has demon¬ 
strated. If the ordinate describe an hyperbola, m being = 0 — 1, and n 
— 1, the force will be as 2 A 3 or 2B 3 ; and therefore a force which is as the 
cube of the ordinate will cause the body to move in an hyperbola. But 
leaving this kind of propositions, I shall go on to some others relating to 
motion which I have hot yet touched upon. 


Of the motion of very small bodies when agitated by centripetal forces 
tending to the several parts of any very great body . 


If two similar mediums be separated from each other by a space termi¬ 
nated on both sides by parallel planes , and a body in its passage 
through that space be attracted or impelled perpendicularly towards 
either of those mediums , and not agitated or hindered by any other 
force ; and the attraction be every where the same at equal distances 
from either plane, taken towai’ds the same hand of the plane; I say, 
that the sine of incidence upon either plane will be to the sine of emcr 
gence from the other plane in a given ratio. 

Case 1. Let A a and B b be two parallel planes, 
and let the body light upon the first plane A a in 
the direction of the line GH, and in its whole 
passage through the intermediate space let it be 
attracted or impelled towards the medium of in¬ 
cidence, and by that action let it be made to de¬ 
scribe a curve line HI, and let it emerge in the di¬ 
rection of the line IK. Let there be erected IM 
perpendicular to B£ the plane of emergence, and m 

meeting the line of incidence GH prolonged in M, and the plane of inci¬ 
dence Aa in R; and let the line of emergence KI be produced and meet 
HM in L. About the centre L, with the interval LI, let a circle be de¬ 
scribed cutting both HM in P and Q, and MI produced in N ; and, first, 
if the attraction or impulse be supposed uniform, the curve IIT (by what 
Galileo has demonstrated) be a parabola, whose property is that of a rec- 



[Book 1 

MN, IR will be equal also, 
n, and the rectangle NMI is 

tangle under its given latus rectum and the line IM is equal to the squartf 
of HM ; and moreover the line HM will be bisected in L. Whence if to 
MI there be let fall the perpendicular LO, MO, OR will be equal; and 
adding the equal lines ON, 01, the wholes 
Therefore since IR is given, MN is also giv< 
to the rectangle under the latus rectum and IM, that is, to HM 2 in a given 
ratio. But the rectangle NMI is equal to the rectangle PMQ, that is, to 
the ditference of the squares ML 2 , and PL 2 or LI 2 ; and HM 2 hath a given 
ratio to its fourth part ML 2 ; therefore the ratio of ML 2 —LI 2 to ML 2 is given, 
and by conversion the ratio of LI 2 to ML% and its subduplicate, theratrio 
of LI to ML. But in every triangle, as LMI, the sines jf the angles are 
proportional to the opposite sides. Therefore the ratio of the sine of the 
angle of incidence LMR to the sine of the angle of emergence LIR is 
given. Q,.E.P. 

Case 2. Let now the body pas3 successively through several spaces ter¬ 
minated with parallel planes Aa/>B, B6cC, &c., and let it be acted on by a 
\ . force which is uniform in each of them separ- 

A \ _ a ately, but different in the different spaces; and 

_ b by what was just demonstrated, the sine of the 


£ angle of incidence on the first plane A a is to 
^ the sine of emergence from the second plane B6 

in a given ratio; and this sine of incidence upon the second plane B b will 
be to the sine of emergence from the third plane C c in a given ratio; and 
this sine to the sine of emergence from the fourth plane T>d in a given ra¬ 
tio ; and so on in infinitum ; and, by equality, the sine of incidence on 
the first plane to the sine of emergence from the last plane in a given ratio. 
I iet now the intervals of the planes be diminished, and their number be in¬ 
finitely increased, so that the action of attraction or impulse, exerted accord¬ 
ing to any assigned law, may become continual, and the ratio of the sine of 
incidence on the first plane to the sine of emergence from the last plane 
being all along given, will be given then also. Q,.E.D. 


The same things being supposed , I say , that the velocity of the body be¬ 
fore its incidence is to its velocity after emergence as the sine of emer¬ 
gence to the sine of incidence. 

Make AH and I d equal, and erect the perpen¬ 
diculars AG, dK meeting the lines of incidence 
and emergence GH, IK, in G and K. In GH 
take TH equal to IK, and to the plane A a let 
fall a perpendicular Tv. And (by Cor. 2 of the 
Laws of Motion) let the motion of the body be 
resolved into two, one perpendicular to the planes 



Sec. XIV.] 

A a, B6, C c, foe, and another parallel to them. The force of attraction or 
impulse ; acting in directions perpendicular to those planes, does not at all 
alter the motion in parallel directions; and therefore the body proceeding 
with this motion will in equal times go through those equal parallel inter¬ 
vals that lie between the line AG and the point H, and between the point 
I and the line dK ; that is, they will describe the lines GH, IK in equal 
times. Therefore the velocity before incidence is to the velocity after 
emergence as GH to IK or TH, that is, as AH or Id to vH, that is (sup¬ 
posing TH or IK radius), as the sine of emergence to the sine of inci¬ 
dence. Q.E.D. 




~ c d 



7 Vie same things being supposed , and that the motion before incidence is 
swifter than aftenoards ; 1 say, that if the line of incidence be in¬ 
clined continually , the body will be at last reflected , and the angle of 
reflexion will be equal to the angle of incidence. 

For conceive the body passing between the parallel planes A a, B6, Cc, 
foe., to describe parabolic arcs as above; sg 
and let those arcs be HP, PQ,, Q,R, foe. 

And let the obliquity of the line of inci- g - 
dence GH to the first plane A a be such R 
that the sine of incidence may be to the radius of the circle whose sine it is, 
in the same ratio which the same sine of incidence hath to the sine of emer¬ 
gence from the plane D d into the space DcfeE ; and because the sine of 
emergence is now become equal to radius, the angle of emergence will be a 
right one, and therefore the line of emergence will coincide with the plane 
Dd. Let the body come to this plane in the point R; and because the 
line of emergence coincides with that plane, it is manifest that the body can 
proceed no farther towards the plane Ee. But neither can it proceed in the 
line of emergence Rc£; because it is perpetually attracted or impelled towards 
the medium of incidence. It will return, therefore, between the planes Cc, 
Dd, describing an arc of a parabola QR</, whose principal vertex (by what 
Galileo has demonstrated) is in R_, cutting the plane Cc in the same angle 
at q, that it did before at Q,; then going on in the parabolic arcs qp, ph, 
&c., similar and equal to the former arcs QP, PH, &c., it will cut the rest 
of the planes in the same angles at p, h , (fee., as it did before in P, H, (fee., 
and will emerge at last with the same obliquity at h with which it first 
impinged on that plane at H. Conceive now the intervals of the planes 
A a, B b, Cc, D d, Ee, foe., to be infinitely diminished, and the number in¬ 
finitely increased, so that the action of attraction or impulse, exerted ac¬ 
cording to any assigned law, may become continual; and, the angle of 
emergence remaining all alor g equal to the angle of incidence, will be 
equal to the same also at last. Q.E.D. 



IBook I 


These attractions bear a great resemblance to the reflexions and refrac¬ 
tions of light made in a given ratio of the secants, as was discovered hj 
Snellius ; and consequently in a given ratio of the sines, as was exhibited 
by Des Cartes. For it is now certain from the phenomena of Jupiter 3 s 
isatellites, confirmed by the observations of different astronomers, that light 
is propagated :n succession, and requires about seven or eight minutes to 
travel from the sun to the earth. Moreover, the rays of light that are in 
our air (as lately was discovered by Grimaldns , by the admission of light 
into a dark room through a small hole, which 1 have also tried) in their 
passage near the angles of bodies, whether transparent or opaque (such a3 
the circular and rectangular edges of gold, silver and brass coins, or of 
knives, or broken pieces of stone or glass), are bent or inflected round those 
bodies as if they were attracted to them ; and those rays which in their 
passage come nearest to the bodies are the most inflected, as if they were 
most attracted ; which thing I myself have also carefully observed. And 
those which pass at greater distances are less inflected; and those at still 
greater distances are a little inflected the contrary way, and form three 
fringes of colours. In the figure 5 represents the edge of a knife, or any 

A B 


yf 6 


kind of wedge AsB ; and gowog, fnunf, emtme, dlsld , are rays inflected to¬ 
wards the knife in the arcs own, nvn, mtm, 1st ; which inflection is greater 
or less according to their distance from the knife. Now since this inflec¬ 
tion of the rays is performed in the air without the knife, it follows that the 
rays which fall upon the knife are first inflected in the air before they touch 
the knife. And the case is the same of the rays falling upon glass. The 
refraction, therefore, is made not in the point of incidence, but gradually, by 
a continual inflection of the rays; which is done partly in the air before they 
touch the glass, partly (if [ mistake not) within the glass, after they have 
entered it; as is represented in the rays ckzc,, bit/b, ahxa , falling upon r, 
q,p, and inflected between k and z, i and y, h and x. Therefore because 
of the analogy there is between the propagation of the rays f light and the 
motion of bodies, I thought it not amiss to add the followi ig Propositions 
fur optical uses ; not at all considering the nature of the rays of light, or 
inquiring whether they are bodies or not; but only determining the tra* 
jectories of bodies which are extremely like the trajectories of the rays. 

Sec. XIV.] 




Supposing the sine of incidence upon any superficies to be in a given ra¬ 
tio to the sine of emergence ; and that the inflection of the paths of 
those bodies near that superficies is performed in a very short space , 
which may be considered as a point; it is required to determine such 
a superficies as may cause all the corpuscles issuing from any one 
given place to con verge to another given place. 

Let A be the place from whence the cor¬ 
puscles diverge ; B the place to which they 
should converge; CDE the curve line which 
by its revolution round the axis AB describes A C nm 

the superficies sought; D, E, any two points of that curve ; and EF, EG, 
perpendiculars let fall on the paths of the bodies AD, DB. Let the point 
D approach to and coalesce with the point E; and the ultimate ratio of 
the line DF by which AD is increased, to the line DG by which DB is 
diminished, will be the same as that of the sine of incidence to the sine of 
emergence Therefore the ratio of the increment of the line AD to the 
decrement of the line I)B is given; and therefore if in the axis AB there 
be taken any where the point C through which the curve CDE must 
pass, and CM the increment of AC be taken in that given ratio to CN 
the decrement of BC, and from the centres A, B, with the intervals AM, 
BN, there be described two circles cutting each other in D; that point D 
will touch the curve sought CDE, and, by touching it any where at pleasure, 
will determine that curve. Q,.E.I. 

Cor. 1. By causing the point A or B to go off sometimes in infinitum, 
and sometimes to move towards other parts of the point C, will be obtain¬ 
ed all those figures which Cartesins has exhibited in his Optics and Geom¬ 
etry relating to refractions. The invention of which Cartesins having 
thought fit to conceal, is here laid open in this Proposition. 

Cor. 2. If a body lighting on any superfi¬ 
cies CD in the direction of a right line AD, 
drawn according to any law, should emerge 
in the direction of another right line DK; 
and from the point C there be drawn curve 

lines CP, CQ,, always perpendicular to AD, DK ; 
lines PD, QD, and therefore the lines themselves 
those increments, will be as the sines of incidence and emergence to 
other, and e contra. 

the increments of the 
PD, Q.D, generated by 


The same things supposed ; if round the axis AB any attractive super¬ 
ficies be described as CD, regular or irregular, through which the bo¬ 
dies issuing from the given place A must pass ; it is required to find 



[Book 1 

a second attractive superficies EF, which may make those bodies con • 
verge to a given place B. 

Let a line joining AB cut 
the lirst superficies in C and 
the second in E, the point D 
being taken any how at plea¬ 
sure. And supposing the 
i G sine of incidence on the first 
superficies to the sine of 
emergence from the same, and the sine of emergence from the second super¬ 
ficies to the sine of incidence on the same, to be as any given quantity M 
to another given quantity N; then produce AB to G, so that BG may he 
to CE as M — N to N; and AD to H, so that AH may be equal to AG ; 
and DF to K, so that DK may be to DH as N to M. Join KB, and about 
the centre D with the interval DH describe a circle meeting KB produced 
in L, and draw BF parallel to DL; and the point F will touch the line 
EF, which, being turned round the axis AB, will describe the superficies 
sought. Q,.H.F. 

For conceive the lines CP, CQ to be every where perpendicular to AD, 
DF, and the lines ER, ES to FB, FD respectively, and therefore Q.S to 
be always equal to CE; and (by Cor. 2, Prop. X.CVII) PD will be to QD 
as M to N, and therefore as DL to DK, or FB to FK ; and by division as 
DL — FB or PH — PD — FB to FD or FQ — QD ; and by composition 
as PH — FB to FQ, that is (because PH and CG, QS and CE, are equal), 
as CE -f BG — FR to CE — FS. But (because BG is to CE as M — 
N to N) it. comes to pass also that CE + BG is to CE as M to N; and 
therefore, by division, FR is to FS as M to N; and therefore (by Cor. 2, 
Prop XCVI1) the superficies EF compels a body, falling upon it in the 
direction DF, to go on in the line FR to the place B. Q.E.D. 


.In the same manner one may go on to three or more superficies. But 
of all figures the sphaerical is the most proper for optical uses. If the ob¬ 
ject glasses of telescopes were made of two glasses of a sphaerical figure, 
containing water between them, it is not unlikely that the errors of the 
refractions made in the extreme parts of the superficies of the glasses may 
be accurately enough corrected by the refractions of the water. Such ob¬ 
ject glasses are to be preferred before elliptic and hyperbolic glasses, not only 
because they may be formed with more ease and accuracy, but because the 
pencils of rays situate without the axis of the glass would be more accu¬ 
rately refracted by them. But the different refrangibility of different raya 
is the real obstacle that hinders optics from being made perfect by sphaeri¬ 
cal or any other figures. Unless the errors thence arising can be corrected, 
all the labour spent in correcting the others is quite thrown away. 




Of the motion of bodies that are resisted in the ratio of the velocity . 


Tf a body is resisted in the ratio of its velocity , the motion lost by re¬ 
sistance is as the space gone over in its motion. 

For since the motion lost in each equal particle of time is as the velocity, 
that is, as the particle of space gone over, then, by composition, the motion 
lost in the whole time will be as the whole space gone over. Q.E.D. 

Cor. Therefore if the body, destitute of all gravity, move by its innate 
force only in free spaces, and there-be given both its whole motion at the 
beginning, and also the motion remaining after some part of the way is 
gone over, there will be given also the whole space which the body can de¬ 
scribe in an infinite time. For that space will be to the space now de¬ 
scribed as the whole motion at the beginning is to the part lost of that 


Quantities proportional to their differences are continually proportional . 

Let A be to A — B as B to B — C and C to C — D, (fee., and, by con¬ 
version, A will be to B as B to C and C to D, (fee. Q.E.D. 


If a body is resisted in the ratio of its velocity , and moves , by its vis in- 
sita only } through a similar medium , and the times be taken equal , 
the velocities in the beginning of each of the times are in a geometri¬ 
cal progression , and the spaces described in each of the times are as 
the velocities . 

Case 1. Let the time be divided into equal particles; and if at the very 
beginning of each particle we suppose the resistance to act witli one single 
impulse which is as the velocity, the decrement of the velocity in each of 



[Book II. 

the particles of time will be as the same velocity. Therefore the veloci¬ 
ties are proportional to their differences, and therefore (by Lem. 1, Book 
II) continually proportional. Therefore if out of an equal number of par¬ 
ticles there be compounded any equal portions of time, the velocities at the 
beginning of those times will be as terms in a continued progression, which 
are taken by intervals, omitting every where an equal number of interme¬ 
diate terms. But the ratios of these terms are compounded of the equa J 
ratios of the intermediate terms equally repeated, and therefore are equal 
Therefore the velocities, being proportional to those terms, are in geomet¬ 
rical progression. Let those equal particles of time be diminished, and 
their number increased in infinitum, so that the impulse of resistance may 
become continual; and the velocities at the beginnings of equal times, al¬ 
ways continually proportional, will be also in this case continually pro¬ 
portional. Q.E.D. 

Case 2. And, by division, the differences of the velocities, that is, the 
parts of the velocities lost in each of the times, are as the wholes; but the 
spaces described in each of the times are as the lost parts of the velocities 
(by Prop. 1, Book I), and therefore are also as the wholes. Q.E.D. 

Corol. Hence if to the rectangular asymptotes AC, CH, 
the hyperbola BG is described, and AB, DG be drawn per- 
-g pendicular to the asymptote AC, and both the velocity of 
^ the body, and the resistance of the medium, at the very be¬ 
ginning of the motion, be expressed by any given line AC, 
and, after some time is elapsed, by the indefinite line DC; the time may 
be expressed by the area ABGD, and the space described in that time by 
the line AD. For if that area, by the motion of the point D, be uniform¬ 
ly increased in the same manner as the time, the right line DC will de¬ 
crease in a geometrical ratio in the same manner as the velocity; and the 
parts of the right line AC, described in equal times, will decrease in the 
same ratio. 


To define the motion o f a body which , in a similar medium , ascends or 
descends in a right line , and is resisted in the ratio of its velocity , and 

acted upon by an uniform force of gravity. 

The body ascending, let the gravity be expound¬ 
ed by any given rectangle BACH; and the resist¬ 
ance of the medium, at the beginning of the ascent, 
by the rectangle BADE, taken on the contrary side 
of the right line AB. Through the point B, with 
the rectangular asymptotes AC, CH, describe an 
hyperbola, cutting the perpendiculars DE, de, in 



Sec, I.J 

G, g ; and the body ascending will in the time DGgd describe the space 
E Gge; in the time DGBA, the space of the whole ascent EGB; in the 
time ABK1, the space of descent BFK; and in the time IK ki the space of 
descent KF/k; and the velocities of the bodies (proportional to the re¬ 
sistance of the medium) in these periods of time will be ABED, AB ed, O, 
ABPI, AB/i respectively; and the greatest velocity which the body can 
acquire by descending will be BACH. 

For let the rectangle BACH be resolved into in¬ 
numerable rectangles A k, Kl, L m, M/q tfea, which 
shall be as the increments of the velocities produced 
in so many equal times; then will 0, A k, A l. Am, An, 

&c., be as the whole velocities, and therefore (by suppo¬ 
sition) as the resistances of the medium in the be¬ 
ginning of each of the equal times. Make AC to 
AK, or ABHC to AB/cK, as the force of gravity to the resistance in the 
beginning of the second time; then from the force of gravity subduct the 
resistances, and ABHC, K£HC, LZHC, M/AHC, &c., will be as the abso¬ 
lute forces with which the body is acted upon in the beginning of each of 
the times, and therefore (by Law I) as the increments of the velocities, that 
is, as the rectangles A k, Kl, L m, M//, (fee., and therefore (by Lem. 1, Book 
II) in a geometrical progression. Therefore, if the right lines K k, L/ 
M m, N n, (fee., are produced so as to meet the hyperbola in q, r, s, t, (fee., 
the areas AB^K, Kqrh, LrsM, MsfN, (fee., will be equal, and there¬ 
fore analogous to the equal times and equal gravitating forces. But the 
area AB<?K (by Corol. 3, Lem. VII and VIII, Book I) is to the area BA:^ 
as to \kq, or AC to |AK, that is, as the force of gravity to the resist¬ 
ance in the middle of the first time. And by the like reasoning, the areas 
qKKr, rLMs, sMN£, (fee., are to the areas qklr, rims, smnt, (fee., as the 
gravitating forces to the resistances in the middle of the second, third, fourth 
time, and so on. Therefore since the equal areas BAKy, qKhr, rLMs, 
sMNt, (fee., are analogous to the gravitating forces, the areas B kq, qklr, 
rims, smut, (fee., will be analogous to the resistances in the middle of 
each of the times, that is (by supposition), to the velocities, and so to the 
spaces described. Take the sums of the analogous quantities, and the areas 
B kq, B Ir, B ms, But, (fee., will be analogous to the whole spaces described; 
and also the areas ABqK, ABrL, ABsM, ABtfN, (fee., to the times. There¬ 
fore the body, in descending, will in any time ABrL describe the space Blr, 
and in the time LrtN the space rlnt. Q.E.D. And the like demonstra¬ 
tion holds in ascending motion. 

Corol. 1. Therefore the greatest velocity that the body can acquire by 
falling is to the velocity acquired in any given time as the given force ot 
gravity which perpetually acts upon it to the resisting force which opposes 
it at the end of that time. 



[Book IL 

Corol. 2. But the time being augmented in an arithmetical progression, 
the sum of that greatest velocity and the velocity in the ascent, and also 
their difference in the descent, decreases in a geometrical progression. 

Corol. 3. Also the differences of the spaces, which are described in equal 
differences of the times, decrease in the same geometrical progression. 

Corol. 4. The space described by the body is the difference of two 
spaces, whereof one is as the time taken from the beginning of the descent, 
and the other as the velocity* which [spaces] also at the beginning of the 
descent are equal among themselves. 


Supposing the force of gravity in any similar medium to be uniform, 
and to tend perpendicularly to the plane of the horizon; to define the 
motion of a projectile therein, which suffers resistance proportional to 
its velocity. 

2*f Let the projectile go from any place D in 
/ the direction of any right line DP, and let 
/ its velocity at the beginning of the motion 
/ he expounded by the length DP. From the 
/ point P let fall the perpendicular PC on the 

/ horizontal line DC, and cut DC in A, so 

/ that DA may be to AC as the resistance 

/ of the medium arising from the motion up- 

"Xr ~y B wards at the beginning to the force of grav- 

37 / ity; or (which comes to the same) so that 

/ / t ie rectangle under DA and DP may be to 

-3L / / that under AC and CP as the whole resist- 

/ ^-Ei ance at the beginning of the motion to the 

/ / force of gravity. With the asymptotes 

•g. / II DC, CP describe any hyperbola GTBS cut- 

G \ L ting the perpendiculars DG, AB in G and 

p _ \ \g B ; complete the parallelogram DGKC, and 

D BA. let s id e GK cut AB in Q. Take a line 

N in the same ratio to Q,B as DC is in to CP; and from any point R of the 
right line DC erect RT perpendicular to it, meeting the by] erbola in T, 
and the right lines EH, GK, DP in I, t , and Y; in that perpendicular 

2GT v 

take Yr equal to —or which is the same thing, take Rr equal to 


—; and the projectile in the time DRTG will arrive at the point r 

describing the curve line DraF, the locus of the point r ; thence it will 
come to its greatest height a in the perpendicular AB; and afterwards 

Sec. 1.J 



ever approach to the asymptote PC. And its velocity in any pjint r will 
be as the tangent rL to the curve. Q.E.I. 

For N is to QB as DC to CP or DR to RV, and therefore RV is equal to 

DRXQB , „ DR x QB-*GT N . 

-, and Rr (that is, RV — Vr, or-^-) is equal to 


DR X AB — RDGT _ , , . , , , , 

-^-. Now let the time be expounded by the area 

RDGT and (by Laws, Cor. 2), distinguish the motion of the body into 
two others, one of ascent, the other lateral. And since the resistance is as 
the motion, let that also be distinguished into two parts proportional and 
contrary to the parts of the motion : and therefore the length described by 
the lateral motion will be (by Prop. II, Book II) as the line DR, and the 
height (by Prop. Ill, Book II) as the area DR X AB — RDGT, that is. 
as the line Rr. But in the very beginning of the motion the area RDGT 
is equal to the rectangle DR X AQ, and therefore that line Rr (or 

jjj!: DR * ^~— ) w m then be to DR as AB — AQ or QB to N, 

that is, as CP to DC ; and therefore as the motion upwards to the motion 
lengthwise at the beginning. Since, therefore, Rr is always as the height, 
and DR always as the length, and Rr is to DR at the beginning as the 
height to the length, it follows, that Rr is always to DR as the height to 
the length ; and therefore that the body will move in the line DraF, which 
is the locus of the point r. Q.E.D. 

^ ^ . DR X AB RDGT , , „ 

Cor. 1. Therefore Rr is equal to -^-^— . and therefore 



if RT be produced to X so that RX may be equal to ——,, that is, 

if the parallelogram ACPY be completed, and DY cutting CP in Z be 
drawn, and RT be produced till it meets DY in X; Xr will be equal to 

RDGT , , , . , 

—N— an( * ™ erc * ore proportional 

Cor. 2. Whence if innumerable lines CR, or, which is the same, innu¬ 
merable lines ZX, be taken in a geometrical progression, there will be as 
many lines Xr in an arithmetical progression. And hence the curve DraF 
is easily delineated by the table of logarithms. 

Cor. 3. If a parabola be constructed to the vertex D, and the diameter 
DG produced downwards, and its latus rectum is to 2 DP as the whole 
resistance at the beginning of the notion to the gravitating force, the ve¬ 
locity with which the body ought *o go from the place D, in the direction 
of the right line DP, so as in an uniform resisting medium to describe the 
curve DraF, will be the same as that with which it ought to go from the 
same place D in the direction of the same right line DP, so as to describe 



[Book II 

a parabola in a non-resisting medium. For 
the latus rectum of this parabola, at the very 

DY 2 

beginning of the motion, is y - ; and Yris 
*GT DR XT t 

or-—. But a right line, which, 

if drawn, would touch the hyperbola GTS in 

G, is parallel to DK, and therefore T£ is 

--, and JN is--. Ahd there¬ 

fore Yr is equal to 


2DC 2 X Q,B 

, that is (because DR and DC, DY 

and DP are proportionals), to 


and the latus rectum 

**■*■'' r r— — n ^ gDP x Q.B J xwwi**x* 

DY 2 2DP 2 X Q,B , . ' 

-yy - COmeS <>Ut CK X ~CP~ ? 1S (° eCaUSe aD( ^ CK, an< ^ AC 
.. 2DP 2 X DA , , 

are proportional), x qp ’ > ana therefore 1S to 2DP as DP X DA to 

CP X AC; that is, as the resistance to the gravity. Q.E.D. 

2!/ Cor. 4. Hence if a body be projected from 
/ any place D with a given velocity, in the 
/ direction of a right line DP given by posi- 

/ tion, and the resistance of the medium, at 

/ the beginning of the motion, be given, the 

/ curve DraF, which that body will describe, 

/ may be found. For the velocity being 

/ given, the latus rectum of the parabola is 

~Yh- -y P given, as is well known. And taking 2DP 

Xl / to that latus rectum, as the force of gravity 

/ / to the resisting force, DP is also given. 

-5L / s Then cutting DC in A, so that CP X AC 

/ -tj/ J ® L may be to DP X DA in the same ratio of 
/ / the gravity to the resistance, the point A 

j. / ^ will be given. And hence the curve DraF 

q \ ^ is also given. 

If ~£\Q \ k Cor. 5. And, on the contrary, if the 

H RA. S' curve DraF be given, there will be given 

loth the velocity of the body and the resistance of the medium in each of 
the places r. For the ratio of CP X AC to DP X DA being given, there 
is given both the resistance of the medium at the beginning of the motion, 
and the latus rectum of the parabola; and thence the velocity at the be¬ 
ginning of the motion is given also. Then from the length of the tangent 



Sec. I.] 

L there is given both the velocity proportional to it, and the resistance 
proportional to the velocity in any place r. 

Cor. 6 . But since the length 2DP is to the latus rectum of the para¬ 
bola as the gravity to the resistance in D; and, from the velocity aug¬ 
mented, the resistance is 'u gmented in the same ratio, but the latus rectum 
of the parabola is augmented in the duplicate of that ratio, it is plain thot 
the length 2DP is augmented in that simple ratio only ; and i3 therefore 
always proportional to the velocity ; nor will it be augmented or dimin¬ 
ished by the change of the angle CDP, unless the velocity be also changed. 

Cor. 7. Hence appears the method of deter¬ 
mining the curve DmF nearly from the phe¬ 
nomena, and thence collecting the resistance and 
velocity with which the body is projected. Let 
two similar and equal bodies be projected with 
the same velocity, from the place D, in differ¬ 
ent angles CDP, CD/?; and let the places F, 
f. where they fall upon the horizontal plane 
DC, be known. Then taking any length for ® 

DP or D ] p suppose the resistance in D to be to 
the gravity in any ratio whatsoever, and let that 
ratio be expounded by any length SM. Then, 
by computation, from that assumed length DP, 
find the lengths DF, D f; and from the ratio 

pp, found by calculation, subduct the same ratio as found by experiment; 



and let the (difference be expounded by the perpendicular MN. Repeat the 
same a second and a third time, by assuming always a new ratio SM of the 
resistance to the gravity, and collecting a new difference MN. Draw the 
affirmative differences on one side of the right line SM, and the negative 
on the. other side; and through the points N, N, N, draw a regular curve 
NNN, cutting the right line SMMM in X, and SX will be the true ratio 
of the resistance to the gravity, which was to be found. From this ratio 
the length DF is to be collected by calculation; and a length, which is to 
the assumed length DP as the length DF known by experiment to the 
length DF just now found, will be the true length DP. This being known, 
you will have both the curve line D/v*F which the body describes, and also 
the velocity and resistance of the body in each place. 


But, yet, that the resistance of bodies is in the ratio of the velocity, is more 
a mathematical hypothesis than a physical one. In mediums void of all te¬ 
nacity, the resistances made to bodies are in the duplicate ratio of the ve¬ 
locities. For by the action of a swifter body, a greater motion in propor- 




[Book IL 

tion to a greater velocity is communicated to the same quantity of the 
medium in a less time; and in an equal time, by reason of a greater quan¬ 
tity of the disturbed medium, a motion is communicated in the duplicate 
ratio greater; and the resistance (by Law II and III) is as the motion 
communicated. Let us, therefore, see what motions arise from this law of 


)f the motion of bodies that are resisted in the duplicate ratio of their 



If ci body is resisted in the duplicate ratio of its velocity , and moves by 
its innate force only through a similar medium; and the times be 
taken in a geometrical progression ., proceeding from less to greater 
terms : I say , that the velocities at the beginning of each of the times 
are in the same geometrical progression inversely ; and that the spaces 
are equal , which are described in each of the times. 

For since the resistance of the medium is proportional to the square of 
the velocity, and the decrement of the velocity is proportional to the resist¬ 
ance : if the time be divided into innumerable equal particles, the squares of 
the velocities at the beginning of each of the times will be proportional to 
the differences of the same velocities. Let those particles of time be AK, 
KL, LM, &c., taken in the right line CD; and 
erect the perpendiculars AB, KA;, L l, Mm, &c., 
meeting the hyperbola BA;/mG, described with the 
centre C, and the rectangular asymptotes CD, CH, 
in B, k, l, m, &c.; then AB will be to KA; as CK 
to CA, and, by division, AB —KA; to KA; as AK 
to CA, and alternately, AB — Kk to AK as Kk 
to CA; and therefore as AB X K k to AB X CA. 
Therefore since AK and AB X CA are given,'AB — KA; will be as AB 
X KA;; and, lastly, when AB and KA; coincide, as AB 2 . And, by the like 
reasoning, K k—hl, U—Mm, (fee., will be as Kk 2 . LI 2 , (fee. Therefore the 
squares of the lines AB, KA*, LI, M m, (fee., are as their differences; and, 
therefore, since the squares of the velocities were shewn above to be as their 
differences, the progression of both will be alike. This being demonstrated 
it follows also that the areas described by these lines are in a like progres¬ 
sion with the spaces described by these velocities. Therefore if the velo¬ 
city at the beginning of the first time AK bo expounded by the line AB, 


Sec. II.] 


and the velocity at the beginning of the second time KL by the line KA 
and the length described in the first time by the area AKArB, all the fol¬ 
lowing velocities will be expounded by the following lines U, Mm, &c. 
and the lengths described, by the areas K/, I mi. &e. And, by compo¬ 
sition, if the whole time be expounded by AM, the sum of its parts, the 
whole length described will be expounded by AMmB the sum of its parts. 
Now conceive the time AM to be divided into the parts AK, KL, LM, (fee 
so that CA, CK. CL, CM, (fee. may be in a geometrical progression; and 
those parts will be in the same progression, and the velocities AB, K/r, 
L l, M m, (fee., will be in the same progression inversely, and the spaces de¬ 
scribed A k, K/, L m, (fee., will be equal. Q..E.D. 

Cor. 1. Hence it appears, that if the time be expounded by any part 
AD of the asymptote, and the velocity in the beginning of the time by the 
ordinate AB, the velocity at the end of the time will be expounded by the 
ordinate DG; and the whole space described by the adjacent hyperbolic 
area ABGD ; and the space which any body can describe in the same time 
AD, with the first velocity AB, in a non-resisting medium, by the rectan¬ 
gle AB X AD. 

Cor 2. Hence the space described in a resisting medium is given, by 
taking it to the space described with the uniform velocity AB in a non¬ 
resisting medium, as the hyperbolic area ABGD to the rectangle AB X AD. 

Cor. 3. The resistance of the medium is also given, by making it equal, 
in the very beginning of the motion, to an uniform centripetal force, which 
could generate, in a body falling through a non-resisting medium, the ve¬ 
locity AB in the time AC. For if BT be drawn touching the hyperbola 
in B, and meeting the asymptote in T, the right line AT will be equal to 
AC, and will express the time in which the first resistance, uniformly con 
tinued, may take away the whole velocity AB 

Cor. 4. And thence is also given the proportion of this resistance to the 
force of gravity, or a~y other given centripetal force. 

Cor. 5. And, vice versa , if there is given the proportion of the resist- 
; nee to any given centripetal force, the time AC is also given, in which c 
centripetal force equal to the resistance may generate any velocity as AB ; 
and thence is given the poini B, through w T hich the hyperbola, having CH 
CD for its asymptotes, is to be described : as also the space ABGD, which a 
body, by beginning its motion with that velocity AB, can describe in any 
time AD. in a similar resisting medium. 


Homogeneous and equal spherical bodies, opposed hy resistances that are 
in the duplicate ratio of the velocities , and moving on by their innate 
force only, will, in times which are reciprocally as the velocities at the 

260 the mathematical principles [Book IL 


beginning', describe equal spaces, and lose parts of their velocities pro¬ 
portional to the wholes. 

To the rectangular asymptotes CD, CH de¬ 
scribe any hyperbola B6Ee, cutting the perpen¬ 
diculars AB, ab, DE, de in B, b, E, e; let the 
initial velocities be expounded by the perpendicu¬ 
lars AB, DE, and the times by the lines A a, Drf. 
Therefore as A a is to D d, so (by the hypothesis) 
is DE to AB, and so (from the nature of the hy¬ 
perbola) is CA to CD ; and, by composition, so is 
C a to C d. Therefore the areas AB ba, DE ed, that is, the spaces described, 
are equal among themselves, and the first velocities AB, DE are propor¬ 
tional to the last ab, de; and therefore, by division, proportional to the 
parts of the velocities lost, AB — ab, DE — de. Q.E.D. 


If spherical bodies are resisted in, the duplicate ratio of their velocities , 
in times which are as the first motions directly, and the first resist - 
ances inversely, they will lose parts of their mot ions proportional to the 
wholes, and will describe spaces proportional to those times and the 
first velocities conjunctly. 

For the parts of the motions lost are as the resistances and times con¬ 
junctly. Therefore, that those parts may be proportional to the wholes, 
the resistance and time conjunctly ought to be as the motion. Therefore the 
time will be as the motion directly and the resistance inversely. Where¬ 
fore the particles of the times being taken in that ratio, the bodies will 
always lose parts of their motions proportional to the wholes, and there¬ 
fore will retain velocities always proportional to their first velocities. 
And because of the given ratio of the velocities, they will always describe 
spaces which are as the first velocities and the times conjunctly. Q..E.D. 

Cor. 1. Therefore if bodies equally swift are resisted in a duplicate ra¬ 
tio of their diameters, homogeneous globes moving with any velocities 
whatsoever, by describing spaces proportional to their diameters, will lose 
parts of their motions proportional to the wholes. For the motion of each 
globe will be as its velocity and mass conjunctly, that is, as the velocity 
and the cube of its diameter; the resistance (by supposition) will be as the 
square of the diameter and the square of the velocity conjunctly; and the 
•time (by this proposition) is in the former ratio directly, and in the latter 
inversely, that is, as the diameter directly and the velocity inversely; and 
therefore* the space, which is proportional to the time and velocity is as 
the diameter. 

Cor. 2. If bodies equally swift are resisted in a sesquiplicate ratio of 
their diameters, homogeneous globes, moving with any velocities whatso- 

Sec. IT.] of natural philosophy. 261 

ever, by describing spaces that are in a sesquiplicate ratio of the diameters, 
will lose parts of their motions proportional to the wholes. 

Cor. 3. And universally, if equally swift bodies are resisted in the ratio 
of any power of the diameters, the spaces, in which homogeneous globes, 
moving with any velocity whatsoever, will lose parts of their motions pro¬ 
portional to the wholes, will be as the cubes of the diameters applied to 
that power. Let those diameters be D and E; and if the resistances, where 
the velocities are supposed equal, are as T) n and E n ; the spaces in which 
the globes, moving with any velocities whatsoever, will lose parts of their 
motions proportional to the wholes, will be as D 3 — n and E 3 — n . And 
therefore homogeneous globes, in describing spaces proportional to D 3 — n 
and E 3 — n , will retain their velocities in the same ratio to one another as 
at the beginning. 

Cor. 4. Now if the globes are not homogeneous, the space described by 
the denser globe must be augmented in the ratio of the density. For the 
motion, with an equal velocity, is greater in the ratio of the density, and 
the time (by this Prop.) is augmented in the ratio of motion directly, and 
the space described in the ratio of the time. 

Cor. 5. And if the globes move in different mediums, the space, in a 
medium which, cceteris paribus , resists the most, must be diminished in the 
ratio of the greater resistance. For the time (by this Prop.) will be di¬ 
minished in the ratio of the augmented resistance, and the space in the ra¬ 
tio of the time. 


The moment of any genitum is equal to the moments of each of the gen¬ 
erating sides drawn into the indices of the powers of those sides, and 
into their co-efficients continually. 

I call any quantity a genitum which is not made by addition or sub- 
duetion of divers parts, but is generated or produced in arithmetic by the 
multiplication, division, or extraction of the root of any terms whatsoever; 
in geometry by the invention of contents and sides, or of the extremes and 
means of proportionals. Quantities of this kind are products, quotients, 
roots, rectangles, squares, cubes, square and cubic sides, and the like. 
These quantities I here consider as variable and indetermined, and increas¬ 
ing or decreasing, as it were, by a perpetual motion or flux; and I under¬ 
stand their momentaneous increments or decrements by the name of mo¬ 
ments ; so that the increments may be esteemed as added or affirmative 
moments; and the decrements as subducted or negative ones. But take 
care not to look upon finite particles as such. Finite particles are not 
moments, but the very quantities generated by the moments. We are to 
conceive them as the just nascent principles of finite magnitudes. Nor do 
we in this Lemma regard the magnitude of the moments, but their firsl 



[Book 11 

proportion, as nascent. It will be the same thing, if, instead of moments, 
we use either the velocities of the increments and decrements (which may 
also he called the motions, mutations, and fluxions of quantities), or any 
finite quantities proportional to those velocities. The co-eflicient of any 
generating side is the quantity which arises by applying the genitum to 
that side. 

Wherefore the sense of the Lemma is, that if the moments of any quan¬ 
tities A, B, C, (fee., increasing or decreasing by a perpetual flux, or the 
velocities of the mutations which are proportional to them, be called a, 6, 
c, (fee., the moment or mutation of the generated rectangle AB will be aB 
4- bA; the moment of the generated content ABC will be aBC 4 bAC 4 

_! j? 2 

cAB; and the moments of the generated powers A 2 . A 3 , A 4 , A 2 , A 2 , A 3 , 

A 3 , A — A — 2 , A— 7 will be 2a A, 3aA 2 , 4aA 3 , \aA — 2 , faA* 

2 1 _? 

±aA — 5 , \a A — 3 , — a A — 2 , — 2aA — 3 , — \aA — 2 respectively; and 

in general, that the moment of any power A~, will be ^ aA'^l^'. Also, 

that the moment of the generated quantity A 2 B will be 2aAB 4- bA 2 ; the 

moment of the generated quantity A 3 B 4 C 2 will be 3aA 2 B 4 C 2 +4AA 3 

A 3 

B 3 C 2 +2e-A 3 B 4 C; and the moment of the generated quantity jp or 

A 3 B — 2 will be 3aA 2 B — 2 — 2bA 3 B — 3 ; and so on. The Lemma is 
thus demonstrated. 

Case 1. Any rectangle, as AB, augmented by a perpetual flux, when, as 
yet, there wanted of the sides A and B half their moments \a and \b, was 
A — \a into B — \b, or AB — B — \b A + \ab ; but as soon as the 
sides A and B are augmented by the other half moments, the rectangle be¬ 
comes A + \a into B + \b, or AB + \a B + \b A 4 \ab. From this 
rectangle subduct the former rectangle, and there will remain the excess 
aB 4 bA. Therefore with the whole increments a and b of the sides, the 
increment aB + bA of the rectangle is generated. Q.E.D. 

Case 2. Suppose AB always equal to G, and then the moment of the 
content ABC or GC (by Case 1) will be<gC + cG, that is (putting AB and 
aB + bA for G and «*), aBC + bAC 4 cAB. And the reasoning is the 
same for contents under ever so many sides. Q..E.D. 

Case 3. Suppose the sides A, B, and C, to be always equal among them¬ 
selves; and the moment aB 4 bA, of A 2 , that is, of the rectangle AB, 
will be 2aA ; and the moment aBC 4 bAC 4 cAB of A 3 , that is, of the 
content ABC, will be 3aA 2 . And by the same reasoning the moment of 
any power A n is naA n —\ Q.E.D 

Case 4. Therefore since ~ into A is 1, the moment of ~ drawn into 

Sec. 11.] 



A, together with j drawn into a. will be the moment of 1, that is, nothing. 

1 . — « 

Therefore the moment of or of A— is . And generally since 

t- into A n is 1, the moment of —drawn into A° together with — into 
An ; A A n 

?iaA n — 1 will be nothing. And, therefore, the moment of ^ or A — n 

will be — . Q.E.D. 

A n + 1 

2.1. i i 

Case 5. And since A 2 into A 2 is A, the moment of A^ drawn into 2A 3 

i e a 

will be a (by Case 3); and, therefore, the moment of A T will be or 

{aA — And, generally, putting A^ 1 equal to B, then A m will be equal 

to B n , and therefore maA m — 1 equal to nbB° — 1 , and maA — 1 equal to 

?/Z>B — J , or nbA — ~; and therefore n a A ~~ is equal to b , that is, equal 
to the moment of A^. Q.E.D. 

Case 6. Therefore the moment of any generated quantity A m B n is the 
moment of A m drawn into B n , together with the moment of B n drawn into 
A‘“, that is, maA m — 1 B n + n6B n — 1 A ra ; and that whether the indices 
m and n of the powers be whole numbers or fractions, affirmative or neg¬ 
ative. And the reasoning is the same for contents under more powers. 

Cor. 1. Hence in quantities continually proportional, if one term is 
given, the moments of the rest of the terms will be as the same terms mul¬ 
tiplied by the number of intervals between them and the given term. Let 
A, B, C, D, E, F, be continually proportional; then if the term C is given, 
the moments of the rest of the terms will be among themselves as — 2A, 
— B, D, 2E, 3F. 

Cor. 2. And if in four proportionals the two means are given, the mo¬ 
ments of the extremes will be as those extremes. The same is to be un¬ 
derstood of the sides of any given rectangle. 

Cor. 3. And if the sum or difference of two squares is given, the mo¬ 
ments of the sides will be reciprocally as the sides. 


In a letter of mine to Mr. J. Collins , dated December 10, 1672, having 
described a method of tangents, which I suspected to be the same with 
Slushis’s method, which at that time was not made public, I subjoined these 
words • This is one particular , or rather a Corollary , of a general me 



[Bjok IL 

thod, which extends itself \ without any troublesome- calculation, not only 
to the drawing of tangents to any curve lines, whether geometrical or 
mechanical , or any how respecting right lines or other curves, but also 
to the resolving other cibstruser kinds of problems about the crookedness , 
areas, lengths, centres of gravity of curves, &c.; nor is it (as Hudd'in’s 
method de Maximis & Minimis) limited to equations which are free from 
surd quantities. This method I have interwoven with that other oj 
working in equations, by reducing them to infinite series. So far that 
letter. And these last words relate to a treatise I composed on that sub¬ 
ject in the year 1671. The foundation of that general method is contain-, 
od in the preceding Lemma. 



If a body in an uniform medium, being uniformly acted upon by the force 
of gravity, ascends or descends in a right line ; and the whole space 
described be distinguished into equal parts, and in the beginning of 
each of the parts (by adding or subducting the resisting force of the 
medium to or from the force of gravity , when the body ascends or de¬ 
scends) you collect the absolute forces ; I say, that those absolute forces 
'ire in a geometrical progression. 

fH ic For let the force of gravity be expounded by the 

given line AC ; the force of resistance by the indefi¬ 
nite line AK ; the absolute force in the descent of the 
Jff — ^ the difference KC; the velocity of the body 

QPLK1A7X/ by a line AP, which shall be a mean proportional be¬ 
tween AK and AC, and therefore in a subduplicate ratio of the resistance; 
the increment of the resistance made in a given particle of time by the li- 
neola KL, and the contemporaneous increment of the velocity by the li- 
neola PQ; and with the centre C, and rectangular asymptotes CA, CH, 
describe any hyperbola BNS meeting the erected perpendiculars AB, KN, 
liO in B, N and O. Because AK is as AP 2 , the moment KL of the one will 
be as the moment 2APQ of the other, that is, as AP X KC ; for the in¬ 
crement PQ, of the velocity is (by Law II) proportional to the generating 
force KC. Let the ratio of KL be compounded with the ratio KN, and 
the rectangle KL X KN will become as AP X KC X KN ; that is (because 
the rectangle KC X KN is given), as AP. But the ultimate ratio of the 
hyperbolic area KNOL to the rectangle KL X KN becomes, when the 
points K and L coincide, the ratio of equality. Therefore that hyperbolic 
evanescent area is as AP. Therefore the whole hyperbolic area ABOL 
is composed of particles KNOL which are always proportional to the 
velocity AP; and therefore is itself proportional to the space described 
with that velocity. Let .that area be now divided into equal parts 



Sec. IJ.J 

as ABMI, IMNK, KNOL, &c., and the absolute forces AC, IC, KC, LC, 
&c., will be in a geometrical progression. Q,.E.D. And by a like rea¬ 
soning, in the ascent of the body, taking, on the contrary side of the point 
A, the equal area's AB mi, imnk, kiwi, &c., it will appear that the absolute 
forces AC. iG, kC, 1C, &c., are continually proportional. Therefore if all 
the spaces in the ascent and descent are taken equal, all the absolute forces 
1C, kC, iC, AC, IC, KC, LC, &c., will be continually proportional. Q,.E.D. 

Cor. 1. Hence if the space described be expounded by the hyperbolic 
area ABNK, the force of gravity, the velocity of the body, and the resist¬ 
ance of the medium, may be expounded by the lines AC, AP, and AK re¬ 
spectively ; and vice versa. 

Cor. 2. And the greatest velocity which the body can ever acquire in 
an infinite descent will be expounded by the line AC. 

Cor. 3. Therefore if the resistance of the medium answering to any 
given velocity be known, the greatest velocity will be found, by taking it 
to that given velocity in a ratio subduplicate of the ratio which the force 
of gravity bears to that known resistance of the medium. 


Supposing what is above demonstrated, I say, that if the tangents of the 
angles of the sector of a circle, and of an hyperbola, be taken propor¬ 
tional to the velocit ies, the radius being of a jit magnitude, all the time 
of the ascent to the highest place will be as the sector of the circle, and 
all the tinve of descending from the highest place as the sector of the 

To the right line AC, which ex¬ 
presses the force of gravity, let AD be 5 ^ 
drawn perpendicular and equal. From 
the centre D with the semi-diameter 
AD describe as well the quadrant A/E 
of a circle, as the rectangular hyper¬ 
bola AVZ, whose axis is AK, principal 
vertex A, and asymptote DC. Let t)p, 

DP be drawn; and the circular sector 
A/D will be as all the time of the as¬ 
cent to the highest place ; and the hy¬ 
perbolic sector ATD as all the time of descent from the highest place; if 
so be that the tangents Ap, AP of those sectors be as the velocities. 

Case 1. Draw Dt’^ cutting off the moments or least particles tDv and 
qT)p, described in the same time, of the sector AD/ and of the triangle 
AD/?. Since those particles (because of the common angle D) are in a du- 

qD p X /D 
jt?D a 

plicate ratio of the sides, the particle tDv will be 


that is 



[Book Ii. 

(because /D is given), as 

But jt?D 8 is AD 3 + Ap 2 , that is, AD 2 + 
qT>p is } AD X pq . Therefore tDv, the 

AD X Ale, or AD X Ok; and qDp is £ A D X pq. Therefore tDv, the 


particle of the sector, is as ^ ; that is, as the least decrement pq of the 

velocity directly, and the force Ok which diminishes the velocity, inversely; 
and therefore as the particle of time answering to the decrement of the ve¬ 
locity. And, by composition, the sum of all the particles tDv in the sector 
AD/ will be as the sum of the particles of time answering to each of the 
lost particles of the decreasing velocity Ap, till that velocity, being di¬ 
minished into nothing, vanishes; that is, the whole sector AD/ is as the 
whole time of ascent to the highest place. Q.E.D. 

Case 2. Draw DQV cutting off the least particles TDV and PDQ of 
the sector DAY, and of the triangle DA Q ; and these particles will be to 
each other as DT 2 to DP 2 , that is (if TX and AP are parallel), as DX 2 
to DA 2 or TX 2 to AP 2 ; and, by division, as DX 2 — TX 2 to DA 2 — 
AP 2 . But, from the nature of the hyperbola, DX 2 —TX 2 is AD 2 ; and, by 
the supposition, AP 2 is AD X AK. Therefore the particles are to each 
other as AD 2 to AD 2 —AD X AK ; that is, as AD to AD — AK or AC 

to CK : and therefore the particle TDV of the sector is -—jYY—-', and 



therefore (because AC and AD are given) as ; that is, as the increment 

of the velocity directly, and as the force generating the increment inverse¬ 
ly ; and therefore as the particle of the time answering to the increment. 
And, by composition, the sum of the particles of time, in which all the par¬ 
ticles PQ of the velocity AP are generated, will be as the sum of the par¬ 
ticles of the sector ATI) ; that is, the whole time will be as the whole 
sector. Q.E.D. 

\ Cor. 1. Hence if AB be equal to a 

Z \ fourth part of AC, the space which a body 

\ \p will describe by falling in any time will 

be to the space which the body could de- 
\ scribe, by moving uniformly on in the 

C\ same time with its greatest velocity 

^\\\ //^\ AC, as the area ABNK, which es- 

\^\\ // \ presses the space described in falling to 

// \ the area ATD, which expresses the 

time. For since AC is to AP as AP 
to AK, then (by Cor. l,Lem. II, of this 
Book) LK is to PQ as 2AK to AP, that is, as 2AP to AC, and thence 
LK is to {PQ as AP to {AC or AB ; and KN is to AC or AD as AB U 



JSec. II.] 

UK; and therefore, ex ceqao, LKNO to DPQ, as AP to CK. But DPQ 
was to DTV as CK to AC. Therefore, ex cequo , LKNO is to DTV r.s 
AP to AC; that is, as the velocity of the falling body to the greatest 
velocity which the body by falling can acquire. Since, therefore, the 
moments LKNO and DTY of the areas ABNK and ATD are as the ve¬ 
locities, all the parts of those areas generated in the same time will be as 
the spaces described in the same time ; and therefore the whole areas ABNK 
and ADT, generated from the beginning, will be as the whole spaces de¬ 
scribed from the beginning of the descent. Q.E.D. 

Cor. 2. The same is true also of the space described in the ascent. 
That is to say, that all that space is to the space described in the same 
time, with the uniform velocity AC, as the area ABnk is to the sector AD/. 

Cor. 3. The velocity of the body, falling in the time ATD, is to the 
velocity which it would acquire in the same time in a non-resisting space, 
as the triangle APD to the hyperbolic sector ATD. For the velocity in 
a non-resisting medium would be as the time ATD, and in a resisting me¬ 
dium is as AP, that is, as the triangle APD. And those velocities, at the 
beginning of the descent, are equal among themselves, as well as those 
areas ATD, APD. 

Cor. 4. By the same argument, the velocity in the ascent is to the ve¬ 
locity with which the body in the same time, in a non-resisting space, would 
lose all its motion of ascent, as the triangle ApD to the circular sector 
A/D; or as the right line A p to the arc At. 

Cor. 5. Therefore the time in which a body, by falling in a resisting 
medium, would acquire the velocity AP, is to the time in which it would 
acquire its greatest velocity AC, by falling in a non-resisting space, as the 
sector ADT to the triangle ADC: and the time in which it would lose its 
velocity A p, by ascending in a resisting medium, is to the time in which 
it would lose the same velocity by ascending in a non-resisting space, as 
the arc At to its tangent Ap. 

Cor. 6. Hence from the given time there is given the space described in 
the/ascent or descent. For the greatest velocity of a body descending in 
infinitum is given (by Corol. 2 and 3, Theor. VI, of this Book); and thence 
the time is given in which a body would acquire that velocity by falling 
in a non-resisting space. And taking the sector ADT or AD/ to the tri¬ 
angle ADC in tbe ratio of the given time to the time just now found, 
there will be given both the velocity AP or A p, and the area ABNK or 
AB//A;, which is to the sector ADT, or AD/, as the space sought to the 
space which would, in the given time, be uniformly described with that 
greatest velocity found just before. 

Cor. 7. And by going backward, from the given space of ascent or de¬ 
scent AB nk or ABNK, there will be given the time AD/ or ADT. 



[Book II 


Suppose the uniform force of gravity to tend directly to the plane of the 
horizon , and the resistance to be as the density of the medium and the 
square of the velocity conjuuctly : it is proposed to find the density of 
the medium in each place , ivhich shcdl make the body move in any 
given curve line ; the velocity of the body and the resistance of the 
medium in each place. 

Let PQ be a plane perpendicular to 
the plane of the scheme itself; PFHQ 
a curve line meeting that plane in the 
points P and Q; G, H, I, K four 
places of the body going on in this 
curve from F to Q; and GB ; HO, ID, 
KE four parallel ordinates let fall 
P a. b c d e q from these points to the horizon, and 

standing on the horizontal line PQ, at the points B, C, D, E; and let the 
distances BC, CD, DE, of the ordinates be equal among themselves. From 
the points G and H let the right lines GL, HN, be drawn touching the 
curve in G and H, and meeting the ordinates CH, DI, produced upwards, 
in L and N : and complete the parallelogram HO DM. And the times in 
which the body describes the arcs GH, HI, will be in a subduplicate ratio 
of the altitudes LH, NI, which the bodies would describe in those times, 
by falling from the tangents; and the velocities will be as the lengths de¬ 
scribed GH, HI directly, and the times inversely. Let the times be ex- 


pounded by T and t , and the velocities by -jr and —- ; and the decrement 


of the velocity produced in the time t will be expounded by -pjv-—. 

This decrement arises from the resistance which retards the body, and from 
the gravity which accelerates it. Gravity, in a falling body, which in its 
fall describes the space NI, produces a velocity with which it would be able 
to describe twice that space in the same time, as Galileo has demonstrated ; 

that is, the velocity : but if the body describes the arc HI, it augments 


that arc only by the length HI — HN or —gj—; and therefore generates 
2M1 X NI 

only the velocity —-7x7“* I*et this velocity be added to the before- 

l /\ III 

mentioned decrement, and we shall have the decrement of the velocity 


arising from the resistance alone, that is, "TjT” T + Tx HI ' 

Sec. II.] 



Therefore since, in the same time, the action of gravity generates, in afall- 


ing body, the velocity ——, the resistance will be to the gravity as —-- 

t JL 


2MI X NI 2NI t X GH 
+ TxThT t0 ~T or M T 


+ -7T7— tc 2NI. 

Now for the abscissas CB, CD, 

OE, put — o, o, 2o. For the ordinate 
CH put P j and for MI put any series 
Qo + Ro 2 + So 3 +, <fcc. And all 
the terms of the series after the lirst, 
that is, Ro 2 -f So 3 +, (fee., will be 
NI; and the ordinates DI, EK, and 

BG will be P — Qo — Ro 2 — So 3 —, p A. B c D e q 

(fee., P_2Qo —4Ro 2 —SSo 3 —, (fee., and P -f- Qo —Ro 2 + So 3 —, 
(fee., respectively. And by squaring the differences of the ordinates BG — 
CH and CH — DI, and to the squares thence produced adding the squares 
of BC and CD themselves, you will have oo + QQoo — 2QRo 3 +, (fee., 
and oo + QQoo + 2QRo 3 +, (fee., the squares of the arcs GH, HI; whose 


roots o y/ --, and o y/\ i qq _l_ —- are the 

1 + QQ v/l+QQ +HH+ v/1+QQ 

arcs GH and HI. Moreover, if from the ordinate CH there be subducted 
half the sum of the ordinates BG and DI, and from the ordinate DI there 
be subducted half the sum of the ordinates CH and EK, there will remain 
Roo and Roo + 3So 3 , the versed sines of the arcs GI and HK. And these 
are proportional to the lineolae LH and NI, and therefore in the duplicate 

ratio of the infinitely small times T and t: and thence the ratio ~ is y/ 

R + 3So R 4- #So 


the values of 





t X GH 

HI + 


T 1 HI 

GH, HI, MI and NI just found, becomes 

, by substituting 



l + QQ. And since 2NI is 2Roo, the resistance will be now to the 

3Soo _ _ 

gravity as qq to 2Roo, that is, as 3S + qq to 4RR. 

And the velocity will be such, that a body going off therewith from any 
place H, in the direction of the tangent HN, would describe, in vacuo, a 

parabola, whose diameter is HC, and its latus rectum or — 

And the resistance is as the density of the medium and the square of 
the velocity conjunctly ; and therefore the density of the medium is as the 
resistance directly, and the square of the velocity inversely; that is, as 



[Book II. 

3S vl 

directly and _ 

1 + QQ, • 

inversely; that is, as 

4RR R R V 1 + OO 


Cor. 1. If the tangent HN be produced both ways, so as to meet any 


ordinate AF in T will be equal to X -f qq, an 4 therefore in what 

has gone before may be put for v 1 -f OO. By this means the resistance 
will be to the gravity as 3S X HT to 4RR X AC; the velocity will be a * 

ttt— 7 it, and the density of the medium will be as 


Cor. 2. And hence, if the curve line PFHO be defined by the relation 
between the base or abscissa AC and the ordinate CH ; as is usual, and the 
value of the ordinate be resolved into a converging series, the Problem 
will be expeditiously solved by the first terms of the series; as in the fol¬ 
lowing examples. 

Example 1. Let the line PFHO be a semi-circle described upon the 
diameter PO, to find the density of the medium that shall make a projec¬ 
tile move in that line. 

Bisect the diameter PO in A ; and call AO, n ; AC, a ; CH, e ; and 
CD, o; then DI 2 or AO 2 — AD 2 = nn — aa — 2ao — oo, or eu — 2ao 
— oo ; and the root being extracted by our method, will give DI = e — 
ao oo aaoo an* a* o* 

—, (fee. 

Here put nn for ee 

aa, and 

. aO 717100 

DI will become = e -—— 

e 2e 3 

anno 3 

—> &c - 

Such series I distinguish into successive terms after this manner: I call 
that the first term in which the infinitely small quantity o is not found; 
the second, in which that quantity is of one dimension only; the third, in 
which it arises to two dimensions; the fourth, in which it is of three; and 
so ad infinitum. And the first term, which here is e, will always denote 
the length of the ordinate CH, standing at the beginning of the indefinite 

quantity o. The second term, which here is will denote the difference 

between CH and DN; that is, the lineola MN which is cut off by com¬ 
pleting the parallelogram HCDM; and therefore always determines the 


position of the tangent HN; as, in this case, by taking MN to HM as — 

to o, or a to e. The third term, which here is "gJT? will represent the li¬ 
neola IN, which lies between the tangent and the curve; and therefore 
determines the angle of contact IHN, or the curvature which the curve line 



Sec. II.] 

has in H. If that lineola IN is of a finite magnitude, it will be expressed 
by the third term, together with those that follow in infinitum. Hut if 
that lineola be diminished in infini¬ 
tum, the terms following become in¬ 
finitely less than the third term, and 
therefore may be neglected. The 
fourth term determines the variation 
of the curvature; the fifth, the varia¬ 
tion of the variation ; and so on. 

Whence, by the way, appears no con- p a b c d e q. 

temptible use of these series in the solution of problems that depend upon 
tangents, and the curvature of curves. 


Now compare the series e — — 


2e 3 

anno 3 

— &c., with the 

series P — 0,0 -- Ron — So 3 

(fee., and for P, Q, R and S, put e, 

G *£>G 

and and for 1 + QQ put ^ 1 + — or -; and the density of 

s GG 6 

a . . a 

the medium will come out as —; that is (because n is given), as - or 

that is, as that length of the tangent HT, which is terminated at the 

semi-diameter AF standing perpendicularly on PO: and the resistance 
will be to the gravity as 3 a to 2n, that is, as 3AC to the diameter PO of 
the circle; and the velocity will be as ^CH. Therefore if the body goes 
from the place F, with a due velocity, in the direction of a line parallel to 
PO, and the density of the medium in each of the places II is as the length 
of the tangent HT, and the resistance also in any place H is to the force 
of gravity as 3AC to PO, that body will describe the quadrant FHO of a 
circle. O.E.I. 

But if the same body should go*from the place P, in the direction of a 
line perpendicular to PO, and should begin to move in an arc of the semi¬ 
circle PFO, we must take AC or a on the contrary side of the centre A ; 
and therefore its sign must be changed, and we must put — a for -f a. 


Then the density of the medium would come out as-. But nature 


does not admit of a negative density, that is, a density which accelerates 
the motion of bodies; and therefore it cannot naturally come to pass that 
a body by ascending from P should describe the quadrant PF of a circle. 
To produce such an effect, a body ought to be accelerated by an impelling 
medium, and not impeded by a resisting one. 

Example 2. Let the line PFQ, be a parabola, having its axis AF per- 



[Book BL 

pendicular to the horizon PQ, to find the density of the medium, which 
will make a projectile move in that line. 

v -g- From the nature of the parabola, the rectangle PDQ, 

1 is equal to the rectangle under the ordinate DI and some 
given right line ; that is, if that right line be called b ; 
PC, a; PQ,, c; CH, e; and CD, o; the rectangle a 
A. CD Q + o into c — a — o or ac — aa — 2ao -j- co — oo, is 

ac — aa 

equal to the rectangle b into DI, and therefore DI is equal to-^-h 

c — 2a oo , c — 2a . 

o -r. Now the second term —— o of this series is to he put 


b ~ b 

for Q,o, and the third term — for Roo. But since there are no more 
terms, the co-efficient S of the fourth term will vanish ; and therefore the 


R v x 1 + OO 

, to which the density of the medium is propor¬ 

tional, will be nothing. Therefore, where the medium is of no density, 
the projectile will move in a parabola; as Galileo hath heretofore demon¬ 
strated. O.E.I. 

Example 3. Let the line AGK be an hyperbola, having its asymptote 
NX perpendicular to the horizontal plane AK, to find the density of the 
medium that will make a projectile move in that line. 

Let MX be the other asymptote, meeting 
the ordinate DG produced in Y; and from 

XY into YG will be given. There is also 
given the ratio of DN to YX, and therefore 
the rectangle of DN into YG is given. Let 
that be bb: and, completing the parallelo¬ 
gram DNXZ, let BN be called a; BD, o ; 
NX, c; and let the given ratio of YZ to 


ZX or DN be —. Then DN will be equal 








-YZ—YG equal to c- a -1- o -. Let the term -- 

^ n n a—o a — o 

. . bb bb bb bb 

resolved into the converging series-1- 0 + -^oo + -— o 3 , &c., and 

(jl act ci ci 

GD will become equal to c 


bb m 

- 1 - o 

a n 





Sec. II.] 



&c. The second term — o — — o of this series is to be used for do; the 
n aa 

third ^ o 2 , with its sign changed for Ro 2 ; and the fourth ~ o 3 , with its 

m bb bb bb 

sign changed also for So 3 , and their coefficients-, — and — are to 

° ° ’ n aa a 3 a 4 

be put for Q,, R, and S in the former rule. Which being done, the den- 


sity of the medium will come out as 

~/x + 



2mbb b* 


naa a 4 

>/ mm 

aa H- aa 



b 4 

n aa 
m 2 

\ that is, if in YZ you take VY equal to 

2mbb b 4 

H-are the squares of XZ 

YG, as For aa and 

’ XY n J n aa 

and ZY. But the ratio of the resistance to gravity is found to be that of 

3XY to 2YG; and the velocity is that with which the body would de- 

XY 2 

scribe a parabola, whose vertex is G, diameter DG, latus rectum “yQ - * Sup¬ 

pose, therefore, that the densities of the medium in each of the places G 
are reciprocally as the distances XY, and that the resistance in any place 
G is to the gravity as 3XY to 2YG ; and a body let go from the place A, 
with a due velocity. will describe that hyperbola AGK. Q.E.I. 

Example 4. Suppose, indeSnitely, the line AGK to be an hyperbola 
described with the centre X, and the asymptotes MX, NX, so that, having 
constructed the rectangle XZDN, whose side ZD cuts the hyperbola in G 
and its asymptote in Y, YG may be reciprocally as any power DN n of the 
line ZX or DN, whose index is the number n: to find the density of the 
medium in which a projected body will describe this curve. 

For BN, BD, NX, put A, O, C, respec¬ 
tively, and let YZ be to XZ or DN as d to 

e, arid VG be equal to ; then DN will 
be equal to A — O, VG = - ■ — VZ = 

- A^o", and GD or NX — VZ — VG equal 
d d bb 

to O-AH-O — Let the 

e e A — 0|° jjt 



[Book II 

bb . . . bb nbb _ 

term __ _ n be resolved into an infinite senes -r^ + —-x O + 

A — 0| A 1 A. n + 1 

nn + n _, ^ n 3 + 3 ? 7?7 + 271 ,, _ 

2 A" +~ » * ^ O 2 H- ^ - n 3 - X bb O 3 , &c., and GD will be equal 


„ d bb <Z 

t° c — - a - ^ + -°- a „ + , 

+ 7i 3 + 3nn +2*7 

»• - 

6A n + 

bbO 3 , &c. The second term - O — n ™-- - O of this 

e A n + 1 

series is to be used for Qo, the third a bbO 2 for Roo, the fourth 

77 3 + 3/777 + 2/7 

— g]Y" - + - 3- bbO 3 for So 3 . And thence the density of the medium 

H v/ l + QQ 

, in anyplace G, will be 

n + 2 

3 v/ , dd 2dnbb ////o 4 ‘ 

A, + ^ A2 -1a^ A + X- 

and therefore if in YZ you take VY equal to n X YG, that density is re- 

n vv t? 10 1 dd 2 dnbb nnb 4 

ciprocally as Xi. For A- and — A 2 — — 7 — A + -— are the 

ee eA u A 2n 

squares of XZ and ZY. But the resistance in the same place G is to the 

XY 4- 2n 

force of gravity as 3S X - 7 — to 4RR, that is, as XY to —-- YG. 

A 77+2 

And the velocity there is the same wherewith the projected body would 

move in a parabola, whose vertex is G, diameter GD, and latus rectum 

1+GQ, 2XY 2 

or =-. Q.E.I. 


nn + 77 X VG 


In the same manner that the den¬ 
sity of the medium comes out to be aa 
S X AC . ^ 

R ~ X ~ H T’ m (> ° r * resistanoe 

is put as any power V n of the velocity 
V, the density of the medium will 

come out to be as 

4 — n 


And therefore if a curve can be found, such that the ratio of —-— to 

' 4 — n 

R 2~ 

Sec. II.J 





n — I 

or of 

S 2 

R 4 - 


i + aa\ n 

may be given; the body, in an 


form medium, whose resistance is as the power V n of the velocity V, will 
move in this curve. But let us return to more simple curves. 

Because there can be no motion in a para¬ 
bola except in a non-resisting medium, but 
in the hyperbolas here described it is produced 
by a perpetual resistance; it is evident that 
the line which a projectile describes in an 
uniformly resisting medium approaches nearer 
to these hyperbolas than to a parabola. That 
line is certainly of the hyperbolic kind, but 
about the vertex it is more distant from the 
asymptotes, and in the parts remote from the 

vertex draws nearer to them than these hy- MT”3. BD~KT N 

perbolas here described. The difference, however, is not so great between 
the one and the other but that these latter may be commodfously enough 
used in practice instead of the former. And perhaps these may prove more 
useful than an hyperbola that is.more accurate, and at the same time more 
compounded. They may be made use of, then, in this manner. 

Complete the parallelogram XYGT, and the right line GT will touch 
the hyperbola in G, and therefore the density of the medium in G is re- 

GT 2 

ciprocally as the tangent GT, and the velocity there as 

and the 

resistance is to the force of gravity as GT to 

Therefore if a body projected from the 
place A, in the direction of the right line 
AH, describes the hyperbola AGK and 
AH produced meets the asymptote NX in 
H, and AI drawn parallel to it meets the 
other asymptote MX in I; the density of 
the medium in A will be reciprocally as 
AH. and the velocity of the body as V 

■ , and the resistance there to the force 


2 nn + 2n 

ii + 2 

X GY. 

of gravity r.s 

AH t 2nn + 2n 

AH to- 

n + 2 

X AI. Hence the 


rules a e 


Rule 1. If the density of the medium at A, and the velocity with which 
the body is projected remain the same, and the angle NAH be changed, 
the lengths AH, AI, HX will remain. Therefore if those lengths, in any 


one case, are found, the hyperbola may afterwards be easily determined 
from any given angle NAH. 

Rule 2. If the angle NAH, and the density of the medium at A, re¬ 
main the same, and the velocity with which the body is projected be 
changed, the length AH will continue the same ; and AI will be changed 
in a duplicate ratio of the velocity reciprocally. 

Rule 3. If the angle NAH, the velocity of the body at A, and the ac¬ 
celerative gravity remain the same, and the proportion of the resistance at 
A to the motive gravity be augmented in any ratio; the proportion of AH 
to AI will be augmented in the same ratio, the latus rectum of the above- 

AH 2 

mentioned parabola remaining the same, and also the length propor- 


tional to it; and therefore AH will be diminished in the same ratio, and 
AI will be diminished in the duplicate of that ratio. But the proportion 
of the resistance to the weight is augmented, when either the specific grav- 
ity is made less, the magnitude remaining equal, or when the density of 
the medium is made greater, or when, by diminishing the magnitude, the 
resistance becomes diminished in a less ratio than the weight. 

Rule 4. Because the density of the medium is greater near the vertex 
of the hyperbola than it is in the place A, that a mean density may be 
preserved, the ratio of the least of the tangents GT to the tangent AH 
ought to be found, and the density in A augmented in a ratio a little 
greater than that of half the sum of those tangents to the least of the 
tangents GT. 

Rule 5. If the lengths AH, ,AI are given, and the figure AGK is to be 
described, produce HN to X, so that HX may be to AI as n -f 1 to 1; and 
with the centre X, and the asymptotes MX, NX, describe an hyperbola 
through the point A, such that AI may be to any of the lines YG as XV" 
to XI". 

Rule 6 . By how much the greater the number n is, so much the more 
accurate are these hyperbolas in the ascent of the body from A, and less 
accurate in its descent to K; and the contrary. The conic hyperbola 
keeps a mean ratio between these, and is more simple than the rest. There¬ 
fore if the hyperbola be of this kind, and you are to find the point K, 
where the projected body falls upon any right line AN passing through 
the point A, let AN produced meet the asymptotes MX, NX in M and N, 
and take NK equal to AM. 

Rule 7. And hence appears an expeditious method of determining this 
hyperbola from the phenomena. Let two similar and equal bodies be pro¬ 
jected with the same velocity, in different angles HAK, hAk , and let them 
fall upon the plane of the horizon in K and k ; and note the proportion f 
of AK to Ak. Let it be as d to e. Then erecting a perpendicular AI of 
any length, assume any how the length AH or Ah, and thence graphically, 

Sec. II.] 


2 77 

or by scale and compass, collect the lengths AK, Ak (by Rule 6). If the 
ratio of AK to Ak be the same with that of d to e, the length of AH was 

rightly assumed. If not, take on the indefinite right line SM, the length 
SM equal to the assumed AH; and erect a perpendicular MN equal to the 

difference — - of the ratios drawn into any given right line. By the 

like method, from several assumed lengths AH, you may find several points 
N ; and draw througli them all a regular curve NNXN, cutting the right 
line SMMM in X. Lastly, assume AH equal to the abscissa SX, and 
thence find again the length AK; and the lengths, which are to the as¬ 
sumed length AI, and this last AH, as the length AK known by experi¬ 
ment, to the length AK last found, will be the true lengths AI and AH, 
which were to be found. But these being given, there will be given also 
the resisting force of the medium in the place A, it being to the force of 
gravity as AH to £AI. Let the density of the medium be increased by 
Rule 4, and if the resisting force just found be increased in the same ratio, 
it will become still more accurate. 

Rule S. The lengths AH, HX being found ; let there be now re¬ 
quired the position of the line AH, according to which a projectile thrown 
with that given velocity shall fall upon any point K. At the [joints A 
and K, erect the lines AC, KF perpendicular to the horizon ; whereof let 
AC be drawn downwards, and be equal to AI or ^HX. With the asymp¬ 
totes AK, KF, describe an hyperbola, whose conjugate shall pass through 
the point C ; and from the centre A, with the interval AH. describe a cir¬ 
cle cutting that hyperbola in the point H; then the projectile thrown in 
the direction of the right line AH will fall upon the point K. Q.E.I. For 
the point H, because of the given length AH, must be somewhere in the 
circumference of the described circle. Draw CH meeting AK and KF in 
E and F; and because CH, MX are parallel, and AC, AI equal, AE will 
be equal to AM, and therefore also equal to KN. But CE is to AE as 
FH to KN, and therefore CE and FH are equal. Therefore the point H 
falls upon the hyperbolic curve described with the asymptotes AK,.KF 
whose conjugate passes through the point C ; and is therefore found in the 

27 S 


[Book 1L 

common intersection of this hyperbolic 
curve and the circumference of the de- 
/ I scribed circle. Q.E.D. It is to be oh 

sy j served that this operation is the same, 

x' '■ \\ whether the right line AKN be parallel to 

Jx; the horizon, or inclined thereto in any an- 

’ an< ^ ^ rom ^ w0 i n t ersec tions H, 

A _--Vi " t \ K there arise two angles NAH, NAA ; 

/. ^ \_ _ and that in mechanical practice it is suf- 

M c!/ 6 AK N ficient once to describe a circle, then to 

apply a ruler CH, of an indeterminate length, so to the point C, that its 
part PH, intercepted between the circle and the right line FK, may be 
equal to its part CE placed between the point C and the right line AK 

What has been said of hyperbolas may he easily 
T Jv applied to p ir ibid h. For if a parabola be re- 

/ presented by XAGK, touched by a right line XV 

\v in the vertex X, and the ordinates I A, VG be as 

any powers XI n , XV“, of the abscissas XI, XV; 
^ draw XT, GT, AH, whereof let XT be parallel 

\ to VG, and let GT, AH touch the parabola in 
B Y G and A : and a body projected from any place 

^ A, in the direction of the right line AH, with a 

due velocity, will describe this parabola, if the density of the medium in 
each of the places G be reciprocally as the tangent GT. In that case the 
velocity in G will be the same as would cause a body, moving in a non¬ 
resisting space, to describe a conic parabola, having G for its vertex, VG 

2GT 2 

produced downwards for its diameter, and -— _- for its latus 

nn — n X VG 

rectum. And the resisting force in G will be to the force of gravity as GT to 
2 nn — 2it . 

• " o — * G. Therefore if NAK represent an horizontal line, and botli 

the density of the medium at A, and the velocity with which the body is 
projected, remaining the same, the angle NAH be any how altered, the 
lengths AH, AI, HX will remain; and thence will be given the vertex X 
of the parabola, and the position of the right line XI; and by taking VG 
to IA as XV n to X l n , there will be given all the points G of the parabola, 
through which the projectile will pass. 

Sec. III.] 




Of the motions of bodies which are resisted partly In the ratio of the ve¬ 
locities, and partly in the duplicate of the same rat io. 



Gr j\_ 




If a body be resisted partly in the ratio and partly in the duplicate rat io 
of its velocity , and moves in a similar medium by its innate force 
only; and the times be taken in arithmetical progression; then 
quantities reciprocally proportional to the velocities, increased by a cer¬ 
tain given quantity , will be in geometrical progression. 

With the centre C, and the rectangular asymptotes 
CAM and CH, describe an hyperbola BEe, and let 
AB, DE, de , be parallel to the asymptote CH. In 
the asymptote CD let A, G be given points ; and if 
the time be expounded by the hyperbolic area ABED 
uniformly increasing, I say, that the velocity may 
be expressed by the length DF, whose reciprocal 
GD, together with the given line CG, compose the 
length CD increasing in a geometrical progression. 

For let the areola DE ed be the least given increment of the time, and 
Dd will be reciprocally as DE, and therefore directly as CD. Therefore 

the decrement of which (by Lem. II, Book II) is will be also as 

CD CG + GD 1 CG 

?TTTror —ttfTo - > that is, as ttf: + tttt«• Therefore the time ABED 

uniformly increasing by the addition of the given particles EDc/e, it fol¬ 
lows that decreases in the same ratio with the velocity. For the de¬ 
crement of the velocity is as the resistance, that is (by the supposition), as 
the sum of two quantities, whereof one is as the velocity, and the other as 

the square of the velocity ; and the decrement of is as the sum of the 




quantities and whereof the first is „„ 

GL> uL)“ GJJ 

itself, and the last 

CG 1 1 

^pr -isas : therefore 7 ^ is as the velocity, the decrements of both 
GD 2 GD 2 GD 

being analogous. And if the quantity GD reciprocally proportional to 

—be augmented by the given quantity CG; the sum CD, the time 

ABED uniformly increasing, will increase .'n 

geometrical progression. 



[Book II 

Cor. 1. Therefore, if, haying the points A and G given, the time be 
expounded by the hyperbolic area ABED, the velocity may be expounded 

by the reciprocal of GD. 

Cor. 2. And by taking GA to GD as the reciprocal of the velocity at 
the beginning to the reciprocal of the velocity at the end of any time 
ABED, the point G will be found. And that point being found the ve¬ 
locity may be found from any other time given. 

C G A. 



The same things being supposed , I say, that if the spaces described are. 
taken in arithmetical progression, the velocities augmented by a cer - 
tain given quantity will be in geometrical progression. 

K| In the asymptote CD let there be given the 

\j 3 point R, and, erecting the perpendicular R§ 

meeting the hyperbola in S, let the space de- 
*2E „ scribed be expounded by the hyperbolic area 

RSED ; and the velocity will be as the length 
GD, which^'together with the given line CG, 
composes a length CD decreasing in a geo¬ 
metrical progression, while the space RSED increases in an arithmetical 

For, because the incre nent ED de of the space is given, the lineola D d, 
which is the decrement of GD, will be reciprocally as ED, and therefore 
directly as CD ; that is, as the sum of the same GD and the given length 
CG. But the decrement of the velocity, in a time reciprocally propor¬ 
tional thereto, in which the given particle of space Dt/eE is described, is 
as the resistance and the time conjunctly, that is, directly as the sum ot 
two quantities, whereof one is as the velocity, the other as the square of 
the velocity, and inversely as the veh city; and therefore directly as the 
sum of two quantities, one of which is given, the other is - as the velocity. 
Therefore the decrement both of the velocity and the line GD is as a given 
quantity and a decreasing quantity conjunctly; and, because the decre¬ 
ments are analogous, the decreasing quantities will always be analogous; 
viz., the velocity, and the line GD. Q.E.D. 

Cor. 1. If the velocity be expounded by the length GD, the space de¬ 
scribed will be as the hyperbolic area DE8R. 

Cor. 2. And if the point . be assumed any how, the point G will be 
found, by taking GR to GD as the velocity at the beginning to the velo¬ 
city after any space RSED is described. The point G being given, the 
space is given from the given velocity: and the contrary. 

Co«. 3. Whence since (by Prop. XI) the velocity is given from the given 

Sec. Ill.! 



time, and (by this Prop.) the space is given from the given velocity; the 
space will be given from the given time : and the contrary. 


Supposing that a body attracted downwards by an uniform gravity as¬ 
cends or descends in a right line; and that the same is resisted 
partly in the ratio of its velocity, and partly in the duplicate ratio 
thereof: I say, that, if right lines parallel to the diameters of a circle 
and an hyperbola- be drawn through the ends of the conjugate diame¬ 
ters, and the velocities be as some segments of those parallels drawn 
from a given point, the times will be as the sectors of the areas cut 
off by right lines drawn from the centre to the ends of the segments; 
and the contrary. 

Case 1 . Suppose first that the body is ascending, 
and from the centre I), with any semi-diameter DB, 
describe a quadrant BETF of a circle, and through 
the end B of the semi-diameter DB draw the indefi¬ 
nite line BAP, parallel to the semi-diameter DF. In 
chat line let there be given the point A, and take the 
Begment AP proportional to the velocity. And since 
one part of the resistance is as the velocity, and 
another part as the square of the velocity, let the 
whole resistance be as AP 2 4- 2BAP. Join DA, DP, cutting the circle 
in E and T, and let the gravity be expounded by DA 2 , so that the gravity 
shall be to the resistance in P as DA 2 to AP 2 -f2BAP; and the time of the 
whole ascent will be as the sector EDT of the circle. 

For draw DVQ, cutting off the moment PQ of the velocity AP, and the 
moment DTV of the sector DET answering to a given moment of time ; 
and that decrement PQ, of the velocity will be as the sum of the forces of 
gravity DA 2 and of resistance AP 2 + 2BAP, that is (by Prop. XII 
Book II,Elem.),as DP 2 . Then the arsa DPQ, which is proportional to PQ, 
is as DP 2 , and the area DTV, which is to the area DPQ as DT 2 to DP 2 , is 
as the given quantity DT 2 . Therefore the area EDT decreases uniformly 
according to the rate of the future time, by subduction of given particles DT V 7 , 
and is therefore proportional to the time of the whole ascent. Q.E.D. 

Case 2. If the velocity in the ascent 
of the body be expounded by the length Q 
AP as before, and the resistance be made 
as AP 2 4- 2BAP, and if the force of grav¬ 
ity be less than can be expressed by DA 2 ; 
take BD of such a length, that AB 2 — 

BD 2 may be proportional to the gravity, 
and let DF be perpendicular and equal D 



[Book II. 

tro DB, and through the vertex F describe the hyperbola FTVE, whose con¬ 
jugate semi-diameters are DB and DF, and which cuts DA in E, and DP, 
DQ in T and V; and the time of the whole ascent will be as the hyper¬ 
bolic sector TDE. 

For the decrement PQ of the velocity, produced in a given particle of 
time, is as the sum of the resistance AP 2 -f 2BAP and of the gravity 
AB 2 — BD 2 , that is, as BP 2 — BD 2 . But the area DTY is to the area 
DPQ as DT 2 to DP 2 ; and, therefore, if GT be drawn perpendicular to 
DF. as GT 2 or GD 2 — DF 2 to BD 2 , and as GD 2 to BP 2 , and, by di¬ 
vision, as DF 2 to BP 2 — BD 2 . Therefore since the area DPQ, is as PQ, 
that is, as BP 2 — BD 2 , the area DTY will be as the given quantity DF 2 . 
'Therefore the area EDT decreases uniformly in each of the equal particles 
of time, by the subduction of so many given particles DTY, and therefore 
is proportional to the time. Q.E.D. 

r CASE 3. Let AP be the velocity in the descent of 
the body, and AP 2 + 2BAP the force of resistance, 
andBD 2 —AB 2 the force of gravity, the angle DBA 
being a right one. And if with the centre D, and the 
principal vertex B, there be described a rectangular 
hyperbola BETY cutting DA, DP, and DQ produced 
in E, T, and V ; the sector DET of this hyperbola will 
be as the whole time of descent. 

For the increment PQ of the velocity, and the area DPQ proportional 
to it, is as the excess of the gravity above the resistance, that is, as 

|» 1)2 AB 2 2BAP — AP 2 or BD 2 — BP 2 . And the area DTV 

is to the area DPQ as DT 2 to DP 2 ; and therefore as GT 2 or GD 2 — 
BD 2 to BP 2 , and as GD 2 to BD 2 , and, by division, as BD 2 to BD 2 — 
BP 2 . Therefore since the area DPQ is as BD 2 — BP 2 , the area DTV 
will be as the given quantity BD 2 . Therefore the area EDT increases 
uniformlv in the several equal particles of time by the addition of as 
many given particles DTY, and therefore is proportional to the time of 
the descent. Q.E.D. 

Cor. If with the centre D and the semi-diameter DA there be drawn 
through the vertex A an arc At similar to the arc ET, and similarly sub- 
tendin^the angle A DT, the velocity AP will be to the velocity which the 
body in the time EDT, in a non-resisting space, can lose in its ascent, or 
acquire in its descent, as the area of the triangle DAP to the area of the 
Bector DA£ ; and therefore is given from the time given. For the velocity 
in a non-resisting medium is proportional to the time, and therefore to this 
sector: in a resisting medium, it is as the triangle; and in both mediums, 
where it is least, it approaches to the ratio of equality, as the sector and 
triangle do 

Sec. III.] 




One may demonstrate also that case in the ascent of the body, where the 
force of gravity is less than can be expressed by DA 2 or AB 2 + BD 2 , and 
greater than can be expressed by AB 2 — DB 2 , and must be expressed by 
AB 2 . But I hasten to other things. 


The same things being supposed , 1 say , that the space described in the 
ascent or descent is as the difference of the area by which the time is 
expressed , and of some other area which is augmented or diminished 
in an arithmetical progression ; if the forces compounded of the re¬ 
sistance and the gravity be taken in a geometrical progression. 

Take AC (in these three figures) proportional to the gravity, and AK 
to the resistance; but take them on the same side of the point A, if the 

body is descending, otherwise on the contrary. Erect A b, which make to 
DB as DB 2 to 4BAC : and to the rectangular asymptotes CK, CH, de¬ 
scribe the hyperbola 6N: and, erecting KN perpendicular to CK, the area 
A/;NK will be augmented or diminished in an arithmetical progression, 
while the forces CK are taken in a geometrical progression. I say, there¬ 
fore, that the distance of the body from its greatest altitude is as the excess 
of the area A6NK above the area DET. 

For since AK is as the resistance, that is, as AP 2 X 2BAP; assume 

any given quantity Z, and put AK equal to 


; then (by Lem. 



II of this Book) the moment KL of AK will be equal to 

2APQ + 2BA X PQ 

or —~—, and the moment KLON of the area A6NK will be equal to 


Z 0 r 2ZxCK X AB - 

Case 1. Now if the body ascends, and the gravity be as AB 2 + BD 3 
BET being a circle, the line AC, which is proportional to the gravity 

A13 2 i RT)2 

will be -- T, -; and DP 2 or AP 2 + 2BAP + AB 2 + BD 2 will be 

AK X Z + AC X Z or CK X Z ; and therefore the area DTV will be to 
the area DPQ as DT 2 or I)B 2 to CK X Z. 

Case 2. If the body ascends, and the gravity be as AB 2 —BD 2 , the 
AT3 2 _ Til) 2 

line AC will be-^-and DT 2 will be to DP 2 as DF 2 or DB 2 


to BP 2 —BD 2 or AP 2 + 2BAP + AB 2 —BD 2 , that is, to AK X Z + 

AC X Z or CK X Z. And therefore the area DTV will be to the area 
DPQ as DB 2 to CK X Z. 

Case 3. And by the same reasoning, if the body descends, and therefore 
the gravity is as BD 2 —AB 2 , and the line AC becomes equal to 
TCD 2 _AB 2 

----; the area DTV will be to the area DPQ as DB 2 to CK X 


Z: as above. 

Since, therefore, these areas are always in this ratio, if for the area 

Sec. 111. 



DTY, by which the moment of the time, always equal to itself, is express¬ 
ed, there be put any determinate rectangle, as BD X ra, the area DPQ,, 
that is, |BD X PQ, will be to BD X m as CK X Z to BI) 2 . And thence 
PQ. X BD 3 becomes equal to2BD X m X CK X Z,and the moment KLON 

of the area A6NK, found before, becomes 

BP X BD X m 
AB * 

Prom the area 

DET subduct its moment DTY or BD X ra, and there will remain 
AP X BD X ni 

--. Therefore the difference of the moments, that is, the 

mo.nent of the difference of the areas, is equal to 

AP X BD X rn 


therefore (because of the given quantity 

BD X m 


-) as the velocity AP; 

that is, as the moment of the space which the body describes in its ascent 
or descent. And therefore the difference of the areas, and that space, in¬ 
creasing or decreasing by proportional moments, and beginning together or 
vanishing together, are proportional. Q,.E.D. 

Cor. If the length, which arises by applying the area DET to the line 
BD, be called M ; and another length Y be taken in that ratio to the length 
M, which the line DA has to the line DE; the space which a body, in a 
resisting medium, describes in its whole ascent or descent, will be to the 
space which a body, in a non-resisting medium, falling from rest, can de¬ 
scribe in the same time, as the difference of the aforesaid areas to 

BD X Y 2 

— -t-r— ) an( l therefore is given from the time given. For the space in a 

non-resisting medium is in a duplicate ratio of the time, or as Y 2 ; and. 

BD X Y 2 

because BD and AB are given, as —jg-—. This area is equal to the 


DA 2 X BD X M 5 
DE 2 X AB 

and the moment of M is m; and therefore the 

, , . . DA 2 X BD X 2M X m 

moment of this area is--" But this moment is to 

Dht- X Ar5 

the moment of the difference of the aforesaid areas DET and A6NK, viz., to 

AP X Bl) X m DA’XBDxM, ,r>r> .. .r> OA 2 • . T^m 
--, as-- to iBD X AP, or as into DET 

to DAP; and, therefore, when the areas DET and DAP are least, in the 

BD X Y 2 

ratio of equality. Therefore the area —-and the difference of the 

areas DET and A&NK, when all these areas are least, have equal moments; 
and t re therefore equal. Therefore since the velocities, and therefore also 
the sj aces in both mediums described together, in the beginning of the de¬ 
scent. or the end of the ascent, approach to equality, and therefore are then 



[Book II 

BD X V 2 

one to another as the area ——, and the difference of the areas DET 

and A6NK; and moreover since the space, in a non-resisting medium, is 
BD X V 2 

perpetually as-—, and the space, in a resisting medium, is perpetu¬ 

ally as the difference of the areas DET and A6NK ; it necessarily follows, 
that the spaces, in both mediums, described in any equal times, are one to 
BD X V 2 

another as that area-- 4 —-, and the difference of the areas DET and 




The resistance of spherical bodies in fluids arises partly from the tena¬ 
city, partly from the attrition, and partly from the density of the medium. 
And that part of the resistance which arises from the density of the fluid 
is, as I said, in a duplicate ratio of the velocity; the other part, which 
arises from the tenacity of the fluid, is uniform, or as the moment of the 
time ; and, therefore, we might now proceed to the motion of bodies, which 
are resisted partly by an uniform force, or in the ratio of the moments of 
the time, and partly in the duplicate ratio of the velocity. But it is suf¬ 
ficient to have cleared the way to this speculation in Prop. VIII and IX 
foregoing, and their Corollaries. For in those Propositions, instead of the 
uniform resistance made to an ascending body arising from its gravity, 
one may substitute the uniform resistance which arises from the tenacity 
of the medium, when the body moves by its vis insita alone; and when the 
body ascends in a right line, add this uniform resistance to the force of 
gravity, and subduct it when the body descends in a right line. One 
might also go on to the motion of bodies which are resisted in part uni¬ 
formly, in part in the ratio of the velocity, and in part in the duplicate 
ratio of the same velocity. And I have opened a way to this in Prop. 
XIII and XIY foregoing, in which the uniform resistance arising from the 
tenacity of the medium may be substituted for the force of gravity, or be 
compounded with it as before. But I hasten to other things. 

Sec. IV'.] 




Of the circular motion of bodies in resisting mediums. 


Let PQR be a spiral cutting all the radii SP, SQ, SR, $*c., in equal 
angles. Draw the right line PT touching the spiral in any point P, 
and cutting the radius SQ in T; draw PO, QO perpendicular to 
the spiral , and meeting in O, and join SO. J say, that if the points 
P and Q approach and coincide, the angle PSO will become a right 
angle , and the ultimate ratio of the rectangle TQ X 2PS to Pol 2 will 
be the ratio of equality. 

For from the right angles OPQ, OQR, sub¬ 
duct the equal angles SPQ, SQR, and there 
will remain the equal angles OPS, OQS. 

Therefore a circle which passes through the 
points OSP will pass also through the point 
Q. Let the points P and Q coincide, and 
this circle will touch the spiral in the place 
of coincidence PQ, and will therefore cut the 
right line OP perpendicularly. Therefore OP will become a diameter of 
this circle, and the angle OSP, being in a semi-circle, becomes a right 
one. Q.E.D. 

Draw QD, SE perpendicular to OP, and the ultimate ratios of the lines 
will be as follows : TQ to PD as TS or PS to PE, or 2PO to 2PS • and 
PD to PQ as PQ to 2PO; and, ex cequo perturbate, to TQ to PQ as PQ 
to 2PS. Whence PQ 2 becomes equal to TQ X 2PS. Q.E.D. 


Tf the density of a medium in each place thereof be reciprocal 1 y as the 
distance of the places from an immovable centre, and the centripetal 
force be in the duplicate ratio of the density ; I say, that a body may 
revolve in a spiral which cuts all the radii drawn from that centre 
in a given angle. 

Suppose every thing to be as in the forego¬ 
ing Lemma, and produce SQ to V so that SV 
may be equal to SP. In any time let a body, 
in a resisting medium, describe the least arc 
PQ, and in double the time the least arc PR ; 
and the decrements of those arcs arising from 
the resistance, or their differences from the 
arcs which would be described in a non-resist¬ 
ing medium in the same times, will be to each 
other as the squares of the times in which they 
are generated; therefore the decrement of the 



[Book 11 

arc PQ is the fourth part of the decrement of the arc PR. Whence also 
if the area QSr be taken equal to the area PSQ, the decrement of the arc 
PQ will be equal to half the lineola Rr and therefore the force of resist¬ 
ance and the centripetal force are to each other as the lineola iRr and TQ 
which they generate in the same time. Because the centripetal force with 
which the body is urged in P is reciprocally as SP 2 , and (by Lem. X, 
Book I) the lineola TQ, which is generated by that force, is in a ratio 
compounded of the ratio of this force and the duplicate ratio of the time 
in which the arc PQ is described (for in this case I neglect the resistance, 
as being infinitely less than the centripetal force), it follows that TQ X 
SP 2 , that is (by the last Lemma), |PQ 2 X SP, will be in a duplicate ra¬ 
tio of the time, and therefore the time is as PQ X -s/SP ; and the velo¬ 
city of the body, with which the arc PQ is described in that time, as 
PQ 1 

PQ X \/SP ° r 1/SP’ ^ at ^duplicate ra ^° of SP reciprocally. 

And, by a like reasoning, the velocity with whioh the arc QRis described, 
is in the subduplicate ratio of SQ reciprocally. Now those arcs PQ and 
QR are as the describing velocities to each other; that is, in the subdu¬ 
plicate ratio of SQ to SP, or as SQ to v/SP X SQ; and, because of the 
equal angles SPQ, SQ?', and the equal areas PSQ, QSr, the arc PQ is to 
the arc Qr as SQ to SP. Take the differences of the proportional conse¬ 
quents, and the arc PQ will be to the arc Rr as SQ to SP 

or ^VQ. For the points P and Q coinciding 

^SP X SQ, 
r, the ultimate ratio of SP — 
v'SP X SQ to |VQ is the ratio of equality. Because the decrement of 
the arc PQ arising from the resistance, or its double Rr, is as the resistance 


and the square of the time conjunctly, the resistance will be as p Q 0 ^ ^ p. 


But PQ was to Rr as SQ to fVQ, and thence becomes as 

PQ 2 X SP 


r OS 

or ns 

^~p 7 . For the points P and Q coinciding, 

SP and SQ coincide also, and the angle PVQ becomes a right one; and, 
because of the similar triangles PVQ, PSO, PQ. becomes to |VQ as OP 

to -jOS. Therefore -~r.j —is as the resistance, that is, in the ratio of 

the density of the medium in P and the duplicate ratio of the velocity 

conjunctly. Subduct the duplicate ratio of the velocity, namely, the ratio 

1 OS 

gp, and there will remain the density of the medium in P. as Q p gp 

Let the spiral be given, and, because of the given ratio of OS to OP, the 

density of the medium in P will be as~p. Therefore in a medium whose 



Sec. IV.] 

density is reciprocally as SP the distance from the centre, a body will re¬ 
volve in this spiral. Q.E.D. 

Cor. 1. The velocity in any place P, is always the same wherewith a 
body in a non-resisting medium with the same centripetal force would re¬ 
volve in a circle, at the same distance SP from the centre. 

Cor. 2. The density of the medium, if the distance SP be given, is as 



but if that distance is not given, as 



And thence a spiral 

may be fitted to any density of the medium. 

Cor. 3. The force of the resistance in any place P is to the centripetal 
force in the same place as AOS to OP. For those forces are to each other 
AVO X PQ. , APQ 2 

as ARr and TO, or as — 



*gp—-, that is, as a VO and PO, 

or AOS and OP. The spiral therefore being given, there is given the pro¬ 
portion of the resistance to the centripetal force ; and. vice versa , from that 
proportion given the spiral is given. 

Cor. 4. Therefore the body cannot revolve in this spiral, except where 
the force of resistance is less than half the centripetal force. Let the re¬ 
sistance be made equal to half the centripetal force, and the spiral will co¬ 
incide with the right line PS, and in that right line the body will descend 
to the centre with a velocity that is to the velocity, with which it was 
proved before, in the case of the parabola (Theor. X, Book I), the descent 
would be made in a non-resisting medium, in the subduplicate ratio of 
unity to the number two. And the times of the descent will be here recip¬ 
rocally as the velocities, and therefore given. 

Cor. 5. And because at equal distances 
from the centre the velocity is the same in the 
spiral PQ,R as it is in the right line SP, and 
the length of the spiral is to the length of the 
right line PS in a given ratio, namely, in the 
ratio of OP to OS; the time of the descent in 
the spiral will be to the time of the descent in 
the right line SP in the same given ratio, and 
therefore given. 

Cor. 6 . If from the centre S, with any two 
given intervals, two circles are described; and 
these circles remaining, the angle which the spiral makes with the radius 
PS be any how changed; the number of revolutions which the body can 
complete in the space between the circumferences of those circles, going 


round in the spiral from one circumference to another, will be as or as 
• Uo 

the tangent of the angle which the spiral makes with the radius PS ; and 




[Book II 

the time of the same revolutions will be as ^g, that is, as the secant of the 

3ame angle, or reciprocally as the density of the medium. 

Cor. 7. If a body, in a medium whose density is reciprocally as the dis¬ 
tances of places from the centre, revolves in any curve AEB about that 
centre, and cuts the first radius AS in the same 
angle in B as it did before in A, and that with a 
velocity that shall be to its first velocity in A re¬ 
ciprocally in a subduplicate ratio of the distances 
from the centre (that is, as AS to a mean propor¬ 
tional between AS and BS) that body will con¬ 
tinue to describe innumerable similar revolutions 
BFC, CGD, &c., and by its intersections will 
distinguish the radius AS into parts AS, BS, CS, DS, (fee., that are con¬ 
tinually proportional. But the times of the revolutions will be as the 
perimeters of the orbits AEB, BFC, CGD, (fee., directly, and the velocities 

.2 -2 

at the beginnings A, B, C of those orbits inversely ; that is as AS 2 . BS 2 , 

CS 2 . And the whole time in which the body will arrive at the centre, 
will be to the time of the first revolution as the sum of all the continued 

3 3. 3. 

proportionals AS 2 , BS 2 , CS 2 , going on ad infinitum, to the first term 

Ji 3 3 

AS 2 ; that is, as the first term AS 2 to the difference of the two first AS 2 


— BS 2 , or as f AS to AB very nearly. Whence the whole time may be 
easily found. 

Cor. 8 . From hence also may be deduced, near enough, the motions of 
bodies in mediums whose density is either uniform, or observes any other 
assigned law. From the centre S, with intervals SA, SB, SC, (fee., con¬ 
tinually proportional, describe as many circles; and suppose the time of 
the revolutions between the perimeters of any two of those circles, in the 
medium whereof we treated, to be to the time of the revolutions between 
the same in the medium proposed as the mean density of the proposed me¬ 
dium between those circles to the mean density of the medium whereof wc 
treated, between the same circles, nearly : and that the secant of the angle 
in which the spiral above determined, in the medium whereof we treated, 
cuts the radius AS, is in the same ratio to the secant of the angle in which 
the new spiral, in the proposed medium, cuts the same radius: and also 
that the number of all the revolutions between the same two circles is nearly 
as the tangents of those angles. If this be done every where between e very 
two circles, the motion will be continued through all the circles. And by 
this means one may without difficulty conceive at what rate and in what 
time bodies ought to revolve in any regular medium. 

•Sec. IY.l 



Cor. 9. And although these motions becoming eccentrical should be 
performed in spirals approaching to an oval figure, yet, conceiving the 
several revolutions of those spirals to be at the same distances from each 
other, and to approach to the centre by the same degrees as the spiral above 
described, we may also understand how the motions of bodies may be per¬ 
formed in spirals of that kind. 


If the density of the medium in each of the places be reciprocally as the 
distance of the places from the immoveable centre, and the centripetal 
force be reciprocally as any power of the same distance, I say, that the 
body may revolve in a spiral intersecting all the radii drawn from 
that centre in a given angle . 

This is demonstrated in the same manner as 
the foregoing Proposition. For if the centri¬ 
petal force in P be reciprocally as any power 
SP n -f 1 of the distance SP whose index is n 
+ 1; it will be collected, as above, that the 
time in which the body describes any arc PQ, 

will be as PQ, X PS 2Q ; and the resistance in 
n ’ Rr T— X YQ 

P 38 PQ. 3 X SP"’ 01 as PQ x SP" X SQ’ and 

, 1 — X OS . 1 — in X OS . 

therefore as q)T~ x gp ' , 7^TT» t “ at 1S > (because-gp-is a given 

quantity), reciprocally as SP n -f 1 . And therefore, since the velocity is recip- 


rocally as SP 2n , the density in P will be reciprocally as SP. 

Cor. 1. The resistance is to the centripetal force as 1 — ±n X OS 
to OP. 

Cor. 2. If the centripetal force be reciprocally as SP 3 , 1 — \n will be 
=== 0; and therefore the resistance and density of the medium will be 
nothing, as in Prop. IX, Book I. 

Cor. 3. If the centripetal force be reciprocally as any power of the ra¬ 
dius SP, whose index is greater than the number 3, the affirmative resist¬ 
ance will be changed into a negative. 


This Proposition and the former, which relate to mediums of unequal 
density, are to be understood of the motion of bodies that are so small, that 
the greater density of the medium on one side of the body above that on 
the other is not to be considered. I suppose also the resistance, cceteris 
paribus, to be proportional to. its density. Whence, in mediums whose 



IBook II 

force of resistance is not as the density, the density must be so much aug¬ 
mented or diminished, that either the excess of the resistance may be taken 
away, or the defect supplied. 


To find the centripetal for ce and the resisting force of the medium, by 
which a body, the law of the velocity being given, shall revolve in a 
given spiral. 

Let that spiral be PQR. From the velocity, 
with which the body goes over the very small arc 
PQ,, the time will be given: and from the altitude 
TO, which is as the centripetal force, and the 
square of the time, that force will be given. Then 
from the difference RS?* of the areas PSQ, and 
Q,SR described in equal particles of time, the re¬ 
tardation of the body will be given; and from 
the retardation will be found the resisting force 
and density of the medium. 


The law of centripetal force being given, to find the density of the me¬ 
dium in each of the places thereof, by which ' a body may describe a 
given spiral. 

From the centripetal force the velocity in each place must be found; 
then from the retardation of the velocity the density of the medium is 
found, as in the foregoing Proposition. 

But I have explained the method of managing these Problems in the 
tenth Proposition and second Lemma of this Book; and will no longer 
detain the reader in these perplexed disquisitions. I shall now add some 
things relating to the forces of progressive bodies, and to the density and 
resistance of those mediums in which the motions hitherto treated of, and 
those akin to them, are performed. 

Sec. V.] 




l>f the density and compression of fluids ; and of hydrostatics. 


A fluid is any body whose parts yield to any force impressed on it, 
by yielding , are easily moved among themselves. 

All the parts of a homogeneous and unmoved fluid included in any nn~ 
moved vessel , and compressed on every side (setting aside the consider - 
ation of condensation } gravity , and all centripetal forces ), will be 
equally pressed on every side , and remain, in their places without any 
motion arising from that pressure. 

Case 1. Let a fluid be included in the spherical A 

vessel ABC, and uniformly compressed on every 
side: 1 say, that no part of it will be moved by 
that pressure. For if any part, as O, be moved, 
all such parts at the same distance from the centre 
on every side must necessarily be moved at the 
same time by a like motion ; because the pressure 
of them all is similar and equal; and all other B 
motion is excluded that does not arise from that 
pressure. But if these parts come all of them nearer to the centre, the 
fluid must be condensed towards the centre, contrary to the supposition. 
If they recede from it, the fluid must be condensed towards the circumfer¬ 
ence ; which is also contrary to the supposition. Neither can they move 
in any one direction retaining their distance from the centre, because for 
the same reason, they may move in a contrary direction ; but the sami 
part cannot be moved contrary ways at the same, time. Therefore no 
part of the fluid will be moved from its place. Q,.E.D. 

Case 2. I say now, that all the spherical parts of this fluid are equally 
pressed on every side. For let EF be a spherical part of the fluid ; if this 
be not pressed equally on every side, augment the lesser pressure till it be 
pressed equally on every side; and its parts (by Case 1) will remain in 
their places. But before the increase of the pressure, they would remain 
in their places (by Case 1); and by the addition of a new pressure they 
will be moved, by the definition of a fluid, from those places. Now these 
two conclusions contradict each other. Therefore it was false to say that 
the sphere EF was not pressed equally on every side. Q.E.D. 

Case 3. I say besides, that different spherical parts have equal pressures. 
For the contiguous spherical parts press each other mutually and equally 
in the point of contact (by Law III). But (by Case 2) they are pressed on 
every side with the same force. Therefore any two spherical parts *iot 



[Book II. 

contiguous, since an intermediate spherical part can touch both, will be 
pressed with the same force. Q.E.D. 

Case 4. I say now, that all the parts of the fluid are every where press¬ 
ed equally. For any two parts may be touched by spherical parts in any 
points whatever; and there they will equally .press those spherical parts 
(by Case 3). and are reciprocally equally pressed by them (by Law III). 

Case 5. Since, therefore, any part GHI of the fluid is inclosed by the 
rest of the fluid as in a vessel, and is equally pressed on every side ; and 
also its parts equally press one another, and are at rest among themselves; 
it is manifest that all the parts of any fluid as GHI, which is pressed 
equally on every side, do press each other mutually and equally, and are at 
rest among themselves. Q.E.D. 

Case 6. Therefore if that fluid be included in a vessel of a yielding 
substance, or that is not rigid, and be not equally pressed on every side, 
the same will give way to a stronger pressure, by the Definition of fluidity. 

Case 7. And therefore, in an inflexible or rigid vessel, a fluid will not 
sustain a stronger pressure on one side than on the other, but will give 
way to it, and that in a moment of time; because the rigid side of the 
vessel does not follow the yielding liquor. But the fluid, by thus yielding, 
will press against the opposite side, and so the pressure will tend on every 
side to equality. And because the fluid, as soon as it endeavours to recede 
from the part that is most pressed, is withstood by the resistance of the 
vessel on the opposite side, the pressure will on every side be reduced to 
equality, in a moment of time, without any local motion : and from thence 
the parts of the fluid (by Case 5) will press each other mutually and equal¬ 
ly, and be at rest among themselves. Q.E.D. 

Cor. Whence neither will a motion of the parts of the fluid among 
themselves be changed by a pressure communicated to the external super¬ 
ficies, except so far as either the figure of the superficies may be somewhere 
altered, or that all the parts of the fluid, by pressing one another more in¬ 
tensely or remissly, may slide with more or less difficulty among them- 


If all the parts of a spherical fluid, homogeneous at equal distances from 
the centre, lying on a spherical concentric bottom\, gravitate towards 
the centre of the ichole, the bottom will sustain the weight of a cylin¬ 
der, whose base is equal to the superficies of the bottom, and whose al¬ 
titude is the same with that of the incumbent fluid. 

Let I)HM be the superficies of the bottom, and AEI the upper super¬ 
ficies of the fluid. Let the fluid be distinguished into concentric orbs of 
squal thickness, by the innumerable spherical superficies *3FK, CGL : and 

Sec. V 



conceive the force of gravity to act only in the 
upper superficies of every orb, and the actions 
to be equal on the equal parts of all the su¬ 
perficies. Therefore the upper superficies AE 
is pressed by the single force of its own grav¬ 
ity, by which all the parts of the upper orb, 
and the second superficies BFK, will (by 
Prop. XIX), according to its measure, be 
equally pressed. The second superficies BFK 
is pressed likewise by the force of its own 
gravity, which, added to the former force, 
makes the pressure double. The third superficies CGL is, according to its 
measure, acted on by this pressure and the force of its own gravity besides, 
which makes its pressure triple. And in like manner the fourth superfi¬ 
cies receives a quadruple pressure, the fifth superficies a quintuple, and so 
on. Therefore the pressure acting on every superficies is not as the solid 
quantity of the incumbent fluid, but as the number of the orbs reaching 
to the upper surface of the fluid ; and is equal to the gravity of the low'est 
orb multiplied by the number of orbs: that is, to the gravity of a solid 
whose ultimate ratio to the cylinder above-mentioned (when the number of 
the orbs is increased and their thickness diminished, ad infinitum ,, so that 
the action of gravity from the lowest superficies to the uppermost may be¬ 
come continued) is the ratio of equality. Therefore the lowest superficies 
sustains the weight of the cylinder above determined. Q,.E.D. And by a 
like reasoning the Proposition will be evident, where the gravity of the 
fluid decreases in any assigned ratio of the distance from the centre, and 
also where the fluid is more rare above and denser below. Q.E.D. 

Cor. 1. Therefore the bottom is not pressed by the whole weight of the 
incumbent fluid, but only sustains that part of it which is described in the 
Proposition ; the rest of the weight being sustained archwise by the spheri¬ 
cal figure of the fluid. 

Cor. 2. The quantity of the pressure is ^the same always at equal dis¬ 
tances from the centre, whether the superficies pressed be parallel to the 
horizon, or perpendicular, or oblique; or whether the fluid, continued up¬ 
wards from the compressed superficies, rises perpendicularly in a rectilinear 
direction, or creeps obliquely through crooked cavities and canals, whether 
those passages be regular or irregular, wide or narrow. That the pressure 
is not altered by any of these circumstances, may he collected by applying 
the demonstration of this Theorem to the several cases of fluids. 

Cor. 3. From the same demonstration it may also be collected (by Prop. 
XIX), that the parts of a heavy fluid acquire no motion among themselves 
by the pressure of the incumbent weight, except that motion which arises 
from condensation. 



[Bcok II 

Cor. 4. And therefore if another body of the same specific gravity, in¬ 
capable of condensation, be immersed in this fluid, it will acquire no mo¬ 
tion by the pressure of the incumbent weight: it will neither descend nor . 
ascend, nor change its figure. If it be spherical, it will remain so, notwith¬ 
standing the pressure; if it be square, it will remain square; and that, 
whether it be soft or fluid; whether it swims freely in the fluid, or lies at 
the bottom. For any internal part of a fluid is in the same state with the 
submersed body ; and the case of all submersed bodies that have the same 
magnitude, figure, and specific gravity, is alike. If a submersed body, re¬ 
taining its weight, should dissolve and put on the form of a fluid, this 
body, if before it would have ascended, descended, or from any pressure as¬ 
sume a new figure, would now likewise ascend, descend, or put on a new 
figure; and that, because its gravity and the other causes of its motion 
remain. But (by Case 5, Prop. XtX; it would now be at rest, and retain 
its figure. Therefore also in the former case. 

Cor. 5. Therefore a body that is specifically heavier than a fluid con¬ 
tiguous to it will sink; and that which is specifically lighter will ascend, 
and attain so much motion and change of figure as that excess or defect of 
gravity is able to produce. For that excess or defect is the same thing as an 
impulse, by which a body, otherwise in equilibria with the parts of the 
fluid, is acted on; and may be compared with the excess or defect of a 
weight in one of the scales of a balance. 

Cor. 6. Therefore bodies placed in fluids have a twofold gravity * the 
one true and absolute, the other apparent, vulgar, and comparative. Ab¬ 
solute gravity is the whole force with which the body tends downwards; 
relative and vulgar gravity is the excess of gravity with which the body 
tends downwards more than the ambient fluid. By the first kind of grav¬ 
ity the parts of all fluids and bodies gravitate in their proper places; and 
therefore their weights taken together compose the weight of the whole. 
For the whole taken together is heavy, as may be experienced in vessels 
full of liquor ; and the weight of the whole is equal to the weights of all 
the parts, and is therefore composed of them. By the other kind of grav¬ 
ity bodies do not gravitate in their places; that is, compared with one 
another, they do not preponderate, but, hindering one another’s endeavours 
to descend, remain in their proper places, as if they were not heavy. Those 
things which are in the air, and do not preponderate, are commonly looked 
on as not heavy. Those which do preponderate are commonly reckoned 
heavy, in as much as they are not sustained by the weight of the air. The 
common weights are nothing else but the excess of the true weights above 
the weight of the air. Hence also, vulgarly, those things are called light 
which are less heavy, and, by yielding to the preponderating air, mount 
upwards. But these are only comparatively lig anu not truly so, because 

hey descend in vacuo. Thus, in water, bodies by their greater or 



Sec. V.] 

less gravity, descend or ascend, are comparatively and apparently heavy or 
light; and their comparative and apparent gravity or levity is the excess 
.or defect by which their true gravity either exceeds the gravity of the 
water or is exceeded by it. But those things which neither by preponder¬ 
ating descend, nor, by yielding to the preponderating fluid, ascend, although 
by their true weight they do increase the weight of the whole, yet com¬ 
paratively, and in the sense of the vulgar, they do not gravitate in the wa¬ 
ter. For these cases are alike demonstrated. 

Cor. 7. These things which have been demonstrated concerning gravity 
take place in any other centripetal forces. 

Cor. 8. Therefore if the medium in which any body moves be acted on 
either by its own gravity, or by any other centripetal force, and the body 
be urged more powerfully by the same force ; the difference of the forces is 
that very motive force, which, in the foregoing Propositions, I have con¬ 
sidered as a centripetal force. But if the body be more lightly urged by 
that force, the difference of the forces becomes a centrifugal force, and is tc 
be considered as such. 

Cor. 9. But since fluids by pressing the included bodies do not 
change their external figures, it appears also (by Cor. Prop. XIX) that they 
will not change the situation of their internal parts in relation to onf 
another ; and therefore if animals were immersed therein, and that all sen¬ 
sation did arise from the motion of their parts, the fluid will neither hurt 
the immersed bodies, nor excite any sensation, unless so far as those bodies 
may be condensed by the compression. And the case is the same of any 
system of bodies encompassed with a compressing fluid. All the parts of 
the system will be agitated with the same motions as if they were placed 
in a vacuum, and would only retain their comparative gravity ; unless so 
far as the fluid may somewhat resist their motions, or be requisite to con- 
glutinate them by compression. 


Let the density of any fluid be proportional to the compression , and its 
parts be attracted downwards by a centripetal force reciprocally pro¬ 
portional to the distances from the centre: I say, that , if those dis¬ 
tances be taken continually proportional , the detisities of the fluid at 
the same distances will be also continually proportional . 

Let ATV denote the spherical bottom of the fluid, S the centre, S A, SB, 
SC, SD, SE, SF, &c., distances continually proportional. Erect the per¬ 
pendiculars AH, BI, CK, DL, EM, FN, (fee., which shall be as the densi¬ 
ties of the medium in the places A, B, C, D, E, F; and the specific grav- 

AH BI CK ' .... 

A§’ BS’ "CS’ or * walca 1S ail one? a& ' 

ities in those places will be as 



[Book II. 











AiT'* BC’ CD’ ^ C ‘ Suppose, these gravities to be uniformly continued 

from A to B, from B to C, from C to D, (fee., the decrements in the points 
B, C, D, (fee., being taken by steps. And these gravi¬ 
ties drawn into the altitudes AB, BC, CD, (fee., will 
give the pressures AH, BI, CK, (fee., by which the bot¬ 
tom ATY is acted on (by Theor. XY). Therefore the 
particle A sustains all the pressures AH, BI, CK, DL, 
(fee., proceeding in infinitum; and the particle B sus¬ 
tains the pressures of all but the first AH; and the par¬ 
ticle C all but the two first AH, BI; and so on : and 
therefore the density AH of the first particle A is to 
' v the density BI of the second particle B as the sum of 
all AH -+■ BI + CK 4- DL, in infinitum , to the sum of 
all BI 4* CK 4- DL, (fee. And BI the density of the second particle B is 
to CK the density of the third C, as the sum of all BI 4- CK + DL, (fee., 
to the sum of all CK 4- DL, (fee. Therefore these sums are proportional 
to their dilferences AH, BI, CK, (fee., and therefore continually propor¬ 
tional (by Lem. 1 of this Book); and therefore the differences AH, BI, 
CK, (fee., proportional to the sums, are also continually proportional. 
Wherefore since the densities in the places A, B, C, (fee., are as AH, BI, 
CK, (fee., they will also be continually proportional. Proceed intermis- 
sively, and, ex ccquo, at the distances SA, SC, SE, continually proportional, 
the densities AH, CK, EM will be continually proportional. And by the 
same reasoning, at any distances SA, SD, SG, continually proportional, 
the densities AH, I)L, GO, will be continually proportional. Let now the 
points A, B, C, D, E, (fee., coincide, so that the progression of the specif.c 
gravities from the bottom A to the top of the fluid may be made continual; 
and at any distances SA, SD, SG, continually proportional, the densities 
AH, DL, GO, being all along continually proportional, will still remain 
continually proportional. Q.E.D. 

Cor. Hence if the density of the fluid in two places, 
as A and E, be given, its density in any other place Q 
may be collected. With the centre S, and the rectan¬ 
gular asymptotes SQ, SX, describe an hyperbola cut¬ 
ting the perpendiculars AH, EM, QT in a, e, and 9 , 
as also the perpendiculars HX, MY, TZ, let fall upon 
the asypmtote SX, in //, m, and t. Make the area 
YrniZ to the given area Y mhX. as the given area 
EeqQ to the given area EmA; and the line Z t produced will cut off the 
line QT proportional to the density. For if the lines SA, SE, SQ are 
continually proportional, the areas Ee 9 Q, EJeaA will be equal, and thence 

.Sec. V.J 



the areas Yml7i, XAwY, proportional to them, will be also equal; and 
the lines SX, SY, SZ, that is, AH, EM, Q,T continually proportional, as 
they ought to be. And if the lines SA, SE, SQ, obtain any other order 
in the series of continued proportionals, the lines AH, EM, Q,T, because 
of the proportional hyperbolic areas, will obtain the same order in another 
series of quantities continually proportional. 


Let the density of any fluid be proport ional to the compression , and its 
parts be attracted downwards by a gravitation reciprocally propor¬ 
tional to the squares of the distances from the centre : I say , that if 
the distances be taken in harmonic progression , the densities of the 
fluid at those distances will be in a geometrical progression. 

Let S denote the centre, and SA, 

SB, SC, SD, SE, the distances in . j _ iiv 

geometrical progression. Erect the ^ 
perpendiculars AH, BI, CK, (fee., ^ 
which shall be as the densities of 
the fluid in the places A, B, C, D, B 
E, (fee., and the specific gravities 
thereof in those places will be as 

SU’ SB 1 ’ SC*’ &c ' Su PP osethese . " 

gravities to be uniformly continued, the first from A to B, the second from 
B to C, the third from C to I), &c. And these drawn into the altitudes 
AB, BC, CD, DE, (fee., or, which is the same thing, into the distances SA, 

, . , . AH BI CK 

SB, SC, (fee., proportional to those altitudes, will give -g-^, gg, -gg, (fee.. 

the exponents of the pressures. Therefore since the densities are as th* 
sums of those pressures, the differences AH — BI, BI—CK, (fee., of tb.* 


densities will be as the differences of those sums 


, (fee. With 


the centre S, and the asymptotes SA, S#, describe any hyperbola, cutting 
the perpendiculars AH, BI, CK, (fee., in a, b , c, (fee., and the perpendicu¬ 
lars H£, lu, Kw, let fall upon the asymptote Sx, in h, i, k ; and the dif¬ 
ferences of the densities tu , uw, (fee., will be as (fee. And the 

oA oo 

. , . o o AH X th BI X ui . 

rectangles tu X th , uw X ut, (fee., or tp, uq , (fee., as —g—— > -gg—, (fee., 

that is, as Aa, B6, (fee. For, by the nature of the hyperbola, SA is to AH 
\ AH X th 

or St as th to A o, and therefore —— ; is equal to Aa. And, by a like 



[Book II. 

reasoning, —^— is equal to Bb, (fee. But A a, B6, Cc, tfec., are continu¬ 
ally proportional, and therefore proportional to their differences A a — B b, 
B6 — C c, <fcc., therefore the rectangles tp, uq, &c., are proportional to those 
differences; as also the sums of the rectangles tp + uq, or tp + u,q + wr 
to the sums of the differences A a — C c or A a — T)d. Suppose several of 
these terms, and the sum of all the differences, as A a — F f, will be pro¬ 
portional to the sum of all the rectangles, as zthn. Increase the number 
of terms, and diminish the distances of the points A, B, C, (fee., in infini¬ 
tum, and those rectangles will become equal to the hyperbolic area zthn, 
and therefore the difference A a — Ff i* proportional to this area. Take 
now any distances, as SA, SD, SF, in harmonic progression, and the dif¬ 
ferences A a — D d, Dt/ — Ff will be equal; and therefore the areas thlx, 
xlnz, proportional to those differences will be equal among themselves, and 
the densities St, Sx, Sz, that is, AH, DL, FN, continually proportional. 

Cor. Hence if any two densities of the fluid, as AH and BI, be given, 
the area thin, answering to their difference tu, will be given; and thence 
the density FN will be found at any height SF, by taking the area thnz to 
that given area thin as the difference A a — Ff to the difference Aa — B/>. 


By a like reasoning it may be proved, that if the gravity of the particles 
of a fluid be diminished in a triplicate ratio of the distances from the centre; 
and the reciprocals of the squares of the distances SA, SB, SC, (fee., (namely, 

SA 3 SA 3 SA 3 
SA7 j SB 3 ’ SC 2 

) be taken in an arithmetical progression, the densities AH, 

BI, CK, (fee., will be in a geometrical progression. And if the gravity be 
diminished in a quadruplicate ratio of the distances, and the reciprocals of 

the cubes of the distances (as 

SA 4 SA 4 SA 4 

SA 3, SB 3, SC 

rjT, (fee.,) be taken in arithmeti¬ 

cal progression, the densities AH, BI, CK, (fee., will be in geometrical pro¬ 
gression. And so in infinitum. Again; if the gravity of the particles of 
the fluid be the same at all distances, and the distances be in arithmetical 
progression, the densities will be in a geometrical progression as Dr. Hal¬ 
ley has found. If the gravity be as the distance, and the squares of the 
distances be in arithmetical progression, the densities will be in geometri¬ 
cal progression. And so in infinitum. These things will be so, when the 
density of the fluid condensed by compression is as the force of compres¬ 
sion ; or, which is the same thing, when the space possessed by the fluid is 
reciprocally as this force. Other laws of condensation may be supposed, 
as that the cube of the compressing force may be as the biquadrate of the 



Sec. V.] 

de isity ; or the triphcate ratio of the force the same with the quadruplicate 
ratio of the density : in which case, if the gravity be reciprocally as the 
square of the distance from the centre, the density will be reciprocally as 
the cube of the distance. Suppose that the cube of the compressing force 
be as the quadrato-cube of the density; and if the gravity be reciprocally 
as the square of the distance, the density will be reciprocally in a sesqui- 
plicate ratio of the distance. Suppose the compressing force to be in a du¬ 
plicate ratio of the density, and the gravity reciprocally in a duplicate ra¬ 
tio of the distance, and the density will be reciprocally as*the distance. 
To run over all the cases that might be offered would be tedious. But as 
to our own air, this is certain from experiment, that its density is either 
accurately, or very nearly at least, as the compressing force; and therefore 
the density of the air in the atmosphere of the earth is as the weight of 
the whole incumbent air, that is, as the height of the mercury in the ba¬ 


If a fluid be composed of particles mutually flying each other , and the 
density be as the compression , the centrifugal forces of the particles 
will be reciprocally proportional to the distances of their centres. And , 
vice versa, particles flying each other, with forces that are reciprocally 
proport ional to the distances of their centres , compose an elastic fluid , 
lohose density is as the compression. 

which that square db urges the inclosed fluid as the densities of the me¬ 
diums are to each other, that is, as ab 3 to AB 3 . But the pressure with 
which the square DB urges the included fluid is to the pressure with which 
the square DP urges the same fluid as the square DB to the square DP, 
that is, as AB 2 to ab 2 . Therefore, ex cequo , the pressure witli which the 
square DB urges the fluid is to the pressure with which the square db 
urges the fluid as ab to AB. Let the planes FGH,fgh, be drawn through 
the middles of the two cubes, and divide the fluid into two parts. These 
parts will press each other mutually with the same forces with which they 



TBook II. 

are themselves pressed by the planes AC, ac, that is, in the proportion of 
ab to AB : and therefore the centrifugal forces by which these pressures 
are sustained are in the same ratio. The number of the particles being 
equal, and the situation alike, in both cubes, the forces which all the par¬ 
ticles e&ert, according to the planes FGH,/g7i, upon all, are as the forces 
which each exerts on each. Therefore the forces which each exerts on 
each, according to the plane FCH in the greater cube, are to the forces 
which each exerts on each, according to the plane fgh in the lesser cube, 
as ab to AB/that is, reciprocally as the distances of the particles from each 
other. Q.E.D. 

And, vice versa , if the forces of the single particles are reciprocally as 
the distances, that is, reciprocally as the sides of the cubes AB, ab ; the 
sums of the forces will be in the same ratio, and the pressures of the sides 
DB. db as the sums of the forces; and the pressure of the square DP to 
the pressure of the side DB as ab 2 to AB 2 . And, ex ceqvo , the pressure of 
the square DP to the pressure of the side db as ab 3 to AB 3 ; that is, the 
force of compression in the one to the force of compression in the other as 
the density in the former to the density in the latter. Q.E.D. 


By a like reasoning, if the centrifugal forces of the particles are recip¬ 
rocally in the duplicate ratio of the distances between the centres, the cubes 
of the compressing forces will be as the biquadrates of the densities. If 
the centrifugal forces be reciprocally in the triplicate or quadruplicate ratio 
cf the distances, the cubes of the compressing forces wdllbeas thequadrato- 
cubes, or cubo-cubes of the densities. And universally, if D be put for the 
distance, and E for the density of the compressed fluid, and the centrifugal 
forces be reciprocally as any power D n of the distance, whose index is the 
number n, the compressing forces will be as the cube roots of the power 
E n + 2 , whose index is the number n + 2 ; and the contrary. All these 
things are to be understood of particles whose centrifugal forces terminate 
in those particles that are next them, or are diffused not much further. 
We have an example of this in magnetical bodies. Their attractive vir¬ 
tue is terminated nearly in bodies of their own kind that are next them. 
The virtue of the magnet is contracted by the interposition of an iron 
plate, and is almost terminated at it: for bodies further off are not attracted 
by the magnet so much as by the iron plate. If in this manner particles repel 
others of their own kind that lie next them, but do not exert their virtue 
on the more remote, particles of this kind will compose such fluids as are 
treated of in this Proposition. If the virtue of any particle diffuse itself 
every way in infinitum , there will be required a greater force to produce 
an equal condensation of a greater quantity of the fluil. But whether 

Sec. VI.] 



elastic fluids do really consist of particles so repelling each other, is a phy- 
sical question. We have here demonstrated mathematically the property 
of fluids consisting of particles of this kind, that hence philosophers may 
take occasion to discuss that question. 


Of the motion and resistance of fnnependulnus bodies. 


The quantities of matter in, f unependulous bodies , whose centres of oscil¬ 
lation, are equally distant from the centre of suspension , are in a, ratio 
compounded of the ratio of the weights and the duplicate ratio of the 
times of the oscillations in vacuo. 

For the velocity which a given force can generate in a given matter in 
a given time is as the force and the time directly, and the matter inversely. 
The greater the force or the time is, or the less the matter, the greater ve¬ 
locity will be generated. This is manifest from the second Law of Mo¬ 
tion. Now if pendulums are of the same length, the motive forces in places 
equally distant from the perpendicular are as the weights : and therefore 
if two bodies by oscillating describe equal arcs, and those arcs are divided 
into equal parts; since the times in which the bodies describe each of the 
correspondent parts of the arcs are as the times of the whole oscillations, 
the velocities in the correspondent parts of the oscillations will be to each 
other as the motive forces and the whole times of the oscillations directly, 
and the quantities of matter reciprocally : and therefore the quantities of 
matter are as the forces and the times of the oscillations directly and the 
velocities reciprocally. But the velocities reciprocally are as the times, 
and therefore the times directly and the velocities reciprocally are as the 
squares of the times; and therefore the quantities of matter are as the mo¬ 
tive forces and the squares of the times, that is, as the weights and the 
squares of the times. Q.E.D. 

Cor. 1. Therefore if the times are equal, the quantities of matter in 
each of the bodies are as the weights. 

Cor. 2. If the weights are equal, the quantities of matter will be as the 
- squares of the times. 

Cor. 3. If the quantities of matter are equal, the weights will berecip- 
locally as the squares of the times. 

Cor. 4. Whence since the squares of the times, cceteris paribus , are as 
the lengths- of the pendulums, therefore if both the times and quantities of 
matter are equal, the weights will be as the lengths of the pendulums. 



[Book il 

Cor. 5. And universally, the quantity of matter in the pendulous body 
is as the weight and the square of the time directly, and the length of the 
pendulum inversely. 

Cor. 6. But in a non-resisting medium, the quantity of matter in the 
pendulous body is as the comparative weight and the square of the time 
directly, and the length of the pendulum inversely. For the comparative 
weight is the motive force of the body in any heavy medium, as was shewn 
above; and therefore does the same thing in such a non-resisting medium 
as the absolute weight does in a vacuum. 

Cor. 7. And hence appears a method both of comparing bodies one 
among another, as to the quantity of matter in each ; and of comparing 
the weights of the same body in different places, to know the variation of 
its gravity. And by experiments made with the greatest accuracy, I 
have always found the quantity of matter in bodies to be proportional to 
their weight. 

Funependulous bodies that are, in any medium , resisted in the ratio of 
the moments of time , and funependulous bodies that move in a non¬ 
resisting medium of the same specific gravity , perform their oscilla¬ 
tions in a cycloid in the same time, and describe proportional parts of 
arcs together. 

Let AB be an arc of a cycloid, which 
a body D, by vibrating in a non-re¬ 
sisting medium, shall describe in any 
time. Bisect that arc in C, so that C 
may be the lowest point thereof; and 
the accelerative force with which the 
body is urged in any place D, or d or 
E, will be as the length of the arc CD, 
or C d, or CE. Let that force be ex¬ 
pressed by that same arc; and since the resistance is as the moment of the 
time, and therefore given, let it be expressed by the given part CO of the 
cycloidal arc, and take the arc O d in the same ratio to the arc CD that 
the arc OB has to the arc CB : and the force with which the body in d is 
urged in a resisting medium, being.the excess of the force C d above the 
resistance CO, will be expressed by the arc Od, and will therefore be to 
the force with which the body D is urged in a non-resisting medium in the 
place D, as the arc Od to the arc C D ; and therefore also in the place B, 
as the arc OB to the arc CB. Therefore if two bodies D, d go from the place 
B, and are urged by these forces; since the forces at the beginning are as 
the arc CB and OB, the first velocities and arcs first described will be in 
the same ratio. Let those arcs be BD and B d f and the remaining arc* 

Sec. YI.| 



CD, Oclj will be in the same ratio. Therefore the forces, being propor¬ 
tional to those arcs CD, O d, will remain in the same ratio as at the be¬ 
ginning, and therefore the bodies will continue describing together arcs in 
the same ratio. Therefore the forces and velocities and the remaining arcs 
CD. Od, will be always as the whole arcs CB, OB, and therefore those re- 
maininsr arcs wi.l be described together. Therefore the two bodies D and 
d will arrive together at the places C and O ; that whicli moves in the 
non-resisting medium, at the place C, and the other, in the resisting me¬ 
dium, at the place O. Now since the velocities in C and O areas the arcs 
CB, OB, the arcs which the bodies describe when they go farther will be 
in the same ratio. Let those arcs be CE and Oe. The force with which 
the body D in a non-resisting medium is retarded in E is as CE, and the 
force with which the body d in the resisting medium is retarded in e, is as 
the sum of the force Ce and the resistance CO, that is, as Oe; and there¬ 
fore the forces with which the bodies are retarded are as the arcs CB, OB, 
proportional to the arcs CE, Oe; and therefore the velocities, retarded in 
that given ratio, remain in the same given ratio.' Therefore the velocities 
and the arcs described with those velocities are always to each other in 
that oriven ratio of the arcs CB and OB ; and therefore if the entire arcs 
AB, aB are taken in the same ratio, the bodies 1) andd will describe those 
aics together, and in the places A and a will lose all their motion together. 
Therefore the whole oscillations are isochronal, or are performed in equal 
times ; and any parts of the arcs, as BD, B d, or BE, Be, that are described 
together, are proportional to the whole arcs BA, B a. Q.E.D. 

Cor. Therefore the swiftest motion in a resisting medium does not fall 
upon the lowest point C, but is found in that point 0, in which the whole 
arc described Ba is bisected. And the body, proceeding from thence to a, 
is retarded at the same rate with which it was accelerated before in its de¬ 
scent from B to O. 


Funependulous bodies , that are resisted in the ratio of the velocity, have 
their oscillatio?is in a cycloid isochronal . 

For if two bodies, equally distant from their centres of suspension, de¬ 
scribe, in oscillating, unequal arcs, and the velocities in the correspondent 
parts of the arcs be to each other as the whole arcs; the resistances, pro¬ 
portional to the velocities, will be also to each other as the same arcs. 
Therefore if these resistances be subducted from or added to the motive 
forces arising from gravity which are as the same arcs, the differences or 
sums will be to each other in the same ratio of the arcs; and since the in¬ 
crements and decrements of the velocities are as these differences or sums, 
the velocities will be always as the whole arcs; therefore if the velocities 
are in any one case as the whole arcs, they will remain always in the same 




[Book. 1J 

ratio. But at the beginning of the motion, when the bodies begin to de¬ 
scend and describe those arcs, the forces, which at that time are proportional 
to the arcs, will generate velocities proportional to the arcs. Therefore 
the velocities will be always as the whole arcs to be described, and there¬ 
fore those arcs wfill be described in the same time. Q.E.D. 


Ij funependulons bodies are resisted in the duplicate ratio of their 
velocities , the differences between, the times of the oscillations in a re¬ 
sisting medium, and the times of the oscillations in a non-resisting 
medium of the same specific gravity , will be proportional to the arcs 
described in oscillntims nearly. 

For let equal pendulums in a re¬ 
sisting medium describe the unequal 
arcs A, B ; and the resistance of the 
body in the arc A will be to the resist¬ 
ance of the body in the correspondent 
part of the arc B in the duplicate ra¬ 
tio of the velocities, that is, as, A A to 
BB nearly. If the resistance in the 
arc B were to the resistance in the arc 
A as AB to A A, the times in the arcs A and B would be equal (by the last 
Prop.) Therefore the resistance AA in the arc A, or AB in the arc B, 
causes the excess of the time in the arc A above the time in a non-resisting 
medium; and the resistance BB causes the excess of the time in the arc B 
above the time in a non-resisting medium. But those excesses are as the 

efficient forces AB and BB nearly, that is, as the arcs A and B. Q..E.D. 

Cor. 1. Hence from the times of the oscillations in unequal arcs in a 
resisting medium, may be known the times of the oscillations in a non-re¬ 
sisting medium of the same specific gravity. For the difference of the 
times will be to the excess of the time in the lesser arc above the time in a 
non-resisting medium as the difference of the arcs to the lesser arc. 

Cor. 2. The shorter oscillations are more isochronal, and very short 
ones are performed nearly in the same times as in a non-resisting medium. 
But the times of those which are performed in greater arcs are a little 
greater, because the resistance in the descent of the body, by which the 
time is prolonged, is greater, in proportion to the length described in the 
descent than the resistance in the subsequent ascent, by which the time is 
contracted. But the time of the oscillations, both short and long, seems to 
be prolonged in some measure by the motion of the medium. For retard¬ 
ed bodies are resisted somewhat less in proportion to the velocity, and ac¬ 
celerated bodies somewhat more than those that proceed uniformly forwards; 



Sec. VI.] 

because the medium, by the motion it has received from the bodies, going 
forwards the same way with them, is more agitated in the former case, and 
less in the latter; and so conspires more or less with the bodies moved. 
Therefore it resists the pendulums in their descent more, and in their as¬ 
cent less, than in proportion to the velocity; and these two causes concur¬ 
ring prolong the time. 


If a funependulous body , oscillating in a cycloid , be resisted in the rati > 
of the moments of the time , its resistance will be to the force of grav¬ 
ity as the excess of the arc described in the whole descent above the 
arc described in the subsequent ascent to twice the length of the pen¬ 

Let BO represent the arc described 
in the descent, C a the arc described in 
the ascent, and A a the difference of 
the arcs : and things remaining as they 
were constructed and demonstrated in 
Prop. XXV, the force with which the 
oscillating body is urged in any place 
D will be to the force of resistance as 
the arc CD to the arc CO, which is 
half of that difference A a. Therefore the force with which the oscillating 
body is urged at the beginning or the highest point of the cycloid, that is, 
the force of gravity, will be to the resistance as the arc of the cycloid, be¬ 
tween that highest point and lowest point C, is to the arc CO; that is 
(doubling those arcs), as the whole cycloidal arc, or twice the length of the 
pendulum, to the arc A a. Q.E.D. 


Supposing that a body oscillating in a. cycloid is resisted in a duplicate 
ratio of the velocity: to find the resistance in each place . 

Let Ba be an arc described in one entire oscillation, C the lowest point 

o s p rR Q 

of the cycloid, and CZ half the whole cycloidal arc, equal to the length of 
the pendulum ; and let it be required to find the resistance of the body is 



[Book 1L 

any place D. Cut the indefinite right line OQ in the points O, S, P, Q, 
so that (erecting the perpendiculars OK ; ST, PI, QE, and with the centre 
O, and the aysmptotes OK, OQ, describing the hyperbola TIGE cutting 
the perpendiculars ST, PI, QE in T, I, and E, and through the point I 
drawing KF, parallel to the asymptote OQ, meeting the asymptote OK i i 
K, and the perpendiculars ST and QE in L and F) the hyperbolic area 
PIEQ may be to the hyperbolic area PITS as the arc BC, described in the 
descent of the body, to the arc C a described in the ascent; and that the 
area IEF may be to the area ILT as OQ to OS. Then with the perpen¬ 
dicular MN cut off the hyperbolic area PINM, and let that area be to the 
hyperbolic area PIEQ as the arc CZ to the arc BC described in the de¬ 
scent. And if the perpendicular RG cut off the hyperbolic area PIGR, 
which shall be to the area PIEQ as any arc CD to the arc BC described 
in the whole descent, the resistance in any place D will be to the force of 

gravity as the area 


oq iep 

IGH to the area PINM. 

For since the forces arising from gravity with which the body is 
urged in the places Z, B, D, a, are as the arcs CZ, CB, CD, C a and those 
arcs are as the areas PINM, PIEQ, PIGR, PITS; let those areas be the 
exponents both of the arcs and of the forces respectively. Let D d be a 
very small space described by the body in its descent: and let it be expressed 
by the very small area RGgr comprehended between the parallels RG, rg ; 
and produce rg* to //, so that GYihg and RGgr may be the contemporane¬ 
ous decrements of the areas IGH, PIGR. A.nd the increment Gllhg — 

Rr IEF, or RrxHG-^ IEF, of the area ~ IEF — IGH will be 






to the decrement RGgr, or Rr X RG, of the area PIGR, as HG — 


to RG ; and therefore as OR X HG — IEF to OR X OR or OP X 

PI, that is (because of the equal quantities OR X HG, OR X HR — OR 

IEF to OPIK. Therefore if the area IEF — IGH he called 

Y, and RGgr the decrement of the area PIGR be given, the increment of 
the area Y will be as PIGR — Y. 

Then if V represent the force arising from the gravity, proportional to 
the arc CD to be described, by which the body is acted upon in D, and R 
be put for the resistance, Y — R will be the whole force with which the 
body is urged in D. Therefore the increment of the velocity is as Y — R 
and the particle of time in which it is generated conjunctly. But the ve¬ 
locity itself is as the contempoi aneous increment of the space described di- 

Sec. VI.] 



rectly and the same particle of time inversely. Therefore, since the re¬ 
sistance is, by the supposition, as the square of the velocity, the increment 
of the resistance will (by Lem. II) be as the velocity and the increment of 
the velocity conjunctly, that is, as the moment of the space and V — R 
conjunctly ; and, therefore, if the moment of the space be given, as V — 
R; that is, if for the force V we put its exponent PIGR, and the resist¬ 
ance R be expressed by any other area Z, as PIGR — Z.' 

Therefore the area PIGR uniformly decreasing by the subduction of 
given moments, the area Y increases in proportion of PIGR — Y, and 
the area Z in proportion of PIGR — Z. And therefore if the areas 
Y and Z begin together, and at the beginning are equal, these, by the 
addition of equal moments, will continue to be equal; and in like man¬ 
ner decreasing by equal moments, will vanish together. And, vice versa , 
if they together begin and vanish, they will have equal moments and be 
always equal; and that, because if the resistance Z be augmented, the ve¬ 
locity together with the arc C a, described in the ascent of the body, will be 
diminished; and the point in which all the motion together with the re¬ 
sistance ceases coming nearer to the point C, the resistance vanishes sooner 
than the area Y. And the contrary will happen when the resistance is 

Now the area Z begins and end^s where the resistance is nothing, that is, 
at the beginning of the motion where the arc CD is equal to the arc CB, 

and the right line RG falls upon the right line QE; and at the end of 
the motion where the arc CD is equal to the arc C a, and RG falls upon 


the right line ST. And the area'Y or 7 -pr IEF— IGH begins and ends 

also where the resistance is nothing, and therefore where 





IGH are equal; that is (by the construction), where the right line RG 
falls successively upon the right lines QE and ST. Therefore those areas 
begin and vanish together, and are therefore always equal. Therefore the area 

IEF — IGH is equal to the area Z, by which the resistance is ex¬ 

pressed, and therefore is to the area PINM, by which the gravity is ex¬ 
pressed, as the resistance to the gravity. Q.E.D. 


Cor. 1 . Therefore the resistance in the lowest place C is to the force 

of gravity as the area IEF to the area PINM. 

Cor. 2. But it becomes greatest where the area PIHR is to the area 
IEF as OR to OQ,. For in that case its moment (that is, PIGR — Y) 
becomes nothing. 

Cor. 3. Hence also may be known the velocity in each place, as being 
in the subduplicate ratio of the resistance, and at the beginning of the mo¬ 
tion equal to the velocity of the body oscillating in the same cycloid with¬ 
out any resistance. 

However, by reason of the difficulty of the calculation by which the re¬ 
sistance and the velocity are found by this Proposition, we have thought 
fit to subjoin the Proposition following. 


If a right Urn aB be equal to the arc of a cycloid which an oscillating 
body describes, and at each of its points D the perpendiculars DK be 
erected, which shall be to the length of the pendulum as the resistance 
of the body in the corresponding points of the arc to the force of grav¬ 
ity ; I say, that the difference between the arc described in the ivhole 
descent and the arc described in the whole subsequent ascent drawn 
into half the sum of the same arcs will be equal to the area BKa 
which all those perpendiculars take up. 

Let the arc of the cycloid, de¬ 
scribed in one entire oscillation, be 
expressed by the right line aB, 
equal to it, and the arc which 
would have been described in vacuo 
by the length AB. Bisect AB in 
C, and the point C will represent 

CD will be as the force arising from gravity, with which the body in D is 
urged in the direction of the tangent of the cycloid, and will have the same 
ratio to the length of the pendulum as the force in D has to the force of 
gravity. Let that force, therefore, be expressed by that length CD, and 
the force of gravity by the length of the pendulum; and if in DE you 
take DK in the same ratio to the length of the pendulum as the resistance 
has to the gravity, DK will be the exponent of the resistance. From the 
centre C with the interval CA or CB describe a semi-circle BEeA. Let 
the body describe, in the least time, the space D d ; and, erecting the per¬ 
pendiculars DE, de, meeting the circumference in E and e, they will be as 
the velocities which the body descending in vacuo from the point B would 
acquire in the places D and d. This appears by Prop. LII, Book L Let 



Sec. VI.] 

therefore, these velocities be expressed by those perpendiculars DE, de ; 
and let DF be the velocity which it acquires in D by falling from B in 
the resisting medium. And if from the centre C with the interval OF we 
describe the circle F/*M meeting the right lines de and AB in f and M, 
then M will be the place to which it would thenceforward, without farther 
resistance, ascend, and df the velocity it would acquire in d. Whence, 
also, if Fff represent the moment of the velocity which the body D, in de¬ 
scribing the least space D</, loses by the resistance of the medium; and 
CN be taken equal to Cg*; then will N be the place to which the body, if 
it met no farther resistance, would thenceforward ascend, and MN will be 
the decrement of the ascent arising from the loss of that velocity. Draw 
F m perpendicular to df \ and the decrement F«- of the velocity DF gener¬ 
ated by the resistance DK will be to the increment//?! of the same velo¬ 
city. generated by the force CD, as the generating force DK to the gener¬ 
ating force CD. But because of the similar triangles F/nf F hg, FDC, 
fm is to F m or Dd as CD to DF; and, ex ceqtio , F«* to F)d as DK to 
DF. Also F h is to Fg- as DF to CF ; and, ex ccqun perturbatp , FA or 
MN to F)d as DK to CF or CM ; and therefore the sum of all the MN X 
CM will be equal to the sum of all the D d X DK. At the moveable 
point M suppose always a rectangular ordinate erected equal to the inde¬ 
terminate CM, which by a continual motion is drawn into the whole 
length A a ; and the trapezium described by that motion, or its equal, the 
rectangle A a X |aB, will be equal to the sum of all the MN X CM, and 
therefore to the sum of all the Fid X DK, that is, to the area BKVTa 

Cor. Hence from the law of resistance, and the difference A a of the 
arcs Ca, CB, may be collected the proportion of the resistance to the grav¬ 
ity nearly. 

For if the resistance DK be uniform, the figure BKTa will be a rec¬ 
tangle under B a and DK; and thence the rectangle under |B a and A a 
will be equal to the rectangle under Ba and DK, and DK will be equal to 
IA a. Wherefore since DK is the exponent of the resistance, and the 
length of the pendulum the exponent of the gravity, the resistance will be 
to the gravity as a to the length of the pendulum ; altogether as in 
Prop. XXVIII is demonstrated. 

If the resistance be as the velocity, the figure BKTa will be nearly an 
ellipsis. For if a body, in a non-resisting medium, by one entire oscilla¬ 
tion, should describe the length BA, the velocity in any place D would be 
as the ordinate DE of the circle described on the diameter AB. There¬ 
fore since Ba in the resisting medium, and BA in the non-resisting one, 
are described nearly in the same times; and therefore the velocities in each 
of the points of Ba are to the velocities in the correspondent points of the 
length BA nearly as Ba is to BA, the velocity in the point D in the re- 



[B .)0K 11. 

sisting medium will be as the ordinate of the circle or ellipsis described 
upon the diameter B a ; and therefore the figure BKVTa will be nearly ac 
ellipsis. Since the resistance is supposed proportional to the velocity, le<. 
OV be the exponent of the resistance in the middle point O; and an ellip¬ 
sis BRVSa described with the centre O, and the semi-axes OB, OY, will 
be nearly equal to the figure BKVTa, and to its equal the rectangle A a 
X BO. Therefore A a X BO is to OY X BO as the area of this ellipsis 
to OY X BO; that is, A a is to OY as the area of the semi-circle to the 
square of the radius, or as 11 to 7 nearly ; and, therefore, T 7 T Aa is to the 
length of the pendulum as the resistance of the oscillating body in O to 
its gravity. 

Now if the resistance DK be in the duplicate ratio of the velocity, the 
figure BKVTa will be almost a parabola having Y for its vertex and OV 
for its axis, and therefore will be nearly equal to the rectangle under |B a 
and OY. Therefore the rectangle under |Ba and A a is equal to the rec¬ 
tangle §B a X OY, and therefore OY is equal to £Aa; and therefore the 
resistance in O made to the oscillating body is to its gravity as f A a to the 
length of the pendulum. 

And I take these conclusions to be accurate enough for practical uses. 
For since an ellipsis or parabola BRVSa falls in with the figure BKVTa 
in the middle point Y, that figure, if greater towards the part BRY or 
YS a than the other, is less towards the contrary part, and is therefore 
nearly equal to it. 


If the 1 'esistance made to cm oscillating- body in each of the proportional 
parts of the arcs described be augmented or diminished in. a given ra¬ 
tio, the difference between the arc described in the descent and the arc 
described in the subsequent ascent will be augmented or diminished in 
the same ratio . 

For that difference arises from 
the retardation of the pendulum 
by the resistance of the medium, 
and therefore is as the w r hole re¬ 
tardation and the retarding resist- 
ance proportional thereto. In the 
foregoing Proposition the rectan- 

the difference Aa of the arcs CB, Ca, was equal to the area BKTa. And 
that area, if the length aB remains, is augmented or diminished in the ra¬ 
tio of the ordinates DK; that is, in the ratio of the resistance and is there¬ 
fore as the length aB and the resistance conjunctly. And therefore the 
rectangle under A a and £«B is as aB and the resistance conjunctly, anc 
therefore Aa is as the resistance. Q,.E.D. 

Sec. YI.1 



Cor. 1. Hence if the resistance be as the velocity, the difference of 
the arcs in the same medium will be as the whole arc described: and the 

Cor. 2. If the resistance be in the duplicate ratio of the velocity, that 
difference will be in the duplicate ratio of the whole arc : and the contrary. 

Cor. 3. And universally, if the resistance be in the triplicate or any 
other ratio of the velocity, the difference will be in the same ratio of the 
whole arc : and the contrary. 

Cor. 4. If the resistance be partly in the simple ratio of the velocity, 
and partly in the duplicate ratio of the same, the difference will be partly 
in the ratio of the whole arc, and partly in the duplicate ratio of it: and 
the contrary. So that the law and ratio of the resistance will be the 
same for the velocity as the law and ratio of that difference for the length 
of the arc. 

Cor. 5. And therefore if a pendulum describe successively unequal arcs, 
and we can find the ratio of the increment or decrement of this difference 
for the length of the arc described, there will be had also the ratio of the 
increment or decrement of the resistance for a greater or less velocity. 


From these propositions we may find the resistance of mediums by pen¬ 
dulums oscillating therein. I found the resistance of the air by the fol¬ 
lowing experiments. I suspended a wooden globe or ball weighing 57^ 
ounces troy, its diameter Gf London inches, by a fine thread on a firm 
hook, so that the distance between the hook and the centre of oscillation of 
the globe was 10| feet. I marked on the thread a point 10 feet and 1 inch 
distant from the centre of suspension; and even with that point I placed a 
ruler divided into inches, by the help whereof I observed the lengths of the 
arcs described by the pendulum. Then I numbered the oscillations in 
which the globe would lose { part of its motion. If the pendulum was 
drawn aside from the perpendicular to the distance of 2 inches, and thence 
let go, so that in its whole descent it described an arc of 2 inches, and in 
the first whole oscillation, compounded of the descent and subsequent 
ascent, an arc of almost 4 inches, the same in 164 oscillations lost j part 
of its motion, so as in its last ascent to describe an arc of If inches. If 
in the first descent it described an arc of 4 inches, it lost { part of its mo¬ 
tion in 121 oscillations, so as in its last ascent to describe an arc of 3| 
inches. If in the first descent it described an arc of 8,16,32, or 64 inches, 
it lost | part of its motion in 69, 35|, 18j, 9f oscillations, respectively. 
Therefore the difference between the arcs described in the first descent and 
the last ascent was in the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th cases, 1, 2, 4, 8 
inches respectively. Divide those differences by the number of oscillations 
in each case, and in one mean oscillation, wherein an arc of 3f, 7|, 15, 30 



[Book IJ. 

60 ; 120 inches was described, the difference of the arcs described in the 
descent and subsequent ascent will be t 4 t . §£ parts of an 

inch, respectively. But these differences in the greater oscillations are in 
the duplicate ratio of the arcs described nearly, but in lesser oscillations 
something greater than in that ratio ; and therefore (by Cor. 2, Prop. XXXI 
of this Book) the resistance of the globe, when it moves very swift, is in 
the duplicate ratio of the velocity, nearly; and when it moves slowly, 
somewhat greater than in thftt ratio. 

Now let V represent the greatest velocity in any oscillation, and let A, 
B, and C be given quantities, and let us suppose the difference of the arcs 


to be AY + BY 2 + CY 2 . Since the greatest velocities are in the cycloid 
as ^ the arcs described in oscillating, and in the circle as \ the chords of 
those arcs; and therefore in equal arcs are greater in the cycloid than in 
the circle in the ratio of J the arcs to their chords; but the times in the 
circle are greater than in the cycloid, in a reciprocal ratio of the velocity; 
it is plain that the differences of the arcs (which are as the resistance and 
the square of the time conjunctly) are nearly the same in both curves: for 
in the cycloid those differences must be on the one hand augmented, with 
the resistance, in about the duplicate ratio of the arc to the chord, because 
of the velocity augmented in the simple ratio of the same; and on the 
other hand diminished, with the square of the time, in the same duplicate 
ratio. Therefore to reduce these observations to the cycloid, we must take 
the same differences of the arcs as were observed in the circle, and suppose 
the greatest velocities analogous to the half, or the whole arcs, that is, to 
the numbers i, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16. Therefore in the 2d, 4th, and 6th cases, put 
1,4, and 16 for Y; and the difference of the arcs in the 2d case will become 

i 2 

—= A -f B + C; in the 4th case, = 4A + 8B + 16C ; in the 6th 

121 o&j 

case, ^- = 16A -f 64B -f- 256C. These equations reduced give A = 

0,0000916, B = 0,0010847, and C = 0,0029558. Therefore the difference 

of the arcs is as 0,0000916V + 0,0010847V 5 + 0,0029558V*: and there¬ 
fore since (by Cor. Prop. XXX, applied to this case) the distance of the 
globe in the middle of the arc described in oscillating, where the velocity 

is Y, is to its weight as T 7 T AV + T 7 „BV 2 + fCV 2 to the length of the 
pendulum, if for A, B, and C you put the numbers found, the resistance of 

the globe will be to its weight as 0,0000583V + 0,0007593V^ + 0,0022169Y 2 
to the length of the pendulum between the centre of suspension and the 
ruler, that is, to 121 inches. Therefore since Y in the second case repre¬ 
sents 1, in the 4th case 4, and in the 6th case 16, the resistance will be to 
the weight of the globe, in the 2d case, as 0,0030345 to 121; in the 4th, as 
0,041748 to 121; in the 6th, as 0,61705 to 121. 


Sec. VI.] of natural philosophy. 

The arc, which the point marked in the thread described in the 6 th case, 

was of 120 — or 119^ inches. And therefore since the radius was 

121 inches, and the length of the pendulum between the point of suspen¬ 
sion and the centre of the globe was 126 inches, the arc which the centre of 
the globe described was 124/ T inches. Because the greatest velocity of the 
oscillating body, by reason of the resistance of the air, does not fall on the 
lowest point of the arc described, but near the middle place of the whole 
arc, this velocity will be nearly the same as if the globe in its whole descent 
in a non-resisting medium should describe 62g\ inches, the half of that arc, 
and that in a cycloid, to which we have above reduced the motion of the 
pendulum; and therefore that velocity will be equal to that which the 
globe would acquire by falling perpendicularly from a height equal to the 
versed sine of that arc. But that versed sine in the cycloid is to that arc 
62/2 as the same arc to twice the length of the pendulum 252, and there¬ 
fore equal to 15,278 inches. Therefore the velocity of the pendulum is the 
same which a body would acquire by falling, and in its fall describing a 
space of 15,278 inches. Therefore with such a velocity the globe meets 
with a resistance which is to its weight as 0,61705 to 121, or (if we take 
that part only of the resistance which is in the duplicate ratio of the ve¬ 
locity) as 0,56752 to 121. 

I found, by an hydrostatical experiment, that the weight of this wooden 
globe was to the weight of a globe of water of the same magnitude as 55 
to 97: and therefore since 121 is to 213,4 in the same ratio, the resistance 
made to this globe of water, moving forwards with the above-mentioned 
velocity, will be to its weight as 0,56752 to 213,4, that is, as 1 to 376^. 
Whence since the weight of a globe of water, in the time in which the 
globe with a velocity uniformly continued describes a length of 30,556 
inches, will generate all that velocity in the falling globe, it is manifest 
that the force of resistance uniformly continued in the same time will take 
away a velocity, which will be less than the other in the ratio of 1 to 376^- 0 , 

that is, the —part of the whole velocity. And therefore in the time 

iiat the globe, with the same velocity uniformly continued, would describe 
the length of its semi-diameter, or 3 r 7 F inches, it would lose the 33 V 2 P ar ^ 
of its motion. 

I also counted the oscillations in which the pendulum lost | part of its 
motion. In the following table the upper numbers denote the length of the 
arc described in the first descent, expressed in inches and parts of an inch; 
the middle numbers denote the length of the arc described in the last as¬ 
cent ; and in the lowest place are the numbers of the oscillations. I give 
an account of this experiment, as being more accurate than that in which 


only i part of the motion was lost. I leave the calculation to such as are 
disposed to make it. 

First descent . . 

. 2 






Last ascent . . 

• 4 






Numb . of oscill. . 

. 374 






I afterward suspended a leaden globe of 2 inches in diameter, weighing 
26i ounces troy by the same thread, so that between the centre of the 
globe and the point of suspension there was an interval of 10i feet, and I 
counted the oscillations in which a given part of the motion was lost. The 
lirst of the following tables exhibits the number of oscillations in which -J- 
part of the whole motion was lost; the second the number of oscillations 
in which there was lost i part of the same. 

First descent . . 

. . 1 







Last ascent . . 









Numb, of oscill. 

. . 226 * 







First descent . . 

. . 1 







Last ascent . 4 


* * 4 







Numb, of oscill . 

. . 510 







Selecting in the first table the 3d, 5th, and 7th observations, and express¬ 
ing the greatest velocities in these observations particularly by the num¬ 
bers 1, 4, 16 respectively, and generally by the quantity Y as above, there 


will come out in the 3d observation = A -f B + C, in the 5th obser- 

2 8 

vation = 4A 4- SB + 16C, in the 7th observation = 16A + 64B -t- 

256C. These equations reduced give A == 0,001414, B = 0,000297, C =- 
0,000879. And thence the resistance of the globe moving with the velocity 
V will be to its weight 26} ounces in the same ratio as 0,0009V + 

0,000208V 2 + 0,000659V 2 to 121 inches, the length of the pendulum. 
And if we regard that part only of the resistance which is in the dupli¬ 
cate ratio of the velocity, it will be to the weight of the globe as 0,000659V 2 
to 121 inches. But this part of the resistance in the first experiment was 
to the weight of the wooden globe of 57 g 7 j ounces as 0,002217V 2 to 121; 
and thence the resistance of the wmoden globe is to the resistance of the 
leaden one (their velocities being equal) as 57into 0,002217 to 26J- 
into 0,000659, that is, as 71 to 1. The diameters of the two globes were 
6J and 2 inches, and the squares of these are to each other as 47! and 4, 
or 11 if and 1, nearly. Therefore the resistances of these equally swift 
globes were in less than a duplicate ratio of the diameters. But we have 
not yet considered the resistance of the thread, which was certainly very 
considerable, and ought to be subducted from the resistance of the pendu¬ 
lums here found. I could not determine this accurately, but I found ii 



Sec. VI.J 

greater than a third part of the whole resistance of the lesser pendulum ; 
and thence I gathered that the resistances of the globes, when the resist¬ 
ance of the thread is subducted, are nearly in the duplicate ratio of their 
diameters. For the ratio of 7} — } to 1 — }, or 10} to 1 is not very 
different from the duplicate ratio of the diameters 1 l}f to l. 

Since the resistance of the -thread is of less moment in greater globes, I 
tried the experiment also with a globe whose diameter was 3Sf inches. 
The length of the pendulum between the point of suspension and the cen¬ 
tre uf oscillation was 12 2} inches, and between the point of suspension and 
the knot in the thread 109} inches. The arc described by the knot at the 
first descent of the pendulum was 32 inches. The arc described by the 
same knot in the last ascent after five oscillations was 2S inches. The 
sum of the arcs, or the whole arc described in one mean oscillation, was 60 
inches. The difference of the arcs 4 inches. The T V part of this, or the 
difference between the descent and ascent in one mean oscillation, is f of 
an inch. Then as the radius 109 } to the radius 122}, so is the whole arc 
of 60 inches described by the knot in one mean oscillation to the whole arc 
of 67} inches described by the centre of the globe in one mean oscillation; 
and so is the difference § to a new difference 0,4475. If the length of the 
arc described were to remain, and the length of the pendulum should be 
augmented in the ratio of 126 to 122}, the time of the oscillation would 
be augmented, and the velocity of the pendulum would be diminished in 
the subduplicate of that ratio ; so that the difference 0,4475 of the arcs de¬ 
scribed in the descent and subsequent ascent would remain. Then if the 
arc described be augmented in the ratio of 124/ T to 67}, that difference 
0.4475 would be augmented in the duplicate of that ratio, and so would 
become 1,5295. These things would be so upon the supposition that the 
resistance of the pendulum were in the duplicate ratio of the velocity. 
Therefore if the pendulum describe the whole arc of 1243 3 T inches, and its 
length between the point of suspension and the centre of oscillation be 126 
inches, the difference of the arcs described in the descent and subsequent 
ascent would be 1,5295 inches. And this difference multiplied into the 
weight of the pendulous globe, which was 208 ounces, produces 318,136. 
Again; in the pendulum above-mentioned, made of a wooden globe, when 
its centre of oscillation, being 126 inches from the point of suspension, de¬ 
scribed the whole arc of 124/ r inches, the difference of the arcs described 

126 8 

in the descent and ascent was into This multiplied into the 

weight of the globe, which was 67^ ounces, produces 49,396. But I mul¬ 
tiply these differences into the weights of the globes, in order to find their 
resistances. For the differences arise from the resistances, and are as the 
resistances directly and the weights inversely. Therefore the resistances 
are as the numbers 318,136 and 49,396. But that part of the resistance 


[Book IL 


of the lesser globe, which is in the duplicate ratio of the velocity, was to 
the whole resistance as 0,56752 tor 0,61675, that is, as 45,453 to 49,396; 
w'hereas that part of the resistance of the greater globe is almost equal to 
its whole resistance; and so those parts are nearly as 318,136 and 45,453, 
that is, as 7 and 1. But the diameters of the globes are 18f and 6J; and 
their squares 351 y 9 ^ and 47ii are as 7,438 and 1, that is, as the resistances 
of the globes 7 and 1, nearly. The difference of these ratios is scarce 
greater than may arise from the resistance of the thread. Therefore those 
parts of the resistances which are, when the globes are equal, as the squares 
of the velocities, are also, when the velocities are equal, as the squares of 
the diameters of the globes. 

But the greatest of the globes I used in these experiments was not per¬ 
fectly spherical, and therefore in this calculation I have, for brevity’s sake, 
neglected some little niceties; being not very solicitous for an accurate 
calculus in an experiment that was not very accurate. So that I could 
wish that these experiments were tried again with other globes, of a larger 
size, more in number, and more accurately formed; since the demonstra¬ 
tion of a vacuum depends thereon. If the globes be taken in a geometrical 
proportion, as suppose whose diameters are 4, 8, 16, 32 inches ; one may 
collect from the progression observed in the experiments what would hap¬ 
pen if the globes were still larger. 

In order to compare the resistances of different fluids with each other, I 
made the following trials. I procured a wooden vessel 4 feet long, 1 foot 
broad, and 1 foot high. This vessel, being uncovered, I filled with spring 
water, and, having immersed pendulums therein, I made them oscillate in 
the water. And I found that a leaden globe weighing 166i ounces, and in 
diameter 3f inches, moved therein as it is set down in the following table; 
the length of the pendulum from the point of suspension to a certain 
point marked in the thread being 126 inches, and to the centre of oscilla¬ 

tion 134f inches. 

The arc described in' 
the first descent , by 

a point marked in J-64 . 32 . 16 . 8 . 4 

the thread was 


The arc described in ) 
the last ascent was 

The difference of the 
arcs, proportional 
to the motion lost , 
was inches . 

The number of the os¬ 
cillations in water. 

The number of the os¬ 
cillations in air. 

48 . 24 . 12 . 6 


2 9 


. 287.535 

. 2 . 1 . £ . J 

• li • I • i • A 

. 7 . 11J.12|.13* 



Sec. VI.] 

In the experiments of the 4th column there were equal motions lost in 
535 oscillations made in the air, and Ifin water. The oscillations in the 
air were indeed a little swifter than those in the water. But if the oscil¬ 
lations in the water were accelerated in such a ratio that the motions of 
the pendulums might be equally swift in both mediums, there would be 
still the same number 1 j of oscillations in the water, and by these the 
same quantity of motion would be lost as before ; because the resistance b 
increased, and the square of the time diminished in the same duplicate ra¬ 
tio. The pendulums, therefore, being of equal velocities, there were equal 
motions lost in 535 oscillations in the air, and 1} in the water; and there¬ 
fore the resistance of the pendulum in the water is to its resistance in the 
air as 535 to 1J. This is the proportion of the whole resistances in the 
case of the 4th column. 

Now let AY + CV 2 represent the difference of the arcs described in the 
descent and subsequent ascent by the globe moving in air with the greatest 
velocity Y; and since the greatest velocity is in the case of the 4th column 
to the greatest velocity in the case of the 1st column as 1 to 8; and that 
difference of the arcs in the case of the 4th column to the difference in the 

2 16 

case of the 1st column as to g^y, or as 85£ to 42S0 ; put in these 

cases 1 and 8 for the velocities, and 85 \ and 4280 for the differences of 
the arcs, and A + C will be = S5f, and 8A + 64C = 4280 or A + SC 
= 535; and then by reducing these equations, there will come out 7C = 
449| and C = 64 T 3 T and A = 21-f ; and therefore the resistance, which is 
as T 7 T AY + fCY 2 , will become as 13 T 6 T Y + 48/gY 2 . Therefore in the 
case of the 4th column, where the velocity was 1, the whole resistance is to 
its part proportional to the square of the velocity as 13 T 6 T + 4S/ F or 
61 to 48 j 9 f ; and therefore the resistance of the pendulum in water is to 
that part of the resistance in air, which is proportional to the square of the 
velocity, and which in swift motions is the only part that deserves consid¬ 
eration, as 61}f to 4 Sj 9 f and 535 to \\ conjunctly, that is, as 571 to 1. 
If the whole thread of the pendulum oscillating in the water had been im¬ 
mersed, its resistance would have been still greater; so that the resistance 
of the pendulum oscillating in the water, that is, that part which is pro¬ 
portional to the square of the velocity, and which only needs to be consid¬ 
ered in swift bodies, is to the resistance of the same whole pendulum, oscil¬ 
lating in air with the same velocity, a3 about 850 to 1, that is as, the den¬ 
sity of water to the density of air, nearly. 

In this calculation we ought also to have taken in that part of the re¬ 
sistance of the pendulum in the water which was as the square of the ve¬ 
locity ; but I found (which will perhaps seem strange) that the resistance 
in the water was augmented in more than a duplicate ratio of the velocity. 
In searching after the cause, I thought upon this, that the vessel was toe 



[Book IL 

narrow for the magnitude of the pendulous globe, and by its narrowness 
obstructed the motion of the water as it yielded to the oscillating globe. 
For when I immersed a pendulous globe, whose diameter was one inch only, 
the resistance was augmented nearly in a duplicate ratio of the velocity. 
I tried this by making a pendulum of two globe 3 , of which the lesser and 
lower oscillated in the water, and the greater and higher was fastened to 
the thread just above the water, and, by oscillating in the air, assisted the 
motion of the pendulum, and continued it longer. The experiments made 
by this contrivance proved according to the following table. 

Arc descr. in first descent ..16.S. 
Arc descr. iri last ascent . . 12 . 6 . 3 . 1} . | . | . _ s ¥ 

Diff. of arcs , proport, to) - o 1 x L i _i_ 

motion lost $ * * ’ 2 * 4 * « * 

Number of oscillations... 3f . 6} . 12^. 21}. 34 . 53 . 62) 

In comparing the resistances of the mediums with each other, I also 
caused iron pendulums to oscillate in quicksilver. The length of the iron 
wire was about 3 feet, and the diameter of the pendulous globe about } of 
an inch. To the wire, just above the quicksilver, there was fixed another 
leaden globe of a bigness sufficient to continue the motion of the pendulum 
for some time. Then a vessel, that would hold about 3 pounds of quick¬ 
silver, was filled by turns with quicksilver and common water, that, by 
making the pendulum oscillate successively in these two different fluids, I 
might find the proportion of their resistances; and the resistance of the 
quicksilver proved to be to the resistance of water as about 13 or 14 to 1 ; 
that is. as the density of quicksilver to the density of water. When I made 
use of a pendulous globe something bigger, as of one whose diameter was 
about } or f of an inch, the resistance of the quicksilver proved to be to 
the resistance of the water as about 12 or 10 to 1. But the former experi¬ 
ment is more to be relied on, because in the latter the vessel was too nar¬ 
row in proportion to the magnitude of the immersed globe; for the vessel 
ought to have been enlarged together with the globe. I intended to have 
repeated these experiments with larger vessels, and in melted metals, and 
other liquors both cold and hot; but I had not leisure to try all: and be¬ 
sides, from what is already described, it appears sufficiently that the resist¬ 
ance of bodies moving swiftly is nearly proportional to the densities of 
the fluids in which they move. I do not say accurately; for more tena¬ 
cious fluids, of equal density, will undoubtedly resist more than those that 
are more liquid; as cold oil more than warm, warm oil more than rain¬ 
water, and water more than spirit of wine. But in liquors, which are sen¬ 
sibly fluid enough, as in air, in salt and fresh water, in spirit of wine, of 
turpentine, and salts, in oil cleared of its fseces by distillation and warmed, 
in oil of vitriol, and in mercury, and melted metals, and any other such 
like, that are fluid enough to retain for some time the motion impressed 

Sec. YI.J 



upon them by the agitation of the vessel, and which being poured out are 
easily resolved into drops, I doubt not but the rule already laid down may 
be accurate enough, especially if the experiments be made with larger 
pendulous bodies and more swiftly moved. 

Lastly, since it is the opinion of some that there is a certain aethereal 
medium extremely rare and subtile, which freely pervades the pores of all 
bodies; and from such a medium, so pervading the pores of bodies, some re¬ 
sistance must needs arise; in order to try whether the resistance, which we 
experience in bodies in motion, be made upon their outward superficies only, 
or whether their internal parts meet with any considerable resistance upon 
their superficies, I thought of the following experiment I suspended a 
round deal box by a thread 11 feet long, on a steel hook, by means of a ring 
of the same metal, so as to make a pendulum of the aforesaid length. The 
hook had a sharp hollow edge on its upper part, so that the upper arc of 
the ring pressing on the edge might move the more freely; and the thread 
was fastened to the lower arc of the ring. The pendulum being thus pre¬ 
pared, I drew it aside from the perpendicular to the distance of about 6 
feet, and that in a plane perpendicular to the edge of the hook, lest the 
ring, while the pendulum oscillated, .should slide to and fro on the edge of 
the hook: for the point of suspension, in which the ring touches the hook, 
ought to remain immovable. I therefore accurately noted the place to 
which the pendulum was brought, and letting it go, I marked three other 
places, to which it returned at the end of the 1st, 2d, and 3d oscillation. 
This I often repeated, that I might find those places as accurately as pos¬ 
sible. Then I filled the box with lead and other heavy metals that were 
near at hand. But, first, I weighed the box when empty, and that part of 
the thread that went round it, and half the remaining part, extended be¬ 
tween the hook and the suspended box; for the thread so extended always 
acts upon the pendulum, when drawn aside from the perpendicular, with half 
its weight. To this weight I added the weight of the air contained in the 
box And this whole weight was about of the weight of the box when 
filled with the metals. Then because the box when full of the metals, by ex¬ 
tending the thread with its weight, increased the length of the pendulum, 
\ shortened the thread so as to make the length of the pendulum, when os¬ 
cillating, the same as before. Then drawing aside the pendulum to the 
place first marked, and letting it go, I reckoned about 77 oscillations before 
the box returned to the second mark, and as many afterwards before it came 
to the third mark, and as many after that before it came to the fourth 
mark. From whence I conclude that the whole resistance of the box, when 
full, had not a greater proportion to the resistance of the box, when empty, 
than 78 to 77. For if their resistances were equal, the box, when full, by 
reason of its vis insita, which was 78 times greater than the vis insita of 
the same when emptv, ought to have continued its oscillating motion so 




|Book II. 

much the longer, and therefore to have returned to those marks at the end 
of 78 oscillations. But it returned to them at the end of 77 oscillations. 

Let, therefore, A represent the resistance of the box upon its external 
superficies, and B the resistance of the empty box on its internal superficies; 
and if the resistances to the internal parts of bodies equally swift be as the 
matter, or the number of particles that are resisted, then 78B will be the 
resistance made to the internal parts of the box, when full; and therefore 
the whole resistance A + B of the empty box will be to the whole resist¬ 
ance A + 78B of the full box as 77 to 78, and, by division, A -f B to 77B 
as 77 to 1; and thence A + B to B as 77 X 77 to 1, and, by division 
again, A to B as 5928 to 1. Therefore the resistance of the empty box in 
its internal parts will be above 5000 times less than the resistance on its 
external superficies. This reasoning depends upon the supposition that the 
greater resistance of the full box arises not from any other latent cause, 
but only from the action of some subtile fluid upon the included metal. 

This experiment is related by memory, the paper being lost in which I 
had described it; so that I have been obliged to omit some fractional parts, 
which are slipt out of my memory; and I have no leisure to try it again. 
The first time I made it, the hook being weak, the full box was retarded 
sooner. The cause I found to be, that the hook was not strong enough to 
bear the weight of the box; so that, as it oscillated to and fro, the hook 
was bent sometimes this and sometimes that way. I therefore procured a 
hook of sufficient strength, so that the point of suspension might remain 
unmoved, and then all things happened as is above described. 

Sec. VII.1 




Of the motion of fluids, and the resistance made to projected bodies . 


Suppose two similar systems of bodies consisting of an equal number oj 
particles, and let the correspondent particles be similar and propor¬ 
tional, each in one system to each in the other, and have a like situa¬ 
tion among themselves, and the same given ratio of density to each 
other ; and let them begin to move among themselves in proportional 
times, and with like motions {that is, those in one system among one 
another, and those in the other among one another). And if the par¬ 
ticles that are in the same system do not touch one another, except ir 
the 'moments of reflexion ; nor attract, nor repel each other, except with 
accelerative forces that are as the diameters of the correspondent parti¬ 
cles inversely, and the squares of the velocities directly ; I say, that the 
particles of those systems will continue to move among themselves with 
like motions and in proportional times. 

Like bodies in like situations are »aid to be moved among themselves 
with like motions and in proportional times, when their situations at the 
end of those times are always found alike in respect of each other.; as sup¬ 
pose we compare the particles in one system with the correspondent parti¬ 
cles in the other. Hence the times will be proportional, in which similar 
and proportional parts of similar figures will be described by correspondent 
particles. Therefore if we suppose two systems of this kind, the corre¬ 
spondent particles, by reason of the similitude of the motions at their 
beginning, will continue to be moved with like motions, so long as they 
move without meeting one another; for if they are acted on by no forces,' 
they will go on uniformly in right lines, by the 1st Law. But if they do 
agitate one another with some certain forces, and those forces are as the 
diameters of the correspondent particles inversely and the squares of the 
velocities directly, then, because the particles are in like situations, and 
their forces are proportional, the whole forces with which correspondent 
particles are agitated, and which are compounded of each of the agitating 
forces (by Corol. 2 of the Laws), will have like directions, and have the 
same effect as if they respected centres placed alike among the particles; 
and those whole forces will be to each other as the several forces which 
compose them, that is, as the diameters of the correspondent particles in¬ 
versely, and the squares of the velocities directly : and therefore will caus»* 



[Book lL 

correspondent particles to continue to describe like figures. These things 
will be so (by Gor. 1 and S, Prop. IV., Book 1), if those centres are at rest 
but if they are moved, yet by reason of the similitude of the translation^ 
their situations among the particles of the system will remain similar, so 
that the changes introduced into the figures described by the particles will 
Btill be similar. So that the motions of correspondent and similar par¬ 
ticles will continue similar till their first meeting with each other; and 
thence will arise similar collisions, and similar reflexions; which will again 
beget similar motions of the particles among themselves (by what was just 
now shown), till they mutually fall upon one another again, and so on ad 

Cor. 1 . Hence if any two bodies, which are similar and in like situations 
to the correspondent particles of the systems, begin to move amongst them 
in like manner and in proportional times, and their magnitudes and densi¬ 
ties be to each other as the magnitudes and densities of the corresponding 
particles, these bodies will continue to be moved in like manner and in 
proportional times; for the case of the greater parts of both systems and of 
the particles is the very same. 

Cor. 2. And if all the similar and similarly situated parts of both sys¬ 
tems be at rest among themselves; and two of them, which are greater than 
the rest, and mutually correspondent in both systems, begin to move in 
lines alike posited, with any similar motion whatsoever, they will excite 
similar motions in the rest of the parts of the systems, and will continue 
to move among those parts in like manner and in proportional times ; and 
will therefore describe spaces proportional to their diameters. 


The same things hiring supposed, I say, that the greater parts of the 
systems are resisted in a ratio compounded of the duplicate ratio of 
their velocities , and the duplicate ratio of their diameters, and the sim¬ 
ple ratio of the density of the parts of the systems. 

For the resistance arises partly from the centripetal or centrifugal, forces 
with which the particles of the system mutually act on each other, partly 
from the collisions and reflexions of the particles and the greater parts. 
The resistances of the first kind are to each other as the whole motive 
forces from which they arise, that is, as the whole accelerative forces and 
the quantities of matter in corresponding parts; that is (by the sup¬ 
position), as the squares of the velocities directly, and the distances of the 
corresponding particles inversely, and the quantities of matter in the cor¬ 
respondent parts directly : and therefore since the distances of the parti¬ 
cles in one system are to the correspondent distances of the particles of the 
flher as the diameter of one particle or part in *he former system to the 



Sec. VII.] 

diameter of the correspondent particle or part in the other, and since the 
quantities of matter are as the densities of the parts and the cubes of the 
diameters; the resistances arc to each other as the squares of the velocities 
and the squares of the diameters and the densities of the parts of the sys¬ 
tems. Q.E.D. The resistances of the latter sort are as the number of 
correspondent reflexions and the forces of those reflexions conjunctly; but 
the number of the reflexions are to each other as the velocities of the cor¬ 
responding parts directly and the spaces between their reflexions inversely. 
And the forces of the reflexions are as the velocities and the magnitudes 
and the densities of the corresponding parts conjunctly; that is, as the ve¬ 
locities and the cubes of the diameters and the densities of the parts. And, 
joining all these ratios, the resistances of the corresponding parts are to 
each other as the squares of the velocities and the squares of the diameters 
and the densities of the parts conjunctly. Q,.E.D. 

Cor. 1. Therefore if those systems are two elastic fluids, like our air, 
and their parts are at rest among themselves; and two similar bodies pro¬ 
portional in magnitude and density to the parts of the fluids, and similarly 
situated among those parts, be any how projected in the direction of lines 
similarly posited; and the accelerative forces with which the particles of 
the fluids mutually act upon each other are as the diameters of the bodies 
projected inversely and the squares of their velocities directly; those bodies 
will excite similar motions in the fluids in proportional times, and will de¬ 
scribe similar spaces and proportional to their diameters. 

Cor. 2. Therefore in the same fluid a projected body that moves swiftly 
meets with a resistance that is, in the duplicate ratio of its velocity, nearly. 
For if the forces with which distant particles act mutually upon one 
another should be augmented in the duplicate ratio of the velocity, the 
projected body would be resisted in the same duplicate ratio accurately; 
and therefore in a medium, whose parts when at a distance do not act mu¬ 
tually with any force on one another, the resistance is in the duplicate ra¬ 
tio of the velocity accurately. Let there be, therefore, three mediums A, 
B, C, consisting of similar and equal parts regularly disposed at equal 
distances. Let the parts of the mediums A and B recede from each other 
with forces that are among themselves as T and V; and let the parts of 
the medium C be entirely destitute of any such forces. And if four equal 
bodies D, E, F, G, move in these mediums, the two first D and E in the 
two first A and B, and the other two F and G in the third C; and if the 
velocity of the body D be to the velocity of the body E, and the velocity 
of the body F to the velocity of the body G, in the subduplicate ratio of 
the force T to the force V; the resistance of the body D to the resistance 
of the body E, and the resistance of the body F to the resistance of the 
body G, will be in the duplicate ratio of the velocities ; and therefore the 
resistance of the body D will be to the resistance of the body F as the re- 



[Book II 

sistance of the body E to the resistance of the body G. Let the bodies 1) 
and F be equally swift, as also the bodies E and G; and, augmenting the 
velocities of thejbodies D and F in any ratio, and diminishing the forces 
of the particles of the medium B in the duplicate of the same ratio, the 
medium B will approach to the form and condition of the medium C at 
pleasure; and therefore the resistances of the equal and equally swift 
bodies E and G in these mediums will perpetually approach to equality 
so that their difference will at last become less than any given. There¬ 
fore since the resistances of the bodies 1) and F are to each other as the 
resistances of the bodies E and G, those will also in like manner approach 
to the ratio of equality. Therefore the bodies D and F, when they move 
with very great swiftness, meet with resistances very nearly equal; and 
therefore since the resistance of the body F is in a duplicate ratio of the 
velocity, the resistance of the body D will be nearly in the same ratio. 

Cor. 3. The resistance of a body moving very swift in an elastic fluid 
is almost the same as if the parts of the fluid were destitute of their cen¬ 
trifugal forces, and did not fly from each other; if so be that the elasti¬ 
city of the fluid arise from the centrifugal forces of the particles, and the 
velocity be so great as not to allow the particles time enough to act. 

Cor. 4. Therefore, since the resistances of similar and equally swift 
bodies, in a medium whose distant parts do not fly from each other, are as 
the squares of the diameters, the resistances made to bodies moving with 
very great and equal velocities in an elastic fluid will be as the squares of 
the diameters, nearly. 

Cor. 5. And since similar, equal, and equally swift bodies, moving 
through mediums of the same density, whose particles do not fly from each 
other mutually, will strike against an equal quantity of matter in equal 
times, whether the particles of which the medium consists be more and 
smaller, or fewer and greater, and therefore impress on that matter an equal 
quantity of motion, and in return (by the 3d Law of Motion) suffer an 
equal re-action from the same, that is, are equally resisted; it is manifest, 
also, that in elastic fluids of the same density, when the bodies move with 
extreme swiftness, their resistances are nearly equal, whether the fluids 
consist of gross parts, or of parts ever so subtile. For the resistance of 
projectiles moving with exceedingly great celerities is not much diminished 
by the subtilty of the medium. 

Cor. G. All these things are so in fluids whose elastic force takes its rise 
from the centrifugal forces of the particles. But if that force arise from 
some other cause, as from the expansion of the particles after the manner 
of wool, or the boughs of trees, or any other cause, by which the particles 
are hindered from moving freely among themselves, the resistance, by 
reason of the lesser fluidity of the medium, will be greater than in the 
Corollaries above. 



Sec. YII.J 


If in a rare medium , consisting of equal particles freely disposed at 
equal distances from each other , a globe and a cylinder described on 
equal diameters move with equal velocities in the direction of the axis 
of the cylinder , the resistance of the globe loill be but half so great as 
that of the cylinder. 

For since the action of the medi¬ 
um upon the body is the same (by 
Cor. 5 of the Laws) whether the body 
move in a quiescent medium, or 
whether the particles of the medium 
impinge with the same velocity upon 
the quiescent body, let us consider 
the body as if it were quiescent, and 
see with what force it would be im¬ 
pelled by the moving medium. Let, therefore, ABKl represent a spherical 
body described from the centre C with the semi-diameter CA, and let the 
particles of the medium impinge with a given velocity upon that spherical 
body in the directions of right lines parallel to AC; and let FB be one of 
those right lines. In FB take LB equal to the semi-diameter CB, and 
draw BI) touching the sphere in B. Upon KC and BD let fall the per¬ 
pendiculars BE, LD; and the force with which a particle of the medium, 
impinging on the globe obliquely in the direction FB, would strike the 
globe in B, will be to the,force with which the same particle, meeting the 
cylinder ONGQ, described about the globe with the axis ACI, would strike 
it perpendicularly in b , as LD to LB, or BE to BC. Again; the efficacy 
of this force to move the globe, according to the direction of its incidence 
FB or AC, is to the efficacy of the same to move the globe, according to 
the direction of its determination, that is, in the direction of the right line 
BC in which it impels the globe directly, as BE to BC. And, joining 
these ratios, the efficacy of a particle, falling upon the globe obliquely in 
the direction of the right line FB, to move the globe in the direction, of its 
incidence, is to the efficacy of the same particle falling in the same line 
perpendicularly on the cylinder, to move it in the same direction, as BE 2 
to BC 2 . Therefore if in £E, which is perpendicular to the circular base of 
the cylinder NAO, and equal to the radius AC, we take £H equal to 
BE a 

; then bH will be to 6E as the effect of the particle upon the globe tc 

the effect of the particle upon the cylinder. And therefore the solid which 
is formed by all the right lines 6H will be to the solid formed by all the 
right lines bJZ as the effect of all the particles upon the globe to the effect 
of all the particles upon the cylinder. But the former of these solids is a 

G k jsr 



[Book 11. 

paraboloid whose vertex is C, its axis CA, and latus rectum CA, and the 
latter solid is a cylinder circumscribing the paraboloid; and it is know'r 
that a paraboloid is half its circumscribed cylinder. Therefore the whole 
force of the medium upon the globe is half of the entire force of the same 
upon the cylinder. And therefore if the particles of the medium are at 
rest, and the cylinder and globe move with equal velocities, the resistance 
of the globe will be half the resistance of the cylinder. Q.E.D. 


By the same method other figures may be compared together as to their 
resistance; and those may be found which are most apt to continue their 
motions in resisting mediums. As if upon the circular base CEBH from 
the centre O, with the radius OC, and the altitude OD, one would construct 
a frustum CBGF of a cone, which should meet with less resistance than 
any other frustum constructed with the same base and altitude, and going 
forwards towards D in the direction of its axis: bisect the altitude OD in 
Li, and produce OQ, to S, so that QS may be equal to QC, and S will be 
the vertex of the cone whose frustum is sought. 

Whence, by the bye, since the angle CSB is always acute, it follows, that, 
if the solid ADBE be generated by the convolution of an elliptical or oval 
figure ADBE about its axis AB, and the generating figure be touched by 
three right lines FG, GH, HI, in the points F, B, and I, so that GH shall 
be perpendicular to the axis in the point of contact B, and FG, HI may be 
inclined to GH in the angles FGB, BHI of 135 degrees: the solid arising 
from the convolution of the figure ADFGH1E about the same axis AB 
will be less resisted than the former solid; if so be that both move forward 
in the direction of their axis AB, and that the extremity B of each go 
foremost. Which Proposition I conceive may be of use in the building of 

If the figure DNFG be such a curve, that if, from any point thereof, as 
N, the perpendicular NM be let fall on the axis AB, and from the given 
point G there be drawn the right line GR parallel to a right line touching 
the figure in N, and cutting the axis produced in R, MN becomes to GR 
as GR 3 to dBR X GB 2 , the solid described by the revolution of this figure 



Sec. V 11.1 

about its axis AB, moving in the before-mentioned rare medium from A 
towards B, will be less resisted than any other circular solid whatsoever, 
described of the same length and breadth. 


If a rare medium consist of very small quiescent particles of equal mag• 
nitudes , and freely disposed at equal distances from one another: to 
find the resistance of a globe moving uniformly forward in this 

Case 1. Let a cylinder described with the same diameter and altitude be 
conceived to go forward with the same velocity in the direction of its axis 
through the same medium; and let us suppose that the particles of the 
medium, on which the globe or cylinder falls, fly back with as great a force 
of reflexion as possible. Then since the resistance of the globe (by the last 
Proposition) is but half the resistance of the cylinder, and since the globe 
is to the cylinder as 2 to 3, and since the cylinder by falling perpendicu¬ 
larly on the particles, and reflecting them with the utmost force, commu¬ 
nicates to them a velocity double to its own; it follows that the cylinder* 
in moving forward uniformly half the length of its axis, will communicate 
a motion to the particles which is to the whole motion of the cylinder as 
the density of the medium to the density of the cylinder; and that the 
globe, in the time it describes one length of its diameter in moving uni¬ 
formly forward, will communicate the same motion to the particles; and 
in the time that it describes two thirds of its diameter, will communicate 
a motion to the particles which is to the whole motion of the globe as the 
density of the medium to the density of the globe. And therefore the 
globe meets with a resistance, which is to the force by which its whole mo¬ 
tion may be either taken away or generated in the time in which it de¬ 
scribes two thirds of its diameter moving uniformly forward, as the den¬ 
sity of the medium to the density of the globe. 

Case 2. Let us suppose that the particles of the medium incident on 
the globe or cylinder are not reflected; and then the cylinder falling per¬ 
pendicularly on the particles will communicate its own simple velocity to 
them, and therefore meets a resistance but half so great as in the former 
case, and the globe also meets with a resistance but half so great. 

Case 3. Let us suppose the particles of the medium to fly back from 
the globe with a force which is neither the greatest, nor yet none at all, but 
with a certain mean force: then the resistance of the globe will be in the 
same mean ratio between the resistance in the first case and the resistance 
in the second. Q.E.I. 

Cor. 1. Hence if the globe and the particles are infinitely hard, and 
destitute of all elastic force, and therefore of all force of reflexion; th« 
resistance of the globe will be to the force by which its whole motion may 



[Book I) 

be destroyed or generated, in the time that the globe describes four third 
parts of its diameter, as the density of the medium to the density of the 

Cor. 2. The resistance of the globe, cceteris paribus, is in the duplicate 
ratio of the velocity. 

Cor. 3. The resistance of the globe, cccterisparibus , is in the duplicate 
ratio of the diameter. 

Cor. 4. The resistance of the globe is, cceteris paribus, as the density of 
the medium. 

Cor. 5. The resistance of the globe is in a ratio compounded of the du¬ 
plicate ratio of the velocity, and the duplicate ratio of the diameter, and 
the ratio of the density of the medium. 

Cor. 6. The motion of the globe and its re¬ 
sistance may be thus expounded Let AB be the 
time in which the globe may, by its resistance 
uniformly continued, lose its whole motion. 
Erect AD, BC perpendicular to AB. Let BC be 
that whole motion, and through the point C, the 
asymptotes being AD, AB, describe the hyperbola 
CF. Produce AB to any point E. Erect the perpendicular EF meeting 
the hyperbola in F. Complete the parallelogram CBEG, and draw AF 
meeting BC in H. Then if the globe in any time BE, witii its first mo¬ 
tion BC uniformly continued, describes in a non-resisting medium the space 
CBEG expounded by the area of the parallelogram, the same in a resisting 
medium will describe the space CBEF expounded by the area of the hy¬ 
perbola ; and its motion at the end of that time will be expounded by EF, 
the ordinate of the hyperbola, there being lost of its motion the part FG. 
And its resistance at the end of the same time will be expounded by the 
length BH. there being lost of its resistance the part CH. All these things 
appear by Cor. 1 and 3, Prop. V., Book II. 

Cor. 7. Hence if the globe in the time T by the resistance R uniformly 
continued lose its whole motion M, the same globe in the time t in a 
resisting medium, wherein the resistance R decreases in a duplicate 


ratio of the velocity, will lose out of its motion M the part , ; ■ —/ the 

T + t 



part pp—py remaining; and will describe a space which is to the space 

scribed in the same time t } with the uniform motion M, as the logarithm of 
T -f t 

the number —multiplied by the number 2,3025S5092994 is to the 

number —, because the hyperbolic area BCFE is to the rectangle BCGE 
in that proportion. 

Sec. VII.] 




1 have exhibited in this Proposition the resistance and retardation of 
Bpherical projectiles in mediums that are not continued, and shewn that 
this resistance is to the force by which the whole motion of the globe may be 
destroyed or produced in the time in which the globe can describe two thirds 
of its diameter, with a velocity uniformly continued, as the density of the 
medium to the density of the globe, if so be the globe and the particles of 
the medium be perfectly elastic, and are endued with the utmost force of 
reflexion; and that this force, where the globe and particles of the medium 
are infinitely hard and void of any reflecting force, is diminished one half. 
But in continued mediums, as water, hot oil, and quicksilver, the globe as 
it passes through them does not immediately strike against all the parti¬ 
cles of the fluid that generate the resistance made to it, but presses only 
the particles that lie next to it, which press the particles beyond, which 
press other particles, and so on ; and in these mediums the resistance is di¬ 
minished one other half. A globe in these extremely fluid mediums meets 
with a resistance that is to the force by which its whole motion may be 
destroyed or generated in the time wherein it can describe, with that mo¬ 
tion uniformly continued, eight third parts of its diameter, as the density 
of the medium to the density of the globe. This I shall endeavour to shew 
in what follows. 


To define the motion of water running out of a cylindrical vessel through 
a hole made at the bottom. 

Let AC DB be a cylindrical vessel, AB the mouth 
of it, CD the bottom p irallel to the horizon, EF a 
circular hole in the middle of the bottom, G the 
centre of the hole, and GH the axis of the cylin¬ 
der perpendicular to the horizon. And suppose a 
cylinder of ice APQ,B to be of the same breadth 
with the cavity of the vessel, and to have the same 
axis, and to descend perpetually with an uniform 
motion, and that its parts, as soon as they touch the 
superficies AB, dissolve into water, and flow 
wn by their weight into the vessel, and in their 
fall compose the cataract or column of water 
ABNFEM, passing through the hole EF, and filling up the same exactly. 
Let the uniform velocity of the descending ice and of the contiguous water 
in the circle AB be that which the water would acquire by falling through 
the space IH ; and let IH and HG lie in the same right line; and through 



[Book II 

the point I let there be drawn the right line KL parallel to the horizon, 
and meeting the ice on both the sides thereof in K and L. Then the ve¬ 
locity of the water running out at the hole EF will be the same that it 
would acquire by falling from I through the space IG. Therefore, by 
Galileo’s Theorems, IG will be to IH in the duplicate ratio of the velo¬ 
city of the water that runs out at the hole to the velocity of the w r ater in 
the circle AB, that is, in the duplicate ratio of the circle AB to the circle 
EF; those circles being reciprocally as the velocities of the water which 
in the same time and in equal quantities passes severally through each of 
them, and completely fills them both. We are now considering the velo¬ 
city with which the water tends to the plane of the horizon. But the mo¬ 
tion parallel to the same, by which the parts of the falling w r ater approach to 
each other, is not here taken notice of; since it is neither produced by 
gravity, nor at all changes the motion perpendicular to the horizon which the 
gravity produces. We suppose, indeed, that the parts of the water cohere 
a little, that by their cohesion they in ay in falling approach to each othei 
with motions parallel to the horizon in order to form one single cataract, 
and to prevent their being divided into several: but the motion parallel to 
the horizon arising from this cohesion does not come under our present 

Case 1. Conceive now the whole cavity in the vessel, which encompasses 
the falling water ABNFEM, to be full of ice, so that the water may pass 
through the ice as through a funnel. Then if the water pass very near to 
the ice only, wfithout touching it; or, which is the same thing, if by rea¬ 
son of the perfect smoothness of the surface of the ice, the water, though 
touching it, glides over it with the utmost freedom, and without the least 
resistance ; the water will run through the hole EF with the same velocity 
as before, and the whole weight of the column of water ABNFEM will be 
all taken up as before in forcing out the water, and the bottom of the vessel 
will sustain the weight of the ice encompassing that column. 

Let now the ice in the vessel dissolve into water ; yet will the efflux of 
the water remain, as to its velocity, the same as before. It will not be 
less, because the ice now dissolved will endeavour to descend; it will not 
be greater, because the ice, now' become water, cannot descend without hin¬ 
dering the descent of other water equal to its own descent. The same force 
ought always to generate the same velocity in the effluent water. 

But the hole at the bottom of the vessel, by reason of the oblique mo¬ 
tions of the particles of the effluent water, must be a little greater than before* 
For now the particles of the water do not all of them pass through the 
hole perpendicularly, but, flowing down on all parts from the sides of the 
vessel, and converging towards the hole, pass through it with oblique mo¬ 
tions : ar.d in tending downwards meet in a stream whose diameter is a little 
smaller below the hole than at the hole itself: its diameter being to the 

Sec. VII.! 



diameter of the hole as 5 to 6, or as 5£ to 6J, very nearly, if I took the 
measures of those diameters right. I procured a very thin flat plate, hav¬ 
ing a hole pierced in the middle, the diameter of the circular hole being 
f parts of an inch. And that the stream of running waters might not be 
accelerated in falling, and by that acceleration become narrower, I fixed 
this plate not to the bottom, but to the side of the vessel, so as to make the 
water go out in the direction of a line parallel to the horizon. Then, when 
the vessel was full of water, I opened the hole to let it run out; and the 
diameter of the stream, measured with great accuracy at the distance of 
about half an inch from the hole, was || of an inch. Therefore the di¬ 
ameter .of this circular hole was to the diameter of the stream very nearly 
as 25 to 21. So that the water in passing through the hole converges on 
all sides, and, after it has run out of the vessel, becomes smaller by converg¬ 
ing in that manner, and by becoming smaller is accelerated till it comes to 
the distance of half an inch from the hole, and at that distance flows in a 
smaller stream and with greater celerity than in the hole itself, and this 
in the ratio of 25 X 25 to 21 X 21, or 17 to 12, very nearly; that is, in 
about the subduplicate ratio of 2 to 1. Now it is certain from experiments, 
that the quantity of water running out in a given time through a circular 
hole made in the bottom of a vessel is equal to the quantity, which, flow¬ 
ing with the aforesaid velocity, would run out in the same time througli 
another circular hole, whose diameter is to the diameter of the former as 
21 to 25. And therefore that running water in passing through the 
hole itself has a velocity downwards equal to that which a heavy body 
would acquire in falling through half the height of the stagnant water in 
the vessel, nearly. But, then, after it has run out, it is still accelerated by 
converging, till it arrives at a distance from the hole that is nearly equal to 
its diameter, and acquires a velocity greater than the other in about the 
. subduplicate ratio of 2 to 1; which velocity a heavy body would nearly 
acquire by falling through the whole height of the stagnant water in the 

Therefore in what follows let the diameter of 
-,B the stream be represented by that lesser hole which 
we called EF. And imagine another plane V YV 
above the hole EF, and parallel to the plane there¬ 
of, to be placed at a distance equal to the diame¬ 
ter of the same hole, and to be pierced through 
with a greater hole ST, of such a magnitude that 
a stream which will exactly fill the lower hole EF 
E ^ 3? x> may pass through it; the diameter of which hole 
will therefore be to the diameter of the lower hole as 25 to 21, nearly. By 
this means the water will run perpendicularly out at the lower hole; and 
the quantity of the water running out will be, according to the magnitude 

X H 

\ ° 




Y... _' 

It w 





[Book II 

of this last hole, the same, very nearly, which the solution of the Problem 
requires. The space included between the two planes and the falling stream 
may be considered as the bottom of the vessel. But, to make the solution 
more simple and mathematical, it is better to take the lower plane alone 
for the bottom of the vessel, and to suppose that the water which flowed 
through the ice as through a funnel, and ran out of the vessel through the 
hole EF made in the lower plane, preserves its motion continually, and that 
the ice continues at rest. Therefore in what follows let ST be the diame¬ 
ter of a circular hole described from the centre Z, and let the stream run 
out of the vessel through that hole, when the water in the vessel is all 
fluid. And let EF be the diameter of the hole, which the stream, in fall¬ 
ing through, exactly fills up, whether the water runs out of the vessel by 
that upper hole ST, or flows through the middle of the ice in the vessel, 
as through a funnel. And let the diameter of the upper hole ST be to the 
diameter of the lower EF as about 25 to 21, and let the perpendicular dis 
tance between the pjanes of the holes be equal to the diameter of the lesser 
hole EF. Then the velocity of the water downwards, in running out of 
the vessel through the hole ST, will be in that hole the same that a body 
may acquire by falling from half the height IZ; and the velocity of both 
the falling streams will be in the hole EF, the same which a body would 
acquire by falling from the whole height IG. 

Case 2. If the hole EF be not in the middle of the bottom of the ves¬ 
sel, but in some other part thereof, the water will still run out with the 
same velocity as before, if the magnitude of the hole be the same. For 
though an heavy body takes a longer time in descending to the same depth, 
by an oblique line, than by a perpendicular line, yet in both cases it acquires 
in its descent the same velocity; as Galileo has demonstrated. 

Case 3. The velocity of the water is the same when it runs out through 
a hole in the side of the vessel. For if the hole be small, so that the in¬ 
terval between the superficies AB and KL may vanish as to sense, and the 
stream of water horizontally issuing out may form a parabolic figure; from 
the latus rectum of this parabola may be collected, that the velocity of the 
effluent water is that which a body may acquire by falling the height IG 
or HG of the stagnant water in the vessel. For, by making an experi¬ 
ment, I found that if the height of the stagnant water above the hole were 
20 inches, and the height of the hole above a plane parallel to the horizon 
were also 20 inches, a stream of water springing out from thence would 
fall upon the plane, at the distance of 37 inches, very nearly, from a per¬ 
pendicular let fall upon that plane from the hole. For without resistance 
the stream would have fallen upon the plane at the distance of 40 inches, 
the latus rectum of the parabolic stream being 80 inches. 

Case 4. If the effluent water tend upward, it will still i?sue forth with 
the same velocity. For the small stream of water springing upward, as- 

Sec. Vll.j 



cends with a perpendicular motion to GH or GI, the height of the stagnant 
water in the vessel; excepting in so far as its ascent is hindered a little by 
the resistance of the air ; and therefore it springs out with the same ve¬ 
locity that it would acquire in falling from that height. Every particle of 
the stagnant water is equally pressed on all sides (by Prop. XIX., Book II), 
and, yielding to the pressure, tends always with an equal force, whether it 
descends through the hole in the bottom of the vessel, or gushes out in an 
horizontal direction through a hole in the side, or passes into a canal, and 
springs up from thence through a little hole made in the upper part of the 
canal. And it may not only be collected from reasoning, but is manifest 
also from the well-known experiments just mentioned, that the velocity 
with which the water runs out is the very same that is assigned in this 

Case 5. The velocity of the effluent water is the same, whether the 
figure of the hole be circular, or square, or triangular, or any other figure 
equal to the circular; for the velocity of the effluent water does not depend 
upon the figure of the hole, but arises from its depth below the plane 


Case 6. If the lower part of the vessel ABI)C 
B be immersed into stagnant water, and the height 
of the stagnant water above the bottom of the ves¬ 
sel be GR, the velocity with which the water that 
is in the vessel will run out at the hole EF into 
the stagnant water will be the same which the 
water would acquire by falling from the height 
IR; for the weight of all the water in the vessel 
1 that is below the superficies of the stagnant water 
will be sustained in equilibrio by the weight of the stagnant water, and 
therefore does not at all accelerate the motion of the descending water in 
the vessel. This case will also appear by experiments, measuring the times 
in which the water will run out. 

Cor. 1. Hence if CA the depth of the water be produced to X, so that 
AK may be to CK in the duplicate ratio of the area of a hole made in any 
part of the bottom to the area of the circle AB, the velocity of the effluent 
water will be equal to the velocity which the water would acquire by falling 
from the height KC. 

Cor. 2. And the force with which the whole motion of the effluent watei 
may be* generated is equal to the weight of a cylindric column of water, 
whose base is the hole EF, and its altitude 2GI or 2CK. For the effluent 
water, in the time it becomes equal to this column, may acquire, by falling 
by its own weight from the height GI, a velocity equal to that with which 
it runs out. 

Cor. 3. The weight of all the water in the vessel ABDC is to that part 



[Book II 

of the weight which is employed in forcing out the water as the sum of 
the circles AB and EF to twice the circle EF. For let 10 be a mean pro¬ 
portional between IH and IG, and the water running out at the hole EF 
will, in the time that a drop falling from I would describe the altitude IG, 
become equal to a cylinder whose base is the circle EF and its altitude 
2IG, that is, to a cylinder whose base is the circle AB, and whose altitude 
is 210. For the circle EF is to the circle AB in the subduplicate ratio cf 
the altitude IH to the altitude IG; that is, in the simple ratio of the mean 
proportional 10 to the altitude IG. Moreover, in the time that a drop 
falling from I can describe the altitude IH, the water that runs out will 
have become equal to a cylinder whose base is the circle AB, and its alti¬ 
tude 2IH; and in the time that a drop falling from I through H to G de¬ 
scribes HG, the difference of the altitudes, the effluent water, that is, the 
water contained within the solid ABNFEM, will be equal to the difference 
of the cylinders, that is, to a cylinder whose base is AB, and its altitude 
2H0. And therefore all the water contained in the vessel ABDC is to the 
whole falling water contained in the said solid ABNFEM as HG to 2H0, 
that is, as HO -f OG to 2H0, or IH + I() to 2IH. But the weight of all 
the water in the solid ABNFEM is employed in forcing out the water ; 
and therefore the weight of all the water in the vessel is to that part of 
the weight that is employed in forcing out the water as IH + 10 to 2IH, 
and therefore as the sum of the circles EF and AB to twice the circle 

Cor. 4. And hence the weight of all the water in the vessel ABDC is 
to the other part of the weight which is sustained by the bottom of the 
vessel as the sum of the circles AB and EF to the difference of the same 

Cor. 5. And that part of the weight which the bottom of the vessel sus¬ 
tains is to the other part of the weight employed in forcing out the water 
as the difference of the circles AB and EF to twice the lesser circle EF, or 
as the area of the bottom to twice the hole. 

Cor. 6. That part of the weight which presses upon the bottom is to 
the whole weight of the water perpendicularly incumbent thereon as the 
circle AB to the sum of the circles AB and EF, or as the circle AB to thf 
excess of twice the circle AB above the area of the bottom. For that part 
of the weight which presses upon the bottom is to the weight of the whole 
water in the vessel as the difference of the circles AB and EF to .the sum 
of the same circles (by Cor. 4); and the weight of the whole water in the 
vessel is to the weight of the whole water perpendicularly incumbent on 
the bottom as the circle AB to the difference of the circles AB and EF. 
Therefore, ex cequo perturbate, that part of the weight which presses upon 
the bottom is to the weight of the whole water perpendicularly incumbent * 



Sec* YU.! 


thereon as the circle AB to the sum of the circles AB and EF. or the ex¬ 
cess of twice the circle AB above the bottom. 

Cor. 7. If in the middle of the hole EF there be placed the little circle 
PQ described about the centre G, and parallel to the horizon, the weight 
of water which that little circle sustains is greater than the weight of a 
third part of a cylinder of water whose base is that little circle and its 
height GH. For let ABNFEM be the cataract or column of falling water 
whose axis is GH, as above, and let all the wa¬ 
ter, whose fluidity is not requisite for the ready 
and quick descent of the water, be supposed to 
be congealed, as well round about the cataract, 
as above the little circle. And let PHQ be the 
column of water congealed above the little cir¬ 
cle, whose vertex is H, and its altitude GH. 

And suppose this cataract to fall with its whole 
weight downwards, and not in the least to lie 
against or to press PHQ, but to glide freely by 
it without any friction, unless, perhaps, just at 
the very vertex of the ice, where the cataract at the beginning of its fall 
may tend to a concave figure. And as the congealed water AMEC, BNFD, 
lying round the cataract, is convex in its internal superficies AME, BNF, 
towards the falling cataract, so this column PHQ will be convex towards 
the cataract also, and will therefore be greater than a cone whose base is 

that little circle PQ and its altitude GH; that 

is, greater 

than a third 

part of a cylinder described with the same base and altitude. Now that 
little circle sustains the weight of this column, that is, a weight greater 
than the weight of the cone, or a third part of the cylinder. 

Cor. S. The weight of water which the circle PQ ; when very small, sus¬ 
tains, seems to be less than the weight of two thirds of a cylinder of water 
whose base is that little circle, and its altitude HG. For, things standing 
as above supposed, imagine the half of a spheroid described whose base is 
that little circle, and its semi* axis or altitude HG. This figure will be 
equal to two thirds of that cylinder, and will comprehend within it the 
column of congealed water PHQ, the weight of which is sustained by that 
little circle. For though the motion of the water tends directly down¬ 
wards, the external superficies of that column must yet meet the base PQ 
in an angle somewhat acute, because the water in its fall is perpetually ac¬ 
celerated, and by reason of that acceleration become narrower. Therefore, 
since that angle is less than a right one, this column in the lower parts 
thereof will lie within the hemi-spheroid. In the upper parts also it will be 
acute or pointed; because to make it otherwise, the horizontal motion of 
the water must be at the vertex infinitely more swift than its motion to¬ 
wards the horizon. And the less this circle PQ i3, the more acute will 




[Book II 

the vertex of this column be ; and the circle being diminished in infinitum 
the angle PHQ will be diminished in infinitum and therefore the co¬ 
lumn will lie within the hemi-spheroid. Therefore that column is less than 
that hemi-spheroid, or than two-third parts of the cylinder whose base is 
that little circle, and its altitude GH. Now the little circle sustains a 
force of water equal to the weight of this column, the weight of the ambient 
water being employed in causing its efflux out at the hole. 

Cor. 9. The weight of water which the little circle PQ sustains, when 
it is very small, is very nearly equal to the weight of a cylinder of water 
whose base is that little circle, and its altitude |GH; for this weight is an 
arithmetical mean between the weights of the cone and the hemi-spheroid 
above mentioned. But if that little circle be not very small, but on the 
contrary increased till it be equal to the hole EF, it will sustain the weight 
of all the water lying perpendicularly above it, that is, the weight of a 
cylinder of water whose base is that little circle, and its altitude GH. 

Cor. 10. And (as far as I can judge) the weight which this little circle 
sustains is always to the weight of a cylinder of water whose base is that 
little circle, and its altitude |G1I, as EF 2 to EF 2 — iPQ 2 , or as the cir¬ 
cle EF to the excess of this circle above half the little circle PQ, very 


If a cylinder move uniformly forward in. the direction of its length, the 
resistance made thereto is not at all changed by augmenting or di¬ 
minishing that length ; and. is therefore the same with the resistance 
of a circle, described with the same diameter , and moving forward 
with the same velocity in the direction of a right line ■perpendicular to 
its plane. 

For the sides are not at all opposed to the motion ; and a cylinder be¬ 
comes a circle when its length is diminished in infinitum. 


If a cylinder move uninformly forward in a compressed, infinite, and 
non-elastic fluid, in the direction of its length, the resistance arising 
from the magnitude of its transverse section is to the force by which 
its whole motion may be destroyed or generated, in the time that it 
moves four times its length, as the density of the medium to the den¬ 
sity of the cylinder, nearly. 

For let the vessel ABDC touch the surface of stagnant water witli its 
bottom CD, and let the water run out of this vessel into the stagnant wa¬ 
ter through the cylindric canal EFTS perpendicular to the horizon ; and 
let the little circle PQ be placed parallel to the horizon any where in the 



Sec. VII.] 

middle of the canal; and produce CA to K, so 
that AK may be to CK in the duplicate of the 
ratio, which the excess of the orifice of the canal 
EF above the little circle PQ bears to the cir¬ 
cle AB. Then it is manifest (by Case 5, Case 
6, and Cor. 1, Prop. XXXVi) that the velocity 
of the water passing through the an nular space 
between the little circle and the sides of the ves¬ 
sel will be the very same which the water would 
acquire by falling, and in its fall describing the 
altitude KC or IG. 

And (by Cor. 10, Prop. XXXVI) if the breadth of the vessel be infinite, 
so that the lineola HI may vanish, and the altitudes IG, HG become equal; 
the force of the water that flows down and presses upon the circle will be 
to the weight of a cylinder whose base is that little circle, and the altitude 
•ilG, as EF 2 to EF 2 — |PQ 2 , very nearly. For the force of the water 
flowing downward uniformly through the whole canal will be the same 
upon the little circle PQ, in whatsoever part of the canal it be placed. 

Let now the orifices of the canal EF, ST be closed, and let the little 
circle ascend in the fluid compressed on every side, and by its ascent let it 
oblige the water that lies’ above it to descend through the annular space 
between the little circle and the sides of the canal. Then will the velocity 
tf the ascending little circle be to the velocity of the descending water as 
the difference of the circles EF and PQ is to the circle PQ; and the ve¬ 
locity of the ascending little circle will be to the sum of the velocities, that 
is, to the relative velocity of the descending water with which it passes by 
the little circle in its ascent, as the difference of the circles EF and PQ to 
the circle EF, or as EF 2 — PQ 2 to EF 2 . Let that relative velocity be 
equal to the velocity with which it was shewn above that the water would 
pass through the annular space, if the circle were to remain unmoved, that 
is, to,the velocity which the water would acquire by falling, and in its fall 
describing the altitude IG ; and the force of the water upon the ascending 
circle will be the same as before (by Cor. 5, of the Laws of Motion); that 
is, the resistance of the ascending little circle will be to the weight of a 
cylinder of water whose base is that little circle, and its altitude |IG, as 
EF 2 to EF 2 — iPQ 2 j nearly. But the velocity of the little circle will 
be to the velocity which the water acquires by falling, and in its fall de¬ 
scribing the altitude IG, as EF 2 — PQ 2 to EF 2 . 

Let the breadth of the canal be increased in infinitum ; and the ratios 
between EF 2 — PQ 2 and EF 2 , and between EF 2 and EF 2 — £PQ 2 , 
will become at last ratios of equality. And therefore the velocity of the 
little circle will now be the same which the water would acquire in falling, 
and in its fall describing the altitude IG: and the resistance will become 

K.I L 








p h-9 


. J 




[Book IT. 

&}ual to the weight of a cylinder whose base is that little circle, and its 
altitude half the altitude IG, from which the cylinder must fall to acquire 
the velocity of the ascending circle; and with this velocity the cylinder in 
the time of its fall will describe four times its length. But the resistance 
of the cylinder moving forward with this velocity in the direction of its 
length is the same with the resistance of the little circle (by Lem. IV), and 
is therefore nearly equal to the force by which its motion may be generated 
while it describes four times its length. 

If the length of the cylinder be augmented or diminished, its motion, 
and the time in which it describes four times its length, will be augmented 
or diminished in the same ratio, and therefore the force by which the mo¬ 
tion so increased or diminished, may be destroyed or generated, will con¬ 
tinue the same; because the time is increased or diminished in the same 
proportion; and therefore that force remains still equal to the resistance 
of the cylinder, because (by Lem. IV) that resistance will also remain the 

If the density of the cylinder be augmented or diminished, its motion, 
and the force by which its motion may be generated or destroyed in the 
same time, will be augmented or diminished in the same ratio. Therefore 
the resistance of any cylinder whatsoever will be to the force by which its 
whole motion may be generated or destroyed, in the time during which it 
moves four times its length, as the density of the medium to the density of 
the cylinder, nearly. Q.E.D. 

A fluid must be compressed to become continued; it must be continued 
and non-elastic, that all the pressure arising from its compression may be 
propagated in an instant; and so, acting equally upon all parts of the body 
moved, may produce no change of the resistance. The pressure arising 
from the motion of the body is spent in generating a motion in the parts 
of the fluid, and this creates the resistance. But the pressure arising from 
the compression of the fluid, be it ever so forcible, if it be propagated in an 
instant, generates no motion in the parts of a continued fluid, produces no 
change at all of motion therein; and therefore neither augments nor les¬ 
sens the resistance. This is certain, that the action of the fluid arising 
from the compression cannot be stronger on the hinder parts of the body 
moved than on its fore parts, and therefore cannot lessen the resistance de¬ 
scribed in this proposition. And if its propagation be infinitely swifter 
than the motion of the body pressed, it will not be stronger on the fore 
parts than on the hinder parts. But that action will be infinitely 
swifter, and propagated in an instant, if the fluid be continued and non¬ 

Cor. 1. The resistances, made to cylinders going uniformly forward in 
the direction of their lengths through continued infinite mediums are in a 

Sec. VII.] of natural philosophy. 341 

ratio compounded of the duplicate ratio of the velocities and the duplicate 
ratio of the diameters, and the ratio of the density of the mediums. 

Cor. 2. If the breadth of the canal be not infinitely increased but the 
cylinder go forward in the direction of its length through an included 
quiescent medium, its axis all the while coinciding with the axis of the 
canal, its resistance will be to the force by which its whole motion, in the 

time in which it describes four times its length, *.I.L 

may be generated or destroyed, in a ratio com¬ 
pounded of the ratio of EF 2 to EF 2 — 
once, and the ratio of EF 2 to EF 2 — PQ, 2 
twice, and the ratio of the density of the medium 
to the density of the cylinder. 

Cor. 3. The same thing supposed, and that a 
length L is to the quadruple of the length of 
the cylinder in a ratio compounded of the ratio 
EF 2 — |PQ, 2 to EF 2 once, and the ratio of 
EF 2 —PQ, 2 to EF 2 twice; the resistance of 
the cylinder will be to the force by which its whole motion, in the time 
during which it describes the length L, may be destroyed or generated, as 
the density of the medium to the density of the cylinder. 


In this proposition we have investigated that resistance alone which 
arises from the magnitude of the transverse section of the cylinder, neg¬ 
lecting that part of the same which may arise from the obliquity of the 
motions. For as, in Case 1, of Prop. XXXVI., the obliquity of the mo¬ 
tions with which the parts of the water in the vessel converged on every 
side to the hole EF hindered the efflux of the water through the hole, so, 
in this Proposition, the obliquity of the motions, with which the parts of 
the water, pressed by the antecedent extremity of the cylinder, yield to the 
pressure, and diverge on all sides, retards their passage through the places 
that lie round that antecedent extremity, toward the hinder parts of the 
cylinder, and causes the fluid to be moved to a greater distance; which in¬ 
creases the resistance, and that in the same ratio almost in which it dimin¬ 
ished the efflux of the water out of the vessel, that is, in the duplicate ratio 
of 25 to 21, nearly. And as, in Case 1, of that Proposition, we made the 
parts of the water pass through the hole EF perpendicularly and in the 
greatest plenty, by supposing all the water in the vessel lying round the 
cataract to be frozen, and that part of the water whose motion was oblique, 
and useless to remain without motion, so in this Proposition, that the 
obliquity of the motions may be taken away, and the parts of the water 
may give the freest passage to the cylinder, by yielding to it with the most 
direct and quick motion possible, so that onlv so much resistance may re- 



[Book II. 

main as arises from the magnitude of the transverse section, and which is 
incapable of diminution, unless by diminishing the diameter of the cylinder; 
we must conceive those parts of the fluid whose motions are oblique and 
useless, and produce resistance, to be at rest among themselves at both ex- 
tremities of the cylinder, and there to cohere, and be joined to the cylinder. 
Let ABCD be a rectangle, and let 
AE and BE be two parabolic arcs, 
described with the axis AB, and 
with a latus rectum that is to the 
space HG, which must be described ""— 
by the cylinder in falling, in order 
to acquire the velocity with which it moves, as HG to 4AB. Let CF and 
DF be two other parabolic arcs described with the axis CD, and a latus 
rectum quadruple of the former; and by the convolution of the figure 
about the axis EF let there be generated a solid, whose middle part ABDC 
is the cylinder we are here speaking of, and whose extreme parts ABE and 
CDF contain the parts of the fluid at rest among themselves, and concreted 
into two hard bodies, adhering to the cylinder at each end like a head and 
tail. Then if this solid EACFDB move in the direction of the length of 
its axis FE toward the parts beyond E, the resistance will be the same 
which we have here determined in this Proposition, nearly; that is, it will 
have the same ratio to the force with which the whole motion of the cyl¬ 
inder may be destroyed or generated, in the time that it is describing the 
length 4x4.C with that motion uniformly continued, as the density of the 
fluid has to the density of the cylinder, nearly. And (by Cor. 7, Prop. 
XXXVI) the resistance must he to this force in the ratio of 2 to 3, at the 


If a cylinder, a sphere , and a spheroid, of equal breadths be placed suc¬ 
cessively in the middle of a cylindric canal, so that their axes may 
coincide with the axis of the canal, these bodies will equally hinder the 
passage of the water through the canal. 

For the spaces lying between the sides of the canal, and the cylinder, 
sphere, and spheroid, through which the water passes, are equal; and the 
water will pass equally through equal spaces. 

This is true, upon the supposition that all the water above the cylinder, 
sphere, or spheroid, whose fluidity is not necessary to make the passage of 
the water the quickest possible, is congealed, as was explained above in Cer 
7, Prop. XXXVI. 

Sec. VII.] 




The same supposition, remaining , the fore-mentioned bodies are equally 
acted on by the water flowing' through the canal. 

This appears by Lem. V and the third Law. For the water and the 
bodies act upon each other mutually and equally. 


If the water be at rest in the canal , and these bodies move with equal ve¬ 
locity and the contrary way through the canal, their resistances will 
be equal among themselves. 

This appears from the last Lemma, for the relative motions remain the 
same among themselves. 


The case is the same of all convex and round bodies, whose axes coincide 
with the axis of the canal. Some difference may arise from a greater or 
less friction; but in these Lemmata we suppose the bodies to be perfectly 
smooth, and the medium to be void of all tenacity and friction; and that 
those parts of the fluid which by their oblique and superfluous motions may 
disturb, hinder, and retard the flux of the water through the canal, are at 
nst among themselves; being fixed like water by frost, and adhering to 
the fore and hinder parts of the bodies in the manner explained in the 
Scholium of the last Proposition; for in what follows we consider the very 
least resistance that round bodies described with the greatest given trans¬ 
verse sections can possibly meet with. 

Bodies swimming upon fluids, when they move straight forward, cause 
the fluid to ascend at their fore parts and subside at their hinder parts, 
especially if they are of an obtuse figure; and thence they meet with a 
little more resistance than if they were acut-e at the head and tail. And 
bodies moving in elastic fluids, if they are obtuse behind and before, con¬ 
dense the fluid a little more at their fore parts, and relax the same at theii 
hinder parts; and therefore meet also with a little more resistance than it 
they were acute at the head and tail. But in these Lemmas and Proposi¬ 
tions we are not treating of elastic but non-elastic fluids; not of bodies 
floating on the surface of the fluid, but deeply immersed therein. And 
when the resistance of bodies in non-elastic fluids is once known, we may 
then augment this resistance a little in elastic fluids, as our air; and in 
the surfaces of stagnating fluids, as lakes and seas. 


If a globe move uniformly forward in a compressed, infinite, and non• 
elastic fluid , its resistance is to the force by which its whole motion 



[Book II 

may be destroyed or generated , in the time that it describes eight third 
parts of its diameter , as the density of the fluid to the density of the 
globe , very nearly. 

For the globe is to its circumscribed cylinder as two to three; and there¬ 
fore the force which can destroy all the motion of the cylinder, while the 
same cylinder is describing the length of four of its diameters, will destroy 
all the motion of the globe, while the globe is describing two thirds of this 
length, that is, eight third parts of its own diameter. Now the resistance 
of the cylinder is to this force very nearly as the density of the fluid to the 
density of the cylinder or globe (by Prop. XXXYI1), and the resistance of 
the globe is equal to the resistance of the cylinder (by Lem. Y, VI, and 
VII). Q.E.D. 

Cor. 1. The resistances of globes in infinite compressed mediums are in 
a ratio compounded of the duplicate ratio of the velocity, and the dupli¬ 
cate ratio of the diameter, and the ratio of the density of the mediums. 

Cor. 2. The greatest velocity, with which a globe can descend by its 
comparative weight through a resisting fluid, is the same which it may 
acquire by falling with the same weight, and without any resistance, and' 
in its fall describing a space that is, to four third parts of its diameter as 
the density of the globe to the density of the fluid. For the globe in the 
time of its fall, moving with the velocity acquired in falling, will describe 
a space that will be to eight third parts of its diameter as the density of 
the globe to the density of the fluid ; and the force of its weight which 
generates this motion will be to the force that can generate the same mo¬ 
tion, in the time that the globe describes eight third parts of its diameter, 
with the same velocity as the density of the fluid to the density of the 
globe; and therefore (by this Proposition) the force of weight will be equal 
to the force of resistance, and therefore cannot accelerate the globe. 

Cor. 3. If there be given both the density of the globe and its velocity 
at the beginning of the motion, and the density of the compressed quiescent 
fluid in which the globe moves, there is given at any time both the velo¬ 
city of the globe and its resistance, and the space described by it (by Cor. 
7, Prop. XXXV). 

Cor. 4. A globe moving in a compressed quiescent fluid of the same 
density with itself will lose half its motion before it can describe the length 
of two of its diameters (by the same Cor. 7). 


If a globe move uniformly forward through a fluid inclosed and com¬ 
pressed in a cylindric canal , its resistance is to the force by which its 
whole motion may be generated or destroyed, in the time in which it 
describes eight third parts of its diameter , in a ratio compounded of 



Eo. VIT.J 

the ratio of the orifice of the canal to the excess of that orifice above 
half the greatest circle of the globe; and the duplicate ratio of the 
orifice of the canal . to the excess of that orifice above the greatest circle 
of the globe ; and the ratio of the density of the Jluid to the density of 
the globe , nearly. 

This appears by Cor. 2, Prop. XXXVII, and the demonstration pro¬ 
ceeds in the same manner as in the foregoing Proposition. 


In the last two Propositions we suppose (as was done before in Lem. V) 
that all the water which precedes the globe, and whose fluidity increases 
the resistance of the same, is congealed. Now if that water becomes fluid, 
it will somewhat increase the resistance. But in these Propositions that 
increase is so small, that it may be neglected, because the convex superfi¬ 
cies of the globe produces the very same effect almost as the congelation 
of the water. 


To find by phenomena the resistance of a globe moving through a per¬ 
fectly fluid compressed medium. 

Let A be the weight of the globe in vacuo , B its weight in the resisting 
medium, D the diameter of the globe. F a space which is to f D as the den¬ 
sity of the globe to the density of the medium, that is, as A to A — B, G 
the time in which the globe falling with the weight B without resistance 
describes the space F, and H the velocity which the body acquires by that 
fall. Then H will be the greatest velocity with which the globe can pos¬ 
sibly descend with the weight B in the resisting medium, by Cor. 2, Prop 
XXXVIII; and the resistance which the globe meets with, when descend¬ 
ing with that velocity, will be equal to its weight B; and the resistance it 
meets with in any other velocity will be to the weight B in the duplicate ra¬ 
tio of that velocity to the greatest velocity H, by Cor. 1, Prop. XXXVIII. 

This is the resistance that arises from the inactivity of the matter of 
the fluid. That resistance which arises from the elasticity, tenacity, and 
friction of its parts, may be thus investigated. 

Let the globe be let fall so that it may descend in the fluid by the weight 
B ; and let P be the time of falling, and let that time be expressed in sec¬ 
onds, if the time G be given in seconds. Find the absolute number N 


agreeing to the logarithm 0,4342944819 and let L be the logarithm of 
N + 1 

the number —^—: and the velocity acquired in falling will he 



[Book 11 

]\j_i 2PF 

j- H, and the height described will be —-1.386294361 IF -f 

4,6051701S6LF. If the fluid be of a sufficient depth, we may neglect the 


term 4,605170186LF; and - — 1,3862943611F will be the altitude 

described, nearly. These things appear by Prop. IX, Book II, and its Corol¬ 
laries, and are true upon this supposition, that the globe meet3 with no other 
resistance but that which arises from the inactivity of matter. Now if it 
really meet with any resistance of another kind, the descent will be slower, 
and from the quantity of that retardation will be knowm the quantity of 
this new resistance. 

That the velocity and descent of a body falling in a fluid might more 
easily be known, I have composed the following table ; the first column of 
which denotes the times of descent; the second shews the velocities ac¬ 
quired in falling, the greatest velocity being 100000000: the third exhib¬ 
its the spaces described by falling in those times, 2F being the space which 
the body describes in the time G with the greatest velocity ; and the fourth 
gives the spaces described with the greatest velocity in the same times. 


The numbers in the fourth column are and by subducting the number 

1,3862944 — 4,6051702L, are found the numbers in the third column; 
and these numbers must be multiplied by the space F to obtain the spaces 
described in falling. A fifth column is added to all these, containing the 
spaces described in the same times by a body falling in vacuo with the 
force of B its comparative weight. 

The Times 

Velocities of the 
body falling 
in the fluid. 

The spaces de 
sciit ed in fall¬ 
ing in the fluid. 

The spaces descri¬ 
bed with the 
greatest motion. 

The spaces de-J 
scribed by fall¬ 
ing in vacuo. 





0,000001 F 



0,000 IF 


r 0,000lF 













































0.8 IF 





1 IF 





! 4F 





i 9F 










2 5F 


























Sec. VII. | 




In order to investigate the resistances of lluids from experiments, I pro¬ 
cured a square wooden vessel, whose length and breadth on the inside was 
9 inches English measure, and its depth 9 feet \ ; this I filled with rain¬ 
water: and having provided globes made up of wax, and lead included 
therein, I noted the times of the descents of these globes, the height through 
which they descended being 112 inches. A solid cubic foot of English 
measure contains 76 pounds troy weight of rain water; and a solid inch 
contains if ounces troy weight, or 253>- grains; and a globe of water of 
one inch in diameter contains 132,645 grains in air, or 132,8 grains in 
vacuo; and any other globe will be as the excess of its weight in vacuo 
above its weight in water. 

Exper. 1. A globe whose weight was 156j grains in air, and 77 grains 
in water, described the whole height of 112 inches in 4 seconds. And, upon 
repeating the experiment, the globe spent again the very same time of 4 
seconds in falling. 

The weight of this globe in vacuo is I56if grains ; and the excess of 
this weight above the weight of the globe in water is 7 9|f grains. Hence 
the diameter of the globe appears to be 0,84224 parts of an inch. Then it 
will be, as that excess to the weight of the globe in vacuo , so is the density 
of the water to the density of the globe; and so is f parts of the diameter 
of the globe (viz. 2,2459 7 inches) to the space 2F, which will be therefore 
4,4256 inches. Now a globe falling in vacuo with its whole weight of 
156^f grains in one second of time will describe 193| inches; and falling 
in water in the same time with the weight of 77 grains without resistance, 
will describe 95,219 inches*; and in the time G, which is to one second of 
time in the subduplicate ratio of the space P, or of 2,2128 inches to 95,219 
inches, will describe 2,2128 inches, and will acquire the greatest velocity H 
with which it is capable of descending in water. Therefore the time G is 
0",15244. And in this time G, with that greatest velocity H, the globe 
will describe the space 2F, which is 4,4256 inches; and therefore in 4 sec¬ 
onds will describe a space of 116,1245inches. Subduct the space 1,3862944 F, 
or 3,0676 inches, and there will remain a space of 113,0569 inches, which 
the globe falling through water in a very wide vessel will describe in 4 sec¬ 
onds. But this space, by reason of the narrowness of the wooden vessel 
before mentioned, ought to be diminished in a ratio compounded of the sub¬ 
duplicate ratio of the orifice of the vessel to the excess of this orifice above 
half a great circle of the globe, and of the simple ratio of the same orifice 
to its excess above a great circle of the globe, that is, in a ratio of 1 to 
0,9914. This done, we have a space of 112,08 inches, which a globe fall¬ 
ing through the water in this wooden vessel in 4 seconds of time ought 
nearly to describe by this theory; but it described 112 inches by the ex¬ 



[Book II 

Exper. 2. Three equal globes, whose weights were severally 76} grains 
in air, and 5~ w grains in water, were let fall successively; and every one 
fell through the water in 15 seconds of time, describing in its fall a height 
of 112 inches. 

By computation, the weight of each globe in vacuo is 76 } 5 ¥ grains; the 
excess of this weight above the weight in water is 71 grains J-J-; the diam¬ 
eter of the globe 0,81296 of an . inch ; | parts of this diameter 2,167St 
inches; the space 2F is 2,3217 inches; the space which a globe of 5 T \ 
grains in weight would describe in one second without resistance, 12,80S 
inches, and the time GO",301056* Therefore the globe, with the greatest 
velocity it is capable of receiving from a weight of of- grains in its de¬ 
scent through water, will describe in the time 0",301056 the space of 2,3217 
inches; and in 15 seconds the space 115,678 inches. Subduct the space 
1,3862944F, or 1,609 inches, and there remains the space 114,069 inches, 
which therefore the falling globe ought to describe in the same time, if the 
vessel were very wide. But because our vessel was narrow, the space ought 
to be diminished by about 0,895 of an inch. And so the space will remain 
113,174 inches, which a globe falling in this vessel ought nearly to de¬ 
scribe in 15 seconds, by the theory. But by the experiment it described 
112 inches. The difference is not sensible. 

Exper. 3. Three equal globes, whose weights were severally 121 grains 
in air, and 1 grain in water, were successively let fall; and they fell 
through the water in the times 46", 47", and 50", describing a height ol 
112 inches. 

By the theory, these globes ought to have fallen in about 40". Now 
whether their falling more slowly were occasioned from hence, that in slow 
motions the resistance arising from the force of inactivity does really bear 
a less proportion to the resistance arising from other causes; or whether 
it is to be attributed to little bubbles that might chance to stick to the 
globes, or to the rarefaction of the wax by the warmth of the weather, or 
of the hand that let them fall; or, lastly, whether it proceeded from some 
insensible errors in weighing the globes in the water, I am not certain. 
Therefore the weight of the globe in water should be of several grains, that 
the experiment may be certain, and to be depended on. 

Exper. 4. I began the foregoing experiments to investigate the resistan¬ 
ces of fluids, before I was acquainted with the theory laid down in the 
Propositions immediately preceding. Afterward, in order to examine the 
theory after it was discovered, I procured a wooden vessel, whose breadth 
on the inside was 8f inches, and its depth 15 feet and }. Then I made 
four globes of wax, with lead included, each of which weighed 139 } grains 
in air, and 7 } grains in water. These I let fall, measuring the times of their 
falling in the water with a pendulum oscillating to half seconds. The 
globes were cold, and had remained so some time, both when they were 


Sec. VII.] 


weighed and when they were let fall; because warmth rarefies the wax. and 
by rarefying it diminishes the weight of the globe in the water ; and wax, 
when rarefied, is not instantly reduced by cold to its former density. Be¬ 
fore they were let fall, they were totally immersed under water, lest, by the 
weight of any part of them that might chance to be above the water, their 
descent should be accelerated in its beginning. Then, when after their 
immersion they were perfectly at rest, they were let go with the greatest 
care, that they might not receive any impulse from the hand that let them 
down. And they fell successively in the times of 47^, 4S^, 50, and 51 os¬ 
cillations, describing a height of 15 feet and 2 inches. But the weather 
was now a little colder than when the globes were weighed, and therefore 1 
repeated the experiment another day; and then the globes fell in the times 
of 49, 49^, 50, and 53; and at a third trial in the times of 49^, 50, 51, 
and 53 oscillations. And by making the experiment several times over, I 
found that the globes fell mostly in the times of 49| and 50 oscillations. 
When they fell slower, I suspect them to have been retarded by striking 
against the sides of the vessel. 

Now, computing from the theory, the weight of the globe in vacuo is 
139| grains; the excess of this weight above the weight of the globe in 
water 132|i grains; the diameter of the globe 0,99868 of an inch; f parts 
of the diameter 2,66315 inches; the space 2F 2,8066 inches: the space 
which a globe weighing 7\ grains falling without resistance describes in a 
second of time 9,SS164 inches; and the time G0",376S43. Therefore the 
globe with the greatest velocity with which it is capable of descending 
through the water by the force of a weight of 7} grains, will in the time 
0",376843 describe a space of 2,S066 inches, and in one second of time a 
space of 7,44766 inches, and in the time 25", or in 50 oscillations, the space 
186,1915 inches. Subduct the space 1,386294F, or 1,9454 inches, and 
there will remain the space 184,2461 inches which the globe will describe 
in that time in a very wide vessel. Because our vessel was narrow, let this 
space be diminished in a ratio compounded of the subduplicate ratio of the 
orifice of the vessel to the excess of this orifice above half a great circle of 
the globe, and of the simple ratio of the same orifice to its excess above a 
great circle of the globe; and we shall have the space of 181,86 inches, 
which the globe ought by the theory to describe in this vessel in the time 
of 50 oscillations, nearly. But it described the space of 182 inches, by 
experiment, in 49 £ or 50 oscillations. 

Exper. 5. Pour globes weighing 154f grains in air, and 21| grams in 
water, being let fall several times, fell in the times of 28 J, 29, 29 J, and 30, 
and sometimes of 31, 32, and 33 oscillations, describing a height of 15 feet 
and 2 inches. 

They ought by the theory to have fallen in the time of 29 oscillations, 



| Book I L 

Exper. 6 . Five globes, weighing 212f grains in air, and 79£ in water, 
being several times let fall, fell in the times of 15, 15J, 16, 17, and 18 os¬ 
cillations, describing a height of 15 feet and 2 inches. 

By the theory they ought to have fallen in the time cf 15 oscillations, 

Exper. 7. Four globes, weighing 293 } grains in air, and 35f grains in 
water, being let fall several times, fell in the times of 29^ 30, 30J 31, 32, 
and 33 oscillations, describing a height of 15 feet and 1 inch and 

By the theory they ought to have fallen in the time of 28 oscillations, 

In searching for the cause that occasioned these globes of the same weight 
and magnitude to fall, some swifter and some slower, I hit upon this; that 
the globes, when they were first let go and began to fall, oscillated about 
their centres; that side which chanced to be the heavier descending first, 
and producing an oscillating motion. Now by oscillating thus, the globe 
communicates a greater motion to the water than if it descended without 
any oscillations; and by this communication loses part of its own motion 
with which it should descend; and therefore as this oscillation is greater 
or less, it will be more or less retarded. Besides, the globe always recedes 
from that side of itself which is descending in the oscillation, and by so 
receding comes nearer to the sides of the vessel, so as even to strike against 
them sometimes. And the heavier the globes are, the stronger this oscil¬ 
lation is; and the greater they are, the more is the water agitated by it. 
Therefore to diminish this oscillation of the globes 1 made new ones of 
lead and wax, sticking the lead in one side of the globe very near its sur¬ 
face ; and I. let fall the globe in such a manner, that, as near as possible, 
the heavier side might be lowest at the beginning of the descent. By this 
means the oscillations became much less than before, and the times in which 
the globes fell were not so unequal: as in the following experiments. 

Exper. 8. Four globes weighing 139 grains in air, and 6| in water, 
were let fall several times, and fell mostly in the time of 51 oscillations, 
never in more than 52, or in fewer than 50, describing a height of 1S2 

By the theory they ought to fall in about the time of 52 oscillations 

Exper. 9. Four globes weighing 273£ grains in air, and 140f in water, 
being several times let fall, fell in never fewer than 12, and never more 
than 13 oscillations, describing a height of 182 inches. 

• These globes by the theory ought to have fallen in the time of 11J- os¬ 
cillations, nearly. 

Exper. 10. Four globes, weighing 3S4 grains in air, and 119| in water, 
oeing let fall several times, fell in the times of 17£ IS, 1S£, and 19 oscilla* 
tions, descril ing a height of 181J inches. And when they fell in the time 



Sec. VII.] 

of 19 oscillations, I sometimes heard them hit against the 3 ides of the ves¬ 
sel before they reached the bottom. 

By the theory they ought to have fallen in the time of 1 of oscillations, 

Exper. 11. Three equal globes, weighing 43 grains in the air, and 3|| 
in water, being several times let fall, fell in the times of 43|, 44, 44^, 45, 
and 46 oscillations, and mostly in 44 and 45. describing a height of 182J 
inches, nearly. 

By the theory they ought to have fallen in the time of 46 oscillations 
and f, nearly. 

Exper. 12. Three equal globes, weighing 141 grains in air, and 4f in 
water, being let fall several times, fell in the times of 61, 62, 63, 64, and 
65 oscillations, describing a space of 182 inches. 

And by the theory they ought to have fallen in 64i oscillations 

From these experiments it is manifest, that when the globes fell slowly, 
as in the second, fourth, fifth, eighth, eleventh, and twelfth experiments, 
the times of falling are rightly exhibited by the theory ; but when the 
globes fell more swiftly, as in the sixth, ninth, and tenth experiments, the 
resistance was somewhat greater than in the duplicate ratio of the velocity. 
For the globes in falling oscillate a little; and this oscillation, in those 
globes that are light and fall slowly, soon ceases by the weakness of the 
motion ; but in greater and heavier globes, the motion being strong, it con¬ 
tinues longer, and is not to be checked by the ambient water till after sev¬ 
eral oscillations Besides, the more swiftly the globes move, the less are 
they pressed by the fluid at their hinder parts; and if the velocity be.per¬ 
petually increased, they will at last leave an empty space behind them, 
unless the compression of the fluid be increased at the same time. For the 
compression of the fluid ought to be increased (by Prop. XXXII and 
XXXIIl)in the duplicate ratio of the velocity, in order to preserve the re¬ 
sistance in the same duplicate ratio. But because this is not done, the 
globes that move swiftly are not so much pressed at their hinder parts as 
the others; and by the defect of this pressure it comes to pass that their 
resistance is a little greater than in a duplicate ratio of their velocity. 

So that the theory agrees with the phaenomena of bodies falling in water 
It remains that we examine the phaenomena of bodies falling in air. 

Exper. 13. From the top of St. Paul's Church in London , in Juut 
1710, there were let fall together two glass globes, one full of quicksilver, 
the other of air; and in their fall they described a height of 220 English 
feet. A wooden table was suspended upon iron hinges on one sidi, and the 
other side of the same was supported by a wooden pin. The twn globes 
lying upon this table were let fall together by pulling out the pin by 
means of an iron wire reaching from thence quite down to the ground; S' 


that, the pin being removed, the table, which had then no support but the 
iron hinges, fell downward, and turning round upon the hinges, gave leave 
to the globes to drop off from it. At the same instant, with the same pull 
of the iron wire that took out the pin, a pendulum oscillating to seconds 
was let go, and began to oscillate. The diameters and weights of the 
globes, and their times of falling, are exhibited in the following table. 

The glob 


es filled with mere 
Diani' ters 


Times i. 
falli net. 

The globes full of 

Weighs j Diameters. 


Times in 

908 grains 





0.8 of an inch 






4 — 


4 + 


4 + 

510 grains 





5.1 inches 







00 00 00 00 00 00 

But the times observed must be corrected; for the globes of mercury (by 
Galileo's theory), in 4 seconds of time, will describe 257 English feet, and 
220 feet in only 3"42'". So that the wooden table, when the pin was taken 
out,did not turn upon its hinges so quickly as it ought to have done; and 
the slowness of that revolution hindered the descent of the globes at the 
beginning. For the globes lay about the middle of the table, and indeed 
were rather nearer to the axis upon which it turned than to the pin. And 
hence the times of falling were prolonged about IS'"; and therefore ought 
to be corrected by subducting that excess, especially in the larger globes, 
which, by reason of the largeness of their diameters, lay longer upon the 
revolving table than the others. This being done, the times in which the 
six larger globes fell will come forth 8" 12'", 7" 42'", 7" 42'", 7" 57'", S" 12'" 
and 7" 42'". 

Therefore the fifth in order among the globes that were full of air being 
5 inches in diameter, and 483 grains in weight, fell in 8" 12'", describing a 
space of 220 feet. The weight of a bulk of water equal to this globe is 
16600grains; and the weight of an equal bulk of air is -f f £- grains, or 19 T 3 ^ 
grains ; and therefore the weight of the globe in vacuo is 502 T 3 ¥ grains; 
and this weight is to the weight of a bulk of air equal to the globe as 
502 t 3 ¥ to 19 T 3 ¥ ; and so is 2F to f of the diameter of the globe, that is, to 
13i inches. Whence 2F becomes 28 feet 11 inches. A globe, falling in 
vacuo with its whole weight of 502 T 3 ¥ grains, will in one second of time 
describe 193£ inches as above; and with the weight of 483 grains will de¬ 
scribe 1S5,905 inches; and with that weight 4S3 grains in vacuo will de¬ 
scribe the space F, or 14 feet 5\ inches, in the time of 57'" 58"", and ac¬ 
quire the greatest velocity it is capable of descending with in the air. 
With this velocity the globe in S" 12'" of time will describe 245 feet and 
5i inches. Subduct 1,3863F, or 20 feet and i an inch, and there remain 
225 feet 5 inches. This space, therefore, the falling globe ought by the 

Sec. YII.1 

OF NATURAL philosophy 


theory to describe in 8" 12'". But* by the experiment it deserved a space 
of 220 feet. The difference is insensible. 

By like calculations applied to the other globes full of air, I composed 
the following table. 

The weight® 
of the globe 

The diame¬ 

l't.e tjmes ol 
allng from! 
a height u 
•2-20 feet 

T> e space* which they 
wool l descnhe by the 

The excesses. 

510 grain: 5 

5.1 inches 



226 feet 11 inch. 

6 feet 

11 _nch. 





230 9 







227 10 







224 5 







[225 5 




,5,2 j 



|230 7 



Exper. 14. Anno 1719, in the month of July , Dr. Desaguliers made 
some experiments of this kind again, by forming hogs’bladders into spheri¬ 
cal orbs; which was done by means of a concave wooden sphere, which the 
bladders, being wetted well first, were put into. After that being blown 
full of air, they were obliged to fill up the spherical cavity that contained 
them; and then, when dry, were taken out. These were let fall from the 
lantern on the top of the cupola of the same church, namely, from a height 
of 272 feet; and at the same moment of time there was let fall a leaden 
globe, whose weight was about 2 pounds troy weight. And in the mean 
time some persons standing in the upper part of the church where the 
globes were let fall observed the whole times of falling; and others stand¬ 
ing on the ground observed the differences of the times between the fall 
of the leaden weight and the fall of the bladder. The times were measured 
by pendulums oscillating to half seconds. And one of those that stood 
upon the ground had a machine vibrating four times in one second ; and 
another had another machine accurately made with a pendulum vibrating 
four times in a second also. One of those also who stood at the top of the 
church had a like machine; and these instruments were so contrived, that 
their motions could be stopped or renewed at pleasure. Now the leaden 
globe fell in about four seconds and } of time; and from the addition of 
this time to the difference of time above spoken of, was collected the -vVhole 
time in which the bladder was falling. The times which the five bladders 
spent in falling, after the leaden globe had reached the ground, were, tfie 
first time, 14}", 12}", 14 J", 17}", and 16}": and the second time, 14}", 14}", 
14", 19", and 16}". Add to these 4}", the time in which the leaden globe 
was falling, and the whole times in which the five bladders fell were, the 
first time, 19", 17", 1S} V , 22", and 21}"; and the second time, IS}", 18}", 
18}", 23}", and 21". The times observed at the top of the church were, 
the first time, 19f", 17}", 18}", 22}", and 21}"; and the second time, 19", 
18}", IS}", 24". and 21}". But the bladders did not always fall directly 
down, but sometimes fluttered a little in the air, and waved to and fro, as 




[Book J1 

they were descending. And by these motions the times of their falling 
were prolonged, and increased by half a second sometimes, and sometimes 
by a whole second. The second and fourth bladder fell most directly the 
first time, and the first and third the second time. The fifth bladder was 
wrinkled, and by its wrinkles was a little retarded. I found their diame¬ 
ters by their circumferences measured with a very fine thread wound about 
them twice. In the following table I have compared the experiments with 
the theory ; making the density of air to be to the density of rain-water as 
1 to 860, and computing the spaces which by the theory the globes ought 
to describe in falling. 

The weight - 
of the bla U 

The diameters 

t'he times ol 
falling from 
a height ol 
272 f. et 

The spaces which by 
the theory ought to 
have been described 
in those times 

The difference be 
tween the theory 
and the experi¬ 

128 grains 

5,28 inches 


271 feet 11 in. 

— Oft. 

1 in. 






+ 0 

0 h 






+ 0 







+ 5 


99 h 





+ 10 


Our theory, therefore, exhibits rightly, within a very little, all the re¬ 
sistance that globes moving either in air or in water meet with ; whiclvap- 
pears to be proportional to the densities of the fluids in globes of equal ve- 
loeities and magnitudes. 

In the Scholium subjoined to the sixth Section, we shewed, by experi¬ 
ments of pendulums, that the resistances of equal and equally swift globes 
moving in air, water, and quicksilver, are as the densities of the fluids. 
We here prove the same more accurately by experiments of bodies falling 
in air and water. For pendulums at each oscillation excite a motion in 
the fluid always contrary to the motion of the pendulum in its return ; and 
the resistance arising from this motion, as also the resistance of the thread 
by which the pendulum is suspended, makes the whole resistance of a pen¬ 
dulum greater than the resistance deduced from the experiments of falling 
bodies. For by the experiments of pendulums described in that Scholium, 
a globe of the same density as water in describing the length of its semi¬ 
diameter in air would lose the P ar ^ motion. But by the 

theory delivered in this seventh Section, and confirmed by experiments of 
falling bodies, the same globe in describing the same length would lose only 
a part of its motion equal to T 5 V e; supposing the density of water to be 
to the density of air as 860 to 1. Therefore the resistances were found 
greater by the experiments of pendulums (for the reasons just mentioned) 
than by the experiments of falling globes; and that in the ratio of about 
4 to 3. But yet since the resistances of pendulums oscillating in air, wa¬ 
ter, and quicksilver, are alike increased by like causes, the proportion of 
the resistances in these mediums will be rightly enough exhibited by the 

Sec. YII.J 



experiments of pendulums, as well as by the experiments of falling bodies. 
And from all this it may be concluded, that the resistances of bodies, moving 
in any fluids whatsoever, though of the most extreme fluidity, are, cccteris 
paribus , as the densities of the fluids. 

These things being thus established, we may now determine what part 
of its motion any globe projected in any fluid whatsoever would nearly lose 
in a given time. Let D be the diameter of the globe, and V its velocity 
at the beginning of its motion, and T the time in which a globe with the 
velocity Y can describe in vacuo a space that is, to the space |D as the 
density of the globe to the density of the fluid; and the globe projected 


in that fluid will, in any other time t lose the part - , the part 

A i £ 


^ remaining; and will describe a space, which will be to that de¬ 
scribed in the same time in, vacuo with the uniform velocity Y, as the 
T + t 

logarithm of the number —^— multiplied by the number 2,3025S5093 is 

to the number by Cor. 7, Prop. XXXV. In slow motions the resist¬ 
ance may be a little less, because the figure of a globe is more adapted to 
motion than the figure of a cylinder described with the same diameter. In 
swift motions the resistance may be a little greater, because the elasticity 
and compression of the fluid do not increase in the duplicate ratio of the 
velocity. But these little niceties I take no notice of. 

And though air, water, quicksilver, and the like fluids, by the division 
of their parts in infinitum , should be subtilized, and become mediums in¬ 
finitely fluid, nevertheless, the resistance they would make to projected 
globes would be the same. For the resistance considered in the preceding 
Propositions arises from the inactivity of the matter; and the inactivity 
of matter is essential to bodies, and always proportional to the quantity 
of matter. By the division of the parts of the fluid the resistance arising 
from the tenacity and friction of the parts may be indeed diminished; but 
the quantity of matter will not be at all diminished by this division; and 
if the quantity of matter be the same, its force of inactivity will be the 
same; and therefore the resistance here spoken of will be the sanue, as being 
always proportional to that force. To diminish this resistance, the quan¬ 
tity of matter in the spaces through which the bodies move must be dimin¬ 
ished ; and therefore the celestial spaces, through which the globes of the 
planets and comets are perpetually passing towards all parts, with the 
utmost freedom, and without the least sensible diminution of their motion, 
must be utterly void of any corporeal fluid, excepting, perhaps, some ex¬ 
tremely rare vapours and the rays of light. 



[Book 1L 

Projectiles excite a motion in fluids as they pass through them, and this 
motion arises from the excess of the pressure of the fluid at the fore parts 
of the projectile above the pressure of the same at the hinder parts; and 
cannot be less in mediums infinitely fluid than it is in air, water, and quick¬ 
silver, in proportion to the density of matter in each. Now this excess of 
pressure does, in proportion to its quantity, not only excite a motion in the 
fluid, but also acts upon the projectile so as to retard its motion ; and there¬ 
fore the resistance in every fluid is as the motion excited by the projectile 
in, the fluid; and cannot be less in the most subtile aether in proportion to 
the density of that aether, than it is in air, water, and Quicksilver, in pro¬ 
portion to the densities of those fluids. 


Of motion propagated through fluids . 


A pressure is not propagated through a fluid in rectilinear directions 
unless where the particles of the fluid lie in a right line. 

If the particles a, b , c, d, e, lie in a right line, the pres¬ 
sure may be indeed directly propagated from a to e; but 
then the particle e will urge the obliquely posited parti¬ 
cles / and g obliquely, and those particles f and g will 
not sustain this pressure, unless they be supported by the 
particles h and k lying beyond them; but the particles 
that support them are also pressed by them; and those particles cannot 
sustain that pressure, without being supported by, and pressing upon, those 
particles that lie still farther, as l and m, and so on in infinitum. There¬ 
fore the pressure, as soon as it is propagated to particles that lie out of 
right lines, begins to deflect towards one hand and the other, and will be 
propagated obliquely in infinitum ; and after it has begun to be propagat¬ 
ed obliquely, if' it reaches more distant particles lying out of the right 
line, it will deflect again on each hand and this it will do as often as it 
lights on particles that do not lie exactly in a right line. Q.E.D. 

Cor. If any part of a pressure, propagated through a fluid from a given 
point, be intercepted by any obstacle, the remaining part, which is not in¬ 
tercepted, will deflect into the spaces behind the obstacle. This may be 
demonstrated also after the following manner. Let a pressure be propagat¬ 
ed from the point A towards any part, and, if it be possible, in rectilinear 

5Ec» Vlll.J 


35 7 

directions ; and the obstacle 
NBCK being perforated in BC, 
let all the pressure be intercepted 
but the coniform part APQ, pass¬ 
ing through the circular hole BC. 

Let the cone APQ be divided 
into frustums by the transverse 
planes, de, fg, hi. Then while 
the cone ABC, propagating the 
pressure, urges the conic frustum 
degf beyond it on the superficies 
de, and this frustum urges the next frustumon the superficies/g-, and 
that frustum urges a third frustum, and so in infinitum; it is manifest 
(by the third Law r ) that the first frustum defg is, by the re-action of the 
second frustum fghi , as much urged and pressed on the superficies fg, as 
it urges and presses that second frustum. Therefore the frustum degf is 
compressed on both sides, that is, between the cone Ade and the frustum 
fhig; and therefore (by Case 6, Prop. XIX) cannot preserve its figure, 
unless it be compressed with the same force on all sides. Therefore wuth 
the same force with which it is pressed on the superficies de,fg , it will 
endeavour to break forth at the sides df eg ; and there (being not in the 
least tenacious or hard, but perfectly fluid) it will run out, expanding it¬ 
self, unless there be an ambient fluid opposing that endeavour. Therefore, 
by the effort it makes to run out, it will press the ambient fluid, at its sides 
df eg, with the same force that it does the frustum fghi; and therefore, 
the pressure will be propagated as much from the sides df eg, into the 
spaces NO, KL this way and that way, as it is propagated from the su¬ 
perficies fg towards PQ. Q.E.D. 


All motion propagated through a fluid diverges from a rectilinear pro* 
gress into the unmoved spaces. 

Case 1. Let a motion be 
propagated from the point A 
through the hole BC, and, if it 
be possible, let it proceed in the 
conic space BCQ,P according to 
right lines diverging from the 
point A. And let us first sup¬ 
pose this motion to be that of 
waves in the surface of standing 
water; and let de,fg, hi, kl, &c., 
be the tops of the several waves, 
divided from each other by as 
any intermediate valleys or hollows. Then, because the water in the 



[Book I* 

ridges of the waves is higher than in the unmoved parts of the fluid'KL ; 
NO, it will run down from off the tops of those ridges, e, g, i, l , (fee., d,f, 
h, k, (fee., this way and that way towards KL and NO; and because the 
water is more depressed in the hollows of the waves than in the unmoved 
parts of the fluid KL, NO, it will run down into those hollows out of those 
unmoved parts. By the first deflux the ridges of the waves will dilate 
themselves this way and that way, and be propagated towards KL and NO. 
And because the motion of the waves from A towards PQ is carried on by 
a continual deflux from the ridges of the waves into the hollows next to 
them, and therefore cannot be swifter than in proportion to the celerity of 
the descent; and the descent of the water on each side towards KL and NO 
must be performed with the same velocity; it follows that the dilatation 
of the waves on each side towards KL and NO will be propagated with the 
same velocity <is the waves themselves go forward with directly from A to 
PQ,. And therefore the whole space this way and that way towards KL 
and NO will be filled by the dilated waves rfgr, shis , tklt , vmnv , (fee. 
Q.E.1). That these things are so, anyone may find by making the exper¬ 
iment in still water. 

Case 2. Let us suppose that de , fg, hi, kl , ran, represent pulses suc¬ 
cessively propagated from the point A through an elastic medium. Con¬ 
ceive the pulses to be propagated by successive condensations and rarefactions 
of the medium, so that the densest part of every pulse may occupy a 
spherical superficies described about the centre A, and that equal intervals 
intervene between the successive pulses. Let the lines de, fg, hi, kl, (fee., 
represent the densest parts of the pulses, propagated through the hole BC: 
and because the medium is denser there than in the spaces on either side 
towards KL and NO. it will dilate itself as well towards those spaces KL, 
NO, on each hand, as towards the rare intervals between the pulses; and 
thence the medium, becoming always more rare next the intervals, and 
more dense next the pulses, will partake of their motion. And because the 
progressive motion of the pulses arises from the perpetual relaxation of the 
denser parts towards the antecedent rare intervals; and since the pulses will 
relax themselves on each hand towards the quiescent parts of the medium 
KL, NO, with very near the same celerity; therefore the pulses will dilate 
themselves on all sides into the unmoved parts KL, NO, with almost the 
same celerity with w r hich they are propagated directly from the centre A; 
and therefore will fill up the whole space KLON. Q.E.D. And we find 
the same by experience also in sounds which are heard through a mountain 
interposed; and,*if they come into a chamber through the window, dilate 
themselves into all the parts of the room, and are heard in every earner; 
and not as reflected from the opposite walls, but directly propagated from 
the window, as far as our sense can judge. 

Case 3 Let us suppose, lastly, that a motion of any kind is propagated 



«c. VIII.J 

from A through the hole BC. Then since the cause of this propagation is 
that the parts of the medium that are near the centre A disturb and agitate 
those which lie farther from it; and since the parts which are urged are 
fluid, and therefore recede every way towards those spaces where they are 
less pressed, they will by consequence recede towards all the parts of tht 
quiescent medium; as well to the parts on each hand, as KL and NO, 
as to those right before, as PQ,; and by this means all the motion, as soon 
as it has passed through the hole BC, will begin to dilate itself, and from 
thence, as from its principle and centre, will be propagated directly every 
way. Q.E.D. 


Every tremulous body in an elastic medium propagates the motion of 
the. pulses on every side right forward ; but in a non-elastic :medium 
excites a circular motion. 

Case. 1. The parts of the tremulous body, alternately going and return¬ 
ing, do in going urge and drive before them those parts of the medium that 
lie nearest, and by that impulse compress and condense x them ; and in re¬ 
turning suffer those compressed parts to recede again, and expand them¬ 
selves. Therefore the parts of the medium that lie nearest to the tremulous 
body move to and fro by turns, in like manner as the parts of the tremulous 
body itself do; and for the same cause that the parts of this body agitate 
these parts of the medium, these parts, being agitated by like tremors, will 
in their turn agitate others next to themselves; and these others, agitated 
in like manner, will agitate those that lie beyond them, and so on in infin¬ 
itum. And in the same manner as the first parts of the medium were 
condensed in going, and relaxed in returning, so will the other parts be 
condensed every time they go, and expand themselves every time they re¬ 
turn. And therefore they will not be all going and all returning at the 
same instant (for in that case they would always preserve determined dis¬ 
tances from each other, and there could be no alternate condensation and 
rarefaction); but since, in the places where they are condensed, they ap¬ 
proach to, and, in the places where they are rarefied, recede from each other, 
therefore some of them will be going while others are returning; and so on 
in infinitum. The parts so going, and in their going condensed, are pulses, 
by reason of the progressive motion with which they strike obstacles in 
their way; and therefore the successive pulses produced by a tremulous 
body will be propagated in rectilinear directions; and that at nearly equal 
distances from each other, because of the equal intervals of time in which 
the body, by its several tremors produces the several pulses. And though 
the parts of the tremulous body go and return .n some certain and deter¬ 
minate direction, yet the pulses propagated from thence through the medium 
will dilate themselves towards the sides, by the foregoing Proposition; and 

360 the mathematical principles [Book 11 

will be propagated on all sides from that tremulous body, as from a com¬ 
mon centre, in superficies nearly spherical and concentrical. An example 
of this we have in waves excited by shaking a finger in water, which 
proceed not only forward and backward agreeably to the motion of the 
finger, but spread themselves in the manner of concentrical circles all round 
the finger, and are propagated on every side. For the gravity of the water 
supplies the place of elastic force. 

Case 2. If the medium be not elastic, then, because its parts cannot be 
condensed by the pressure arising from the vibrating parts of the tremulous 
body, the motion will be propagated in an instant towards the parts where 
the medium yields most easily, that is, to the parts which the tremulous 
body would otherwise leave vacuous behind it. The case is the same with 
that of a body projected in any medium whatever. A medium yielding 
to projectiles does not recede in infinitum , but with a circular motion comes 
round to the spaces which the body leaves behind it. Therefore as often 
as a tremulous body tends to any part, the medium yielding to it comes 
round in a circle to the parts which the body leaves; and as often as the 
body returns to the first place, the medium will be driven from the place it 
came round to, and return to its original place. And though the tremulous 
bod} be not firm and hard, but every way flexible, yet if it continue of a 
given magnitude, since it cannot impel the medium by its tremors any 
where without yielding to it somewhere else, the medium receding from the 
parts of the body where it is pressed will 'always come round in a circle to 
the parts that yield to it. Q.E.D. 

Cor. It is a mistake, therefore, to think, as some have done, that the 
agitation of the parts of flame conduces to the propagation of a pressure in 
rectilinear directions through an ambient medium. A pressure of that 
kind must be derived not from the agitation only of the parts of flame, but 
from the dilatation of the whole. 


If water ascend and descend alternately in the erected legs KL , MN, of 
a canal or pipe ; and a pendidum be constructed whose length between 
the point of suspension and the centre of oscillation is equal to half 
the length of the water in the canal ; I say , that the water trill ascend 
and descend in the same times in ichich the pendulum oscillates . 

I measure the length of the water along the axes of the canal and its legs, 
and make it equal to the sum of those axes; and take no notice of the 
resistance of the water arising from its attrition by the sides of the canal. 
Let, therefore, AB, CD, represent the mean height of the water in both 
legs; and when the water in the leg KL ascends to the height EF, the 
water will descend in the leg MN to the height GH. Let P be a pendulour 

Sec. Vlil.J of natural philosophy. 361 

body, YP the thread, V the point of suspension, RPQS the cycloid which 

the pendulum describes, P its lowest point, PQ an arc equal to the neiglit 
AE. The force with which the motion of the water is accelerated and re¬ 
tarded alternately is the excess of the weight of the water in one leg above 
the weight in the other; and, therefore, when the water in the leg KL 
ascends to EF, and in the other leg descends to GH, that force is double 
the weight of the water EABF, and therefore is to the weight of the whole 
water as AE or PQ, to VP or PR. The force also with which the body P 
is accelerated or retarded in any place, as Q, of a cycloid, is (by Cor. Prop. 
LI) to its whole weight as its distance PQ from the lowest place P to the 
length PR of the cycloid. Therefore the motive forces of the water and 
pendulum, describing the equal spaces AE, PQ, are as the weights to be 
moved; and therefore if the water and pendulum are quiescent at first, 
those forces will move them in equal times, and will cause them to go and 
return together with a reciprocal motion. Q.E.D. 

Cor. 1. Therefore the reciprocations of the water in ascending and de¬ 
scending are all performed in equal times, whether the motion be more or 
less intense or remiss. 

Cor. 2. If the length of the whole water in the canal be of 6J feet ol 
French measure, the water will descend in one second of time, and will as¬ 
cend in another second, and so on by turns in infinitum; for a pendulum 
of 3^ such feet in length will oscillate in one second of time. 

Cor. 3. But if the length of the water be increased or diminished, the 
time of the reciprocation will be increased or diminished in the subdupli¬ 
cate ratio of the length. 


The velocity of leaves is in the subduplicate ratio of the breadths. 

This follows from the construction of the following Proposition. 


To find the velocity of waves. 

Let a pendulum be constructed, whose length between the point of sus¬ 
pension and the centre of oscillation is equal to the breadth of the waves 



[Book 1L 

and in the time that the pendulum will perform one single oscillation the 
waves will advance forward nearly a space equal to their breadth. 

That which I call the breadth of the waves is the transverse measure 

lying between the deepest 
part of the hollows, or the 
tops of the ridges. Let 
ABCDEF represent the surface of stagnant water ascending and descend¬ 
ing in successive waves; and let A, C, E, (fee., be the tops of the waves; 
find let B, D, F, (fee., be the intermediate hollows. Because the motion of' 
the waves is carried on by the successive ascent and descent of the water, 
so that the parts thereof, as A, C, E, (fee., which are highest at one time 
become lowest immediately after; and because the motive force, by which 
the highest parts descend and the lowest ascend, is the weight of the eleva¬ 
ted water, that alternate ascent and descent will be analogous to the recip¬ 
rocal motion of the water in the canal, and observe the same laws as to the 
times of its ascent and descent; and therefore (by Prop. XL1V) if the 
distances between the highest places of the waves A, C, E, and the lowest 
B, D, F, be equal to twice the length of any pendulum, the highest parts 
A, C, E, will become the lowest in the time of one oscillation, and in the 
time of another oscillation will ascend again. Therefore between the pas¬ 
sage of each wave, the time of two oscillations will intervene; that is, the 
wave will describe its breadth in the time that pendulum will oscillate 
twice; but a pendulum of four times that length, and which therefore is 
equal to the breadth of the waves, will just oscillate once in that time. 

Cor. 1. Therefore waves, whose breadth is equal to 3^ French feet, 
will advance through a space equal to their breadth in one second of time; 
and therefore in one minute will go over a space of 183J feet; and in an 
hour a space of 11000 feet, nearly. 

Cor. 2. And the velocity of greater or less waves will be augmented or 
diminished in the subduplicate ratio of their breadth. 

These things are true upon the supposition that the parts of water as¬ 
cend or descend in a right line; but, in truth, that ascent and descent is 
rather performed in a circle; and therefore I propose the time defined by 
this Proposition as only near the truth. 


If pulses are propagated through a fluid , the se eral particles of the 
fluid , going and returning with the shortest reciprocal motion , are al¬ 
ways accelerated or retarded according to the law of the oscillating 

Let AB, BC, CD, (fee., represent equal distances of successive pulses, 
ABC the line of direction of the motion of the successive pulses propagated 


Sec. VIIL] 




from A to B; E, F, G three physical points of the quiescent medium sit¬ 
uate in the right line AC at equal distances from each other; Ee, F f, Gg t 
equal spaces of extreme shortness, through which those 
points go and return with a reciprocal motion in each vi¬ 
bration ; e, 0, y, any intermediate places of the same points; 

EF, FG physical lineolae, or linear parts of the medium 
lying between those points, and successively transferred into 
the places <-.0, 0y, and ef, fg. Let there be drawn the 
right line PS equal to the right line Ee. Bisect the same 
in O, and from the centre O, with the interval OP, describe 
the circle SIPi. Let the whole time of one vibration ; with 
its proportional parts, be expounded by the whole circum- 
lerence of this circle and its parts, in such sort, that, when 
any time PH or PHSA is completed, if there be let fall to 
PS the perpendicular HL or hi , and there 
be taken Ee equal to PL or P/, the physi¬ 
cal point E may be found in e. A point, 
as E, moving acccording to this law with 
a reciprocal motion in its going from E 
through e to e, and returning again through 
e to E, will perform its several vibrations with the same de¬ 
grees of acceleration and retardation with those of an oscil¬ 
lating pendulum. We are now to prove that the several 
physical points of the medium will be agitated with such a 
kind of motion. Let us suppose, then, that a medium hath 
such a motion excited in it from any cause whatsoever, and 
consider what will follow from thence. 

In the circumference PHSA let there be taken the equal 
arcs, HI, IK, or hi, ik, having the same ratio to the whole 
circumference as the equal right lines EF, FG have to BC, 
the whole interval of the pulses. Let fall the perpendicu¬ 
lars IM, KN, or im, kn ; then because the points E, F, G are 
successively agitated with like motions, and perform their entire vibrations 
composed of their going and return, while the pulse is transferred from B 
to C; if PH or PHSA be the time elapsed since the beginning of the mo¬ 
tion of the point E, then will PI or PHSi be the time elapsed since the 
beginning of the motion of the point F, and PK or PHS& the time elapsed 
since the beginning of the motion of the point G; and therefore Ee, F0, 
Gy, will be respectively equal to PL, PM, PN, while the points are going, 
and to VI, P m, P n, when the points are returning. Therefore ey or EG 
Gy — Ee will, when the points are going, be equal to EG — LN 


I i 



[Book II. 

and in their return equal to EG + In. But ey is the breadth or ex¬ 
pansion of the part EG of the medium in the place ey ; and therefore the 
expansion of that part in its going is to its mean expansion as EG — 
LN to EG; and in its return, as EG 4 - la or EG -f LN to EG. 
Therefore since LN is to KH as IM to the radius OP, and KH to EG 
as the circumference PHSAP to BC; that is, if we put V for the 
radius of a circle whose circumference is equal to BC the interval of the 
pulses, as OP to V; and, ex cequo , LN to EG as IM to V; the expansion 
of the part EG, or of the physical point P in the place ey, to the mean ex¬ 
pansion of the same part in its first place EG, will be as V — IM to V 
in going, and as V + ini to V in its return. Hence the elastic force of the 
point F in the place ey to its mean elastic force in the place EG is as 

77 -r— to T in its going, and as —-—.— to ^ in its return. And by 

the same reasoning the elastic forces of the physical points E and G in going 
are as ^ —tvt- and m to ; and the difference of the forces to the 

y —hl 

V — KN V 

mean elastic force of the medium as „ 

yy-y x hl-vx Kjn + hl x kn 

_KN 1 

to =, or as HL — KN to V ; if we suppose 

to y : that is, as 


(by reason of the very short extent of the vibrations) HL and KN to be 
indefinitely less than the quantity y. Therefore since the quantity V is 
given, the difference of the forces is as HL — KN ; that is (because HL 
— KN is proportional to HK, and OM to 01 or OP; and because HK 
and OP are given) as OM; that is, if Ff be bisected in £ 2 , as S 20 . And 
fur the same reason the difference of the elastic forces of the physical points 
e and y, in the return of the physical lineola ey, is as Qd>. But that dif¬ 
ference (that is, the excess of the elastic force of the point £ above the 
elastic force of the point y) is the very force by which the intervening phy¬ 
sical lineola ey of the medium is accelerated in going, and retarded in re¬ 
turning ; and therefore the accelerative force of the physical lineola ey is 
as its distance from Q, the middle place of the vibration. Therefore (by 
Prop. XXXVIII, Book 1) the time is rightly expounded by the arc PI; 
and the linear part of the medium ey is moved according to the law above- 
mentioned, that is, according to the law of a pendulum oscillating; and 
the case is the same of all the linear parts of which the whole medium is 
compounded. QJE.D. 

Cor. Hence it appears that the number of the pulses propagated is the 
same with the number of the vibrations of the tremulous body, and is not 
multiplied in their progress. For the physical lineola ty as soon as it 
returns to its first place is at rest; neither will it move again, unless it 

Sec. Y11I.J 



receives a new motion either from the impulse of the tremulous body, or 
of the pulses propagated from that body. As soon, therefore, as the pulses 
cease to be propagated from the tremulous body, it will return to a state 
of rest, and move no more. 


The velocities of pulses propagated in an elastic fluid are in a ratin 
compounded of the subduplicate ratio of the elastic force directly , and 
the subduplicate ratio of the density inversely; supposing the elastic 
jorce of the fluid to be proportional to its condensation 
Case 1. If the mediums be homogeneous, and the distances of the pulses 
in those mediums be equal amongst themselves, but the motion in one me¬ 
dium is more intense than in the other, the contractions and dilatations of 
the correspondent parts will be as those motions; not that this proportion 
is perfectly accurate. However, if the contractions and dilatations are not 
exceedingly intense, the error will not be sensible ; and therefore this pro¬ 
portion may be considered as physically exact. Now the motive elastic 
forces are as the contractions and dilatations ; and the velocities generated 
in the same time in equal parts are as the forces. Therefore equal and 
corresponding parts of corresponding pulses will go and return together, 
through spaces proportional to their contractions and dilatations, with ve¬ 
locities that are as those spaces; and therefore the pulses, which in the 
time of one going and returning advance forward a space equal to their 
breadth, and are always succeeding into the places of the pulses that im¬ 
mediately go before them, will, by reason of the equality of the distances, 
go forward in both mediums with equal velocity. 

Case 2. If the distances of the pulses or their lengths are greater in one 
medium than in another, let us suppose that the correspondent parts de¬ 
scribe spaces, in going and returning, each time proportional to the breadths 
of the pulses ; then will their contractions and dilatations be equal: and 
therefore if the mediums are homogeneous, the motive elastic forces, which 
agitate them with a reciprocal motion, will be equal also. Now the matter 
to be moved by these forces is as the breadth of the pulses; and the space 
through which they move every time they go and return is in the same 
ratio. And, moreover, the time of one going and returning is in a ratic 
compounded of the subduplicate ratio of the matter, and the o-ubdupncate 
ratio of the space ; and therefore is as the space. But the pulses advance 
a space equal to their breadths in the times of going once and returning 
once; that is, they go over spaces proportional to the times, and therefore 
are equally swift. 

Case 3. And therefore in mediums of equal density and elastic force, 
all the pulses are equally swift. Now if the density or the elastic force of 
the medium were augmented, then, because the motive force is increased 



[Book 11 

in the ratio of the elastic force, and the matter to be moved is increased in 
the ratio of the density, the time which is necessary for producing the 
same motion as before will be increased in the subduplicate ratio of the 
density, and will be diminished in the subduplicate ratio of the elastic 
force. And therefore the velocity of the pulses will be in a ratio com¬ 
pounded of the subduplicate ratio of the density of the medium inversely, 
and the subduplicate ratio of the elastic force directly. Q,.E.D. 

This Proposition will be made more clear from the construction of the 
following Problem. 


The density and elastic force of a medium being given , to find the ve¬ 
locity of the pulses. 

Suppose the medium to be pressed by an incumbent weight after the manner 
of our air; and let A be the height of a homogeneous medium, whose 
weight is equal to the incumbent weight, and whose density is the same 
with the density of the compressed medium in which the pulses are propa¬ 
gated. Suppose a pendulum to be constructed whose length between the 
point of suspension and the centre of oscillation is A: and in -the time in 
which that pendulum will perform one entire oscillation composed of 
its going and returning, the pulse will be propagated right onwards 
through a space equal to the circumference of a circle described with the 
radius A. 

For, letting those things stand which were constructed in Prop. XLVI1, 
if any physical line, as EF, describing the space PS in each vibration, be 
acted on in the extremities P and S of every going and return that it 
makes by an elastic force that is equal to its weight, it will perform its 
several vibrations in the time in which the same might oscillate in a cy¬ 
cloid whose whole perimeter is equal to the length PS ; and that because 
equal forces will impel equal corpuscles through equal spaces in the same 
or equal times. Therefore since the times of the oscillations are in the 
subduplicate ratio of the lengths of the pendulums, and the length of the 
pendulum is equal to half the arc of the whole cycloid, the time of one vi¬ 
bration would be to the time of the oscillation of a pendulum whose length 
is A in the subduplicate ratio of the length IPS or PO to the length A. 
But the elastic force with which the physical lineola EG is urged, when it 
Is found in its extreme places P, S, was (in the demonstration of Prop. 
XLYII) to its whole elastic force as HL — KN to Y, that is (since the 
point K now falls upon P), as HK to Y: and all that force, or which is 
the same thing, the incumbent weight by which the lineola EG is com¬ 
pressed, is to the weight of the lineola as the altitude A of the incumbent 
weight to EG the length of the lineola; and therefore, ex aquo , the force 




J e L 













with which the lineola EG is urged in the places P and S 
is to the weight of that lineola as HK X A to V X EG ; or 
as PO X A to YY; because HK was to EG as PO to V. 

Therefore since the times in which equal bodies are impelled 
through equal spaces are reciprocally in the subduplicate 
ratio of the forces, the time of one vibration, produced by 
the action of that elastic force, will be to the time of a vi¬ 
bration, produced by. the impulse of the weight in a subdu¬ 
plicate ratio of yy to PO X A, and therefore to the time 
of the oscillation of a pendulum whose length is A in the 
subduplicate ratio of yy to PO X A, and the subdupli¬ 
cate ratio of PO to A conjunctly; that is, in the entire ra¬ 
tio of y to A. But in the time of one 
vibration composed of the going and re¬ 
turning of the pendulum, the pulse will 
be propagated right onward through a 
space equal to its breadth BC. There¬ 
fore the time in which a pulse runs over 
the space BC is to the time of one oscillation composed of 
the going and returning of the pendulum as V to A, that is, 
as BC to the circumference of a circle whose radius is A. 

But the time in which the pulse will run over the space BC 
is to the time in which it will run over a length equal to 
that circumference in the same ratio; and therefore in the 
time of such an oscillation the pulse will run over a length 
equal to that circumference. Q,.E.D. 

Cor. 1. The velocity of the pulses is equal to that which 
heavy bodies acquire by falling with an equally accele¬ 
rated motion, and in their fall describing half the alti¬ 
tude A. For the pulse will, in the time of this fall, sup¬ 
posing it to move with the velocity acquired by that fall, run over a 
space that will be equal to the whole altitude A; and therefore in the 
time of one oscillation composed of one going and return, will go over a 
space equal to the circumference of a circle described with the radius A; 
for the time of the fall is to the time of oscillation as the radius of a circle 
to its circumference. 

Cor. 2. Therefore since that altitude A is as the elastic force of the 
fluid directly, and the density of the same inversely, the velocity of the 
pulses will be in a ratio compounded of the su}>duplicate ratio of the den¬ 
sity inversely, and the subduplicate ratio of the clastic force directly. 



[Book IL 


To find the distances of the pulses. 

Let the number of the vibrations of the body, by whose tremor the pulses 
are produced, be found to any given time. By that number divide the 
space which a pulse can go over in the same time, and the part found will 
be the breadth of one pulse. Q.E.I. 


The last Propositions respect the motions of light and sounds; for since 
light is propagated in right lines, it is certain that it cannot consist in ac- 
— tion alone (by Prop. XLI and XLIl). As to sounds, since they arise from 
tremulous bodies, they can be nothing else but pulses of the air propagated 
through it (by Prop. XLIII); and this is confirmed by the tremors which 
sounds, if they be loud and deep, excite in the bodies near them, as we ex¬ 
perience in the sound of drums; for quick and short tremors are less easily 
excited. But it is well known that any sounds, falling upon strings in 
unison with the sonorous bodies, excite tremors in those strings. This is 
also confirmed from the velocity of sounds; for since the specific gravities 
of rain-water and quicksilver are to one another as about 1 to 131, and 
when the mercury in the barometer is at the height of 30 inches of our 
measure, the specific gravities of the air and of rain-water are to one 
another as about 1 to 870, therefore the specific gravity of air and quick¬ 
silver are to each other as 1 to 11890. Therefore when the height of 
the quicksilver is at 30 inches, a height of uniform air, whose weight would 
be sufficient to compress our air to the density we find it to be of, must be 
equal to 356700 inches, or 29725 feet of our measure; and this is that 
very height of the medium, which I have called A in the construction of 
the foregoing Proposition. A circle whose radius is 29725 feet is 1S676S 
feet in circumference. And since a pendulum 39} inches in length com¬ 
pletes one oscillation, composed of its going and return, in two seconds of 
time, as is commonly known, it follows that a pendulum 29725 feet, or 
356700 inches in length will perform a like oscillation in 190£ seconds. 
Therefore in that time a sound will go right onwards 18676S feet, and 
therefore in one second 979 feet. 

But in this computation we have made no allowance for the crassitude 
of the solid particles of the air, by which the sound is propagated instan¬ 
taneously. Because the weight of air is to the weight of water as 1 tc 
870, and because salts are almost twice as dense as water; if the particles 
of air are supposed to be of near the same density as those of water or salt, 
and the rarity of the air arises from the intervals of the particles; the 
diameter of one particle of air will be to the interval between the centres 

Sec. VIII.] 



of the particles as 1 to about 9 or 10, and to the interval between the par¬ 
ticles themselves as 1 to 8 or 9. Therefore to 979 feet, which, according to 
the above calculation, a sound will advance forward in one second of time, 
we may add or about 109 feet, io compensate for thecra-ssitude of the 
particles of the air: and then a sound will go forward about 10S8 feet in 
one second of time. 

Moreover, the vapours floating in the air being of another spring, and a 
different tone, will hardly, if at all, partake of the motion of the true air 
in which the sounds are propagated. Now if these vapour